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Length: 10034 (0x2732) Types: TextFile Notes: UNIX file Names: »units.c«
└─⟦f27320a65⟧ Bits:30001972 Commodore 900 hard disk image with partial source code └─⟦f4b8d8c84⟧ UNIX Filesystem └─ ⟦this⟧ »cmd/units.c«
/* * units -- do multiplicative unit conversions * td 80.09.04 * Modified to keep the intermediate format in a file and * update it automatically when it has changed. * (NOTE: program is setuid to bin) * rec 84.08.13 * Changed Waiting for Godot ... to Rebuilding %s from %s. * (Nota Bene: * cc -o units -f units.c * chown bin /bin/units * chmod 4755 /bin/units * ) */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #define NDIM 12 #define NUNITS 900 #define NBUF 256 /* Length of longest line */ #define UMAGIC 0123456 /* Magic number written in binary header */ /* * Header for the units file. * This tells that it is the real * thing and how much to read in. */ typedef struct HDR { unsigned h_magic; unsigned h_nunits; unsigned h_ssize; /* String space size */ } HDR; HDR hdr; typedef struct UNIT { char *u_name; double u_val; char u_dim[NDIM]; } UNIT; UNIT *units; struct stat sb; char ufile[] = "/usr/lib/units"; char binufile[] = "/usr/lib/binunits"; char buf[NBUF]; char inbuf[BUFSIZ]; int nunits; int uflag; /* Update information only */ FILE *fd; int peekc = EOF; int lastc = EOF; int lineno = 1; char *getname(); char *prefix(); char *alloc(); main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { UNIT have, want; register int i; setbuf(stdout, NULL); setbuf(stderr, NULL); if (argc>1 && *argv[1]=='-') { if (argv[1][1]=='u' && argv[1][2]=='\0') uflag++; else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: units [-u]\n"); exit(1); } } init(); setbuf(fd = stdin, inbuf); Again: if (!getunit(&have, "You have: ") || !getunit(&want, "You want: ")) exit(0); for (i=0; i!=NDIM; i++) if (have.u_dim[i] != want.u_dim[i]) { printf("Conformability\n"); punit(&have); punit(&want); goto Again; } printf("* %g\n/ %g\n", have.u_val/want.u_val, want.u_val/have.u_val); goto Again; } /* * Initialise by reading in units information * either in binary or ascii form and updating * the binary information. */ init() { if (!binary()) update(); printf("%d units\n", nunits); peekc = EOF; if (uflag) exit(0); /* * Throw away super-user information */ setuid(getuid()); } /* * Attempt to read in the already-stored * binary information. Return non-zero if * successful. */ binary() { register char *sstart; register int n; register int bfd; time_t timeasc; if (stat(ufile, &sb) < 0) return (0); timeasc = sb.st_mtime; if ((bfd = open(binufile, 0))<0 || fstat(bfd, &sb)<0) return (0); if (timeasc > sb.st_mtime) /* Out of date? */ goto bad1; if (read(bfd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)) != sizeof(hdr)) goto bad1; if (hdr.h_magic != UMAGIC) goto bad1; nunits = hdr.h_nunits; sstart = alloc(hdr.h_ssize); if (read(bfd, sstart, hdr.h_ssize) != hdr.h_ssize) goto bad; units = (UNIT *)alloc(n = nunits*sizeof(UNIT)); if (read(bfd, units, n) != n) goto bad; for (n=0; n!=nunits; n++) units[n].u_name += (long)sstart; close(bfd); return (1); bad: brk(sstart); bad1: close(bfd); return (0); } /* * Update units information by reading the * units file. */ update() { register char *name; register int i; register char *sstart, *send; register int bfd; fprintf(stderr, "Rebuilding %s from %s ...\n", binufile, ufile); if ((fd = fopen(ufile, "r")) == NULL) cerr("can't open unit file `%s'", ufile); setbuf(fd, inbuf); units = (UNIT *)alloc(NUNITS*sizeof(UNIT)); sstart = sbrk(0); for (nunits=0; nunits!=NUNITS; nunits++) { name = getname(); for (i=0; i!=nunits; i++) if (strcmp(units[i].u_name, name) == 0) fprintf(stderr, "`%s' redefined, line %d\n", name, lineno); units[nunits].u_name = name; if (!getunit(&units[nunits], NULL)) break; } send = sbrk(0); if (!feof(fd)) cerr("too many units"); fclose(fd); /* * Write out, if possible, binary * information for faster response next time. */ if ((bfd = creat(binufile, 0644)) >= 0) { hdr.h_magic = UMAGIC; hdr.h_nunits = nunits; hdr.h_ssize = send-sstart; if (write(bfd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)) != sizeof(hdr)) goto bad; if (write(bfd, sstart, hdr.h_ssize) != hdr.h_ssize) goto bad; for (i=0; i!=nunits; i++) units[i].u_name -= (long)sstart;/* Rel. address */ write(bfd, units, nunits*sizeof(UNIT)); for (i=0; i!=nunits; i++) units[i].u_name += (long)sstart; bad: close(bfd); } } nextc() { register int c; if (peekc != EOF) { c = peekc; peekc = EOF; return (c); } if (lastc == '\n') lineno++; lastc = getc(fd); if (lastc == '#') { /* Eat a comment */ do { lastc = getc(fd); } while(lastc!='\n' && lastc!=EOF); } return (lastc); } char * getname() { register char *s, *t; register int c; register char *v; do { c = nextc(); } while(c==' ' || c=='\n' || c=='\t'); s = buf; while(c!=' ' && c!='\t' && c!='\n' && c!=EOF) { *s++ = c; c = nextc(); } *s = '\0'; peekc = c; v = t = alloc(strlen(buf)+1); s = buf; while (*t++ = *s++) ; return (v); } punit(u) register UNIT *u; { register int i; printf("%g", u->u_val); for (i=0; i!=NDIM; i++) if (u->u_dim[i] == 1) printf(" %s", units[i].u_name); else if (u->u_dim[i] > 0) printf(" %s+%d", units[i].u_name, u->u_dim[i]); else if (u->u_dim[i] < 0) printf(" %s-%d", units[i].u_name, -u->u_dim[i]); printf("\n"); } double ipow(d, n) double d; { double v; v = 1.; if (n < 0) { d = 1./d; n = -n; } while (n) { v *= d; --n; } return (v); } struct{ char *prefix; double factor; }pre[]={ "femto", 1e-15, "pico", 1e-12, "nano", 1e-9, "micro", 1e-6, "milli", 1e-3, "centi", 1e-2, "deci", 1e-1, "hemi", .5, "demi", .5, "semi", .5, "sesqui", 1.5, "deka", 1e1, "hecto", 1e2, "hekto", 1e2, /* common (?) misspelling */ "kilo", 1e3, "myria", 1e5, "mega", 1e6, "giga", 1e9, "tera", 1e12, NULL, 1. }; /* * Return the string stripped of its * prefix (if any). Set factor * to the multiplicative factor indicated by * the prefix found. */ char * prefix(str, factor) char *str; double *factor; { register char *s, *t; register int i; for (i=0; pre[i].prefix!=NULL; i++) { s = pre[i].prefix; t = str; while (*s != '\0') if (*s++ != *t++) break; if (*s == '\0') { *factor = *factor * pre[i].factor; return (t); } } return(NULL); } getunit(u, prompt) UNIT *u; char *prompt; { register int c; register char *s; register int i; int j, expon, digit, div, pow; double factor; double atof(); Again: if (prompt != NULL) printf("%s", prompt); u->u_val = 1.; for (i=0; i != NDIM; i++) u->u_dim[i] = 0; div = 0; pow = 1; for(;;)switch(c=nextc()){ case ' ': case '\t': break; case '\n': return (1); case EOF: return (0); case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4': case '5':case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9': case '.':case '-':case '+': /* * a palpable number */ s = buf; if (c == '+') c = nextc(); digit = 0; while (c>='0' && c<='9') { *s++ = c; c = nextc(); digit++; } if (c == '.') { *s++ = c; while ((c=nextc())>='0' && c<='9') { *s++ = c; digit++; } } if (!digit) { Badnumber: *s = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "Bad number `%s'\n", buf); goto Bad; } if (c=='e' || c=='E') { *s++ = 'e'; c = nextc(); if (c == '+') c = nextc(); else if (c == '-') { *s++ = c; c = nextc(); } if (c<'0' || '9'<c) goto Badnumber; do { *s++ = c; c = nextc(); } while('0'<=c && c<='9'); } *s = '\0'; peekc = c; factor = atof(buf); if (div) { if (factor == 0.) { fprintf(stderr, "Divide check\n"); goto Bad; } u->u_val /= factor; div = 0; } else u->u_val *= factor; break; case '/': /* divide by next unit */ if (div) { Baddiv: fprintf(stderr, "Two division signs in a row\n"); goto Bad; } div++; break; case '!': /* primitive unit */ i = 0; if ((c = nextc())<'0' || c>'9') { fprintf(stderr, "`!' must precede a number\n"); goto Bad; } do { i = i*10+c-'0'; c = nextc(); } while('0'<=c && c<='9'); peekc = c; if (i<0 || NDIM<=i) { printf("Primitive unit out of range [0,%d]\n", NDIM-1); goto Bad; } u->u_dim[i]++; break; default: s = buf; do { *s++ = c; c = nextc(); } while(c!=EOF && !anyc(c, "/0123456789+-. \t\n")); *s = '\0'; s = buf; if (strcmp(s, "per") == 0) { if (div) goto Baddiv; div++; break; } if (strcmp(s, "square")==0 || strcmp(s, "sq")==0) { pow *= 2; break; } if (strcmp(s, "cubic")==0 || strcmp(s, "cu")==0) { pow *= 3; break; } factor = 1.; do { for (i=0; i!=nunits; i++) if (eqplural(s, units[i].u_name)) break; } while(i==nunits && (s=prefix(s, &factor))!=NULL); if (i == nunits) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognised unit %s\n", buf); goto Bad; } if (c=='+' || c=='-') { if (c == '-') div = !div; expon = 0; if ((c = nextc())<'0' || c>'9') { printf("+ or - must be followed by digits\n"); goto Bad; } do { expon = expon*10+c-'0'; c = nextc(); } while('0'<=c && c<='9'); } else expon = 1; expon *= pow; pow = 1; peekc = c; if (div) { expon = -expon; div = 0; } u->u_val *= ipow(factor*units[i].u_val, expon); for (j=0; j!=NDIM; j++) u->u_dim[j] += units[i].u_dim[j]*expon; } Bad: while (c!='\n' && c!=EOF) c = nextc(); if (prompt!=NULL) goto Again; printf("line %d\n", lineno); return (1); } /* * Check for any occurrences of * the character `c' in string `s'. */ anyc(c, s) register char c; register char *s; { while (*s != '\0') if (c == *s++) return (1); return (0); } /* * Return non-zero if string `s' is the * same or plural as string `t'. */ eqplural(s, t) register char *s, *t; { while (*t != '\0') if (*s++ != *t++) return (0); return (*s=='\0' || (*s++=='s' && *s=='\0')); } /* * Diagnostics */ /* VARARGS */ cerr(x) { fprintf(stderr, "units: %r\n", &x); exit(1); } /* * Use sbrk for alloc to get * contiguous memory. */ char * alloc(nb) unsigned nb; { register char *rp; if ((rp = sbrk(nb)) == NULL) cerr("out of memory"); return (rp); }