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⟦0d4937d4e⟧ TextFile

    Length: 12262 (0x2fe6)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: UNIX file
    Names: »al.old«


└─⟦f27320a65⟧ Bits:30001972 Commodore 900 hard disk image with partial source code
    └─⟦2d53db1df⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »sys/z8001/drv/al.old« 


 *	Async line driver for Zilog Z8030 Serial Comm Controller (SCC)
 *	using interrupts and modem control. Multiple line support is included.
 *	Version 1.0, October 1983

#include <coherent.h>
#include <con.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stat.h>
#include <tty.h>
#include <uproc.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <romconf.h>

#define	NMINOR	2		/* Number of serial ports */
#define	MODEM_CTL 0x80		/* Mask in minor device for modem control */
#define	BASE	0x100		/* base of chip for initialization */
#define	VECTOR	0x10		/* Base vector number */
#define	endof(x)	(&x[sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])])
#define	alindex(x)	(((x)-VECTOR)>>3)	/* index in tty struct */

#define	BAUD(x,y) (int)((x)/((y)*32L))-2L  /* calc counter value */

extern struct romconf romconf;

 * Functions.
int	alRxintr();		/* Receive interrupt handler */
int	alTxintr();		/* Transmit interrupt handler */
int	alESintr();		/* External status interrupt handler */
int	alSCintr();		/* Special condition interrupt handler */
int	alstart();
int	alparam();
int	alopen();
int	alclose();
int	alread();
int	alwrite();
int	alioctl();
int	alload();
int	aluload();
int	nulldev();
int	nonedev();

 * Configuration table.
CON alcon ={
	DFCHR,				/* Flags */
	5,				/* Major index */
	alopen,				/* Open */
	alclose,			/* Close */
	nulldev,			/* Block */
	alread,				/* Read */
	alwrite,			/* Write */
	alioctl,			/* Ioctl */
	nulldev,			/* Powerfail */
	nulldev,			/* Timeout */
	alload,				/* Load */
	aluload				/* Unload */

#define	albase(tp)	((int)((tp)->t_ddp))

 *	Z8030 register offsets. Note that these are relative to the
 *	base address of the port extracted from the altty[] structure.

#define	WR0	0x01			/* Command Register */
#define	WR1	0x03			/* Tx & Rx Interrupts */
#define	WR2	0x05			/* Interrupt Vector */
#define	WR3	0x07			/* Rx Params & Control */
#define	WR4	0x09			/* Tx & Rx Misc Params & Modes */
#define	WR5	0x0b			/* Tx Params & Control */
#define	WR6	0x0d			/* 1st Sync Byte & SDLC garf */
#define	WR7	0x0f			/* 2nd Sync Byte & SDLC garf */
#define	WR8	0x11			/* Tx buffer */
#define	WR9	0x13			/* Master Interrupt Control */
#define	WR10	0x15			/* Misc TX & Rx Control */
#define	WR11	0x17			/* Clock Mode Control */
#define	WR12	0x19			/* Baud Rate Gen Low Byte */
#define	WR13	0x1b			/* Baud Rate Gen High Byte */
#define	WR14	0x1d			/* Misc Control */
#define	WR15	0x1f			/* External/Status Int Control */

#define	RR0	0x01			/* Tx & Rx Buffer & Misc Status */
#define	RR1	0x03			/* Special Recv Condition Status */
#define	RR2	0x05			/* Interrupt Vector */
#define	RR3	0x07			/* Interrupt Pending Reg */
#define	RR8	0x11			/* Rx buffer */
#define	RR10	0x15			/* Misc Status */
#define	RR12	0x19			/* Baud Rate Gen Low Byte */
#define	RR13	0x1b			/* Baud Rate Gen High Byte */
#define	RR15	0x1f			/* External/Status Int Control */

 * Bits in registers.

#define	ALMODE	0x4c			/* x16 CLK, 2SB, no parity */
#define	RxPARAM	0xc0			/* 8 bits/char, no enable */
#define	TxPARAM	0x60			/* 8 bits/char, no enable */
#define	NRZ	0x00			/* NRZ mode */
#define	BRGINIT	0x56			/* Tx & Rx CLK = BRG output */
#define DEFBAUD	16   /* Default baud rate (index in albaud[]) */
#define	BRGEN	0x03			/* BRG in=PCLK, enable BRG */
#define	RxEN	(RxPARAM|0x01)		/* 8 bits/char, enable */
#define	TxEN	(TxPARAM|0x08)		/* 8 bits/char, enable */
#define	RxENABLE 0x01			/* Rx enable bit in WR3 */
#define	TxENABLE 0x08			/* Tx enable bit in WR5 */
#define	RESEXTINT 0x10			/* reset extarnal/status ints */
#define	PEVEN	0x03			/* even parity + enable */
#define	PODD	0x01			/* odd parity + enable */
#define	PNONE	0x00			/* no parity */
#define	Rx8BPC	0xc0			/* Rx 8 bits/char */
#define	Rx7BPC	0x40			/* Rx 7 bits/char */
#define	Tx8BPC	0x60			/* Tx 8 bits/char */
#define	Tx7BPC	0x20			/* Tx 7 bits/char */
#define	RESET	0xc0			/* hard reset chip */
#define	VIS	0x01			/* vector indicates status */
#define	MIE	0x08			/* master interrupt enable */
#define	RESTxI	0x28			/* reset pending Tx interrupt */
#define	ERRESET	0x30			/* special cond. error reset */
#define	RESIUS	0x38			/* reset highest IUS */
#define	BREAK	0x80			/* BREAK bit position */
#define	CTS	0x20			/* CTS bit position */
#define	DCD	0x08			/* DCD bit position */
#define	DTR	0x80			/* DTR bit position */
#define	RTS	0x02			/* RTS bit position */
#define	BREAKIE	0x80			/* break interrupt enable */
#define	CTSIE	0x20			/* CTS interrupt enable */
#define	DCDIE	0x08			/* DCD interrupt enable */
#define	RxASCIE	0x10			/* Rx on all or spec int enable */
#define	TxIE	0x02			/* Tx interrupt enable */
#define	EXTIE	0x01			/* external interrupt enable */
#define	RxAVAIL	0x01			/* char available */
#define	TxEMPTY	0x04			/* transmit buffer empty */

 * Terminal structure.
 * NOTE: These entries must be in the SAME order as the ports are within
 * the SCC chip in order for the alindex() macro to work correctly !!
TTY	altty[NMINOR] = {
	{ {0}, {0}, 0x100, alstart, alparam, B9600, B9600 },
	{ {0}, {0}, 0x120, alstart, alparam, B9600, B9600 }

 * Baud rate table.
 * Indexed by ioctl bit rates.
 * These start out as baud rates and are converted
 * to something sendable to the chip (for the counter)
 * by the load routine.
int albaud[] ={
	0,				/* 0 */
	50,				/* 50 */
	75,				/* 75 */
	110,				/* 110 */
	134,				/* 134 */
	150,				/* 150 */
	200,				/* 200 */
	300,				/* 300 */
	600,				/* 600 */
	1200,				/* 1200 */
	1800,				/* 1800 */
	2000,				/* 2000 */
	2400,				/* 2400 */
	3600,				/* 3600 */
	4800,				/* 4800 */
	7200,				/* 7200 */
	9600,				/* 9600 */
	19200,				/* 19200 */
	0,				/* EXTA */
	0				/* EXTB */

struct	al_init	{
	char	port;			/* port offset */
	char	val;			/* initial value */

struct	al_init	alinit[] = {
	{	WR4,	ALMODE	},	/* initial mode */
	{	WR3,	RxPARAM	},	/* receive params */
	{	WR5,	TxPARAM	},	/* transmit params */
	{	WR10,	NRZ	},	/* nrz encoding */
	{	WR11,	BRGINIT	},	/* baud rate source inits */
	{	WR12,	0	},	/* low byte initial value */
	{	WR13,	0	},	/* high byte initial value */
	{	WR14,	BRGEN	},	/* use PCLK in and enable */
	{	WR3,	RxEN	},	/* params + enable */
	{	WR5,	TxEN	},	/* params + enable */
	{	WR15,	0	},	/* interrupt enables */
	{	WR0,	RESEXTINT },	/* reset interrupts */
	{	WR0,	RESEXTINT },	/* reset interrupts */

int	al_ercnt;			/* chip error count */

 * Upon loading driver, reset all SCC's using hardware reset, program
 * the interrupt vector for each chip, program each channel using the
 * port/value pairs found in the alinit[] struct (repeated for all
 * channels of all SCC's), and then go away until the first open.
	register TTY *tp;
	register struct al_init *p;
	register int b;

	 * Convert albaud[] depending the the clock rate
	for (b = 0; b < sizeof(albaud)/sizeof(albaud[0]); b++)
		if (albaud[b])
			albaud[b] = BAUD(romconf.rom_ctype ?
			6000000L : 4000000L, albaud[b]);
	alinit[5].val = albaud[DEFBAUD] & 0xff; /* Default baudrate low */
	alinit[6].val = albaud[DEFBAUD] >> 8;  /* Default baudrate high */
	al_ercnt = 0;			/* reset count */
	outb(BASE+WR9, RESET|VIS);	/* reset chip */
	outb(BASE+WR2, VECTOR);		/* set chip's base vector */

	setivec(VECTOR+0, alTxintr);	/* channel B interrupt vecs */
	setivec(VECTOR+2, alESintr);
	setivec(VECTOR+4, alRxintr);
	setivec(VECTOR+6, alSCintr);
	setivec(VECTOR+8, alTxintr);	/* channel A interrupt vecs */
	setivec(VECTOR+10, alESintr);
	setivec(VECTOR+12, alRxintr);
	setivec(VECTOR+14, alSCintr);

	for (tp = &altty[0]; tp < &altty[NMINOR]; tp++) {
		b = albase(tp);
		for (p = &alinit[0]; p < endof(alinit); p++)
			outb(b+(p->port), p->val);

	register int i;

	outb(BASE+WR9, RESET|VIS);	/* reset chip */
	for (i = 0; i<16; i+=2)

alopen(dev, mode)
dev_t dev;
int mode;
	register TTY *tp;
	register int s;
	register int b;
	register int m;

	m = minor(dev)&~MODEM_CTL;
	if (m >= NMINOR) {
		u.u_error = ENXIO;
	tp = &altty[m];
	if ((tp->t_flags&T_EXCL)!=0 && super()==0) {
		u.u_error = ENODEV;
	if ((minor(dev) & MODEM_CTL) == 1)
		tp->t_flags |= T_MODC;
	if (tp->t_open == 0) {
		s = sphi();
		b = albase(tp);
		outb(b+WR3, RxEN);
		outb(b+WR5, (TxEN|RTS|DTR));
		outb(b+WR9, (MIE|VIS));
		if (tp->t_flags & T_MODC) {
			outb(b+WR15, (BREAKIE|CTSIE|DCDIE));
			outb(b+WR1, EXTIE);
			while ((inb(b+RR0) & (DCD|CTS)) == 0)
				sleep((char *)(&tp->t_open), CVTTIN, IVTTIN,
		} else {
			outb(b+WR15, BREAKIE);
		tp->t_flags |= T_CARR;
		outb(b+WR1, (EXTIE|TxIE|RxASCIE));
	ttsetgrp(tp, dev);

alclose(dev, mode)
dev_t dev;
int mode;
	register TTY *tp;
	register int s;
	register int b;

	s = sphi();
	tp = &altty[minor(dev)&~MODEM_CTL];
	if (--tp->t_open == 0) {
		b = albase(tp);
		outb(b+WR1, 0);		/* disable Rx, Tx, ES, and SC ints */
		outb(b+WR5, tp->t_flags&T_HPCL ? TxEN : (TxEN|RTS|DTR));

 * For these next two routines, the MFSYS
 * is equivalent to passing a priority of
 * `sphi()' (i.e. interrupts disabled).
alread(dev, iop)
dev_t dev;
IO *iop;
	ttread(&altty[minor(dev)&~MODEM_CTL], iop, SFCW);

alwrite(dev, iop)
dev_t dev;
IO *iop;
	ttwrite(&altty[minor(dev)&~MODEM_CTL], iop, SFCW);

alioctl(dev, com, vec)
dev_t dev;
struct sgttyb *vec;
	register int s;

	s = sphi();
	ttioctl(&altty[minor(dev)&~MODEM_CTL], com, vec);

TTY *tp;
	register int c;
	register int b;

	b = albase(tp);
	while ((inb(b+RR0)&TxEMPTY)!=0 && (c=ttout(tp))>=0)
		outb(b+WR8, c);

TTY *tp;
	register int b;
	register int baud;

	b = albase(tp);
	if (tp->t_sgttyb.sg_ispeed!=tp->t_sgttyb.sg_ospeed ||
	   (baud=albaud[tp->t_sgttyb.sg_ispeed]) == 0) {
		u.u_error = ENODEV;
	outb(b+WR12, (baud&0xff));
	outb(b+WR13, baud>>8);
	switch (tp->t_sgttyb.sg_flags & (EVENP|ODDP|RAW)) {
	case EVENP:
		outb(b+WR3, (Rx7BPC|RxENABLE));
		outb(b+WR5, (Tx7BPC|DTR|RTS|TxENABLE));
		outb(b+WR4, (ALMODE|PEVEN));

	case ODDP:
		outb(b+WR3, (Rx7BPC|RxENABLE));
		outb(b+WR5, (Tx7BPC|DTR|RTS|TxENABLE));
		outb(b+WR4, (ALMODE|PODD));

		outb(b+WR3, (Rx8BPC|RxENABLE));
		outb(b+WR5, (Tx8BPC|DTR|RTS|TxENABLE));
		outb(b+WR4, (ALMODE|PNONE));

 * Special condition interrupt handler for SCC. Currently, since parity
 * errors are not set up as special conditions, only framing and overrun
 * errors will cause this interrupt. For now, simply log the error,
 * clear it, and return.

	register TTY *tp;
	register int b;
	register int s;

	tp = &altty[alindex(id)];
	b = albase(tp);
	s = sphi();
	if ((inb(b+RR1)&0x70) != 0) {
		outb(b+WR0, ERRESET);
		inb(b+RR8);		/* read & discard bad data */
	outb(b+WR0, RESIUS);	/* reset interrupt */

 * External status interrupt handler for the SCC. The handler is called
 * upon changes in the DCD or CTS modem control lines, or upon a break
 * (line spacing) condition on the Rx line. Note that this only applies
 * if the given line is opened (or attempting to be) with modem control
 * enabled.

	register TTY *tp;
	register int b;
	register int what;
	register int s;

	tp = &altty[alindex(id)];
	b = albase(tp);
	s = sphi();
	what = inb(b+RR0);
	outb(b+WR0, RESEXTINT);
	if ((what & BREAK) != 0) {
		inb(b+RR8);		/* read + dismiss */
		ttsignal(tp, SIGINT);
	} else {
		if ((tp->t_flags & T_MODC) == 1)
			if ((what & (DCD|CTS)) != 0) 
				if (tp->t_open == 0)
					wakeup((char *)(&tp->t_open));
	outb(b+WR0, RESIUS);		/* reset interrupt */

 * Receive interrupt handler for the SCC.

	register TTY *tp;
	register int b;
	register int s;

	tp = &altty[alindex(id)];
	b = albase(tp);
	s = sphi();
	if ((inb(b+RR0) & RxAVAIL) != 0) {
		do {
			ttin(tp, inb(b+RR8));
		} while ((inb(b+RR0) & RxAVAIL) != 0);
	outb(b+WR0, RESIUS);

 * Transmit interrupt handler for the SCC.

	register TTY *tp;
	register int b;
	register int s;

	tp = &altty[alindex(id)];
	b = albase(tp);
	s = sphi();
	if ((inb(b+RR0) & TxEMPTY) != 0) {
		outb(b+WR0, RESTxI);	/* reset Tx ints just in case */
	outb(b+WR0, RESIUS);