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Commodore CBM-900

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⟦28be6e1ca⟧ TextFile

    Length: 7052 (0x1b8c)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: UNIX file
    Names: »look.c«


└─⟦f27320a65⟧ Bits:30001972 Commodore 900 hard disk image with partial source code
    └─⟦f4b8d8c84⟧ UNIX V7 Filesystem
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »cmd/look.c« 


/*	look.c - look for matching lines of text in a sorted file.
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<ctype.h>

#define	TRUE	1
#define	FALSE	0
#define	EQ	1
#define	LESS	0
#define	GREATER	2
#define	TAB	'	'
#define	BSIZ	512

extern	long	ftell() ;

/*	Globals

int	d_mode, f_mode ;
long	top, bottom ;
long	fsiz ;
FILE	*fildes ;
char	stbuf[BSIZ], rbuf[BSIZ] ;
char	*rbufp ;

/*	getx -	Get the nex character from the character buffer.
 *		If the buffer is empty get the next block.

/*  getx()
 *  {
 *  	if (rbufp < &rbuf[BSIZ])
 *  		return(*rbufp++) ;
 *  	else {
 *  		gnb() ;
 *  		return(getx()) ;
 *  	}
 *  }

#ifdef	FIXED /* Bug in 8086 compiler */
#define	getx()	((rbuf < &rbuf[BSIZ]) ? *rbufp++ : (gnb(), *rbufp++))
	if (rbufp >= &rbuf[BSIZ])
	return (*rbufp++);

/*	order - Order relation for characters. Returns GREATER, LESS or EQ.

/*  order(a, b)
 *  {
 *  	if (a > b)
 *  		return(GREATER) ;
 *  	else if (a < b)
 *  		return(LESS) ;
 *  	return(EQ) ;
 *  }

#define	order(a, b)	((a > b) ? GREATER : ((a < b) ? LESS : EQ))

/*	isdict - Test for a dictionary character. From the class :
 *		 [a-zA-Z0-9 ].

/* isdict(ch)
 * {
 * 	if (isalnum(ch) || (ch == ' '))
 * 		return(1) ;
 * 	return(0) ;
 * }

#define	isdict(ch)	((isalnum(ch) || (ch == ' ')) ? 1 : 0)

/*	main	- Get args, set flags and get the ball rolling.

main(argc, argv)
register char	*argv[] ;
	++argv ;
	switch (argc) {

	case 4 :
	case 3 :
			if (setop(argv[0])) {
				++argv ;
				--argc ;
			} else
				if (argc == 4) {
					form() ;
					break ;
	case 2 :
			if (argc == 3)
				gfile(argv[1]) ;
				gfile(NULL) ;
			if (gstring(argv[0])) {
				look() ;
				exit(0) ;
				break ;
	default :
			form() ;
	exit(1) ;

/*	setop - set option flags d_mode and f_mode. d_mode marks an occurance
 *		of -d[f] or -[f]d and f_mode marks an occurance of -f[d] or
 *		-[d]f.

register char	*fp ;
	register int	i ;

	d_mode = FALSE ;
	f_mode = FALSE ;

	if (*fp++ != '-')
		return(0) ;
	else {
		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
			switch (*fp++) {

			case 'd' :
					d_mode = TRUE ;
					break ;
			case 'f' :
					f_mode = TRUE ;
					break ;
			case '\0' :
					--fp ;
					return(1) ;
			default :
					return(0) ;
		if (*fp != '\0')
			return(0) ;
		return(1) ;

/*	gstring - gets the match string <string> and places it in the 
 *		  stbuf buffer after conforming it to the d_mode and
 *		  f_mode options (That will make the compare routine 
 *		  faster). Returns the number of characters in stbuf.

register char	*fp ;
	register int	nc ;
	register char	*st ;

	nc = 0 ;
	st = stbuf ;
	while ((nc++ < BSIZ) && (*fp != '\0')) {
		if (d_mode && !isdict(*fp)) {
			fp++ ;
			nc-- ;
			continue ;
		if (f_mode && islower(*fp)) {
			*st++ = toupper(*fp++) ;
			continue ;
		*st++ = *fp++ ;
	if (nc >= BSIZ)
		return(0) ;
	return(nc) ;

/*	gfile - Gets the specified file and opens it for reading.
 *		If no file is specified /usr/dict/words is opened.

register char	*fp ;
	register char	*file ;

	if (fp == NULL) {
		file = "/usr/dict/words" ;
		d_mode = TRUE ;
		f_mode = TRUE ;
	} else
		file = fp ;
	if ((fildes = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) {
		aww("look : Cannot open file") ;
		exit(1) ;

	bottom = 0 ;
	if (fseek(fildes, 0L, 2) == -1) {
		aww("look : Cannot seek on file") ;
		exit(1) ;

	top = ftell(fildes) ;
	top -= 2 ;
	fsiz = top ;

	return(1) ;

/*	aww - Error condition. Prints out the passed string.

char	*sp ;
	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", sp) ;

/*	form - Prints out a Usage message.

	fprintf(stderr, "Usage : look [-df] string [file]\n") ;

/*	look - Binary search looking for a string match. If a match
 *	       is found (the EQ case) all the strings that match
 *	       are printed and then we quit else the window is 
 *	       decreased and the test goes on.

	register int	nmove ;
	long	mid1, mid2 ;
	long	gll() ;
	long	gteol() ;

	while (top != bottom) {
		mid1 = (top - bottom)/2 + bottom ;
		mid2 = gll(mid1) ;
		nmove = comstr() ;
		switch (nmove) {

		case EQ :
				wstr(mid2) ;
				return(1) ;
		case GREATER :
				bottom = gteol(mid1) ;
				break ;
		case LESS :
				top = mid2 - 2 ;
				break ;
		if (top < bottom)
			top = bottom ;

/*	wstr -	We found a string that matches but we are not sure that
 *		this is the only occurance of a matched string and hence
 *		we must back up until we find a non match and print 
 *		forward till we find a non match in the other direction.

long	seek ;
	long	temp1, temp2 ;
	long	gll() ;

	if (seek != 0) {
		temp2 = seek ;
		temp1 = gll(seek - 2) ;
		while (comstr() == EQ) {
			temp2 = temp1 ;
			if (temp1 == 0)
				break ;
				temp1 = gll(temp1 - 2) ;
	} else
		temp2 = 0 ;
	fseek(fildes, temp2, 0) ;
	while (ftell(fildes) <= seek) {
		fgets(rbuf, BSIZ, fildes) ;
		fputs(rbuf, stdout) ;
	fgets(rbuf, BSIZ, fildes) ;
	rbufp = rbuf ;
	while (comstr() == EQ) {
		fputs(rbuf, stdout) ;
		fgets(rbuf, BSIZ, fildes) ;
		rbufp = rbuf ;
	return(1) ;

/*	comstr - Compare the base string to the input line.
 *		 Returns a stat telling what the difference between the
 *		 two strings is. EQ is equal, GREATER implies the base string
 *		 is greater then the input string and LESS is vice versa.

	register int	state ;
	register int	ch ;
	register char	*sp ;

	sp = stbuf ;
	while (*sp != '\0') {
		ch = getx() ;
		if (ch == '\n')
			return(GREATER) ;
		if (d_mode && !isdict(ch)) {
			continue ;
		if (f_mode && islower(ch))
			ch = toupper(ch) ;
		if ((state = order(*sp, ch)) != EQ) {
			return(state) ;
		++sp ;
	return(EQ) ;

/*	gll -	Get last line. Using the seek variable, returns a pointer to
 *		the beginning of the last line of text. If neccesary
 *		gll will wind back seek a block at a time looking for
 *		the last line.

long	seek ;
	register char	*cp ;
	register int	tmp ;

	if (seek == 0) {
		rbufp = rbuf ;
		return(0) ;

	if (seek < BSIZ) {
		cp = &rbuf[(int) seek] ;
		seek = 0 ;
		fseek(fildes, 0L, 0) ;
	} else {
		cp = &rbuf[BSIZ - 1] ;
		seek -= BSIZ ;
		fseek(fildes, seek, 0) ;
	fread(rbuf, sizeof(*cp), BSIZ, fildes) ;

	while (cp >= rbuf) {
		if (*cp == '\n')
			break ;
		--cp ;

	if (*cp == '\n') {
		rbufp = ++cp ;
		tmp = cp - rbuf ;
		seek += (long) tmp ;
		if (seek > fsiz)
			return(-1) ;
		fseek(fildes, seek, 0) ;
		fread(rbuf, sizeof(*rbufp), BSIZ, fildes) ;
		rbufp = rbuf ;
		return(seek) ;
	} else
		return(gll(seek)) ;

/*	gnb -	Get the next block from the file and adjust the 
 *		character buffer pointer.

	fseek(fildes, 512L, 1) ;
	fread(rbuf, sizeof(*rbufp), BSIZ, fildes) ;
	rbufp = rbuf ;
	return(1) ;

/*	gteol - Go to end of line. Returns the seek adress of the end of line.

long	seek ;
	if (seek >= fsiz)
		return(fsiz) ;
	fseek(fildes, seek, 0) ;
	while (fgetc(fildes) != '\n')
	return(ftell(fildes)) ;