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⟦38ba9fe48⟧ TextFile

    Length: 35991 (0x8c97)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: UNIX file
    Names: »tmd.s«


└─⟦f27320a65⟧ Bits:30001972 Commodore 900 hard disk image with partial source code
    └─⟦2d53db1df⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »sys/z8001/diag/tmd.s« 


/ (lgl-
/ 	The information contained herein is a trade secret of Mark Williams
/ 	Company, and  is confidential information.  It is provided  under a
/ 	license agreement,  and may be  copied or disclosed  only under the
/ 	terms of  that agreement.  Any  reproduction or disclosure  of this
/ 	material without the express written authorization of Mark Williams
/ 	Company or persuant to the license agreement is unlawful.
/ 	COHERENT Version 0.7.3
/ 	Copyright (c) 1982, 1983, 1984.
/ 	An unpublished work by Mark Williams Company, Chicago.
/ 	All rights reserved.
/ -lgl)
/* Configuration stuff that should go away eventually */
#define	JR	jp
#define	CLKENABLED	1	/* set to generate clock ticks */ 
#define	LPENABLE	1	/* set to enable LP interrupts */
#define	K1		1	/* 1K vs. 512 byte segment click size */

/ Machine-dependent code in Coherent on the Commodore
/ M-series Z8001 processor running in segmented mode
/ (both user and system).

UPASIZE =	2048		/ Size of U-area in bytes
NHUSEG	=	48		/ Number of hardware user segments
EFAULT =	14		/ Taken from <errno.h>
SIGSYS =	 7		/ Taken from <msig.h>

#if NLD
	.globl	SS
	.globl	IS, DS, SS
USTACK	= 0x0000
#if !NLD
USEG	= 0x0101
IS	= 0x3030
DS	= 0x3131
USEG	= 0x0303
ES	= 0x3D3D		/ Must be OS-1
OS	= 0x3E3E		/ Overlay (driver,buffer,clist,inode) seg
SS	= 0x3F3F
sp	= rr14			/ stack pointer
spo	= r15			/ stack pointer offset
/ argument off stack pointer
#define	args(n)	SS|2+2*[n](spo)
#define	arglb(n) SS|3+2*[n](spo)

/ Commodore-specific hardware:
/ Definitions for the system clock which uses CT3 of Z8036 #1,
/ and Centronics Line Printer which uses ports of 8036 #1 and #2.
MMU	=	0x00FC			/ Access MMU # 1 (▶1b◀T#2 is unused)
CLATCH	=	0x0201			/ 4-bit configuration latch
SSTEP	=	0x01			/ single step bit
#define	HZ	100			/* Don't use line clock */
CLKVAL0	=	20000			/ 4MHz / HZ / 2
CLKVAL1	=	30000			/ 6 MHz / HZ / 2
LPIRQ	=	0x70			/ LP interrupt vector #
ZCIO2	=	0x80			/ Z8036 #2 base port
MICR	=	0x01			/ Master interrupt control port
MCCR	=	0x03			/ Master configuration control port
CTIV	=	0x09			/ Interrupt vector
CT3CS	=	0x19			/ Command and status
CT3CH	=	0x35			/ time constant high
CT3CL	=	0x37			/ Time constant low
CT3MS	=	0x3D			/ CT3 Mode Select
PBMS	=	0x51			/ Port B Mode specification reg.
PBHS	=	0x53			/ Port B Handshake specification
PBDPP	=	0x55			/ Port B data path polarity
PBDD	=	0x57			/ Port B data direction
PBSIOC	=	0x59			/ Port B special I/O control
PBDATA	=	0x1D			/ Port B data
PBPPR	=	0x5B			/ Port B pattern polarity reg.
PBPTR	=	0x5D			/ Port B pattern transition
PBPMR	=	0x5F			/ Port B pattern mask reg.
PBCS	=	0x13			/ Port B command and status
PBIV	=	0x07			/ Port B interrupt vector
PCDPP	=	0x0B			/ Port C data path polarity
PCDD	=	0x0D			/ Port C data direction
PCSIOC	=	0x0F			/ Port C special I/O control
PCDATA	=	0x1F			/ Port C data

/ Bits in the FCW
FCW_SEG	=	0x8000			/ Segmented mode
SGBIT	=	15			/ Bit # of segmented/non-segmented bit
FCW_SYS	=	0x4000			/ System (vs. normal) mode
SBIT	=	14			/ Bit # of system mode bit
FCW_EPA	=	0x2000			/ Enable Extended processor
FCW_VIE	=	0x1000			/ Enable vectored interrupts
VIBIT	=	12
FCW_NVIE =	0x0800			/ Enable non-vectored interrupts
TFCW	=	FCW_SEG+FCW_SYS				/ New FCW after traps

/ The Program Status Area.  This file must be loaded
/ first and this data must be first in order to
/ ensure that it is on a mod-256 byte boundary.
/ The format of this table is suitable only for
/ Z8001 and Z8003 processors.  The z8002 uses fewer
/ bytes because there are no segment numbers.
/ This table is in code because that is the way the
/ hardware fetches it.
	.globl	cmdblk_
	ldar	rr2, start		/ Gets segment number properly
	jp	(rr2)
	.blkb	[3*512]+cmdblk_-.	/ cmdblk size is 3x512 byte blocks
					/ first is for command blocks,
					/ second is for ECC buffer,
					/ third is an i/o buffer.
	ldar	rr2, start		/ Jump to system
	jp	(rr2)
	.word	0			/ round out to 4 words
	.long	TFCW			/ Extended instruction trap
	.long	tepa
	.long	TFCW			/ Privileged instruction trap
	.long	tprv
	.long	TFCW			/ System call trap
	.long	tsys
	.long	TFCW			/ Segment trap
	.long	tseg
	.long	TFCW			/ Non-maskable interrupt
	.long	tnmi
	.long	TFCW			/ Non-vectored interrupt
	.long	tnvi

/ Vectored interrupts
	.long	TFCW			/ FCW for all vectored interrupts

	.long	vint			/ Vector #0 (clock)
	.long	vint			/ Vector #2
	.long	vint			/ Vector #4
	.long	vint			/ Vector #6
	.long	vint			/ Vector #8
	.long	vint			/ Vector #10
	.long	vint			/ Vector #12
	.long	vint			/ Vector #14
	.long	vint			/ Vector #16
	.long	vint			/ Vector #18
	.long	vint			/ Vector #20
	.long	vint			/ Vector #22
	.long	vint			/ Vector #24
	.long	vint			/ Vector #26
	.long	vint			/ Vector #28
	.long	vint			/ Vector #30
	.long	vint			/ Vector #32
	.long	vint			/ Vector #34
	.long	vint			/ Vector #36
	.long	vint			/ Vector #38
	.long	vint			/ Vector #40
	.long	vint			/ Vector #42
	.long	vint			/ Vector #44
	.long	vint			/ Vector #46
	.long	vint			/ Vector #48
	.long	vint			/ Vector #50
	.long	vint			/ Vector #52
	.long	vint			/ Vector #54
	.long	vint			/ Vector #56
	.long	vint			/ Vector #58
	.long	vint			/ Vector #60
	.long	vint			/ Vector #62
	.long	vint			/ Vector #64
	.long	vint			/ Vector #66
	.long	vint			/ Vector #68
	.long	vint			/ Vector #70
	.long	vint			/ Vector #72
	.long	vint			/ Vector #74
	.long	vint			/ Vector #76
	.long	vint			/ Vector #78
	.long	vint			/ Vector #80
	.long	vint			/ Vector #82
	.long	vint			/ Vector #84
	.long	vint			/ Vector #86
	.long	vint			/ Vector #88
	.long	vint			/ Vector #90
	.long	vint			/ Vector #92
	.long	vint			/ Vector #94
	.long	vint			/ Vector #96
	.long	vint			/ Vector #98
	.long	vint			/ Vector #100
	.long	vint			/ Vector #102
	.long	vint			/ Vector #104
	.long	vint			/ Vector #106
	.long	vint			/ Vector #108
	.long	vint			/ Vector #110
	.long	vint			/ Vector #112
	.long	vint			/ Vector #114
	.long	vint			/ Vector #116
	.long	vint			/ Vector #118
	.long	vint			/ Vector #120
	.long	vint			/ Vector #122
	.long	vint			/ Vector #124
	.long	vint			/ Vector #126
	.long	vint			/ Vector #128
	.long	vint			/ Vector #130
	.long	vint			/ Vector #132
	.long	vint			/ Vector #134
	.long	vint			/ Vector #136
	.long	vint			/ Vector #138
	.long	vint			/ Vector #140
	.long	vint			/ Vector #142
	.long	vint			/ Vector #144
	.long	vint			/ Vector #146
	.long	vint			/ Vector #148
	.long	vint			/ Vector #150
	.long	vint			/ Vector #152
	.long	vint			/ Vector #154
	.long	vint			/ Vector #156
	.long	vint			/ Vector #158
	.long	vint			/ Vector #160
	.long	vint			/ Vector #162
	.long	vint			/ Vector #164
	.long	vint			/ Vector #166
	.long	vint			/ Vector #168
	.long	vint			/ Vector #170
	.long	vint			/ Vector #172
	.long	vint			/ Vector #174
	.long	vint			/ Vector #176
	.long	vint			/ Vector #178
	.long	vint			/ Vector #180
	.long	vint			/ Vector #182
	.long	vint			/ Vector #184
	.long	vint			/ Vector #186
	.long	vint			/ Vector #188
	.long	vint			/ Vector #190
	.long	vint			/ Vector #192
	.long	vint			/ Vector #194
	.long	vint			/ Vector #196
	.long	vint			/ Vector #198
	.long	vint			/ Vector #200
	.long	vint			/ Vector #202
	.long	vint			/ Vector #204
	.long	vint			/ Vector #206
	.long	vint			/ Vector #208
	.long	vint			/ Vector #210
	.long	vint			/ Vector #212
	.long	vint			/ Vector #214
	.long	vint			/ Vector #216
	.long	vint			/ Vector #218
	.long	vint			/ Vector #220
	.long	vint			/ Vector #222
	.long	vint			/ Vector #224
	.long	vint			/ Vector #226
	.long	vint			/ Vector #228
	.long	vint			/ Vector #230
	.long	vint			/ Vector #232
	.long	vint			/ Vector #234
	.long	vint			/ Vector #236
	.long	vint			/ Vector #238
	.long	vint			/ Vector #240
	.long	vint			/ Vector #242
	.long	vint			/ Vector #244
	.long	vint			/ Vector #246
	.long	vint			/ Vector #248
	.long	vint			/ Vector #250
	.long	vint			/ Vector #252
	.long	vint			/ Vector #254

/ Interrupt dispatch table for loadable drivers.
/ This table is set/cleared by setivec/clrivec.
/ Some go to C routines, others to `vret' routine.
/ The clock (timer) is handled specially.
/ There are only 128 vectored interrupts on the z8001
/ versus 256 on the z8002.
	.globl	vecs_, vmaps_

	.long	vret_			/ Where setivec puts its vectors
	.blkl	127			/ Remaining vectors

	.blkw	128			/ Maps for overlay segment

/ Segmentation prototype for the system
/ Segment 30 code is code size of coherent, system only
/ Segment 31 data is full 64K, system only
/ Segments 32 and 33 are clist and buffer-mapped segments
/ Segments 3C, 3D, 3E are extra and overlay segments, full 64K, system only
/ Segment 3F stack is 2K, system only
/ Other segments are CPU inhibited.
sattr:	.byte	0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04
	.byte	0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02
slen:	.byte	      0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
	.byte	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x07

	.globl	u_
#if NLD
u_	= 0x3F000000			/ SS | 0
u_	= SS|0

/ The ROM has set the machine up and initialised most
/ CPU and hardware things.  The processor is running
/ in 1 MMU mode (segmented) with code in segment 0x30
/ and data bootstrapped into segment 0x31.
/ We start by setting up a stack pointer at the
/ end of the U-area.
	.globl	etext_, edata_, end_
	.globl	corebot_, romconf_
	.globl	main_, commodore_, stand_

	ldl	rr14, $u_+UPASIZE	/ Put stack at end of U-area
	sub	r0, r0			/ Set user stack (only for emulator)
	ldctl	NSPOFF, r0
	ldctl	NSPSEG, r0

	ldl	rr2, $vecs_		/ vector #0
	ldl	rr4, rr2		/ rr2 is pointer to ...
	inc	r5, $4			/  next vector entry
	ld	r0, $127*2		/ Fill all 128 vectors with ...
	ldir	(rr4), (rr2), r0	/ copy of vector #0

	ldar	rr0, clk		/ Special clock routine goes ...
	ldl	vecs_+0, rr0		/   into vector slot #0

	ldar	rr0, psa		/ This is in code segment
	ldctl	PSAPSEG, r0		/ System data is actually code here
	ldctl	PSAPOFF, r1

/ Load of system segment attributes.
	ldar	rr2, sattr			/ Pointer to 16 attributes
	ldl	rr0, $0x00300010		/ segment IS, 16 segments
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rl0			/
	ld	r4, $MMU+0x0E00			/ Write attributes
	sotirb	(r4), (rr2), r1			/ Write out seg. attributes

/ Load system segment lengths.
	ldar	rr2, slen			/ Pointer to 15 lengths
	ldl	rr0, $0x0031000F		/ segment IS+1, 15 segments
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rl0			/ Set segment number
	ld	r4, $MMU+0x0D00			/ Set limit field
	sotirb	(r4), (rr2), r1			/ Write out seg. limits

	call	commodore_		/ Do machine-specific initialisation

/ Set up U-area mapping at corebot

	ld	r0, corebot_		/ mapping base
	add	r0, r0			/ <<1 to hardware base
#if K1
	add	r0, r0			/ <<2 to hardware base
	ld	r1, $SS
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh1		/ Set segment number to U-area
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rh0		/ Write base field high
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rl0		/ Write field low

	call	lpclk			/ Initialise clock and LP

/ Call main with interrupts on
/ When main returns, go into
/ user process at location 0.
	ei	VI
	call	main_			/ Interrupts enabled
	di	VI

	inc	depth_			/ Depth is one for user mode
	ld	r0, $0xFFF0		/ save top 16 bytes of user stack
	ldctl	NSPOFF, r0
	ld	r0, $USTACK
	ldctl	NSPSEG, r0
	ldps	0f			/ Enter user mode for init process

0:	.word	0, FCW_VIE+FCW_SEG	/ Non-segmented, user mode, int. on
	.word	USEG, 0			/ PC at 0 in User code segment
/ Never goes past here

/ Turn on clock.  It is specially set to vector #0.
/ The clock is in Z8036 chip #1 which also has the
/ keyboard scanning port on it.
/ Initialise ports on 8036 #1 and #2 for centronics line printer.
	ld	r0, $0x01		/ Reset
	outb	MICR, rl0		/ Z8036 #1
	outb	ZCIO2+MICR, rl0		/ Z8036 #2
	outb	MICR, rh0		/ Turn off reset
	outb	ZCIO2+MICR, rh0		/
	outb	PBSIOC, rh0		/ Init centronics data lines
	outb	PBDPP, rh0
	outb	PBDD, rh0
	outb	PBDATA, rh0
	outb	PCDPP, rh0		/ set port C non-inverting
	ld	r0, $0x07		/ pc0, pc1, & pc2 are input
	outb	PCDD, rl0		/ pc3 is output mode
	outb	PCSIOC, rh0		/ port C normal mode operation
	ld	r0, $0x70		/ mask to disable writing....
	outb	PCDATA, rl0		/  on pc0, pc1, & pc2
#if HZ!=100				/* Line frequency */
	ld	r0, $0xa0		/ Continous cycle, external (line) freq
	ld	r1, $1			/ 1 count for 60/50 HZ
	ld	r0, $0x80		/ Continuous single cycle
	ld	r1, $CLKVAL0		/ freq. at 1/2 PCLK rate 4 MHz
	test	romconf_+14		/ Clock type ? [romconf.rom_ctype]
	JR	eq, 0f			/ branch if 4 Mhz
	ld	r1, $CLKVAL1		/ freq. at 1/2 PCLK rate 6 Mhz
	outb	CT3MS, rl0		/ Set counting and cycling options
	sub	r2, r2
	outb	CTIV, rl2		/ Vector #0 for clock
	outb	CT3CH, rh1		/ Set counter frequency
	outb	CT3CL, rl1		/ and low half
	ld	r2, $0x20		/ Clear IP and IUS
	outb	CT3CS, rl2
	ld	r2, $0xC6		/ Set IE, Trigger Counter, gate
	outb	CT3CS, rl2
	ldb	rl0, $0x80		/ Set master ...
	outb	MICR, rl0		/   interrupt enable
	ldb	rl0, $0x90		/ Enable counter timer #3 ...
	outb	MCCR, rl0		/   and port c
	ldb	rl0, $0x06		/ start it up...
	outb	CT3CS, rl0		/  trigger counter

/ Port 2 initialisation
	ld	r0, $0x02
	ld	r1, $0x04
	outb	ZCIO2+PBMS, rl1		/ OR pattern recognition mode
	outb	ZCIO2+PBHS, rh0
	outb	ZCIO2+PBDPP, rl0	/ Ack line should be inverted
	outb	ZCIO2+PBDD, rl0		/ Ack line is for input
	outb	ZCIO2+PBSIOC, rl0	/ Normal I/O
	outb	ZCIO2+PBPPR, rl0	/ Interrupt on ACK 1
	outb	ZCIO2+PBPTR, rh0
	outb	ZCIO2+PBPMR, rl0
	ldb	rl1, $LPIRQ		/ Vector #
	outb	ZCIO2+PBIV, rl1		/ Set into chip
	ldb	rl1, $0x20
	outb	ZCIO2+PBCS, rl1		/ Clear IP & IUS
	ldb	rl1, $0xC0
	outb	ZCIO2+PBCS, rl1		/ Enable port B interrupts
	outb	ZCIO2+PCDPP, rh0	/ Strobe should not be inverted
	outb	ZCIO2+PCDD, rh0		/ Strobe is output
	outb	ZCIO2+PCSIOC, rh0	/ Normal I/O
	ld	r1, $0x08
	outb	ZCIO2+PCDATA, rl1	/ Strobe starts out as 1
	outb	ZCIO2+CT3MS, rh0	/ No counter/timer
	ldb	rl1, $0x80
	outb	ZCIO2+MICR, rl1		/ Master interrupt enable
	ldb	rl1, $0x90
	outb	ZCIO2+MCCR, rl1		/ Enable ports B and C

/ Trap and interrupt linkage
/ All routines end up building approximately the
/ same type of linkage information on the stack
/ so that higher level parts of the system do
/ most of the sophisticated work.  The stack looks
/ like this when C `trap' has been called:
/	|----------|
/	|pc offset |
/	|----------|
/	|pc segment|
/	|----------|
/	|    fcw   |
/	|----------|
/	|    id    |		pushed by hardware
/	|----------|
/	|trap type |		real for traps--junk for interrupts
/	|----------|
/	|    r15   |
/	|----------|
/	     ...
/	|----------|
/	|    r0    |
/	|----------|
/	| NSP OFF  |
/	|----------|
/	| NSP SEG  |
/	|----------|
/	|  OS Map  |
/	|----------|
/	|  ES Map  |
/	|----------|

tepa:	push	(sp), $SIGEPA	/ Extended processor trap
	JR	0f

tprv:	push	(sp), $SIGPRV	/ Privileged instruction
	JR	0f

tnmi:	push	(sp), $SIGNMI	/ Non-maskable interrupt
	JR	0f

/ Non-vectored interrupt is for single-stepping in
/ ptrace system call.  Fiddle with the saved FCW (turn
/ off NVIE, enable VI)

	set	SS|2(spo), $VIBIT	/ Enable vectored interrupt and ...
	res	SS|2(spo), $NVIBIT	/  disallow more steps by default
	push	(sp), r0		/ Save a register
	sub	r0, r0			/ Reset single stepper bit
	outb	CLATCH, rl0
	pop	r0, (sp)		/ Restore r0
	push	(sp), $SIGBPT		/ Generate a breakpoint
	JR	0f

/ Special case for system mode segmentation violations
/ If so, and the PC points to certain special user-system
/ block move routines, then arrange so that the faulting
/ routine cleanly return an error.

	ex	r0, (sp)		/ Save r0
	sinb	rl0, MMU+0x0200		/ Read violation type register
	ex	r0, (sp)		/ into identifier and put r0 back
	soutb	MMU+0x1100, rl0		/ Reset violation
	bit	SS|2(spo), $SBIT	/ System mode?
	JR	eq, 1f			/ User mode, not checked here
	cp	SS|6(spo), $pgetw_	/ In special user-system
	JR	ult, 1f			/ character-at-a-time routines?
	cp	SS|6(spo), $kkcopy_	/
	JR	uge, 2f			/ No -- check for block moves

	ex	r0, SS|2(spo)		/
	ldctl	FCW, r0			/ Restore FCW
	ex	r0, SS|2(spo)		/
	inc	spo, $8			/ Clear trap from stack
	ldb	u_, $EFAULT		/ Set u.u_error code
	ld	r1, $-1			/ return(-1)
	ret				/ Return to caller

	cp	SS|6(spo), $kkfix	/ in block move routine?
	JR	uge, 1f			/ no

	ex	r0, SS|2(spo)		/
	ldctl	FCW, r0			/ Re-load FCW
	ex	r0, SS|2(spo)		/
	inc	spo, $8			/ clear away trap
	dec	r5			/ Compensate for last faulting ld byte
	ldb	u_, $EFAULT		/ Set u.u_error
	jp	kkfix			/ Let it clean up

	push	(sp), $SIGSEG		/ Segmentation violation
	JR	0f

/ Common processing for all traps that haven't been
/ filtered out.  Build a special calling sequence for
/ the C routine `trap'.  This routine also handles `ddt'.

	push	(sp), $SIGSYS		/ System call
	dec	depth_			/ Down count soft interrupt level
	sub	spo, $32		/ Save all registers.
	ldm	(sp), r0, $16
	ldctl	r0, NSPSEG		/ Save normal mode sp segment
	ldctl	r1, NSPOFF		/ Save part of normal mode sp
	pushl	(sp), rr0

#if DDT
	ldl	ddtregp_, sp		/ Allows ddt to find registers
	ld	r0, $ES			/ Set ES segment
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh0		/   ES + OS maps
	sinb	rh3, MMU+0x0C00		/ ES high
	sinb	rl3, MMU+0x0C00		/ ES low
	sinb	rh2, MMU+0x0C00		/ OS high
	sinb	rl2, MMU+0x0C00		/ OS low
	pushl	(sp), rr2		/ push ES+OS

	ei	VI
	call	trap_			/ At last get to C
	JR	0f			/ Dismiss trap

/ All vectored interrupts from devices come here.
/ The id comes from the vector # and is an even
/ integer in the range 0-254.  A fake trap type
/ is used to allow interrupts and traps to
/ return through the same code.
	sub	spo, $32+2		/ Save registers and fake type
	ldm	(sp), r0, $14		/ Save them (but not system SP)
	ldctl	r0, NSPSEG		/ Save normal sp seg
	ldctl	r1, NSPOFF		/ Save offset of normal sp
	pushl	(sp), rr0

	ld	r0, $ES			/ Save OS and ES
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh0		/   segment value
	sinb	rh3, MMU+0x0C00		/ ES high
	sinb	rl3, MMU+0x0C00		/ ES low
	sinb	rh2, MMU+0x0800		/ OS high (no incr)
	sinb	rl2, MMU+0x0800		/ OS low (no incr)
	pushl	(sp), rr2		/ push OS+ES

	dec	depth_			/ Down count int. level
	ld	r2, SS|42(spo)		/ Identifier of vector (0-255)
	and	r2, $0xFE		/ Make even, low byte
	push	(sp), r2		/ Push id for interrupt routine
	ld	r0, vmaps_(r2)		/ Vector mappings for OS
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rh0		/ high base
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rl0		/ Low base
	ei	VI			/ Interrupts on after depth fixed
	add	r2, r2			/ <<1 to make room for 4-byte table
	ldl	rr2, vecs_(r2)		/
	call	(rr2)			/ Call interrupt routine
	inc	spo, $2			/ Throw away junk

/ Dismiss sequence.
/ This is common sequence for interrupts and traps.
/ Attempt to reschedule.  If returning to normal mode,
/ run low priority part of clock (stand).
/ Restore context and return.
	test	depth_			/ Depth==0 means normal mode
	JR	ne, 1f			/ Don't call stand if system mode

	ldl	rr0, cprocp_		/ SELF==NULL ignored
	cpl	rr0, iprocp_		/ Idle process interrupted?
	JR	eq, 0f

	bit	SS|44(spo), $SBIT	/ Retuurning to kernel process?
	JR	ne, 1f			/ Then don't call stand
	call	stand_			/ Low-priority timers, etc.

	di	VI			/ Keep out vectored interrupts
	inc	depth_			/ interrupts off from this to iret

	popl	rr0, (sp)		/ rr0 = OS+ES
	ld	r2, $ES			/ Restore OS + ES ...
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh2		/   segment maps
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rh1		/ ES high
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rl1		/ ES low
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rh0		/ OS high
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rl0		/ OS low

	popl	rr2, (sp)		/ rr2 = NSP
	ldctl	NSPSEG, r2		/ Segment of NSP
	ldctl	NSPOFF, r3

	ldm	r0, (sp), $14		/ Re-load R0-R13
	add	spo, $32+2		/ Pop saved regs + trap type

/ When NVIE bit in FCW is on, this indicates
/ a ptrace single step request has just been issued.
/ Turn off the normal interrupts and arm the special
/ delay circuit in the System Control latch.  This
/ will then go to `tnvi' after 1 user instruction has
/ been issued which will turn vectored interrupts on again.
	bit	SS|2(spo), $NVIBIT	/ Is it ptrace? [BUG]
	JR	eq, 0f			/ no
	res	SS|2(spo), $VIBIT	/ Turn off vectored interrupts
	ld	r0, $SSTEP		/ Set System Control Latch to ...
	outb	CLATCH, rl0		/ Single stepper (just before iret)
	iret				/ At last

/ Special routine that interfaces to C clock routine.
/ diddles the clock hardware to dismiss the interrupt
/ and pushes user/system mode and user PC.
/ The PC and FCW are those pushed by the hardware and
/ found again by us by magic groping around!
/ Also empty interrupt dispatch routine
	.globl	vret_, clock_

	push	(sp), $0		/ Assume system mode
	bit	SS|52(spo), $SBIT	/ Correct ?
	JR	ne, 0f			/ Yes
	inc	(sp)			/ Make normal (user) mode

	pushl	(sp), SS|54(spo)	/ User PC offset for profiler
	call	clock_			/ Call portable code
	inc	spo, $6			/ Clean up
	ld	r0, $0x24		/ Clear IP and IUS to ...
	outb	CT3CS, rl0		/ dismiss the interrupt

#if 0

/ halt()
/ Called from panic and anywhere else
/ as an entry-point to `ddt'.  Fakes up
/ a trap sequence on the stack.
	.globl	halt_

#if DDT
	push	(sp), r0
	ld	r0, $UPASIZE-46		/ Pushed stuff just below NSP
	ld	ddtregp_+2, r0
	pop	r0, (sp)
	JR	ddt_
	di	VI
	JR	.

/ Routines to do the context switch.  The
/ switch takes two forms:
/ 1) an environment (`MENV')
/ 2) an context (`MCON') which requires reloading
/    of the U-area base as well as the rest of the
/    environment.
/ Except for a little bit of futsing around, these
/ two are really quite the same thing.
/ The switch assumes that C will save the other
/ registers in the course of things.

/ consave(ptr)
/ MCON *ptr;
/ conrest(u, o)
/ saddr_t u;
/ unsigned o;
/ envsave(ptr)
/ MENV *ptr;
/ envrest(ptr)
/ MENV *ptr;
	.globl	consave_, conrest_
	.globl	envsave_, envrest_

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ pointer
	ldm	(rr2), r6, $10		/ save r6-r15
	add	r3, $32			/ end of structure
	ld	r1, $ES			/ Segment for ES + OS
	ldctl	r4, FCW			/ Save FCW before disable
	di	VI
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh1		/ set segment
	sinb	rh0, MMU+0x0C00		/ ES high
	sinb	rl0, MMU+0x0C00		/ ES low
	sinb	rh1, MMU+0x0C00		/ OS high
	sinb	rl1, MMU+0x0C00		/ OS low
	ldctl	FCW, r4			/ Restore state
	pushl	(rr2), rr0		/ Save it away
	ld	r5, depth_		/ Save interrupt depth 
	pushl	(rr2), rr4		/ Save FCW & depth
	pushl	(rr2), (sp)		/ Save PC segment + offset
	sub	r1, r1			/ return 0 here

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ pointer
	JR	0f

	dec	depth_			/ Fake depth/no return to user
	ldl	rr0, args(1)		/ r0=user area, r1=offset
	lda	rr2, u_(r1)		/ Address of context in U-area

	di	VI
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh2		/ Set map for SS segment
	add	r0, r0			/ saddr_t <<1 to hardware
#if K1
	add	r0, r0			/ saddr_t <<2 to hardware
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rh0		/ Load base address ..
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rl0		/  of SS segment

	ldm	r6, (rr2), $10		/ Re-load r6-r15
	add	r3, $20			/ after saved registers
	popl	(sp), (rr2)		/ Save PC segment & offset
	popl	rr4, (rr2)		/ Restore FCW and depth.
	ld	depth_, r5		/ load depth, save FCW for later

	ld	r1, $ES			/ Map segment
	di	VI			/ MMU load indivisible
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh1		/ Segment #
	popl	rr0, (rr2)		/ GET ES & OS maps
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rh0		/ ES high
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rl0		/ ES low
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rh1		/ OS high
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rl1		/ OS low

	ldctl	FCW, r4			/ Re-load FCW from long ago
	ld	r1, $1			/ return 1

/ spl(fcw)
/ Stuff new `fcw' into the FCW and return the
/ old one.  This is used to implement splo(), and
/ spl(f)
	.globl	spl_, sphi_

	ldctl	r1, FCW			/ Get old FCW
	ld	r0, args(1)		/ Reload new FCW
	ldctl	FCW, r0

	ldctl	r1, FCW			/ Old FCW
	di	VI

/ I/O Instructions
/ This is very messy on this machine because
/ there are so many instructions, most of which
/ might be used once or twice.  What we do is
/ to provide in/out for byte/word for normal i/o
/ space.  Special I/O is done only through assembler
/ routines for accessing the MMU.
/ Usage:
/	in(port)		inb (port)
/	out(port, valueue)	outb(port, value)
/	Block moves in/out for words/bytes.
/	inwcopy(port, paddr, nb)	inbcopy(port, paddr, nb)
/	unsigned port, nb;		unsigned port, nb;
/	paddr_t paddr;			paddr_t paddr;
/	outwcopy(port, paddr, nb)	outbcopy(port, paddr, nb)
/	unsigned port, nb;		unsigned port, nb;
/	paddr_t paddr;			paddr_t paddr;
/ outwcopy and outbcopy should have underbars after their name.
	.globl	in_, inb_
	.globl	out_, outb_
	.globl	inwcopy_, inbcopy_
	.globl	outwcopy_, outbcopy_

	ld	r1, args(1)
	in	r1, (r1)

	ld	r1, args(1)
	inb	rl1, (r1)
	subb	rh1, rh1

	ld	r1, args(1)		/ port
	ld	r0, args(2)		/ value
	out	(r1), r0

	ld	r1, args(1)		/ port
	ld	r0, args(2)		/ value
	outb	(r1), rl0

	ld	r1, args(1)		/ port address
	ldl	rr2, args(2)		/ destination address
	ld	r0, args(4)		/ number of bytes
	srl	r0, $1			/ convert to words
	inir	(rr2), (r1), r0

	ld	r1, args(1)		/ port address
	ldl	rr2, args(2)		/ destination address
	ld	r0, args(4)		/ number of bytes
	inirb	(rr2), (r1), r0

	ld	r1, args(1)		/ port address
	ldl	rr2, args(2)		/ source address
	ld	r0, args(4)		/ number of bytes
	srl	r0, $1			/ convert to words
	otir	(r1), (rr2), r0

	ld	r1, args(1)		/ port address
	ldl	rr2, args(2)		/ source address
	ld	r0, args(4)		/ number of bytes
	otirb	(r1), (rr2), r0

/ Cross-space move routines, character, block,
/ word, and pointer.  There is a subterfuge to
/ make segmented and unsegmented things look
/ similar.  Also the order of these routines is
/ important.  From pgetw to kkcopy is checked
/ by the segmentation violation handler to
/ return faults on stuff copied to/from another
/ space.  From `kkcopy_' to `ppfix' is also handled
/ specially.  All other system mode segmentation
/ violations panic the system.

/ Get/put words/pointers/bytes into a physical space.
/ Macros in header files make this either user space
/ or auxiliary segment.
/ pgetw(p)		pgetp(p)		pgetb(p)
/ char *p;		char *p;		char *p;
/ pputw(p, i)		pputp(p, ptr)		pputb(p, c)
/ char *p;		char *p;		char *p;
/ int i;		char *ptr;		char c;
	.globl	pgetw_, pgetp_, pgetb_
	.globl	pputw_, pputp_, pputb_

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ address
	ld	r1, (rr2)		/ fetch value

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ address
	sub	r1, r1
	ldb	rl1, (rr2)

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ address
	ldl	rr0, (rr2)		/ fetch pointer

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ address
	ld	r1, args(3)		/ value
	ld	(rr2), r1		/ store away

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ address
	ld	r1, args(3)		/ value
	ldb	(rr2), rl1		/ store away

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ address
	ldl	rr0, args(3)		/ pointer value
	ldl	(rr2), rr0		/ store away

/ Kernel (system) address space copy and clear routines
/ NOTE: for speed, ukcopy has a special entry point here.
/ kclear(bp, n)			kkcopy(f, t, n)
/ char *bp;			char *f, *t;
/ unsigned n;			unsigned n;
	.globl	kclear_, kkcopy_, ukcopy_

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ from pointer
	and	r2, $~0xE0FF		/ ufix it
	JR	0f

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ from pointer
	ldl	rr4, args(3)		/ to pointer
	ld	r0, args(5)		/ count
	test	r0
	JR	eq, kkfix		/ No words to copy
#if 1
	ld	r1, r0			/ Test for even counters ...
	or	r1, r3			/   and addresses
	or	r1, r5			/
	rr	r1			/ Set carry if anything odd
	JR	c, 1f			/ Branch if slow (odd) mode
	srl	r0			/ Divide by 2
	ldir	(rr4), (rr2), r0	/ Do word copy
	JR	kkfix

	ldirb	(rr4), (rr2), r0	/ Do word copy

	ld	r1, r5			/ current destination offset
	sub	r1, args(4)		/ beginning destination pointer

	ldl	rr2, args(1)		/ Kernel segmented pointer
	ld	r0, args(3)		/ number of bytes
	srl	r0			/ to words
	JR	nc, 1f			/ Branch if even
	clrb	(rr2)			/ Clear first (odd) byte

	dec	r0			/ Funny way copy occurs
	jr	mi, 1f			/ None to copy
	clr	(rr2)
	JR	eq, 1f			/ Done if count <4
	lda	rr4, rr2(2)

	ldir	(rr4), (rr2), r0	/ clear memory

/ Fixup a user address to prevent system accesses.
/ Map a paddr_t in segment `sn' and return a char * mapped in.
/ pfix is for setting up permanent segments that won't move much because
/ most segments are not context switched.
/ char *		char *
/ pfix(sn, p))		ufix(p)
/ paddr_t p;		char *p;
/ NOTE: ukcopy has its own version of ufix for speed.

	.globl	pfix_, ufix_

	ldctl	r4, FCW
	ldb	rh0, arglb(1)		/ segment # to map
	ldl	rr2, args(2)		/ paddr_t
	ld	r1, r3			/ offset
#if K1
	and	r1, $0x3FF		/ within one saddr_t unit
	srll	rr2, $10		/ to saddr_t
	add	r3, r3			/ <<2 to hardware
	and	r1, $0x1FF		/ within one saddr_t unit
	srll	rr2, $9			/ to saddr_t
	add	r3, r3			/ ...
	di	VI			/ Interrupts disabled for fiddling
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh0		/ Segment #
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rh3		/ base high
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rl3		/ base low
	ldctl	FCW, r4			/ Restore interrupts

	ldl	rr0, args(1)		/ ptr
	and	r0, $~0xE0FF		/ Turn off bottom, non-user seg bits

/ turn a paddr_t (physical offset in bytes) into a vaddr_t (virtual addr)
/ and vice versa.
/	paddr_t				vaddr_t
/	vtop(v)				ptov(p)
/	vaddr_t v;			paddr_t p;
	.globl	vtop_, ptov_

	ldl	rr0, args(1)
	ldb	rl0, rh0
	and	r0, $0x007F

	ldl	rr0, args(1)
	ldb	rh0, rl0
	and	r0, $0x7F00

/ Segment copy and clear routines.
/ A `saddr_t' is is units of 512 or 1024 bytes
/ but the hardware actually uses units of
/ 256 bytes, so it must be shifted left.

/ Clear `n' saddr_t units of memory
/ sclear(a, n)
/ saddr_t a;
/ unsigned n;
	.globl	sclear_

	call	omapget_		/ Get old overlay map
	ld	r0, args(1)		/ Software clicks
	add	r0, r0			/ Hardware clicks
#if K1
	add	r0, r0			/ <<2 for 1K segment click
	pushl	(sp), rr0		/ Save Hardware click and old map

	ld	r2, $OS			/ Segment of rr2 pointer
	ld	r4, r2			/ segment of rr4 pointer
	dec	args(4)			/ Really arg 2 - click counter
	JR	mi, 1f
	call	omapset_		/ Uses map value (sp), destroys rr0
	sub	r3, r3			/ Zero offset of rr2
	ld	r5, $2			/ Load 1 word offset from rr2
#if K1
	ld	r0, $512-1		/ 512 words == 1024 bytes
	ld	r0, $256-1		/ 256 words == 512 bytes

	clr	(rr2)			/ clear first word
	ldir	(rr4), (rr2), r0	/ clear subsequent words

#if K1
	inc	(sp), $4		/ next click
	inc	(sp), $2		/ next click
	JR	0b			/ loop until done

	inc	spo, $2			/ Pop saddr from stack.
	call	omapset_		/ restore Overlay map
	inc	spo, $2

/ Copy segments of memory from one place to another.
/ slrcopy(f, t, n)
/ saddr_t f, t;
/ unsigned n;
	.globl	slrcopy_

	ldl	rr0, args(1)		/ r0 = `f', r1 = `t'
	addl	rr0, rr0		/ adjust to hardware clicks.
#if K1
	addl	rr0, rr0		/ <<2 for 1K saddr_t
	ld	r2, args(3)		/ `n'
	test	r2			/ if zero, done
	JR	eq, 9f			/
	ldctl	r3, FCW			/ Save interrupt state
	dec	spo, $10		/ Reserve space to ...
	ldm	(sp), r6, $5		/   Save some registers

	ld	r4, $ES			/ Extra segment to MMU and address
	ld	r8, $OS			/ OS segment # for address
	di	VI			/ disable to fiddle
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh4		/ Save ES + OS
	sinb	rh6, MMU+0x0C00		/ ES high
	sinb	rl6, MMU+0x0C00		/ ES low
	sinb	rh7, MMU+0x0C00		/ OS high
	sinb	rl7, MMU+0x0C00		/ OS low
	ldctl	FCW, r3			/ Restore interrupts

	di	VI
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh4		/ Set ES + OS to do copy
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rh0		/ ES high
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rl0		/ ES low
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rh1		/ OS high
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rl1		/ OS low
	ldctl	FCW, r3			/ Restore interrupts

#if K1
	ld	r10, $512		/ word count of 1 click
	ld	r10, $256		/ word count of 1 click
	sub	r5, r5			/ Virtual offset 0 in rr4
	sub	r9, r9			/ Same for rr8
	ldir	(rr8), (rr4), r10

#if K1
	inc	r0, $4			/ Next click
	inc	r1, $4			/
	inc	r0, $2			/ Next click
	inc	r1, $2			/
	djnz	r2, 0b			/ Cycle around

	di	VI			/ Disable
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh4		/ Restore ES + OS
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rh6
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rl6
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rh7
	soutb	MMU+0x0C00, rl7
	ldctl	FCW, r3

	ldm	r6, (sp), $5		/ Restore registers
	inc	spo, $10

/ Extra map and overlay map manipulation routines.
/ omapset -- set the overlay segment map to the specified hardware map value.
/ omapget -- get the overlay segment value value
/ emapset -- same for the extra map
/ emapget -- get extra map
/ [NB: these routines only change r0 and r1!]
/ cmap_t
/ omapget()			omapset(m)
/				cmap_t m;
	.globl	omapget_, omapset_, emapget_, emapset_

	ld	r1, $OS			/ segment number ...
	ldctl	r0, FCW			/ Save interrupt state
	di	VI
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh1		/   into MMU
	ld	r1, args(1)		/ map value ...
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rh1		/ high half of base
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rl1		/ low half of base
	ldctl	FCW, r0			/ restore state

	ld	r1, $ES			/ segment number ...
	ldctl	r0, FCW			/ Save interrupt state
	di	VI
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh1		/   into MMU
	ld	r1, args(1)		/ map value ...
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rh1		/ high half of base
	soutb	MMU+0x0800, rl1		/ low half of base
	ldctl	FCW, r0			/ restore state

	ld	r1, $OS			/ segment number ...
	ldctl	r0, FCW			/ Save interrupt state
	di	VI
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh1		/   into MMU
	sinb	rh1, MMU+0x0800		/ high half of base
	sinb	rl1, MMU+0x0800		/ low half
	ldctl	FCW, r0			/ restore state

	ld	r1, $ES			/ segment number ...
	ldctl	r0, FCW			/ Save interrupt state
	di	VI
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh1		/   into MMU
	sinb	rh1, MMU+0x0800		/ high half of base
	sinb	rl1, MMU+0x0800		/ low half
	ldctl	FCW, r0			/ restore state

/ Load `nseg' segments of the MMU, starting at User segment base (segment 0)
/ Clear the rest of `NHUSEG' segments from access.
/ loadmmu(nseg, p)
/ unsigned segno, nseg;
/ char p[4*32];
	.globl	loadmmu_

	ld	r0, args(1)		/ r0 = number of segments
	ld	r5, $NHUSEG		/ Total segments
	sub	r5, r0			/ Number to clear at end
	add	r0, r0			/
	add	r0, r0			/ * sizeof each descriptor
	ldl	rr2, args(2)		/ Pointer to segment descriptors.

	sub	r1, r1			/ Segment # 0
	ldctl	r4, FCW			/ Save interrupt state
	di	VI
	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rh1		/ Start segment #
	soutb	MMU+0x2000, rl1		/ Clear descriptor counter (in case)

	ld	r1, $MMU+0x0F00		/ command write descriptors and
	sotirb	(r1), (rr2), r0		/ increment

	test	r5
	JR	eq, 1f			/ branch if none to clear

	ldar	rr2, cseg		/ Clear segments
	ld	r1, $MMU+0x0E00		/ Write attribute and increment SAR
	sotirb	(r1), (rr2), r5		/
	ldctl	FCW, r4			/ Restore interrrupts

/ Clear segments descriptors with CPU inhibit
cseg:	.byte	0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04
	.byte	0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04
	.byte	0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04
	.byte	0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04
	.byte	0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04
	.byte	0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04

/ Get the values in the MMU.
/ getmmu(segno, nseg, p)
/ unsigned segno, nseg;
/ char *p;

	.globl	getmmu_

	ldl	rr0, args(1)		/ r0=segno, r1=nseg
	ldl	rr2, args(3)		/ pointer to returned data
	add	r1, r1			/ r1<<2 for ...
	add	r1, r1			/ sizeof table

	soutb	MMU+0x0100, rl0		/ Set segment # in MMU
	soutb	MMU+0x2000, rh0		/ Clear descriptor counter

	ld	r4, $MMU+0x0F00		/ command to read descriptors...
	sinirb	(rr2), (r4), r1		/ increment

/ Miscellaneous routines used by Coherent

/ Return the high order half of a*b.  Used
/ in scaling the profile data.
/ pscale(a, b)
/ unsigned a, b;
	.globl	pscale_

pscale_:				/[FIX]
	ld	r1, args(1)		/ a
	mult	rr0, args(2)		/ a*b
	ld	r1, r0			/ return high half

/ Wait for next interrupt.
/ This is where Coherent lives most
/ of the time.
	.globl	_idle_

	ei	VI

/ System data area


/ Initial code that gets /etc/init
/ running in user mode.  This is
/ in data space because it gets
/ copied into the user space later.
	.globl	icodep_, icodes_

	subl	rr0, rr0		/ NULL pointer
	pushl	(sp), rr0
	ld	r2, $USEG		/ Segment #
	ld	r3, $argv-icode
	pushl	(sp), rr2
	ld	r3, $file-icode
	pushl	(sp), rr2
	pushl	(sp), rr0		/ PC of routine
	sys	11		/ exec
	.word	0xE8FF		/ jr	. [BN!!]

argv:	.word	USEG, file-icode
	.long	0

file:	.ascii	"/etc/init"
	.byte	0
icodep_:	.long	icode
icodes_:	.word	icend-icode

	.globl	ddtregp_, depth_
ddtregp_: .blkl	1			/ SP for finding registers
depth_:	.word	0			/ Stack depth (whether user or sys)