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⟦5c0403089⟧ TextFile

    Length: 7179 (0x1c0b)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: UNIX file
    Names: »BTST1.2«, »btst.c«


└─⟦f27320a65⟧ Bits:30001972 Commodore 900 hard disk image with partial source code
    └─⟦2d53db1df⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »frankh/src/BTST1.2« 
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »frankh/src/btst.c« 


 *	Production burn in. fah  06/25/85
#include	<sys/timeb.h>
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<time.h>
#include	<sys/stat.h>
#include	<access.h>

#define VERS  "1.2"
#define BLKSIZ 512

 * 31001A04  A badblk	int
 * 31001900  A errors	int
 * 31001696  A pass	unsigned int
 * 310016D8  A timeouts	int
 * These variables were set by the driver, WDSCAN. Note that a special
 * version of coherent (md.s) is required to access these locations. 
 * Normally segment 31 is system only. The special version of coherent
 * lowers the protection level of seg 31 to 0.
 * The variables are accessed using pointers.

#define PASS ((unsigned short *)(0x31001696L))
#define ERRORS ((unsigned short *)(0x31001900L))
#define BADBLK ((unsigned short *)(0x31001A04L))
#define TIMEOUTS ((unsigned short *)(0x310016D8L))

int 	*errors, *badblk, *timeouts, errsup;
long	bgblk, atol();
char	*itoa(), *ctime();

unsigned int *pass;
unsigned long	xrand();
unsigned char	buf[512];

extern unsigned char pattern[512];

struct timeb systime;

main(argc, argv)
char	*argv[];

	register unsigned int errcnt;
	unsigned int hderr, fderr;

	long	maxblk, blksiz;
	char	*dev, *num, *bufnum;

	FILE	*f1, *fopen();
	num = "          ";
	errsup = 0; errcnt = 0;

	pass = PASS;		/* set up pointers to driver data area	*/
	errors = ERRORS;
	badblk = BADBLK;
	timeouts = TIMEOUTS;

	printf("\nC900 Production Burnin - Disk Excerciser %s\n\n",VERS);

	printf("There are %d bad blocks on the hard disk.\n", *badblk);

 * If the file "/DATA.BURN" exists, error counts are read from there.
 * otherwise, they are initialized to 0 and the file is created.

	geterr(&hderr, &fderr);

	printf("Cumulative errors:\t%s\t%u\n", "/dev/hdall1", hderr);
	printf("\t\t\t%s\t%u\n\n", "/dev/fd1", fderr);

 	hderr += bang( "/dev/hdall1", 1L, 31000L, 100);
	fderr += bang( "/dev/fd1", 1510L, 2300L, 20);

	if ((f1 = fopen("/tmp/BURN.RESULT", "w")) == NULL)
		panic(" Can't open data file!\n");

	stwrite(f1, "Production Burnin.      Date:  ");


	stwrite(f1, ctime(&systime)); 
	stwrite(f1, "\n\n");

	erwrt(f1, "/dev/hdall1", hderr);
	erwrt(f1, "/dev/fd1", fderr);

	stwrite(f1, "\n");
	stwrite(f1, "Timeouts during format:\t\t");
	stwrite(f1, itoa(*timeouts, num));
	stwrite(f1, "\n");

	stwrite(f1, "Bad blocks on hard disk:\t");
	stwrite(f1, itoa(*badblk, num));
	stwrite(f1, "\n\n");

	puterr(&hderr, &fderr);	/* write error file	*/


erwrt( file, dev, err)
char 	*dev;
int	err;
FILE	*file;
	char	*num;
	num = "            ";

	stwrite(file, "Device:\t");
	stwrite(file, dev);
	stwrite(file, "\tDisk errors:  ");
	stwrite(file, itoa(err, num));
	stwrite(file, "\n");

 * write a character string to a file.

stwrite(fd, strng)
FILE *fd;
char *strng;
register int i;

	for (i = 0; strng[i] != 0; ++i)
		if (putc(strng[i], fd) == EOF)
			panic("stwrite: bad file write!\n");

 * block write
bwrite(fdo, blk, db)
long blk, lseek();
unsigned char *db;
register int fdo;

	lseek(fdo, blk*512L, 0);
	if (write(fdo, db, BLKSIZ) != BLKSIZ)
		printf("btst: bwrite:  Bad write!\n");

 * block read
bread(fdi, blk, db)
long blk, lseek();
unsigned char *db;
register int fdi;
	lseek(fdi, blk*512L, 0);
	if (read(fdi, db, BLKSIZ) != BLKSIZ)
		printf("btst: bread:  Bad read!\n");

unsigned long 
xrand(min, max)
unsigned long min, max;
unsigned long try, t, y;
unsigned int rfact;
	try = 0;
	rfact = max / 32767L + 1L;
	while ((min > try)  || (try > max)) {
		try = rand() * rfact;

	printf("btst: %r", &x);

register unsigned char *spot;
	register unsigned int count;

	for (count = 0; count < 512; ++count)
		*spot++ = pattern[count];
/*		*spot++ = pattern[(seedy+count)&511];
	++seedy;	*/

register unsigned char *spot;
	register unsigned int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 512; ++i)
		*spot++ = 0;

check(spot, bn)
register unsigned char *spot;
long bn;
	register int count;
	register int err = 0;
	register int loopc;

	for (count = 0; count < 512; ++count)
		if (*spot++ != pattern[count]) { 
/*		if (*spot++ != pattern[(seedy+count)&511]) { */

/*				*--spot, pattern[(seedy+count)&511], */
			eprintf("data err %x != %x ofs=%u b=%u\n",
				*--spot, pattern[count],
				count, (int)bn);
			eprintf("disk: ");
			for (loopc = -5; loopc <= 5; ++loopc)
				eprintf("%x ", spot[loopc]);
			eprintf("\nreal: ");
			for (loopc = count-5; loopc <= count+5; ++loopc)
				eprintf("%x ", pattern[loopc]);
/*				eprintf("%x ", pattern[(seedy+loopc)&511]); */
/*	seedy++;		*/
	return (err);

eprintf(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o)
	if (errsup)
	printf(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o);

 *  Convert interger to ascii string ( leading zeros )
 *  five places.
char *itoa(in, strng)
unsigned int in;
char *strng;
register int i;
unsigned int p;
	p = 10000;
	strng[0] = 32; 		/* lead off with a blank	*/
	for(i = 1; i != 6; ++i) {
		strng[i] = in / p + 0x30;
		in = in - ( in / p ) * p;
		p = p / 10;

bang( dev, sblk, eblk, count)
char 	*dev;
unsigned long sblk,eblk;
int	count;
register int i, fdi, fdo, err;
register long blk;

/*	printf("btst: bang: %s %U %U %u \n", dev, sblk, eblk, count); */ 

	err = 0;
	if ((fdi = open(dev, 0)) < 0)
		panic("can't open input device\n");
	if ((fdo = open(dev, 1)) < 0)
		panic("can't open output device\n");

	printf("btst: testing:\t%s\n", dev);
	for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
		blk = xrand(sblk, eblk);   /* generate random block number */
		bwrite(fdo, blk, pattern); /* write the block with pattern */
		clr( buf);		/* clear buffer	*/
		bread(fdi, blk, buf);	/* read it back	*/
		if (check(buf, sblk))	/* see if ok	*/
	printf("btst: device:\t%s\terrors this pass:\t%u\n", dev, err);


 * read or create error file
geterr( er0, er1)
unsigned int *er0, *er1;

register int	fd;
unsigned char	*tmp;
long	lseek();

	tmp = "             ";

	if (access("/tmp/DATA.BURN", AWRITE)) {
		creat("/tmp/DATA.BURN", S_IFREG | S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
		*er0 = 0;
		*er1 = 0;

	if ((fd = open("/tmp/DATA.BURN", 0)) < 0)
		panic("btst: geterr: Can't open file!\n");

	lseek(fd, 6L, 0);	/* get first number	*/

	if (read(fd, tmp, 6) != 6)
		panic("geterr: bad read\n");
	*er1 = atoi(tmp);

	lseek(fd, 0L, 0);	/* get second number	*/
	if (read(fd, tmp, 6) != 6)
		panic("geterr: bad read\n");
	*er0 = atoi(tmp);

puterr( er0, er1)
unsigned int *er0, *er1;

register int	fd;
unsigned char	*tmp;
long	lseek();

	tmp = "             ";

	if (access("/tmp/DATA.BURN", AWRITE)) {
		creat("/tmp/DATA.BURN", S_IFREG | S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
		printf("puterr: WARNING: Created DATA.BURN!\n");

	if ((fd = open("/tmp/DATA.BURN", 1)) < 0)
		panic("puterr: Can't open file!\n");
	lseek(fd, 0L, 0);
	tmp = itoa(*er0, tmp);
	if (write(fd, tmp, 6) != 6)
		panic("puterr: write error\n");

	lseek(fd, 6L, 0);
	tmp = itoa(*er1, tmp);
	if (write(fd, tmp, 6) != 6)
		panic("puterr: write error\n");	
