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⟦69a35e612⟧ TextFile

    Length: 19066 (0x4a7a)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: UNIX file
    Names: »units«


└─⟦eafc30061⟧ Bits:30001199 Commodore 900 hard disk image
    └─⟦8281d0872⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦294235107⟧ »vol3.fd« UNIX Filesystem
            └─ ⟦this⟧ »usr/lib/units« 
└─⟦f27320a65⟧ Bits:30001972 Commodore 900 hard disk image with partial source code
    └─⟦2d53db1df⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »lib/units« 
└─⟦eafc30061⟧ Bits:30001199 Commodore 900 hard disk image
    └─⟦5ec4c54f2⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »usr/lib/units« 


# source:
#	36th Edition Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (1955-56),
#	Chemical Rubber Publishing Co.
metre			!0
gramme			!1
second			!2
coulomb			!3
radian			!4
bit			!5
unitedstatesdollar	!6
sheet			!7
candle			!8
kelvin			!9
copperpiece		!10

# important constants
approx			1
pi			approx 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972
exp			approx 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572
gamma			approx 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310422
phi			approx 1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203
%			1/100
percent			%

# distance
meter			metre
m			meter
cm			centimeter
mm			millimeter
km			kilometer
micron			1e-4 cm
inch			100/3937 meter
inches			inch
in			inch
foot			12 inches
feet			foot
ft			foot
yard			3 feet
yd			yard
rod			5.5 yards
pole			rod
perch			rod
mile			320 rods
mi			mile
mil			.001 inch
hand			4 inches
span			9 inches
fathom			6 feet
link			1/25 rods
chain			4 rods
surveyerschain		chain
gunterschain		chain
engineerschain		100 ft
ramsdenschain		engineerschain
nauticalmile		approx 1.1516 mi
ligne			.225583 cm
pouce			12 lignes
pied			12 pouces
toise			6 pieds
parisline		ligne
parisinch		pouce
parisfoot		pied
point			1/72 inch
line			6 points
pica			12 points

# area
are			1 dekameter+2
centare			centiare
hectare			hectoare
rood			40 rod+2
acre			4 roods

# volume
cc			cm+3
litre			1000 cc			# open to dispute
liter			litre
l			litre
ml			millilitre
stere			m+3
boardfoot		1 ft+2 inch
cord			128 ft+3

# US liquid measure
minim			.0616102 millilitres
fluiddram		60 minims
fluidounce		8 fluiddrams
gill			4 fluidounces
cup			2 gills
tablespoon		1/16 cup
teaspoon		1/3 tablespoon
pint			2 cups
quart			2 pints
gallon			4 quarts
firkin			9 gallons
hogshead		63 gallons
tun			252 gallons
floz			fluidounce
fldr			fluiddram
qt			quart
gal			gallon
tsp			teaspoon
tbsp			tablespoon

# US dry measure
drypint			.550599 litre
dryquart		2 drypints
peck			4 dryquarts
bushel			4 pecks

# British fluid and dry measure (are these really the same?)
brgill			1.4206 deciliter
brpint			4 brgill
brcup			2/5 brpint
brfluidounce		1/8 brcup
brtablespoon		1/16 brcup
brteaspoon		1/3 brtablespoon
brquart			2 brpint
pottle			2 brquart
brgallon		2 pottle
brfirkin		9 brgallon
brpeck			2 brgallon
brbushel		4 brpeck
brquarter		8 brbushel
brfloz			brfluidounce
brtbsp			brtablespoon
brtsp			brteaspoon
brqt			brquart
brgal			brgallon

# mass
gram			gramme
mg			milligram
g			gram
kg			kilogram
grain			.064798918 g

# avoirdupois
pound			7000 grain
ounce			1/16 pound
dram			1/16 ounce
hundredweight		100 pounds
ton			20 hundredweight
stone			14 pounds
quarter			2 stone
longhundredweight	4 quarters
longton			20 longhundredweight
gr			grain
dr			dram
oz			ounce
lb			pound
cwt			hundredweight

# troy
pennyweight		24 grains
troyounce		20 pennyweight
troypound		12 troyounce
oldcarat		3.168 grains		# replaced by the metric carat
dwt			pennyweight
ozt			troyounce
lbt			troypound

# apothecaries'
scruple			20 grains
apothecariesdram	3 scruples
apothecariesounce	8 apothecariesdrams
apothecariespound	12 apothecariesounces
drap			apothecariesdram
ozap			apothecariesounce
lbap			apothecariespound

# time
minute			60 seconds
hour			60 minutes
day			24 hours
year			approx 365.2422 days
leapyear		366 days
lunarmonth		approx 42524.047 minutes
siderialsecond		.997270 seconds
sec			second
min			minute
hr			hour
yr			year
mo			lunarmonth
month			lunarmonth

# angles
degree			pi/180 radians
arcminute		1/60 degrees
arcsecond		1/60 arcminutes
circumference		360 degrees
grade			1/400 circumference
centesimalminute	1/100 grade
centesimalsecond	1/100 centesimalminute
deg			degree
turn			2 pi radians

# solid angle
steradian		square radian
sphere			4 pi steradians
entirespace		4 pi steradians
sphericalrightangle	1/8 sphere
squaredegree		3.0462e-4 steradian

# electrical and magnetic
electron		1.6021917e-19 coulomb
e			electron
ampere			coulomb/second
amp			ampere
watt			kg m+2/sec+3
volt			watt/ampere
ohm			volt/ampere
megohm			megaohm
microhm			microohm
kilohm			kiloohm
mho			1/ohm
seimen			mho
farad			coulomb/volt
henry			volt sec/ampere
weber			volt sec
maxwell			1e-8 weber
gauss			maxwell / cm+2
gilbert			.79577472 ampere turn
oersted			gilbert/cm

# temperature
rankine			1.8 kelvin

# pdp-11
nibble			4 bits
nybble			nibble
byte			2 nibbles
word			2 bytes
block			256 words
sector			block
rptrack			22 sectors
rpcylinder		19 rptracks
rpdisk			411 rpcylinders		# rp04
bigrpdisk		815 rpcylinders		# rp06
k			1024
kilobyte		k bytes
kiloword		k words
megabyte		k kilobytes
megaword		k kilowords

# light
lambert			1/pi candle/sq cm
footlambert		1/pi candle/sq ft
bougiedecimale		approx .1 candle
lumen			candle steradian
carcelunit		9.6 candle
englishspermcandle	approx 1 candle
footcandle		lumen/sq ft
lux			lumen/sq m
phot			1e4 lux
hefnerunit		approx .90 candle
pentanecandle		approx 1 candle
stilb			candle/sq cm

# Foreign Exchange
# from The Wall Street Journal, Friday, October 10, 1980, page 40.
dollar			unitedstatesdollar
$			dollar
cent			$.01
buck			dollar
argentinepeso		$0.000052
australiandollar	$1.1765
austrianschilling	$0.0783
belgianfranc		$0.03427
braziliancruzeiro	$0.01808
britishpound		$2.4030
canadiandollar		$0.8588
chineseyuan		$0.6767
colombianpeso		$0.0216
danishkrone		$0.1797
ecuadoriansucre		$0.0375
finnmarkka		$0.2742
frenchfranc		$0.2393
greekdrachma		$0.02331
hongkongdollar		$0.1992
indianrupee		$0.1286
indonesianrupiah	$0.0016
irishpound		$2.0875
israelishekel		$0.1689
italianlira		$0.001163
japaneseyen		$0.003701
lebanesepound		$0.2886
malaysianringgit	$0.4715
mexicanpeso		$0.0434
dutchguilder		$0.5100
newzealanddollar	$0.9815
norwegiankrone		$0.2049
pakistanirupee		$0.1016
peruviansol		$0.0037
philippinepeso		$0.1360
portugeseescudo		$0.0199
arabianriyal		$0.3012
singaporedollar		$0.4766
southafricanrand	$1.3322
southkoreanwon		$0.00167
spanishpeseta		$0.01352
swedishkrona		$0.2403
swissfranc		$0.6119
taiwandollar		$0.6767
thaibaht		$0.05
uruguayannewpeso	$0.1147
venezuelanbolivar	$0.2358
westgermanmark		$0.5545
schilling		austrianschilling
cruzeiro		braziliancruzeiro
yuan			chineseyuan
krone			danishkrone
sucre			ecuadoriansucre
markka			finnmarkka
drachma			greekdrachma
rupee			indianrupee
rupiah			indonesianrupiah
shekel			israelishekel
lira			italianlira
yen			japaneseyen
ringgit			malaysianringgit
peso			mexicanpeso
guilder			dutchguilder
sol			peruviansol
escudo			portugeseescudo
riyal			arabianriyal
rand			southafricanrand
won			southkoreanwon
peseta			spanishpeseta
krona			swedishkrona
franc			frenchfranc
fr			franc
sfr			swissfranc
baht			thaibaht
mark			westgermanmark

# D&D money
silverpiece		10 copperpieces
goldpiece		20 silverpieces
electrumpiece		2 goldpieces
platinumpiece		5 goldpieces
gp			goldpiece
sp			silverpiece
cp			copperpiece
ep			electrumpiece
pp			platinumpiece

# miscellaneous
angstrom		1e-10 m
au			1.49504e8 km
bag			3 bushels
barleycorn		1/3 inch
barrel			31.5 gal
bbl			barrel
drybarrel		105 dryquarts
brbarrel		36 brgal
bolt			120 ft
bucket			4 brgallon
butt			126 brgallon
cablelength		720 ft
carat			.2 gram
ct			carat
cental			100 lb
chaldron		36 bushels
brchaldron		32 brbushels
circle			2 pi radians
circularinch		pi/4 inch+2
circularmil		pi/4 mil+2
circularmillimeter	pi/4 mm+2
circularmm		circularmillimeter
clove			8 lb
customarystone		clove
coomb			4 brbushels
cordfoot		1/8 cord
cordfeet		cordfoot
cdft			cordfoot
dalton			1.650e-24 gram
amu			1.660531e-24 gram
siderialday		approx 8.6164e4 sec
drachm			60 minims
ell			45 inches
em			pica
furlong			40 rods
knot			nauticalmile/hr
nail			2.25 in
noggin			1/32 brgallon
pace			30 in
palm			3 in
parsec			3.08374e13 km
masonryperch		24.75 ft+3
puncheon		84 gallon
quadrant		90 deg
longquarter		1/4 longton
quartercapacity		8 brbushels
linearquarter		1/4 yard
quartermass		1/4 longhundredweight
dryquartern		1/2 brgallon
liquidquartern		1/32 brgallon
quintal			100 kg
quire			25 sheets
ream			20 quires
registerton		100 ft+3
revolution		360 degrees
rodvolume		1000 ft+3
rope			20 ft
sack			3 brbushels
seam			8 brbushels
sign			30 degrees
skein			360 ft
slug			32.174 lbs
geepound		slug
strike			2 bushels
tonne			1000 kg
metricton		tonne
millier			tonne
township		36 mi+2
week			7 days
fortnight		2 weeks
wey			40 bushels
weymass			252 pounds
rpm			revolution/minute
light			2.9979250e8 m/sec
c			light
lightyear		light year
gravity			9.80665 m/sec+2
gee			gravity
weight			gravity
force			gravity
demal			g/decimeter+3
water			1 g/cc force
mercury			13.5951 g/cc force
pascal			kg/m+2
psi			lb/sq in
hg			mercury
torr			mm hg
karat			1/24
minersinch		1.2 ft+3/min
dyne			g cm/sec+2
newton			1e5 dynes
nt			newton
poundal			ft lb/sec+2
atmosphere		760 mm hg
bar			1e6 dyne/cm+2
barye			dyne/cm+2
joule			watt sec
erg			1e-7 joule
britishthermalunit	1054.8 joules
btu			britishthermalunit
centigradethermalunit	1898.3 joules
ctu			centigradethermalunit
chevalvapeurheure	2.6478e6 joules
calorie			4.186 joules
cal			calorie
kcal			kilocal
megalerg		1e6 erg
chevalvapeur		736 watts
forcedecheval		chevalvapeur
horsepower		.74570 kilowatts
poise			gram/cm/sec
stoke			poise cc/gram
rhe			1/poise
proof			1/200
h			6.626196e-34 joule sec	# Planck's constant
mole			6.022169e23		# Avogadro's number
faraday			mole e
xunit			1.0020764 angstrom
barn			1e-24 cm+2
shed			.01 barn
league			3 mi
last			640 brgallon
ev			electron volt
kilderkin		18 brgallons
reyn			6.89476e6 centipoise
solarmass		1.991e30 kg
earthmass		5.979e24 kg
lunarmass		7.3544e22 kg
earthradius		6371.315 km
electronmass		9.109558e-28 g
protonmass		1.672614e-24 g
neutronmass		1.674920e-24 g
alpha			1/137.03602		# fine structure constant
R			8.31434 joules/kelvin	# gas law constant
G			6.6732e-11 nt m+2 kg-2	# gravitational constant
rhydbergconstant	1.09737312e7 m-1
bohrradius		5.2917715e-11 m
electronradius		alpha+2 bohrradius
bolzmansconstant	1.380622e-23 joules/kelvin
stephanbolzmansconstant	5.66961e-8 watt kelvin+4/m+2
choppin			1/2 pint
# Principle foreign weights and measures,
# from 11th ed. Encyclopaedia Britannica
almude			16.8 litre		# Portugal
anoman			5.60 brbushel		# Ceylon
ammomam			anoman
amomam			anoman
khat			1 cm			# Turkey
parmak			10 khat
archin			10 parmak
mill			1000 archin
pharoagh		10 mills
ardeb			5.447 brbushel		# Egypt
arpent			100 sq perch		# France
arroba			14.68 kg		# Portugal
artaba			1.809 brbushel		# Persia
aune			4 ft			# Jersey
barilo			12.834 brgallon		# Rome
bat			234 grains		# Siam
tical			bat
behar			439.45 lb		# Arabia
berri			1.084 mi		# Turkey
boisseau		15 litre		# Belgium
boutylka		1.353 brpint		# Russia
braca			2.22 m			# Portugal
braccio			.670 m			# Spain
bracciodara		29.528 in		# Rome
brasse			5.328 ft		# France
braza			5.682 ft		# Argentina
bu			3.0306 sq m		# Japan
tsubo			bu
bunder			2.471 acres		# Netherlands
cabot			139 brgills		# Jersey
pot			1/10 cabot
candy			560 lb			# Bombay
cantar			124.7 lb		# Turkey
cantarapiccolo		74.771 lb		# Italy
capicha			.58 brgallon		# Persia
cawnie			1.322 acre		# Madras
centner			50 kilogram		# Austria, Denmark, Switzerland
ch'ih			1.175 ft		# China
pu			5 ch'ih
chang			10 ch'ih
chapah			9/5 lb			# N. Borneo
chek			117/8 in		# Hong Kong
chenica			.289 brgallon		# Persia
ch'ien			58.5 grains		# China
ching			121 sq ft		# China
ch'ing			72600 sq ft		# China
tola			180 grains		# Bengal
chittack		5 tola
ch'ok			7.75 in			# Korea
chuo			1815 sq ft		# China
chupah			1.66 brpint		# Singapore
chupak			1 brquart		# Straits Settlements
collothun		1.809 brgallon		# Persia
coss			1.136 meter		# Bengal
covado			.66 meter		# Portugal
covid			18 in			# Madras, Bombay, Siam
covido			approx 18 in		# Arabia
greatcovido		27 in
cuartillo		.504 liter		# Spain
drycuartillo		1.16 liter		# Spain
daktylon		1 cm			# Greece
daribah			43.58 brbushel		# Egypt
deciatina		2.7 acres		# Russia
sagene			1/2400 deciatina
denaro			18.17 grains		# Rome
deunam			are			# Turkey
diraa			27 in			# Egypt
draa			diraa
pic			diraa
dirhem			1.761 dram		# Egypt
djerib			hectare			# Turkey
dolia			.686 grain		# Russia
dola			dolia
zolotnick		96 dolia
drachme			1 gram			# Greece
ducat			53.873 grains		# Vienna
duim			1 cm			# Netherlands
eimer			12.448 brgallons	# Austria
el			1 meter			# Netherlands
ella			1 yard			# N. Borneo
endaseh			approx 25 in		# Egypt
hindazi			endaseh
faltche			1.4322 hectare		# Moldavia
fanega			3.773 brbushel		# Argentina
farn			11.43 cm
cognel			4 farns
fass			1 hectolitre		# Germany
feddan			1.028 acre		# Egypt
fen			5.83 grains		# China
fjerdingkar		.9564 brbushel		# Denmark
fod			1.0297 foot		# Denmark
foglietto		.8 brpint		# Rome
fot			11.689 in		# Sweden
stong			10 fot
ref			10 stong
founte			.90282 lb		# Russia
funt			founte
livre			founte
foute			1 ft			# Russia
frasco			21/8 litre		# Argentina
fuss			1.037 ft		# Vienna
gantang			32 brgallon		# Straits Settlements
garnetz			.3607 brpeck		# Russia
go			180.39 cc		# Japan
grano			.757 grain		# Rome
grao			.768 grain		# Portugal
grein			.065 gram		# Netherlands
hat'h			18 in			# Bengal, Bombay
moolum			hat'h
hiyakame		5797.198 grains		# Japan
hiyakkin		132.5 lb		# Japan
hu			approx 12.5 brgallons	# China
immi			1.5 litre		# Switzerland
joch			1.422 acre		# Austria-Hungary
kaima			.576 brgallon		# Sweden
kanne			1/4 kaima
kanna			kanne
kan			4/3 lb			# Hong Kong
rotl			.990492 lb		# Egypt
kantar			100 rotl
cantaro			kantar
batman			6.5 lb			# Persia
karwar			100 batman
kassabah		3.8824 yards		# Egypt
kati			4/3 lb			# China, Straits Settlements
gin			kati
ken			5.965 ft		# Japan
kerat			9/8 in			# Turkey
kette			10.936 yd		# Germany
ellen			1/14.994 kette		# Germany
keu			40 in			# Siam
kile			8 brgal			# Cyprus
killow			.97 brbushel		# Turkey
kin			.601 kg			# Japan, China
klafter			2.0740 yd		# Austria
koddi			1.67 brgal		# Arabia
koilon			1 hectolitre		# Greece
koku			4.9629 brbushel		# Japan
gall			1/39.7033 koku		# Japan
to			3.9703 galls		# Japan
kon			4/3 lb			# Corea
korntonde		138.97 litres		# Norway
korntopmaal		160 litres		# Norway
korrel			1 decigram		# Netherlands
kotyle			1 decilitre		# Greece
kouza			9 brquart		# Cyprus
koyan			16000/3 lb		# Straits Settlements
krina			12.8 litres		# Bulgaria
kung			78.96 in		# China
kup			10 in			# Siam
momme			.008281 lb		# Japan
kwan			1000 momme		# Japan
kuwan			kwan
kyat			.03652 lb		# Burma
lak't			.650 metre		# Bulgaria
leang			1750/3 grain		# China
lckha			229.83 sq m		# Bulgaria
li			360 pu			# China
liang			4/3 oz			# China
chin			16 liang		# China
catty			chin
libbra			.7477 lb		# Italy
libra			1.0127 lb		# Argentina
arratel			1.012 lb		# Portugal
liniia			.1 inch			# Russia
archine			280 liniias		# Russia
mystra			1/100 litre		# Greece
litra			100 mystra		# Greece
litro			1 litre			# Spain, Italy
apothecarieslivre	11.5204 troyounces	# Russia
livrepoids		.4895 kg		# France
maass			1.245 brquart		# Austria
maatze			1 decilitre		# Netherlands
mace			175/3 grains		# China
mahud			2.04 lb			# Arabia
maik			13/2 inches		# Burmah
cubit			3 maik			# Burmah
marc			.2448 kg		# France
onca			229.5/8 gram		# Portugal
marco			8 onca			# Portugal
metro			metre			# Spain, Italy
metz			1.691 brbushel		# Austria
miglio			.925 mile		# Rome
mijle			kilometer		# Netherlands
milha			1.296 mile		# Portugal
mille			1.949 kilometre		# France
miscal			71 grains		# Persia
mkono			45.72 centimetres	# East Africa
mna			3/2 kg			# Greece
oka			1/1.72 mna		# Greece
morgen			.631 acre		# Denmark, Norway, Prussia
mou			806.65 sq yd		# China
mud			1 hectolitre		# Netherlands
nin			10/12 in		# Siam
obolos			1 decigram		# Greece
ock			1 kg			# Turkey
octavillo		.29 litre		# Spain
oitavo			1.730 litre		# Portugal
oke			1.28 litre		# Bulgaria
once			30.59 gram		# France
oncia			436.165 grain		# Rome
onze			1 hectogramme		# Netherlands
onzen			onze			# Netherlands
pond			10 onzen		# Netherlands
packen			1083.382 lb		# Russia
palamo			1 decimetre		# Greece
palmo			.22 metre		# Portugal
para			90 lb			# N. Borneo
parah			5.59 brpints		# Ceylon
po			1/3 meter		# Portugal
pecheuse		1/1.543 m		# Greece
pecul			400/3 lb		# China
guz			3.88/6000 mi		# Persia
persakh			6000 guz		# Persia
parasang		persakh			# Persia
loth			.615 oz			# Germany
unze			2 loth			# Germany
unzen			unze			# Germany
pfund			16 unzen		# Germany
picki			.648 m			# Greece
pie			11.73 in		# Rome
piedeburgos		11.13 in		# Spain
pounce			1.181 in		# Belgium
piedderoi		.3248 m			# France
perche			22 sq piedderoi		# France
pipe			126 brgallon		# Gilbraltar
poidedemare		.2448 kilogram		# France
polegada		27.77 mm		# Portugal
apothecariespond	375 gram		# Netherlands
paegle			.425 brpint		# Denmark
poud			36 lb			# Russia
pood			poud			# Russia
puddee			2.89 brpint		# Madras
pulgada			.927 in			# Spain
pund			500 gram		# Denmark
quarto			2.024 brbushel		# Rome
quintale		quintal			# Italy
ratel			1.014 lb		# Persia
rattel			17.219 lb		# Arabia
rottle			rattel			# Arabia
ri			2.440 mi		# Japan
rode			3.762 m			# Denmark
roede			1 dekametre		# Netherlands
rottolo			rotl			# Egypt
rottol			2.513 brpint		# Turkey
rubbio			1.012 brquarter		# Spain
scheffel		50 litres		# Germany
schepel			1 dekalitre		# Netherlands
schoppen		1/2 litre		# Germany
se			118.615 sq yd		# Japan
seer			72/35 lb		# India
passerce		5 seer			# Bengal
maund			40 seer			# India
seidel			.6224 brpint		# Austria
sen			44.4 mi			# Siam
ser			1 litre			# India
shaku			.3 metre		# Japan
sheng			1.813 brpint		# China
shih			160 lb			# China
shoo			1.804 litre		# Japan
skaalpund		435.076 grams		# Sweden
skeppe			17.39 litre		# Denmark
skjeppe			17.37 litre		# Norway
stab			1 metre			# Germany
stadron			1 km			# Greece
stero			stere			# Italy
streepe			1 mm			# Holland
stremma			1 are			# Greece
strich			1 mm			# Germany
striche			.3 mm			# Switzerland
stunde			4.8 km			# Switzerland
stunden			stunde			# Switzerland
stunder			5 stunden		# Switzerland
zer			73/2 in			# Persia
zoll			.3 decimetre		# Switzerland
sultchek		parmak+3		# Turkey
sung			4 lb			# Corea
tael			10 momme		# Japan
hoon			4/300 oz		# Straits Settlements
chee			10 hoon			# Straits Settlements
tahil			10 chee			# Straits Settlements
tam			400/3 lb		# Hong Kong
tan			25 brgal		# China
tang			2 mi			# Burma
tangsun			10 li			# China
tank			1225/72 grains		# Bombay
pice			72/30 tanks		# Bombay
tcharka			.866 brgill		# Russia
tchetverik		.7215 brbushels		# Russia
tcheverte		8 tchetveriks		# Russia
teng			2218.2 cu in		# Burma
thanan			1.5 brpint		# Siam
thangsat		4.688 brgallon		# Siam
tonde			131.392 litres		# Denmark
drytonde		139.121 litres		# Denmark
tonnelada		793.15 kg		# Portugal
tonos			29.526 cwt		# Greece
tou			approx 18 brpint	# China
tovar			128.2 kg		# Bulgaria
t'sun			1.41 inch		# China
tu			100.142 mi		# China
vara			33 in			# Spain
vat			1 hectolitre		# Holland
schtoff			.27056 litres		# Russia
vedro			10 schtoff		# Russia
verchok			1.75 in			# Russia
verst			.66288 mi		# Russia
versta			verst			# Russia
vierkanteroede		are			# Holland
viertel			1.7 brgallon		# Denmark
viss			511/140 lb		# Rangoon
wa			80 in			# Siam
wigtje			1 gram			# Netherlands
wisse			stere			# Netherlands
mexicoyard		838 cm			# Mexico
zac			hectolitre		# Netherlands
doli			65.8306/96 grains	# Russia
zolotnik		96 doli			# Russia