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Commodore CBM-900

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Commodore CBM-900

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⟦9a8c24285⟧ TextFile

    Length: 6140 (0x17fc)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: UNIX file
    Names: »tmac.s«


└─⟦eafc30061⟧ Bits:30001199 Commodore 900 hard disk image
    └─⟦8281d0872⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦294235107⟧ »vol3.fd« UNIX Filesystem
            └─ ⟦this⟧ »usr/lib/tmac.s« 
└─⟦f27320a65⟧ Bits:30001972 Commodore 900 hard disk image with partial source code
    └─⟦2d53db1df⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »lib/tmac.s« 
└─⟦eafc30061⟧ Bits:30001199 Commodore 900 hard disk image
    └─⟦5ec4c54f2⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »usr/lib/tmac.s« 


.\" /usr/lib/tmac.s 11/14/83 V1.4
.\" COHERENT manuscript nroff macro package
.\" Copyright (c) 1981, 1982, 1983 by Mark Williams Company, Chicago.
.\" All rights reserved.  May not be copied or disclosed without permission.
.		\" Service macros
.de It		\" Done at initialisation
.po 1i		\" Use .po 18 for the Snake.
.wh 0 Hd
.nr Ft 0-\\n(FM
.wh -\\n(FMu Fo
.wh -\\n(FMu Fx
.nr Ps \\n(PS
.ta 5n 10n 15n 20n 25n 30n 35n 40n 45n 50n 55n 60n 65n 70n 75n 80n 85n 90n
.ds Xx **GOK**
.if \n(mo=1 .ds Xx January
.if \n(mo=2 .ds Xx February
.if \n(mo=3 .ds Xx March
.if \n(mo=4 .ds Xx April
.if \n(mo=5 .ds Xx May
.if \n(mo=6 .ds Xx June
.if \n(mo=7 .ds Xx July
.if \n(mo=8 .ds Xx August
.if \n(mo=9 .ds Xx September
.if \n(mo=10 .ds Xx October
.if \n(mo=11 .ds Xx November
.if \n(mo=12 .ds Xx December
.ds Ds "\\*(Xx \\n(dy, 19\\n(yr"
.de Rt		\" Reset everything to normal state
.ce 0
.if \\n(Di \{\
.nr Di 0
. \}
.ps \\n(Ps
.vs \\n(VSu
.ft R
.if \\n(Il \{\
.nr Il 0
.in -\\n(Iku
. \}
.if \\n(Qn \{\
.nr Qn -1
.in -\\n(Qdu
.ll +\\n(Qdu
. \}
.de Hd		\" Header trap
'nr PN \\n%
'sp \\n(HMu/2u-1v
'sp \\n(HMu/2u
'if \\n(Kf \{\
'nr Kf 0
'ev 1
'rm Kd
. \}
.nr Fn 0	\" Clear footnote count
.ch Fo -\\n(FMu
.if \\n(Fh .Fv	\" And put out overflow
.de Fo		\" Footer trap
.nr dn 0
.if \\n(Fn \{\
.ev 1
.rm Fn
.	if "\\n(.z"Fe" .di
.nr Fn 0
.if \\n(dn .nr Fh 1
. \}
'sp \\n(FMu/2u
.de CO
.de II		\" Index invisible
.tm \\$1=\\n%
.de IV		\" Index visible
.II "\\$1"
.de CD		\" Centered display
.ce 10000
.de LD		\" Left display
.de ID		\" Indented display
.in +.5i
.nr Bi 1
.de BD		\" Block centered display
.nr Bd 1
.		\" Paragraphing macros
.de PP		\" Start new paragraph
.sp \\n(PDu
.ne 5
.ti \\n(PIu
.de LP		\" Left paragraph
.ne 5
.de IP
.if \\n(.$>1 .nr Ik \\$2n
.nr Il 1
.in +\\n(Iku
.ti -\\n(Iku
.de QS		\" Start quoted paragraph
.nr Qn	10000
.in +\\n(Qdu
.ll -\\n(Qdu
.de QP		\" Quoted paragraph
.nr Qn 1
.de QE		\" End quoted paragraph
.nr Qn 0
.de RS		\" Start relative indent
.in +\\n(Iku
.de RE		\" End relative indent
.in -\\n(Iku
.		\" Formats
.de TM		\" Technical memorandum
.tm Bell System Technical Memos not supported.
.de RP		\" Released paper
.tm RP format ignored (for now)
.		\" Title page and headings
.de TL		\" Main title
.nr Di 1	\" Diverted
.di Tl
.ce 1000
.ps \\n(PS+2
.ft B
.de AU		\" Author
.if !\\n(Di .da Tl
.nr Di 1
.ce 1000
.ps \\n(PS
.ft R
.de AI		\" Author's institution
.if !\\n(Di .da Tl
.nr Di 1
.ce 1000
.ps \\n(PS
.ft R
.de AB		\" Begin abstract
.if \\n(Di \{\
.ce 0
.ps \\n(PS
.ft R
.nr Di 0
. \}
.ll -.5i
.in +.5i
.de AE		\" End abstract
.ll +.5i
.in -.5i
.sp .5i
.ce 1000
.ce 0
.sp .5i
.de ND		\" New (or No) Date
.ds Ds \\$1
.de DA		\" Supply date
.ds Ds \\$1
.de SH		\" Sub-heading
.ft B
.de NH		\" Numbered section heading
.ft B
.nr Xx 1
.if \\n(.$>0 .nr Xx \\$1
.if \\n(Xx<5 .nr @5 0
.if \\n(Xx<4 .nr @4 0
.if \\n(Xx<3 .nr @3 0
.if \\n(Xx<2 .nr @2 0
.if \\n(Xx<1 .nr @1 0
.if \\n(Xx=0 .nr Xx 1
.if \\n(Xx>5 .tm NH level too large
.nr @\\n(Xx +1
.ds Yy \\n(@1
.if \\n(Xx=1 .as Yy .
.if \\n(Xx>1 .as Yy .\\n(@2
.if \\n(Xx>2 .as Yy .\\n(@3
.if \\n(Xx>3 .as Yy .\\n(@4
.if \\n(Xx>4 .as Yy .\\n(@5
.de PT		\" Page title
'tl '\\*(LT'\\*(CT'\\*(RT'
.de BT		\" Bottom title
'tl '\\*(LF'\\*(CF'\\*(RF'
.		\" Sizes and fonts
.de NL		\" Normal size
.if \\n(.$>0 \s\\n(Ps\\$1\s0
.if \\n(.$=0 .nr Ps \\n(Ps
.de SM		\" Smaller size
.if \\n(.$>0 \s-2\\$1\s0
.if \\n(.$=0 .nr Ps \\n(Ps-2
.de LG		\" Larger size
.if \\n(.$>0 \s+2\\$1\s0
.if \\n(.$=0 .nr Ps \\n(Ps+2
.de UL		\" Underline
.de B		\" Bold face font
.if \\n(.$>0 \\fB\\$1\\fP
.if \\n(.$=0 .ft B
.de I		\" Italic font
.if \\n(.$>0 \\fI\\$1\\fP
.if \\n(.$=0 .ft I
.de R		\" Roman font
.if \\n(.$>0 \\fR\\$1\\fP
.if \\n(.$=0 .ft R
.		\" Displays, keeps, equations, tables, etc.
.de BX		\" Draw a box
.de DM		\" Display monospace
.de DS		\" Display start
.if \\n(.$=0 .ds Xx LD
.if \\n(.$>0 .ds Xx \\$1D
.de DE		\" Display end
.ce 0
.nr Xx 0u
.if \\n(Bi \{\
.nr Xx -.5i
.nr Bi 0
. \}
.if \\n(Bd \{\
.nr Bd 0
.nr Xx (\\n(.lu-\\n(dlu)/2u
.in +\\n(Xxu
.da Kd
. \}
.in -\\n(Xxu
.de KS		\" Start keep
.nr Kf 0
.de KF		\" Start floating keep
.nr Kf 1
.de Ks		\" Internal version of KS/KF
.ev 1
.da Kd
.de KE		\" End keep
.if !\\n(Kf \{\
.if \\n(dn>=\\n(.t .bp
.rm Kd
. \}
.de TS		\" Table start
.tm No tables yet.
.de TE		\" Table end
.de EQ		\" Equation
.tm No equations yet.
.		\" Footnotes
.		\" Footnotes just generate [ footnote ] for now...
.de FS		\" Footnote start
.	\"da Fn
.	\"ev 1
.	\"ll \\n(FLu
.	\"if \\n+(Fn=1 .Fs
.	\"fi
.de FE		\" Footnote end
.	\"br
.	\"nr Fv \\n(.v
.	\"ev
.	\"di
.	\"nr Ft -\\n(dn
.	\"if \\n(Fn=1 .nr Ft -(\\n(.v-\\n(Fv)
.	\"ch Fo \\n(Ftu
.	\"if (\\n(nl+1v)>(\\n(.p+\\n(Ft) .ch Fo \\n(nlu+1v
.de Fs		\" Put out separator
.de Fv		\" Catch footnote overflow
.nr Fv 0
.de Fx		\" Divert extra stuff
.if \\n(Fn .di Fe
.		\" Other commands
.de TA		\" Set tabs in ens
.ta \\$1n \\$2n \\$3n \\$4n \\$5n \\$6n \\$7n \\$8n \\$9n
.		\" Numbers
.nr PS 10u	\" Default pointsize
.nr VS 12p	\" Vertical spacing
.nr LL 6i	\" Line length
.nr LT 6i	\" Length of title
.	nr PD \n(VSu*3/10	\" Paragraph spacing
.nr PD 1v
.if \n(PDu<\n(.V .nr PD \n(.V
.nr PI 5n	\" Paragraph indent
.nr FL 11u*\n(LLu/12u \" Footnote length
.nr CW 7u*\n(LLu/15u \" Column width
.nr GW \n(LLu/15u \" Gutter width
.nr PO 26i/27i	\" Page offset
.nr HM 1i	\" Top margin
.nr FM 1i	\" Bottom margin
.nr Qd	\n(PI	\" Quoted indent difference
.nr Ik 5n	\" .IP default indent
.nr Fn 0 1	\" Footnote count
.		\" Characters and strings
.ds CF "- \\n(PN -"
.ds - \(mi
.ds ' \z\(aa
.ds ` \z\(ga
.ds : \z\(:
.ds ^ \z^
.ds ~ \z~
.ds C \z^
.ds , \z,