Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Commodore CBM-900

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Commodore CBM-900

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦ea251e2c8⟧ TextFile

    Length: 1769 (0x6e9)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: UNIX file
    Names: »stdio.h«


└─⟦eafc30061⟧ Bits:30001199 Commodore 900 hard disk image
    └─⟦8281d0872⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦294235107⟧ »vol3.fd« UNIX Filesystem
            └─ ⟦this⟧ »usr/include/stdio.h« 
└─⟦f27320a65⟧ Bits:30001972 Commodore 900 hard disk image with partial source code
    └─⟦2d53db1df⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »include/stdio.h« 
└─⟦eafc30061⟧ Bits:30001199 Commodore 900 hard disk image
    └─⟦5ec4c54f2⟧ UNIX Filesystem
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »usr/include/stdio.h« 


 * Standard I/O library

#ifndef	STDIO_H
typedef struct	FILE {
	unsigned char	*_cp,		/* current character ptr */
			*_dp,		/* ptr to start of data in buffer */
			*_bp;		/* buffer pointer */
	int	_cc;			/* character count */
	int	(*_gt)(),		/* getc function */
		(*_pt)();		/* putc function */
	char	_ff;			/* flags; see below */
	char	_fd;			/* file descriptor (reqd by reopen) */
	int	_uc;			/* ungot char */

#define	NULL	((char *)0)
#define	EOF	(-1)
#define	BUFSIZ	(1<<9)
#define	_NFILE	20

extern	FILE	_stdin, _stdout, _stderr, *_fp[_NFILE];

/* Flags in _ff */
#define	_FINUSE	01
#define	_FSTBUF	02		/* setbuf was called */
#define	_FUNGOT	04		/* ungotten char present */
#define	_FEOF	0100
#define	_FERR	0200

#define	_ep(fp)		((fp)->_bp+BUFSIZ)

char	*gets();
char	*fgets();
FILE	*fopen();
FILE	*freopen();
FILE	*fdopen();
FILE	*popen();
FILE	*_stropen();
long	ftell();
void	puts();
void	fputs();
void	setbuf();
char	*malloc();
char	*calloc();
char	*realloc();
char	*sbrk();

#define	getchar()	getc(stdin)
#define	putchar(c)	putc(c, stdout)
#define	putc(c,fp)	(--(fp)->_cc<0 ? (*(fp)->_pt)(c,fp) : (*(fp)->_cp++=c))
#define	getc(fp)	(++(fp)->_cc>0 ? (*(fp)->_gt)(fp) : *(fp)->_cp++)
#if 0
#define	getw(fp)	((fp)->_cc>-2 ? fgetw(fp) :	((fp)->_cc+=2\
#define	putw(w,fp)	((fp)->_cc<2 ? fputw(w,fp) :	((fp)->_cc-=2\
#define	feof(fp)	((fp)->_ff&(_FEOF|_FERR))
#define	ferror(fp)	((fp)->_ff&_FERR)
#define	clearerr(fp)	((fp)->_ff &= ~(_FERR|_FEOF))
#define	fileno(fp)	((fp)->_fd)
#define	wdleng()	(16)

#define	stdin	(&_stdin)
#define	stdout	(&_stdout)
#define	stderr	(&_stderr)