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Length: 9984 (0x2700) Types: TextFile Names: »REGN4.PAS«
└─⟦5c8344fa1⟧ Bits:30004223 REGN version 2.1 til ICL Comet └─ ⟦this⟧ »REGN4.PAS«
(* REGN4.PAS INCLUDE FILE *) æ* purpose: read the contents of a cell and UPDATE associated cells *å PROCEDURE GETLINE (var s: anystring; æ string to edit å colno,lineno, æ where start line å max, æ max length å errpos: integer; æ where to begin å uppercase:boolean); æ true if auto UPCASE å var apos,x: integer; inserton: boolean; okchars: set of char; PROCEDURE GOTOX; begin gotoxy(x+colno-2,lineno-1); end; begin okchars:=Æ' '..'å'Å; inserton:=false; x:=1; GOTOX; write(ulnon,s); if len(s)=1 then x:=2; if errpos<>0 then x:=errpos; GOTOX; repeat ch:=KEY; if uppercase then ch:=UPCASE(ch); case ch of esc: begin s:=chr($FF); æ abort editing å ch:=return; end; hoejre: begin æ move cursor right å x:=x+1; if (x>len(s)+1) or (x>max) then x:=x-1; GOTOX; end; del: begin æ delete right char å if x<=len(s) then begin delete(s,x,1); write(copy(s,x,len(s)-x+1),ulnoff,' ',ulnon); GOTOX; end; end; ins: begin æ insert char å insert(' ',s,x); if len(s)>max then s:=copy(s,1,max); write(copy(s,x,len(s)-x+1)); GOTOX; end; venstre: begin æ move cursor left å x:=x-1; if x<1 then x:=1; GOTOX; end; htab: begin æ move cursor to end of line å x:=len(s)+1; GOTOX; end; vtab: begin æ move cursor to beginning of line å x:=1; GOTOX; end; delleft: begin æ delete left char å x:=x-1; if (len(s)>0) and (x>0) then begin delete(s,x,1); GOTOX; write(copy(s,x,len(s)-x+1),ulnoff,' ',ulnon); GOTOX; if x<1 then x:=1; end else x:=1; end; ^V: inserton:= not inserton; otherwise begin if ch in okchars then begin if inserton then begin insert(ch,s,x); write(copy(s,x,len(s)-x+1),' '); end else begin write(ch); if x>len(s) then s:=s+ch else sÆxÅ:=ch; end; x:=x+1; if (x>len(s)+1) or (x>max) then x:=x-1; GOTOX; end; end; end; until ch=return; write(ulnoff); end; PROCEDURE NABORYD(i:sheetindex;fy:integer); begin gotoxy(xposÆiÅ,fy);write(' '); sheetÆi,fyÅ.cellstatus:=ÆtxtÅ; GOTOCELL(i,fy);LEAVECELL(i,fy); if i<fxmax then begin i:=succ(i); while (i<=fxmax) and (overwritten in sheetÆi,fyÅ.cellstatus) do begin gotoxy(xposÆiÅ,fy);write(' '); sheetÆi,fyÅ.cellstatus:=sheetÆi,fyÅ.cellstatus-ÆoverwrittenÅ; GOTOCELL(i,fy);LEAVECELL(i,fy); if i<fxmax then i:=succ(i); end; end; end; PROCEDURE GETCELL(fx: sheetindex;fy: integer); var newstat: set of attributes; errorposition: integer; i: sheetindex; result: real; abort: boolean; isform: boolean; æ CLEARCELLS clears the current cell and its associated cells on screen å PROCEDURE CLEARCELLS; var renset:boolean; begin i:=fx;renset:=false; while (i<fxmax) and not renset do begin gotoxy(xposÆiÅ,fy); write(copy(tom,1,11)); i:=succ(i); if (Æoverwritten,lockedÅ*sheetÆi,fyÅ.cellstatus=ÆÅ) then renset:=true; end; end; PROCEDURE GETFORMULA; var parenteser:integer; fejltype,taltest:byte; cifre,tallenok,talok,flashed:boolean; begin flashed:=false; repeat tallenok:=true;cifre:=true;parenteser:=0;fejltype:=0; GETLINE(eline,1,24,maxtegn,errorposition,true); errorposition:=1; if eline<>chr($FF) then begin talok:=false; newstat:=newstat-ÆonscreenÅ; beregnet:=true; upfx:=fx;upfy:=fy; for taltest:=1 to len(eline) do begin if elineÆtaltestÅ in Æ'0'..'9'Å then talok:=true; if elineÆtaltestÅ in Æ'A'..'Z','(',')'Å then cifre:=false; if elineÆtaltestÅ='(' then parenteser:=parenteser+1; if elineÆtaltestÅ=')' then parenteser:=parenteser-1; end; if cifre then begin if len(eline)>33 then begin talok:=false; fejltype:=1; errorposition:=34; end; end else if parenteser<>0 then begin talok:=false; fejltype:=2; if parenteser>0 then errorposition:=len(eline) else begin errorposition:=0; parenteser:=0; while parenteser>=0 do begin errorposition:=errorposition+1; if elineÆerrorpositionÅ='(' then parenteser:=parenteser+1; if elineÆerrorpositionÅ=')' then parenteser:=parenteser-1; end; end; end; if talok then begin fejltype:=0; errorposition:=SYNTAX(eline); if errorposition=0 then EVALUATE(isform,eline,result,errorposition); end; if errorposition<>0 then begin flashed:=true; case fejltype of 1:FLASH(13,' For mange cifre '+bell,false); 2:FLASH(13,' Parentes- fejl '+bell,false); otherwise FLASH(13,' Fejl ved cursor '+bell,false); end; FORTRYDTEKST; end; end; until (errorposition=0) or (eline=chr($FF)); if flashed then begin FJERNFLASH(13,23); FLASH(37,' Tast / for kommando ',false); end; if isform then newstat:=newstat+ÆformulaÅ; if beregnet then newstat:=newstat+ÆonscreenÅ; end; æ GETTEXT calls the procedure GETLINE for processing of text å PROCEDURE GETTEXT; begin with sheetÆfx,fyÅ do GETLINE(eline,xposÆfxÅ+1,fy+1,maxtegn+2-xposÆfxÅ,errorposition,false); end; æ EDITCELL loads a copy of the current cells contents in eline å PROCEDURE EDITCELL; begin with sheetÆfx,fyÅ do begin eline:=contents; if txt in cellstatus then GETTEXT else GETFORMULA; end; end; æ UPDATECELLS is a little more complicated. basically it makes sure å æ to tag and untag cells which has been overwritten or cleared from å æ data from another cell. It also UPDATEs the current width, the newå æ type and the contents which still is in the temporarly variable "eline".å PROCEDURE UPDATECELLS; var flength: integer; opdateret:boolean; begin sheetÆfx,fyÅ.contents:=eline; if txt in newstat then begin i:=fx; flength:=len(eline); opdateret:=false; repeat if i<fxmax then begin i:=succ(i); with sheetÆi,fyÅ do begin flength:=flength-(normwidth+1); if (flength>0) then begin if locked in cellstatus then cellstatus:=Ælocked,overwritten,txtÅ else cellstatus:=Æoverwritten,txtÅ; contents:=''; end else begin if overwritten in cellstatus then begin cellstatus:=cellstatus-ÆoverwrittenÅ; GOTOCELL(i,fy);LEAVECELL(i,fy); end; end; end; end; until (i=fxmax) or (sheetÆi,fyÅ.contents<>''); sheetÆfx,fyÅ.cellstatus:=ÆtxtÅ; end else begin æ string changed to formula or constant å i:=fx; repeat with sheetÆi,fyÅ do begin if overwritten in cellstatus then begin cellstatus:=cellstatus-ÆoverwrittenÅ; contents:=''; end; if i<fxmax then i:=succ(i); end; until not (overwritten in sheetÆi,fyÅ.cellstatus) or (i=fxmax); with sheetÆfx,fyÅ do begin cellstatus:=ÆconstantÅ; if isform then cellstatus:=cellstatus+ÆformulaÅ; value:=result; end; end; end; æ GETCELL finnaly starts here. this procedure uses all the above local å æ procedures. first it initializes the temporaly variable "eline" with å æ the last read character. it then depending on this character calls å æ GETFORMULA, GETTEXT, or EDITCELL. å begin æ GETCELL å eline:=ch; errorposition:=0; abort:=false; newstat:=ÆÅ; if ch in Æ'0'..'9','+','-','.','(',')'Å then begin if ch ='(' then SKIFTTYPE(2) else SKIFTTYPE(1); newstat:=ÆconstantÅ; if not (formula in sheetÆfx,fyÅ.cellstatus) then begin gotoxy(0,23); write(clreol); CLEARCELLS; GETFORMULA; end else begin FLASH(13,bell+' Ret i formel J/N? ',true); repeat ch:=UPCASE(KEY); until ch in Æ'J','N'Å; FJERNFLASH(13,23); if ch='J' then EDITCELL else abort:=true; end; end else begin if ch=esc then begin newstat:=(sheetÆfx,fyÅ.cellstatus)*Ætxt,constant,onscreenÅ; EDITCELL; end else begin if formula in sheetÆfx,fyÅ.cellstatus then begin FLASH(13,bell+' Ret i formel J/N? ',true); repeat ch:=UPCASE(KEY); until ch in Æ'J','N'Å; FJERNFLASH(13,23); if ch='J' then EDITCELL else abort:=true; end else begin SKIFTTYPE(0); newstat:=ÆtxtÅ; CLEARCELLS; GETTEXT; end; end; end; if not abort then begin if eline<>chr($FF) then UPDATECELLS; if onscreen in newstat then begin sheetÆfx,fyÅ.cellstatus:=sheetÆfx,fyÅ.cellstatus+ÆonscreenÅ; end; GOTOCELL(fx,fy); if autocalc and (constant in sheetÆfx,fyÅ.cellstatus) then RECALCULATE(true); if txt in newstat then begin gotoxy(2,fy);write(clreol); for i:='A' to fxmax do LEAVECELL(i,fy); end; end; FJERNFLASH(13,23); GOTOCELL(fx,fy); end; PROCEDURE GETINT(xp:byte; var i: integer; min,max: integer); var err: integer; ch: char; begin repeat eline:=''; gotoxy(xp,23); repeat repeat ch:=KEY; until ch in Æ'0'..'9','-',return,venstreÅ; if ch<>return then begin if ch=venstre then begin if len(eline)>0 then delete(eline,len(eline),1); gotoxy(xp,23);write(clreol,eline); end else begin write(ch); eline:=eline+ch; val(eline,i,err); end; end; until (ch=return); until (i>=min) and (i<=max); end; «eof»