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⟦01477485c⟧ TextFile

    Length: 4096 (0x1000)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »README.DOC«


└─⟦7ea4c8a73⟧ Bits:30004203 GSX driver sourcer disk 2
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »README.DOC« 


ø								 ø
ø								 ø
ø           ================================================     ø
ø	    ø						   ø	 ø	
ø	    ø						   ø	 ø
ø	    ø                   DR Draw     		   ø	 ø
ø	    ø	     for CP/M-86 and Concurrent CP/M       ø	 ø     
ø           ø              				   ø     ø
ø	    ø      					   ø     ø
ø	    ø                 OEM Version      		   ø     ø
ø	    ø      					   ø     ø	
ø	    ø                February, 1984		   ø     ø
ø	    ø      					   ø     ø	
ø	    ø         					   ø     ø
ø	    ø             Digital Research Inc.            ø     ø
ø	    ø                 P.O. Box 579                 ø     ø
ø	    ø           Pacific Grove, CA  93950           ø     ø
ø	    ø                                              ø     ø
ø	    ================================================     ø
ø								 ø
ø       This README.DOC file provides information about 	 ø
ø	GINSTALL and starting DR Draw.  It also lists and 	 ø
ø	describes the DR Draw files.	 			 ø
ø	  							 ø
ø	You can print this file on a line printer that uses      ø
ø	8 1/2 by 11 inch paper.  Set the printer to 6 lines	 ø	
ø	per inch.  						 ø
ø	  							 ø
ø	        ************************************		 ø
ø	  							 ø
ø	GINSTALL 						 ø
ø								 ø
ø	GINSTALL is an installation program for GSX		 ø
ø	rather than part of the application.  GINSTALL		 ø
ø	will be available with release 1.3 of GSX.		 ø
ø								 ø
ø	Starting DR Draw					 ø
ø		  						 ø	
ø       When the system prompt is on your screen, insert your    ø
ø	DR Draw work diskette in drive A and a formatted 	 ø
ø	diskette for your picture files in drive B. Type the     ø	
ø	command GRAPHICS to load GSX.  When the system prompt    ø
ø	returns, type DRAW8086 if you are using the DRAW8086	 ø
ø	diskette.  If your computer has an 8087 microchip and 	 ø
ø	you are using the DRAW8087 diskette, type DRAW8087.	 ø
ø								 ø
ø							         ø
ø								 ø

ø								 ø
ø								 ø
ø								 ø
ø    								 ø
ø       Files on the DR Draw Program Diskettes		 	 ø
ø								 ø
ø	The DR Draw program diskettes contain the files 	 ø
ø	listed below.						 ø
ø								 ø
ø	DR Draw Files              Default Font Files		 ø
ø								 ø
ø	DRAW8086.CMD or		   DRAW.BIN (Simplex Roman)	 ø
ø	  DRAW8087.CMD             FONTB.BIN (Complex Roman)	 ø
ø	DRAW.001                   FONTC.BIN (Triplex Italic)    ø
ø	DRAW.002                   				 ø
ø	DRAW.003                   				 ø
ø	DRAW.004                   Information File		 ø
ø	DRAW.005                   				 ø
ø	DRAW.006                   README.DOC			 ø
ø	DRAW.007                   				 ø
ø	DRAW.008                   				 ø
ø	DRMSG40.TXT						 ø
ø	DRMSG80.TXT                				 ø
ø								 ø
ø	Files on the DR Draw Library Diskette			 ø
ø								 ø
ø	The DR Draw font library diskette contains the files	 ø  
ø	listed below.						 ø
ø								 ø
ø	Filename                   Font Style			 ø
ø								 ø
ø	SIMPROM.16                 Simplex Roman		 ø
ø	COMROM.16                  Complex Roman		 ø
ø	DUPROM.16                  Duplex Roman			 ø
ø	INDROM.16                  Indexical Roman		 ø
ø	TRIITA.16                  Triplex Italic		 ø
ø	INDITA.16                  Indexical Italic		 ø
ø       GOTITA.16		   Gothic Italic		 ø
ø	SIMSCR.16		   Simplex Script		 ø
ø	COMSCR.16		   Complex Script		 ø
ø	SIMGRE.16		   Simplex Greek		 ø
ø	COMGRE.16		   Complex Greek                 ø             
ø	INDGRE.16		   Indexical Greek		 ø
ø	TRIROM.16		   Triplex Roman		 ø
ø	GOTGER.16		   Gothic German		 ø
ø								 ø
ø                     End of README.DOC File			 ø
ø								 ø
