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Length: 7296 (0x1c80) Types: TextFile Names: »DISK3.PAS«
└─⟦d482c3728⟧ Bits:30005987 Turbo Pascal v2.00A (Jet80) └─ ⟦this⟧ »DISK3.PAS«
Program Disk3; (* Direkte diskettetilgang under CP/M 3.0 *) const MaxSize = 1024; (* Maksimal fysisk sektorstørrelse *) Version = $0031; (* Versionsnummer i CP/M 3.0 *) type DPB = record SPT: integer; BSH, BLM, EXM: byte; DSM, DRM: integer; AL0, AL1: byte; CKS, OFF: integer; PSH, PHM: byte end; RWtype = (ReadSector, WriteSector); var Drive, Track, Sector, Lsector, Psector, Part, Psize, MaxSector, MaxTrack, Cmd, DefaultDrive, i, j, k: integer; ptr: ^DPB absolute i; DPH: ^integer absolute i; PhySecBuf: array(.1..MaxSize.) of byte; LogSecBuf: array(.1..128.) of byte; DriveL: char; (*$I UBIOS.PAS*) (*$I HEXIO.PAS*) Procedure Error (no: integer); begin GotoXY(10,18); case no of 0: write('Programmet virker kun under CP/M 3.0 (CP/M Plus).'); 1: write('Fejl: Ugyldigt drevnummer.'); 2: write('Fejl ved Søge, Læse eller Skrive.'); end; Bdos(14,DefaultDrive); Halt End; Procedure UserFrame(Mode: RWtype); begin ClrScr; GotoXY(13,1); LowVideo; Write(' Direkte diskette-editering under CP/M Plus '); HighVideo; GotoXY(1,3); Write('Modus:'); GotoXY(1,4); LowVideo; Case Mode of ReadSector: Write(' Indlæse '); WriteSector: Write(' Udskrive '); end; HighVideo; Repeat Gotoxy(13,3); Write('Diskdrev nummer (0=A, 1=B): ',Drive:1, Chr(8)); Readln(Drive) Until(Drive in(.0..15.)); i:= UBIOS(9, 0, Drive, 0, 0); if (i=0) then Error(1); Bdos(14,Drive); i:= BdosHL(31); with ptr^ do begin Psize:= 128 shl PSH; GotoXY(45,3); Write(Psize:5, ' bytes fysisk sektorstørrelse'); (* if (Psize=128) then begin Write(' *)(*'); GotoXY(1,24); Write('*)(* som det ser ud for styresystemet.'); end; *) Psize:=1 shl PSH; MaxSector:=SPT; GotoXY(45,4); Write(SPT:5, ' logiske sektorer per spor'); GotoXY(45,6); Write(OFF:5, ' reserverede spor'); k:=(DSM+1)*((BLM+1) div 8); GotoXY(45,7); Write(k:5, ' Kb drev-kapacitet'); MaxTrack:= round((k/SPT)*8+OFF); GotoXY(45,5); Write(MaxTrack:5, ' Spor ialt'); repeat GotoXY(13,4); Write('Spornummer (0.. ',(MaxTrack-1):4, '): '); Write(Track, chr(8)); if (Track>9) then Write(chr(8)); if (Track>99) then Write(chr(8)); Readln(Track) Until(Track>=0) and (Track<MaxTrack); Sector:= Lsector; repeat GotoXY(13,5); Write('Sektornummer (0.. ',(SPT-1):4, '): '); Write(Sector, chr(8)); if (Sector>9) then Write(chr(8)); if (Sector>99) then Write(chr(8)); Readln(Sector) Until(Sector>=0) and (Sector<SPT); Lsector:= Sector end; Part:= Sector mod Psize; Sector:= Sector div Psize; end; Procedure DoDisk(Mode: RWtype); begin UserFrame(Mode); i:= UBIOS(9, 0, Drive, 1, 0); Psector:= UBIOS(16, 0, Sector, DPH^, 0); GotoXY(13,6); Write('Fysisk sektor nr.: ', Psector); if (Psize>1) then begin GotoXY(13,7); Write('Fysisk sektor del: ', Part:1) end; i:= UBIOS(23, 0, 1, 0, 0); i:= UBIOS(10, 0, Track, 0, 0); i:= UBIOS(11, 0, Psector, 0, 0); i:= UBIOS(12, 0, Addr(PhySecBuf), 0, 0); i:= UBIOS(28, 1, 0, 0, 0); case Mode of ReadSector: begin i:= UBIOS(13, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (i<>0) then Error(2); for i:= 1 to 128 do LogSecBuf(.i.):= PhySecBuf(.i+Part*128.) end; WriteSector: begin i:= UBIOS(13, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (i<>0) then Error(2); for i:= 1 to 128 do PhySecBuf(.i+Part*128.):= LogSecBuf(.i.); i:= UBIOS(14, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (i<>0) then Error(2); end; end end; Procedure DisplaySector; begin for i:= 21 to 24 do begin GotoXY(1,i); ClrEol end; GotoXY(1,9); LowVideo; Write(' '); for i:= 0 to 15 do begin if (i=8) then write(' - ') else write(' '); writeHex(i) end; HighVideo; Writeln; for i:= 1 to 8 do begin LowVideo; WriteHex((i-1)*16); Write(':'); HighVideo; for j:=1 to 16 do begin k:= LogSecBuf(.16*(i-1)+j.); if (j=9) then write(' - ') else Write(' '); WriteHex(k) end; Write(' '); for j:= 1 to 16 do begin k:= LogSecBuf(.16*(i-1)+j.); k:= k mod 128; if (j=9) then write(' '); if (k<32) then Write('.') else Write(chr(k)); HighVideo end; Writeln end; end; Procedure ChangeSector; var st: string(.80.); s: string(.2.); NewHex: Boolean; begin repeat GotoXY(1,20); ClrEol; Write('Indhold ændres fra adresse (i Hex): 0', chr(8)); Readln(st); i:= 0; if (length(st) in (.1..2.)) then i:= HexVal(st) until (i in (.$00..$7F.)); i:= i+1; GotoXY(1,21); Writeln('Indtast nyt indhold (1) i Hex (skil med mellemrumstegn), '); Writeln(' eller (2) "''" med efterfølgende ASCII-streng:'); Readln(st); if (st(.1.)='''') then begin for j:= 2 to length(st) do if (i in (.$01..$80.)) then begin LogSecBuf(.i.):= ord (st(.j.)); i:= i+1 end end else begin j:= 1; NewHex:= false; while (j<=length(st)+1) do begin if (j=length(st)+1) or (st(.j.)=' ') then begin NewHex:= false; if (i in (.$01..$80.)) then begin if (hexVal(s)<256) then begin LogSecBuf(.i.):= HexVal(s); i:= i+1 end Else j:= length(st) end; s:= '' end else begin NewHex:= true; case ord (s(.0.)) of 0: s:= st(.j.); 1: s:= s+st(.j.); 2: s:= s(.2.)+st(.j.) end end; j:= j+1; end end end; begin (* Hovedprogram *) i:= BdosHL(12); if (i<>Version) then Error(0); DefaultDrive:= Bdos(25); Track:= 0; Lsector:= 0; Drive:= DefaultDrive; DoDisk(ReadSector); repeat DisplaySector; Cmd:= -1; repeat GotoXY(1,19); ClrEol; Write('Tast kommando: 0=Slut, 1=Læse, 2=Ændre, 3=Skrive: '); Readln(Cmd); until (Cmd in (.0..3.)); case Cmd of 1: begin Lsector:= Lsector+1; if (Lsector=MaxSector) then begin Lsector:=0; Track:= Track+1; if (Track=MaxTrack) then Track:= 0 end; DoDisk(ReadSector); end; 2: ChangeSector; 3: DoDisk(WriteSector) end; until (Cmd=0); CrtExit; Bdos(14,DefaultDrive) end. «eof»