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Length: 19328 (0x4b80) Types: TextFile Names: »BANNER.Z80«
└─⟦dd59903ef⟧ Bits:30005887 Klub diskette for udveksling af software └─ ⟦this⟧ »BANNER.Z80«
;******************************************************** ;* * ;* Program to do BIG banners in a 12x7 matrix * ;* ----------------------------------------- * ;* Barrie Hall , 4th November 1982 * ;* Macro-80 format for a Z80 CPU. * ;* * ;* * ;* Features: * ;* - Full 96 characters. * ;* - 12x7 matrix. * ;* - Lower case DESCENDERS. * ;* - Command tail OR Interactive mode. * ;* * ;* This program prints banners on the CP/M console. * ;* To get the banner on your printer, use ^P before * ;* you use BANNER. * ;* The characters are stored as a series of 9 bytes * ;* which represent a 9x7 matrix, this matrix is shifted* ;* down three rows for lower case descenders, if there * ;* are no descending chars in the current line, the * ;* program does three line feeds. * ;* For most chars, the fill charcater used is the * ;* actual char itself, BUT some ('!"()æåÆÅ/) chars are * ;* illegible so the program will use an X IFF the char * ;* appears in the lookup table at the end of the prog. * ;* * ;* If you type: * ;* A>banner hello fred * ;* ,the program will print the banner, HELLO FRED, in * ;* upper case on the console, (CP/M translates all char* ;* in its command line to UPPER CASE. * ;* If you type: * ;* A>banner * ;* ,the program will give a prompt (>), now you can * ;* up to a thousand characters and as many lines as you * ;* at up to 15 chars a line (limit with 15" paper). * ;* When you have finished your message, type 'Ø' on a * ;* line by it's self (i.e. >Ø ). The program will banner* ;* print the lines you have typed in. * ;* * ;* Barrie Hall, 15th Nov 82 * ;* * ;* Please send bugs, comments, abuse etc to: * ;* * ;* Sydney RCPM on (02)997-1836 * ;* OR verabally on (02)80-2200 * ;* * ;* All commercial rights reservered by author. * ;* (c) 1982 * ;* * ;******************************************************** aseg .z80 org 0100h lines equ 12 fdos equ 0005h fcb equ 005ch fcbcr equ fcb+32 cmdbuf equ 80h ;cpm command line tail true equ 0 false equ not true ;a lie??? cr equ 0dh lf equ 0ah ;This routine prints the CP/M command tail as a 9x7 banner ;on the console OR gets lines from console and buffer them ;up until we get a Ø on a line by itself. ; The format is 9 lines by 7 columns, the columns are the ;Bits in the byte, each byte represents a line of the char. ; SO we scan a byte for each char in each line. ld (stack),sp ld sp,dtem ;space for stack ;dont print leading spaces in the command tail ld a,(cmdbuf) ;length byte cp 0 jr z,inter1 ;no command line, give prom add a,81h ;address of last+1 char ld h,0 ld l,a ld (hl),00 ;so prog terminates!! ld hl,cmdbuf+1 nxtf:: ld a,(hl) inc hl cp ' ' jr z,nxtf cp 09h jr z,nxtf cp 00h jp z,gsys ;no message dec hl ld (messg),hl call bigchar ld sp,(stack) ;restore stack and ret ;go to the CCP. ;interactive mode, give a prompt and read a line, store ;it in the buffer and get another line from the console. ;if the first char on the line is slosh 'Ø', go and print ;the buffer in banner format and return to CP/M. inter1:: ld hl,bffer ld (bptr),hl inter2:: call crlf dff:: ld e,'>' call cout ld a,15 ;max char with 130 columns ld (80h),a ld de,80h call lchin ld a,(81h) ld b,a cp 0 jr z,inter2 ;no chars typed... ;move what was typed to the main buffer and zero terminate ;it. ld a,(82h) cp 'Ø' ;terminate?? jr z,prt44 ;go and print the buffer ld a,b ld de,(bptr) ;get pointer to main text push de ;buffer..save for later push af ;set up block move ld c,a ;length ld b,0 ld hl,82h ;first byte of text ldir ;block move to the main buffer pop af pop hl ld c,a ld b,0 add hl,bc ;update buffer pointer ld (hl),0 ;zero terminate inc hl ld (bptr),hl jr inter2 ;do again prt44:: ld hl,(bptr) ld (hl),0ffh ;message terminate ;now, print a line at a time , when there is an 0ffh after ;a zero(end of line), return to CP/M ld hl,bffer nxmss1:: ld (messg),hl push hl call bigchar ;do one line. pop hl zrlp:: ld a,(hl) inc hl cp 0 jr nz,zrlp ld a,(hl) cp 0ffh jr nz,nxmss1 ;else exit to cpm ld sp,(stack) ret bigchar:: ; this routine prints out the banner line ;using the data table. The chars come from the CP/M ;command tail OR the interactive data buffer. ld a,false ld (desflg),a ld b,0 ;line ZERO netlin:: ld ix,(messg) nxtchr:: ld a,(ix) inc ix cp 00 jr z,nxtln cp ' ' jr z,spce cp 09h jr z,spce push bc ;check for lower case descenders ;g,j,p,q,y cp 'g' jr z,des cp 'j' jr z,des cp 'p' jr z,des cp 'q' jr z,des cp 'y' jr z,des ld d,a ld a,b cp 9 jr c,nwrs ld a,(desflg) cp true jr nz,ext11 ;no descenders jr spps ;do some lf's and leave. nwrs:: ld a,d bopo:: call biglne aftr:: pop bc jr nxtchr des:: ;set descenders this line flag ;and print 7 spaces if line < 3 ld d,a ld a,true ld (desflg),a ld a,b sub 3 cp 0 ld b,a jp m,spps ld a,d jr bopo spps:: ld e,' ' ld b,9 spss1:: call cout djnz spss1 jr aftr nxtln:: inc b ld a,b cp lines ;12 lines jr z,gsys call crlf jr netlin spce:: push bc ld b,9 spc11:: ld e,' ' call cout djnz spc11 pop bc jr nxtchr ext11:: ;do 3 crslfs and go to CP/M pop bc ld b,3 lflop:: call crlf djnz lflop gsys:: ld e,cr call cout ret biglne:: ;this routine prints out line N of char in A reg on the ;console ;work out mask for matrix from 01 to 80 ld (chr),a sub 21h ret m ;line number is passed in B reg ;multiply A by 9 to get offset, add base address ;9A can be up to 1192 (lots) so use 16 bit arith ld l,a ld h,0 push hl pop de add hl,hl ;x2 add hl,hl ;x4 add hl,hl ;x8 add hl,de ;+1=9 ld de,graf ;add table offset add hl,de ld c,b ;byte offset THIS LINE ld b,0 add hl,bc ;got address of byte for this line ;now move the AND mask through the LINE byte and print ;out the chars and spaces. ld a,(hl) ;byte for line number B. ld d,a ;remeber A reg ld b,7 ld c,40h ;initial mask chrpp:: ld a,d push hl push bc and c jr z,blk ld a,(chr) ;decide between an 'X' ld hl,lup1 ld b,lup2-lup1 ;length of look up table lupps:: cp (hl) inc hl jr z,xxss ;its in table of bad print chrs djnz lupps ;not in table print it verbatim (hope not!) ld e,a call cout ;matrix fill char. ljj:: pop bc pop hl srl c djnz chrpp ld e,' ' ;inter.. call cout ;character.. call cout ;spacing.. ret xxss:: ld e,'X' call cout jr ljj blk:: ld e,' ' call cout jr ljj ;cpm routines crlf: ld e,0ah call cout ld e,0dh call cout ret ; cout: push bc push de push hl ld c,2 jr cpm ; chin: push bc push de push hl ld c,1 jr cpm ; lchin:: push bc push de push hl ld c,10 jr cpm pmess:: push bc push de push hl ld c,9 jr cpm open:: push bc push de push hl ld c,15 ;open cp/m file code jr cpm read:: push bc push de push hl ld c,20 ;read cp/m file code. jr cpm setdma:: push bc push de push hl ld c,26 ;set dma address code. jr cpm cpm:: call fdos ;go to cp/m pop hl ;restore all registers pushed pop de pop bc ret ;back to the main program ;table for the Banner characters.... graf:: ;1 byte per line - 9 lines per character ;! db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0 db 0 db 0001000b db 0001000b ;" db 0100100b db 0100100b db 0100100b db 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;# db 0010100b db 0010100b db 0010100b db 1111111b db 0010100b db 1111111b db 0010100b db 0010100b db 0010100b ;$ db 0001000b db 0111111b db 1001000b db 1001000b db 0111110b db 0001001b db 0001001b db 1111110b db 0001000b ;% db 0100000b db 1010001b db 0100010b db 0000100b db 0001000b db 0010000b db 0100010b db 1000101b db 0000010b ;& db 0111000b db 1000100b db 1000100b db 0101000b db 0010000b db 0101001b db 1000110b db 1000110b db 0111001b ;' db 0001100b db 0001100b db 0001000b db 0010000b db 0,0,0,0,0 ;( db 0000100b db 0001000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0001000b db 0000100b ;) db 0010000b db 0001000b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0001000b db 0010000b ;* db 0001000b db 1001001b db 0101010b db 0011100b db 1111111b db 0011100b db 0101010b db 1001001b db 0001000b ;+ db 0 db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 1111111b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0 ;, db 0,0,0,0 db 0011000b db 0011000b db 0010000b db 0100000b db 0 ;- db 0,0,0,0 db 1111111b db 0,0,0,0 ;. db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 0011000b db 0011000b ;/ db 0 db 0000001b db 0000010b db 0000100b db 0001000b db 0010000b db 0100000b db 1000000b db 0 ;0 db 0111110b db 1000001b db 1000011b db 1000101b db 1001001b db 1010001b db 1100001b db 1000001b db 0111110b ;1 db 0001000b db 0011000b db 0101000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0111110b ;2 db 0111110b db 1000001b db 0000001b db 0000010b db 0011100b db 0100000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1111111b ;3 db 0111110b db 1000001b db 0000001b db 0000001b db 0011110b db 0000001b db 0000001b db 1000001b db 0111110b ;4 db 0000010b db 0000110b db 0001010b db 0010010b db 0100010b db 1000010b db 1111111b db 0000010b db 0000010b ;5 db 1111111b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1111100b db 0000010b db 0000001b db 0000001b db 1000010b db 0111100b ;6 db 0011110b db 0100000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1111110b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 0111110b ;7 db 1111111b db 1000001b db 0000010b db 0000100b db 0001000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010000b ;8 db 0111110b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 0111110b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 0111110b ;9 db 0111110b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 0111111b db 0000001b db 0000001b db 0000010b db 0111100b ;: db 0 db 0 db 0 db 0011000b db 0011000b db 0 db 0 db 0011000b db 0011000b ;; db 0011000b db 0011000b db 0 db 0 db 0011000b db 0011000b db 0010000b db 0100000b db 0 ;< db 0000100b db 0001000b db 0010000b db 0100000b db 1000000b db 0100000b db 0010000b db 0001000b db 0000100b ;= db 0,0,0 db 0111110b db 0 db 0111110b db 0,0,0 ;> db 0010000b db 0001000b db 0000100b db 0000010b db 0000001b db 0000010b db 0000100b db 0001000b db 0010000b ;? db 0011110b db 0100001b db 0100001b db 0000001b db 0000110b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0 db 0001000b ;@ db 0011110b db 0100001b db 1001101b db 1010101b db 1010101b db 1011110b db 1000000b db 0100000b db 0011110b ;A db 0011100b db 0100010b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1111111b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b ;B db 1111110b db 0100001b db 0100001b db 0100001b db 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1010000b db 1101000b db 1000100b db 1000010b db 1000001b ;L db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1111111b ;M db 1000001b db 1100011b db 1010101b db 1001001b db 1001001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b ;N db 1000001b db 1100001b db 1010001b db 1001001b db 1000101b db 1000011b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b ;O db 0011100b db 0100010b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 0100010b db 0011100b ;P db 1111110b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1111110b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b ;Q db 0011100b db 0100010b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1001001b db 1000101b db 0100010b db 0011101b ;R db 1111110b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1111110b db 1001000b db 1000100b db 1000010b db 1000001b ;S db 0111110b db 1000001b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 0111110b db 0000001b db 0000001b db 1000001b db 0111110b ;T db 1111111b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b ;U db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 0111110b ;V db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 0100010b db 0100010b db 0010100b db 0010100b db 0001000b db 0001000b ;W db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1001001b db 1001001b db 1010101b db 1100011b db 1000001b ;X db 1000001b db 1000001b db 0100010b db 0010100b db 0001000b db 0010100b db 0100010b db 1000001b db 1000001b ;Y db 1000001b db 1000001b db 0100010b db 0010100b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b ;Z db 1111111b db 0000001b db 0000010b db 0000100b db 0001000b db 0010000b db 0100000b db 1000000b db 1111111b ;Æ db 0111100b db 0100000b db 0100000b db 0100000b db 0100000b db 0100000b db 0100000b db 0100000b db 0111100b ;Ø db 0000000b db 1000000b db 0100000b db 0010000b db 0001000b db 0000100b db 0000010b db 0000001b db 0000000b ;Å db 0111100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0111100b ;^ db 0001000b db 0010100b db 0100010b db 1000001b db 0 db 0 db 0 db 0 db 0 ;_ db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 1111111b ;` db 0011000b db 0011000b db 0001000b db 0000100b db 0,0,0,0,0 ;a db 0 db 0 db 0 db 0111100b db 0000010b db 0111110b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 0111101b ;b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1011100b db 1100010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1100010b db 1011100b ;c db 0 db 0 db 0 db 0111100b db 1000010b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000010b db 0111100b ;d db 0000010b db 0000010b db 0000010b db 0111010b db 1000110b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000110b db 0111010b ;e db 0 db 0 db 0 db 0111100b db 1000010b db 1111110b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 0111100b ;f db 0001100b db 0010010b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 1111100b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010000b ;g db 0111010b db 1000110b db 1000010b db 1000110b db 0111010b db 0000010b db 0000010b db 1000010b db 0111100b ;h db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1011100b db 1100010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000010b ;i db 0 db 0001000b db 0 db 0011000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0011100b ;j db 0000110b db 0000010b db 0000010b db 0000010b db 0000010b db 0000010b db 0000010b db 0100010b db 0011100b ;k db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000100b db 1001000b db 1010000b db 1101000b db 1000100b db 1000010b ;l db 0011000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0011100b ;m db 0 db 0 db 0 db 1110110b db 1001001b db 1001001b db 1001001b db 1001001b db 1001001b ;n db 0 db 0 db 0 db 1011100b db 1100010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000010b ;o db 0 db 0 db 0 db 0111100b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 0111100b ;p db 1011100b db 1100010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1100010b db 1011100b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b ;q db 0111010b db 1000110b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000110b db 0111010b db 0000010b db 0000010b db 0000011b ;r db 0 db 0 db 0 db 1011100b db 1100010b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b db 1000000b ;s db 0 db 0 db 0 db 0111100b db 1000010b db 0110000b db 0001100b db 1000010b db 0111100b ;t db 0 db 0010000b db 0010000b db 1111100b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010010b db 0001100b ;u db 0 db 0 db 0 db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000110b db 0111010b ;v db 0 db 0 db 0 db 1000001b db 1000001b db 1000001b db 0100010b db 0010100b db 0001000b ;w db 0 db 0 db 0 db 1000001b db 1001001b db 1001001b db 1001001b db 1001001b db 0110110b ;x db 0 db 0 db 0 db 1000010b db 0100100b db 0011000b db 0011000b db 0100100b db 1000010b ;y db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000010b db 1000110b db 0111010b db 0000010b db 1000010b db 0111100b ;z db 0 db 0 db 0 db 1111110b db 0000100b db 0001000b db 0010000b db 0100000b db 1111110b ;æ db 0001110b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0100000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0010000b db 0001110b ;ø db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0 db 0 db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0001000b db 0 ;å db 0111000b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000010b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0000100b db 0111000b ;ü db 0110000b db 1001001b db 0000110b db 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;THE END db 0 db 0 db 0 ;these are chars which dont show up very well if they are ;typed in the banner as themselves, SO we use an 'X' to ;make up the matrix instead. lup1:: db '!','"','%','.',';',',','/','Ø','`','*' db '(',')','ü','^','ø',':',27h,'-','=' ;dummy label lup2:: messg:: dw 0080h stack:: dw 0000h ;temp for CCP stack pointer chr:: db 0 desflg:: db false bptr:: dw bffer bffer:: ds 1000 dtem equ $+64 ;stack space end «eof»