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Length: 25984 (0x6580) Types: TextFile Names: »CHECKS.PAS«
└─⟦dd59903ef⟧ Bits:30005887 Klub diskette for udveksling af software └─ ⟦this⟧ »CHECKS.PAS«
PROGRAM checks; æ Pascal/z version--This is an update from Disk #15 of CheckBk(alias NOW). The author sez the interesting improvements are the availability of on-line changes in code assignments, and ability to edit and reconform the data stored in the file. He has had a little bug in the 'Dump' portion of the program. If it is selected from the menu it may or may not lose some data . So if anyone traps that bug be sure and let us know.å CONST max_items = 300; max_codes = 50; max_add_code = 10; disk_file = 'A:CHECK82'; left = 7; æ Number of digits to the left of the dp å right = 2; æ " " " " " right " " " å æ Number of bytes it takes to represent a fixed-point number å bytes = (left + right + 1) div 2; æ Length of a fixed-point converted string å maxchars = ((left * 4) div 3) + right + 3; TYPE signtyp = (plus, minus); carrytyp = 0..1; æ The basic unit of a fixed-point number, takes 1 byte of storage. å byte = 0..255; modetyp = (none, suplzer, supltzer, wdollar, wcomma, wboth); æ This is the type around which this whole package is based. å fixed = record sign: signtyp; digits: arrayÆ1..bytesÅ of byte end; æ This is a string type which holds a fixed-point number converted å æ to ASCII. å fixstr = string maxchars; $STRING0 = STRING 0; $STRING255 = STRING 255; item_data = RECORD item_number : INTEGER; month : INTEGER; day : INTEGER; year : INTEGER; amount : FIXED; description : STRING 30; code : INTEGER; END; VAR command : CHAR; code_description : ARRAY Æ1..max_codesÅ OF STRING 15; items : ARRAY Æ1..max_itemsÅ OF item_data; item_last : 1..max_items; data_file : FILE of item_data; lines_printed : 0..80; code_amount : ARRAY Æ1..max_codesÅ OF FIXED; entry_year : INTEGER; swaped : BOOLEAN; answer : CHAR; result : INTEGER; æ This is set by the fixed point functions. It is set true if there å æ was an overflow. å fixederror: boolean; æ This is the carry flag. It is used by the fixed point functions. å æ The user's code doesn't play with it. å carry: carrytyp; (****************************************************************) (* *) (* Ithaca InterSystems' Pascal/Z Fixed-Point Package *) (* *) (* Written by Robert Bedichek August 1980 *) (* *) (****************************************************************) procedure setlength( var y:$string0; x: integer ); external; function length( x:$string255 ): integer; external; (* The next two external functions are in LIB.REL and are automatically *) (* linked in when the library is being linked in. They add and *) (* subtract two decimal digits packed into a byte using Z-80 decimal *) (* arithmetic. *) function addbyte( var carry: carrytyp; a, b: byte ):byte; external; function subbyte( var carry: carrytyp; a, b: byte ):byte; external; function add( a, b: fixed ): fixed; (************************************************************************) (* The value of this function is the signed sum of the two value *) (* parameters. The global variable 'fixederror' is set if there was *) (* an overflow. *) (* *) (* *) (* *) (************************************************************************) var carry: 0..1; i: integer; res: fixed; begin carry := 0; if a.sign = b.sign then (* Like signs, just add *) begin add.sign := a.sign; for i := 1 to bytes do add.digitsÆ i Å := addbyte( carry, a.digitsÆ i Å, b.digitsÆ i Å ); fixederror := (carry = 1) end else (* Unlike signs, subract negative op from pos. *) begin fixederror := false; if a.sign = plus then for i := 1 to bytes do res.digitsÆ i Å := subbyte(carry, a.digitsÆ i Å, b.digitsÆ i Å) else for i := 1 to bytes do res.digitsÆ i Å := subbyte(carry, b.digitsÆ i Å, a.digitsÆ i Å); if carry = 0 then res.sign := plus else begin res.sign := minus; carry := 0; (* Take nines complement of the result by subtracting it from zero. *) for i := 1 to bytes do res.digitsÆ i Å := subbyte( carry, 0, res.digitsÆ i Å) end; add := res end end; function sub( minuend, subtrahend: fixed ): fixed; (************************************************************************) (* The value of this function is the signed difference of the two *) (* value parameters. The global variable 'fixederror' is set if the *) (* is an overflow. *) (* *) (* *) (* *) (************************************************************************) begin (* Just reverse the sign of the subtrahend and add. *) if subtrahend.sign = plus then subtrahend.sign := minus else subtrahend.sign := plus; sub := add( minuend, subtrahend ) end; procedure shiftleft( var a: fixed ); (************************************************************************) (* This procedure shifts all of the packed decimal digits in the *) (* passed parameter left one position. A zero is shifted into the *) (* least significant position. The digit shifted out is lost. *) (* *) (* *) (* *) (************************************************************************) var i: integer; next: byte; begin for i := bytes downto 1 do begin if i > 1 then next := (a.digitsÆ i - 1 Å div 16) else next := 0; a.digitsÆ i Å := ((a.digitsÆ i Å * 16) + next) mod 256 end end; (* shiftleft *) procedure shiftright( var a: fixed ); (************************************************************************) (* This procedure shifts all of the packed decimal digits in the passed *) (* parameter right one position. A zero is shifted into the most *) (* significant position. The digits shifted out is lost. *) (* *) (* *) (* *) (************************************************************************) var i: integer; next: byte; begin for i := 1 to bytes do begin if i < bytes then next := (a.digitsÆ i + 1 Å mod 16) * 16 else next := 0; a.digitsÆ i Å := (a.digitsÆ i Å div 16) + next end end; (* shiftright *) function fixtostr( a: fixed; mode: modetyp; trailing: byte ): fixstr; (************************************************************************) (* This function returns a formatted string. The 'mode' parameter *) (* specifies which formatting operation is to take place. The *) (* 'trailing' parameter specifies the maximum number of digits to the *) (* right of the decimal point that are to appear. *) (* *) (* *) (************************************************************************) var i, j: byte; result: fixstr; begin if trailing > right then trailing := right; (* Make the 'result' string have 'maxchars' spaces *) setlength( result, 0 ); for i := 1 to maxchars do append( result, ' ' ); resultÆ maxchars - right Å := '.'; (* Put the digits to the right of the dp into the string *) for i := maxchars downto maxchars - (right - 1) do begin resultÆ i Å := chr((a.digitsÆ 1 Å mod 16) + ord('0')); shiftright( a ) end; (* Leave 'trailing' digits to the right of the decimal point *) for i := maxchars downto (maxchars - (right - trailing)) + 1 do resultÆ i Å := ' '; (* Put the digits to the left of the dp into the string *) j := maxchars - right - 1; for i := maxchars - right - 1 downto maxchars - left - right do begin (* Put a comma between every third digit if 'mode' tells us to *) if ((((maxchars - right - 1) - i) mod 3) = 0) and (i < (maxchars - right - 1)) and (mode >= wcomma) then begin resultÆ j Å := ','; j := j - 1 end; resultÆ j Å := chr((a.digitsÆ 1 Å mod 16) + ord('0')); j := j - 1; shiftright( a ) end; (* Suppress leading zeros if mode is anything other than 'none' *) j := j + 1; if mode > none then while ((resultÆ j Å = '0') or (resultÆ j Å = ',')) and (j < maxchars - right - 1) do begin resultÆ j Å := ' '; j := j + 1 end; (* Put a dollar sign in front of the most significant digit if *) (* 'mode' is 'wdollar' or 'wboth' *) j := j - 1; if (mode = wdollar) or (mode = wboth) then begin resultÆ j Å := '$'; j := j - 1 end; (* If the number being converted is negative put a minus sign in *) (* front of the dollar sign or (if there is no dollar sign) the most *) (* most significant digit. *) if a.sign = minus then resultÆ j Å := '-'; (* If we are supposed to suppress leading and trailing zeros *) (* (mode = supltzer), suppress the trailing ones here. *) if mode = supltzer then begin j := maxchars - ( right - trailing ); while resultÆ j Å = '0' do begin resultÆ j Å := ' '; j := j - 1 end end; fixtostr := result end; (* fixtostr *) function strtofix( a: fixstr ): fixed; (************************************************************************) (* This converts the passed string to fixed point. All characters *) (* other than the minus sign (-), decimal point(.), and the decimal *) (* digits (0123456789) are skipped over and ignored. *) (* *) (* *) (* *) (************************************************************************) var rightcount, i: byte; righthalf: boolean; (* True when scanning digits to right of dp *) result: fixed; begin righthalf := false; rightcount := 0; for i := 1 to bytes do result.digitsÆ i Å := 0; result.sign := plus; for i := 1 to length( a ) do if aÆ i Å = '.' then righthalf := true else if aÆ i Å = '-' then result.sign := minus else if (rightcount < right) and (aÆ i Å <= '9') and (aÆ i Å >= '0') then begin shiftleft( result ); result.digitsÆ1Å := result.digitsÆ1Å + ord(aÆiÅ) - ord('0'); if righthalf then rightcount := rightcount + 1 end; for i := rightcount to right - 1 do shiftleft( result ); strtofix := result end; (* strtofix *) PROCEDURE initialize; æ set inital values å VAR count : 0..max_items; BEGIN item_last := 1; FOR count := 1 TO max_codes DO code_descriptionÆcountÅ := ' '; code_descriptionÆ1Å := 'Balance forward'; code_descriptionÆ2Å := 'Deposit '; code_descriptionÆ3Å := 'NOW interest '; code_descriptionÆ4Å := 'Misc. add '; code_descriptionÆ11Å := 'House payment '; code_descriptionÆ12Å := 'Car payment '; code_descriptionÆ13Å := 'Gas & Electric '; code_descriptionÆ14Å := 'Gasoline '; code_descriptionÆ15Å := 'Credit cards '; code_descriptionÆ16Å := 'Auto insurance '; code_descriptionÆ17Å := 'Entertainment '; code_descriptionÆ18Å := 'Telephone '; code_descriptionÆ19Å := 'Auto maint. '; code_descriptionÆ20Å := 'Subscriptions '; code_descriptionÆ21Å := 'Clothing '; code_descriptionÆ22Å := 'Computer parts '; code_descriptionÆ23Å := 'Travel/hotels '; code_descriptionÆ24Å := 'Contributions '; code_descriptionÆ25Å := 'Misc auto '; code_descriptionÆ26Å := 'Investments '; code_descriptionÆ27Å := 'Education '; code_descriptionÆ28Å := 'Water & sewer '; code_descriptionÆ29Å := 'Taxes '; code_descriptionÆ30Å := 'Books '; code_descriptionÆ31Å := 'Food '; code_descriptionÆ32Å := 'Drugs '; code_descriptionÆ33Å := 'Medical service'; code_descriptionÆ34Å := 'Tyme withdrawl '; code_descriptionÆ35Å := 'Misc insurance '; code_descriptionÆ36Å := 'Dental '; code_descriptionÆ37Å := 'Pro tools/equip'; code_descriptionÆ38Å := 'Pro subscript. '; code_descriptionÆ39Å := 'Pro books '; code_descriptionÆ40Å := 'Auto Registrat.'; code_descriptionÆ41Å := 'Slip rent '; code_descriptionÆ42Å := 'Boat expenses '; code_descriptionÆ43Å := 'Sewing/knitting'; code_descriptionÆ49Å := 'Misc. subtract '; code_descriptionÆ50Å := 'Misc. expenses '; END; PROCEDURE newpage; æ print form-feed and 2 blank lines å BEGIN WRITELN(CHR(12)); WRITELN; WRITELN; lines_printed := 0; END; PROCEDURE instructions; æ print description of program operation å VAR answer : CHAR; count : INTEGER; BEGIN newpage; WRITELN(' Checkbook program - For Wesley & Shirley Jenkins '); WRITELN(' Version 1.23 '); WRITELN; WRITE(' Want instructions ? '); READ(answer); WRITELN; IF (answer = 'Y') OR (answer = 'y') THEN BEGIN newpage; WRITELN(' -- Commands --'); WRITELN; WRITELN(' A - Add an item'); WRITELN(' R - Remove an item'); WRITELN(' P - Print all items'); WRITELN(' B - Print by balance'); WRITELN(' S - Sort by date'); WRITELN(' D - Dump to disk'); WRITELN(' L - Load from disk'); WRITELN(' M - Modify an item'); WRITELN(' Q - Quit'); WRITELN(' H - Hardcopy all items'); WRITELN(' I - Hardcopy instructions and codes'); WRITELN(' J - Hardcopy balance'); WRITELN; WRITELN; WRITELN('Code Description'); FOR count := 1 TO 27 DO WRITE('-'); WRITELN; FOR count := 1 TO 50 DO IF code_descriptionÆcountÅ <> ' ' THEN WRITELN(count:3,' ',code_descriptionÆcountÅ); END; END; PROCEDURE heading; æ print heading for new page of item printout å VAR count : 0..79; BEGIN WRITE(' Item Date Amount Description'); WRITE(' Code'); WRITELN; FOR COUNT := 1 TO 79 DO WRITE('-'); WRITELN; END; PROCEDURE item_print(count : INTEGER); æ print data on one item å BEGIN WITH itemsÆcountÅ DO BEGIN WRITE(item_number:5); WRITE(month:5,'/'); IF day < 10 THEN WRITE('0',day:1) ELSE WRITE(day:2); WRITE('/',year:2); WRITE(FIXTOSTR(amount,WBOTH,2)); WRITE(' ',description); WRITE(' ',code_descriptionÆcodeÅ); END; END; PROCEDURE print_instructions; æ Output to printer, commands & codes å VAR file_out : TEXT; count : INTEGER; BEGIN REWRITE('Lst:',file_out); WRITELN(file_out,CHR(12)); WRITELN(file_out,' ------Commands---------------------- '); WRITELN(file_out,' A - Add an item'); WRITELN(file_out,' R - Remove an item'); WRITELN(file_out,' P - Print all items'); WRITELN(file_out,' B - Print by balance'); WRITELN(file_out,' S - Sort by date'); WRITELN(file_out,' D - Dump to disk'); WRITELN(file_out,' L - Load from disk'); WRITELN(file_out,' M - Modify an item'); WRITELN(file_out,' Q - Quit'); WRITELN(file_out,' H - Hardcopy all items'); WRITELN(file_out,' I - Hardcopy instructions and codes'); WRITELN(file_out,' J - Hardcopy balance'); WRITELN(file_out); WRITELN(file_out,'Code Description'); WRITELN(file_out,CHR(9),'---------------------------'); FOR count := 1 TO max_codes DO WRITELN(file_out,count:3,' ',code_descriptionÆcountÅ); WRITELN(file_out); WRITELN; END; PROCEDURE print_all; æ print data for all items in file å VAR count : INTEGER; BEGIN newpage; heading; FOR count := 1 TO item_last-1 DO BEGIN IF lines_printed = 20 THEN BEGIN newpage; heading; END; item_print(count); lines_printed := lines_printed +1; WRITELN; END; WRITELN; END; PROCEDURE hardcopy_heading; æ prints hardcopy heading for printout å VAR file_out : TEXT; count : INTEGER; BEGIN REWRITE('Lst:',file_out); WRITELN(file_out,CHR(12)); WRITE(file_out,' Item Date Amount Description'); WRITE(file_out,' Code'); WRITELN(file_out); FOR count := 1 TO 79 DO WRITE(file_out,'-'); WRITELN(file_out); lines_printed := 3; END; PROCEDURE copy_all; æ Hardcopys all items in file å VAR count : 0..79; file_out : TEXT; BEGIN hardcopy_heading; FOR count := 1 TO item_last-1 DO BEGIN IF lines_printed = 75 THEN hardcopy_heading; WITH itemsÆcountÅ DO BEGIN REWRITE('Lst:',file_out); WRITE(file_out,item_number:5); WRITE(file_out,month:5,'/'); IF day < 10 THEN WRITE(file_out,'0',day:1) ELSE WRITE(file_out,day:2); WRITE(file_out,'/',year:2); WRITE(file_out,FIXTOSTR(amount,WBOTH,2)); WRITE(file_out,' ',description); WRITE(file_out,' ',code_descriptionÆcodeÅ); WRITELN(file_out); END; lines_printed := lines_printed +1; END; END; PROCEDURE print_balance; æ Print totals by categories and net balance å VAR item : 1..max_items; balance : FIXED; BEGIN FOR item := 1 TO max_codes DO code_amountÆitemÅ := STRTOFIX('0'); balance := STRTOFIX('0'); FOR item := 1 TO item_last-1 DO WITH itemsÆitemÅ DO code_amountÆcodeÅ := ADD(code_amountÆcodeÅ, amount); FOR item := 1 TO max_add_code DO balance := ADD(balance, code_amountÆitemÅ); FOR item := max_add_code+1 TO max_codes DO balance := SUB(balance, code_amountÆitemÅ); newpage; WRITELN(' Category Amount'); FOR item := 1 TO 32 DO WRITE('-'); WRITELN; FOR item := 1 TO max_codes DO IF code_amountÆitemÅ <> STRTOFIX('0') THEN WRITELN(code_descriptionÆitemÅ,' -',FIXTOSTR(code_amountÆitemÅ,WBOTH, 2 )); FOR item := 1 TO 32 DO WRITE('-'); WRITELN; WRITELN('Balance -',FIXTOSTR(balance, WBOTH, 2)); WRITELN; END; PROCEDURE kopy_balance; æ hardcopy balance sheet to printer å VAR item : 1..max_items; balance : FIXED; file_out : TEXT; BEGIN FOR item := 1 TO max_codes DO code_amountÆitemÅ := STRTOFIX('0'); balance := STRTOFIX('0'); FOR item := 1 TO item_last-1 DO WITH itemsÆitemÅ DO code_amountÆcodeÅ := ADD(code_amountÆcodeÅ, amount); FOR item := 1 TO max_add_code DO balance := ADD(balance, code_amountÆitemÅ); FOR item := max_add_code+1 TO max_codes DO balance := SUB(balance, code_amountÆitemÅ); REWRITE('Lst:',file_out); WRITELN(file_out,CHR(12)); WRITELN(file_out,' Category Amount'); FOR item := 1 TO 32 DO WRITE(file_out,'-'); WRITELN(file_out); FOR item := 1 TO max_codes DO IF code_amountÆitemÅ <>STRTOFIX('0') THEN BEGIN WRITE(file_out,code_descriptionÆitemÅ,' -'); WRITELN(file_out,FIXTOSTR(code_amountÆitemÅ,WBOTH, 2 )); END; FOR item := 1 TO 32 DO WRITE(file_out,'-'); WRITELN(file_out); WRITELN(file_out,'Balance -',FIXTOSTR(balance, WBOTH, 2)); WRITELN(file_out); END; PROCEDURE remove; æ remove item from file å VAR remove : CHAR; found,item : INTEGER; item_remove : INTEGER; BEGIN found :=0; WRITELN; WRITE(' Remove item number - '); READ(item_remove); FOR item := 1 TO item_last-1 DO IF itemsÆitemÅ.item_number = item_remove THEN found := item; WRITELN; IF found <> 0 THEN BEGIN heading; item_print(found); WRITELN; WRITELN; WRITE(' Remove ? '); READ(remove); IF (remove = 'Y') OR (remove = 'y') THEN BEGIN FOR item := found TO item_last-1 DO itemsÆitemÅ := itemsÆitem+1Å; item_last := item_last-1; END; END; IF found = 0 THEN WRITELN(' Item not in list.....'); END; PROCEDURE entry; æ console entry of check/deposit data å VAR ch : CHAR; number : STRING 20; BEGIN REPEAT WITH itemsÆitem_lastÅ DO BEGIN description := ' '; WRITELN; WRITE(' Item number ? '); READLN(item_number); WRITE(' Month ? '); READ(month); WRITE(' Date ? '); READ(day); WRITE(' Amount ? '); READ(number); amount := STRTOFIX(number); WRITELN(' _____________________________'); WRITE(' Description ? '); READLN(description); WHILE LENGTH(description) <> 30 DO APPEND(description,' '); WRITE(' Code ? '); READ(code); year := entry_year; WRITELN; END; heading; item_print(item_last); WRITELN; WRITELN; WRITE(' Correct ? '); READ(ch); UNTIL (ch ='Y') OR (ch = 'y'); itemsÆitem_last+1Å := itemsÆitem_lastÅ; itemsÆitem_last+1Å.item_number := 0; item_last := item_last+1; WRITELN; END; PROCEDURE modify; æ modify a field in an item å VAR found,item : INTEGER; number : STRING 20; name : STRING 30; item_modify : INTEGER; answer : CHAR; A,B,C,D,N,R : STRING 3; BEGIN A:=CHR(27); B:=CHR(48); C:=CHR(64); APPEND(A,B); APPEND(A,C); N:=A; A:=CHR(27); B:=CHR(48); D:=CHR(80); APPEND(A,B); APPEND(A,D); R:=A; found := 0; WRITELN; WRITE(' Modify Item number - '); READ(item_modify); WRITELN; FOR item := 1 TO item_last-1 DO IF itemsÆitemÅ.item_number=item_modify THEN found := item; WRITELN; IF found<>0 THEN BEGIN heading; item_print(found); WRITELN; WRITE(R,'I',N,'tem # '); WRITE(R,'M',N,'onth '); WRITE(R,'D',N,'ate '); WRITE(R,'A',N,'mount '); WRITE(R,'N',N,'ame or description '); WRITELN(R,'C',N,'ode'); WRITELN; WRITELN(' Modify one of the above fields '); WRITE(' Enter letter of the field to be changed?- '); READ(answer); WRITELN; CASE answer OF 'I','i':BEGIN WRITE(' New item number- '); READLN(itemsÆfoundÅ.item_number); WRITELN; END; 'M','m':BEGIN WRITE(' New month- '); READ(itemsÆfoundÅ.month); WRITELN; END; 'D','d':BEGIN WRITE(' New day- '); READ(itemsÆfoundÅ.day); WRITELN; END; 'A','a':BEGIN WRITE(' New amount- '); READ(number); WRITELN; itemsÆfoundÅ.amount:=STRTOFIX(number); END; 'N','n':BEGIN WRITE(' New name or description- '); READLN(name); WRITELN; WHILE LENGTH(name)<>30 DO APPEND(name,' '); itemsÆfoundÅ.description:=name; END; 'C','c':BEGIN WRITE(' New code #- '); READ(itemsÆfoundÅ.code); WRITELN; END; END; END; END; PROCEDURE swap_items(item : INTEGER ; VAR swaped : BOOLEAN); æ exchange file data at location with location+1 å BEGIN itemsÆmax_itemsÅ := itemsÆitemÅ; itemsÆitemÅ := itemsÆitem+1Å; itemsÆitem+1Å := itemsÆmax_itemsÅ; swaped := TRUE END; PROCEDURE date_sort; æ sort data file by date å VAR finish , item : 0..max_items; date_first , date_second : REAL; item_first , item_second : INTEGER; BEGIN finish := item_last-2; REPEAT swaped := FALSE; FOR item := 1 TO finish DO BEGIN WITH itemsÆitemÅ DO BEGIN date_first := year * 10000.0 + month * 100.0 + day; item_first := item_number; END; WITH itemsÆitem+1Å DO BEGIN date_second := year * 10000.0 + month * 100.0 + day; item_second := item_number; END; IF date_first > date_second THEN swap_items(item,swaped); IF (date_first = date_second) AND (item_first > item_second) THEN swap_items(item,swaped); END; IF finish > 2 THEN finish := finish -1; UNTIL NOT swaped END; PROCEDURE dump; æ write file of item information to disk å VAR count : INTEGER; BEGIN RESET(disk_file, data_file); REWRITE(disk_file,data_file); FOR count := 1 TO item_last DO WRITE(data_file,itemsÆcountÅ); END; PROCEDURE read_disk; æ load data from disk to file å BEGIN WRITELN; RESET(disk_file,data_file); item_last := 1; REPEAT READ(data_file,itemsÆitem_lastÅ); WRITE('.'); IF item_last MOD 10 = 0 THEN WRITELN; item_last := item_last + 1; UNTIL itemsÆitem_last-1Å.item_number = 0; item_last := item_last -1; WRITELN; END; PROCEDURE prog_commands; æ console entry of program command å BEGIN WRITELN; WRITE(' Command ? '); READ(command); CASE command OF 'A','a' : entry; 'B','b' : print_balance; 'P','p' : print_all; 'R','r' : remove; 'S','s' : date_sort; 'D','d' : dump; 'L','l' : read_disk; 'M','m' : modify; 'H','h' : copy_all; 'I','i' : print_instructions; 'J','j' : kopy_balance; ELSE : IF (command = 'Q') OR (command ='q') THEN WRITELN(' Leaving Program') ELSE WRITELN(' Invalid command .....') END; END; æ Mainline Program å BEGIN initialize; instructions; WRITELN; WRITE(' Enter year " 2-digit " for new entries - '); READ(entry_year); WRITELN; WRITELN; REPEAT prog_commands; UNTIL (command = 'q') OR (command = 'Q'); WRITELN; WRITE(' Save file ? '); READ(answer); IF (answer ='Y') OR (answer = 'y') THEN dump; END. «eof»