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⟦179f1169f⟧ TextFile

    Length: 1152 (0x480)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »SMALLERR.TXT«


└─⟦542983778⟧ Bits:30005313 CR8 Pascal/MT+
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »SMALLERR.TXT« 


  1  Error in type
  2  Identifier
  3  'PROGRAM'
  4  ')'
  5  ':'
  6  Illegal symbol
  7  Error in parm list
  8  'OF'
  9  '('
 10  Error in type
 11  'Æ'
 12  'Å'
 13  'END'
 14  ';'
 15  Integer
 16  '='
 17  'BEGIN'
 18  Error in declaration part
 19  error in <field-list>
 20  '.'
 21  '*'
 50  Error in constant
 51  ':='
 52  'THEN'
 53  'UNTIL'
 54  'DO'
 55  'TO' or 'DOWNTO'
 56  'IF'
 57  'FILE'
 58  Error in <factor>
 59  Error in variable
105  sign not allowed
106  Number expected
108  File not allowed here
174  Pascal function or procedure expected
183  External declaration not allowed at this nesting level
201  Error in real number - digit expected
202  String constant must not exceed source line
206  Illegal real number
398  Implementation restriction
399  Implementation restriction
400  Illegal character in text
403  Error in reading include file
404  Error in writing list file, not enough room
407  Name table exceeded memory, sorry.
496  Invalid argument to INLINE pseudo procedure