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Index: ┃ 5 C D F G I S T

⟦1e6180fa2⟧ Bits:30003940 SW1527 DR Draw rel 1.0 for CP/M-86 (dansk), 5¼" Floppy Disk, CP/M Filesystem - Piccoline, CpmFileSystem_Piccoline, ImdContainer

    Length: 1261568 (0x134000)
    Description: Bits:30003940 SW1527 DR Draw rel 1.0 for CP/M-86 (dansk)
    Types: 5¼" Floppy Disk, CP/M Filesystem - Piccoline, CpmFileSystem_Piccoline, ImdContainer


Overlaps Artifact
25⟦b5414baba⟧ Bits:30005912 RC Partner softwarebundt, 5¼" Floppy Disk, CP/M Filesystem - Piccoline, CpmFileSystem_Piccoline, ImdContainer
10⟦7ea4c8a73⟧ Bits:30004203 GSX driver sourcer disk 2, 5¼" Floppy Disk, CP/M Filesystem - CR16, CpmFileSystem_CR16, ImdContainer
9⟦1230711ec⟧ Bits:30003277 Digital Research Draw v.1.0 + Skriv + Regn, 5¼" Floppy Disk, CP/M Filesystem - Piccoline, CpmFileSystem_Piccoline
7⟦369075929⟧ Bits:30004202 GSX driver sourcer disk 1, 5¼" Floppy Disk, CP/M Filesystem - CR16, CpmFileSystem_CR16, ImdContainer


⟦8a677b9f0⟧ »INSTJOB.SUB«, TextFile
⟦eec578cf4⟧ »DRAW.CMD«


1⟦263f03883⟧ »DRMSG40.TXT«, TextFile
1⟦73c208f75⟧ »DRMSG80.TXT«, TextFile
2⟦291bbb061⟧ »COMROM.16«
2⟦2ff5b20a2⟧ »SIMPROM.16«
2⟦a6fd508e0⟧ »DRAW.002«
2⟦87c79814b⟧ »COMGRE.16«
2⟦813b28166⟧ »COMSCR.16«
2⟦f6aa132e1⟧ »DRAW.006«
2⟦55ea8ab59⟧ »FONTB.BIN«, »TRIROM.16«
2⟦7821253ab⟧ »DUPROM.16«
2⟦a8a2cac75⟧ »INDGRE.16«
2⟦116403c9c⟧ »DRAW.BIN«
2⟦43ee77caf⟧ »DRAW.004«
2⟦233c6e4aa⟧ »DRAW.005«
2⟦82a425d05⟧ »FONTC.BIN«, »TRIITA.16«
2⟦86282dd63⟧ »SIMSCR.16«
2⟦1867d6e1f⟧ »INDROM.16«
2⟦d67a5a688⟧ »DRAW.001«
2⟦4f04eb6ae⟧ »GOTITA.16«
2⟦481506f83⟧ »INDITA.16«
2⟦264b61fbe⟧ »SIMGRE.16«
2⟦e0ee7e7cc⟧ »DRAW.003«
3⟦bc355f0da⟧ »FONTC.BIN«, »GOTGER.16«
3⟦d959277b8⟧ »DRAW.008«
3⟦7e92827a6⟧ »DRAW.007«