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Length: 7680 (0x1e00) Types: TextFile Names: »READCMD.P«
└─⟦dd59903ef⟧ Bits:30005887 Klub diskette for udveksling af software └─ ⟦this⟧ »READCMD.P«
PROCEDURE readcmd(VAR arg: wrdarray; VAR numargs: byte); æ +------------------------------------------------------------+ øWRITTEN FOR ZUG USE. PASCAL Z, version 4.0 ø øBY Clif Kinne DATE: 12/15/82 ø ø ø øPURPOSE This procedure was designed to read and parse the ø ø command tail on a program call. ø ø ø øCALL: Readcmd(name,nargs) - typical. ø ø ø øINPUT Reads a string, LINE, of up to 80 characters from ø øDATA from the console. ø ø ø øRETURNS: 1. The words from LINE in an array, ARGÆ1..maxargsÅø ø 2. NARGS, the actual number of words found. ø ø 3. Dummy 1-character arguments to pad out the ø ø array from numargs to maxargs. ø ø ø øGLOBALS CONST maxword = Max. no. of characters in a word ø øREQUIRED maxargs = Max. no. of arguments allowed ø ø maxline = 80; ø ø ø ø TYPE wrdtype = string maxword; ø ø wrdarray = ARRAYÆ1..maxargsÅ OF wrdtype; ø ø byte = 0..255; ø ø ø ø VAR <argname>: wrdarray; ø ø ø øFEATURES 1. Truncates long words to MAXWORD characters. ø ø 2. If command tail is empty, invites operator to ø ø enter arguments, continue without arguments, ø ø or quit. ø ø 3. Trailing dummy arguments can signal calling ø ø program it has asked for unavailable argument.ø ø 4. Can have up to 5 14-character or 38 1-characterø ø arguments, or any mixture up to 77 characters.ø ø 5. Even though MAXARGS arguments are allowed, any ø ø lesser no. of arguments, including none, may beø ø entered. If none are needed, the command shouldø ø be followed by 2 spaces to avoid the reminder. ø ø ø øBUGS Does not handle tab characters satisfactorily. ø +------------------------------------------------------------+ .paå CONST blank = ' '; dummy = 'Ø'; TYPE linetype = string maxline; string0 = string 0; string255 = string 255; VAR pos,i : byte; line : linetype; FUNCTION length(x: string255): INTEGER; external; PROCEDURE reminder; æ +------------------------------------------------------+ øThis procedure is intended for use with the procedure,ø øREADCMD. It can be made external to READCMD so that itø ømay be tailored to the calling program. ø +------------------------------------------------------+ å BEGIN æ----------------------------reminder-----------------------------å WRITELN(margin, 'You neglected to include any arguments with the program call.'); WRITELN; WRITELN(margin, 'Please enter them now (or enter "Q" to quit, or RETURN to'); WRITELN; WRITELN(margin,'continue without arguments).'); WRITELN; WRITELN; WRITE(margin,'===> ') END; æ----------------------------reminder-----------------------------å PROCEDURE linetoolong; BEGIN æ---------------------------linetoolong---------------------------å WRITELN(margin,'Command line is too long.'); WRITELN; WRITELN(margin,'Reenter arguments here. Do not exceed', (maxline - 3):3,' characters.'); WRITELN; READLN(line) END; æ---------------------------linetoolong---------------------------å æ.p.aå PROCEDURE getword(VAR word: string0; VAR line: linetype; VAR pos: byte); æ +----------------------------------------------------------+ øThis procedure receives a string, LINE, and a character ø øposition, POS. ø øIt extracts the first group of non-space characters after ø øPOS, and returns it to the calling program as WORD. ø øLong words will be truncated at MAXWORD characters. ø øPOS is returned to the calling program so that additional ø øwords may be extracted. ø +----------------------------------------------------------+ å CONST blank = ' '; PROCEDURE setlength(VAR x: string0; y: INTEGER); external; BEGIN æ-----------------------------getword-----------------------------å WHILE ((lineÆposÅ = blank) OR (lineÆposÅ= CHR(9))) AND (pos<maxline) DO pos := pos+1; æSKIPBLANKSå setlength(word,0); æINITIALIZES word TO A NULL STRING.å WHILE (lineÆposÅ <> blank) AND (lineÆposÅ <> CHR(9)) AND (length(word) < maxword) DO BEGIN APPEND(word,lineÆposÅ); æBUILDS THE STRING, word. å pos := pos + 1 END; WHILE (lineÆposÅ <> blank) AND (lineÆposÅ <> CHR(9)) DO pos := pos + 1 æSKIPS OVER ANY EXTRA NON-BLANK CHARACTERS IN wordå END; æ-----------------------------getword-----------------------------å BEGIN æ-------------------------------readcmd-----------------------------å pos := 1; IF EOLN THEN reminder; æREPORT NO COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS AT ALL å READLN(line); WRITELN; WHILE length(line) > (maxline - 3) DO linetoolong; APPEND(line,blank); æAPPEND DUMMY ARGUMENT TO SIGNIFY NO MOREå APPEND(line,dummy); æARGUMENTS IN THE COMMAND LINE å FOR i := length(line) TO maxline - 1 DO append(line,blank); æNEEDED SO THAT getword WILL BEHAVE AFTER DUMMY ARGUMENTå numargs := 0; REPEAT æGET ACTUAL ARGUMENTS IN ARRAY, arg, AND å numargs := numargs + 1; æTHE COUNT OF THE ARGUMENTS IN numargs: å getword(argÆnumargsÅ,line,pos) UNTIL (argÆnumargsÅ = dummy) OR (numargs = maxargs); FOR i := numargs + 1 TO maxargs DO argÆiÅ := dummy; æPAD ARGUMENT LIST å æOUT TO maxargs WITH DUMMY ARGUMENTSå IF argÆnumargsÅ = dummy THEN numargs := numargs - 1; æADJUST numargså END; æ-----------------------------readcmd ------------------------------å «eof»