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Length: 33920 (0x8480) Types: TextFile Names: »CALC.PAS«
└─⟦98ebcd56b⟧ Bits:30004773 Turbo Pascal v.2.00B for CP/M-86 └─ ⟦this⟧ »CALC.PAS«
æ This program is donated to the Public Domain for å æ non commercial use only å æHere is a note to the compiler: å æ$R-,U-,V-,X-,A+,C-å program MicroCalc; const FXMax: Char = 'G'; æ Maximum number of columns in spread sheet å FYMax = 21; æ Maximum number of lines in spread sheet å type Anystring = stringÆ70Å; SheetIndex = 'A'..'G'; Attributes = (Constant,Formula,Txt,OverWritten,Locked,Calculated); æ The spreadsheet is made out of Cells every Cell is defined as å æ the following record:å CellRec = record CellStatus: set of Attributes; æ Status of cell (see type def.) å Contents: StringÆ70Å; æ Contains a formula or some text å Value: Real; æ Last calculated cell value å DEC,FW: 0..20; æ Decimals and Cell Whith å end; Cells = arrayÆSheetIndex,1..FYMaxÅ of CellRec; const XPOS: arrayÆSheetIndexÅ of integer = (3,14,25,36,47,58,68); var Sheet: Cells; æ Definition of the spread sheet å FX: SheetIndex; æ Culumn of current cell å FY: Integer; æ Line of current cell å Ch: Char; æ Last read character å MCFile: file of CellRec; æ File to store sheets in å AutoCalc: boolean; æ Recalculate after each entry? å æ For easy reference the procedures and functions are grouped in mo-å æ dules called MC-MOD00 through MC-MOD05. å æ.PAå æ*******************************************************************å æ* SOURCE CODE MODULE: MC-MOD00 *å æ* PURPOSE: Micellaneous utilities and commands. *å æ*******************************************************************å procedure Msg(S: AnyString); begin GotoXY(1,24); ClrEol; Write(S); end; procedure Flash(X: integer; S: AnyString; Blink: boolean); begin HighVideo; GotoXY(X,23); Write(S); if Blink then begin repeat GotoXY(X,23); Blink:=not Blink; if Blink then HighVideo else LowVideo; Write(S); Delay(175); until KeyPressed; end; LowVideo; end; procedure Auto; begin AutoCalc:=not AutoCalc; if AutoCalc then Flash(60,'AutoCalc: ON ',false) else Flash(60,'AutoCalc: OFF',false); end; æ.PAå æ*******************************************************************å æ* SOURCE CODE MODULE: MC-MOD01 *å æ* PURPOSE: Display grid and initialize all cells *å æ* in the spread sheet. *å æ*******************************************************************å procedure Grid; var I: integer; Count: Char; begin HighVideo; For Count:='A' to FXMax do begin GotoXY(XPosÆCountÅ,1); Write(Count); end; GotoXY(1,2); for I:=1 to FYMax do writeln(I:2); LowVideo; if AutoCalc then Flash(60,'AutoCalc: ON' ,false) else Flash(60,'AutoCalc: OFF',false); Flash(33,' Type / for Commands',false); end; procedure Init; var I: SheetIndex; J: Integer; LastName: stringÆ2Å; begin for I:='A' to FXMAX do begin for J:=1 to FYMAX do begin with SheetÆI,JÅ do begin CellStatus:=ÆTxtÅ; Contents:=''; Value:=0; DEC:=2; æ Default number of decimals å FW:=10; æ Default field width å end; end; end; AutoCalc:=True; FX:='A'; FY:=1; æ First field in upper left corner å end; procedure Clear; begin HighVideo; GotoXY(1,24); ClrEol; Write('Clear this worksheet? (Y/N) '); repeat Read(Kbd,Ch) until Upcase(Ch) in Æ'Y','N'Å; Write(Upcase(Ch)); if UpCase(Ch)='Y' then begin ClrScr; Init; Grid; end; end; æ.PAå æ*******************************************************************å æ* SOURCE CODE MODULE: MC-MOD02 *å æ* PURPOSE: Display values in cells and move between *å æ* cells in the spread sheet. *å æ*******************************************************************å procedure FlashType; begin with SheetÆFX,FYÅ do begin GotoXY(1,23); Write(FX,FY:2,' '); if Formula in CellStatus then write('Formula:') else if Constant in CellStatus then Write('Numeric ') else if Txt in CellStatus then Write('Text '); GotoXY(1,24); ClrEol; if Formula in CellStatus then Write(Contents); end; end; æ The following procedures move between the Cells on the calc sheet.å æ Each Cell has an associated record containing its X,Y coordinates å æ and data. See the type definition for "Cell". å procedure GotoCell(GX: SheetIndex; GY: integer); begin with SheetÆGX,GYÅ do begin HighVideo; GotoXY(XPosÆGXÅ,GY+1); Write(' '); GotoXY(XPosÆGXÅ,GY+1); if Txt in CellStatus then Write(Contents) else begin if DEC>=0 then Write(Value:FW:DEC) else Write(Value:FW); end; FlashType; GotoXY(XPosÆGXÅ,GY+1); end; LowVideo; end; æ.CP20å procedure LeaveCell(FX:SheetIndex;FY: integer); begin with SheetÆFX,FYÅ do begin GotoXY(XPosÆFXÅ,FY+1); LowVideo; if Txt in CellStatus then Write(Contents) else begin if DEC>=0 then Write(Value:FW:DEC) else Write(Value:FW); end; end; end; æ.CP20å procedure Update; var UFX: SheetIndex; UFY: integer; begin ClrScr; Grid; for UFX:='A' to FXMax do for UFY:=1 to FYMax do if SheetÆUFX,UFYÅ.Contents<>'' then LeaveCell(UFX,UFY); GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.CP20å procedure MoveDown; var Start: integer; begin LeaveCell(FX,FY); Start:=FY; repeat FY:=FY+1; if FY>FYMax then FY:=1; until (SheetÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus*ÆOverWritten,LockedÅ=ÆÅ) or (FY=Start); if FY<>Start then GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.CP20å procedure MoveUp; var Start: integer; begin LeaveCell(FX,FY); Start:=FY; repeat FY:=FY-1; if FY<1 then FY:=FYMax; until (SheetÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus*ÆOverWritten,LockedÅ=ÆÅ) or (FY=Start); if FY<>Start then GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.CP20å procedure MoveRight; var Start: SheetIndex; begin LeaveCell(FX,FY); Start:=FX; repeat FX:=Succ(FX); if FX>FXMax then begin FX:='A'; FY:=FY+1; if FY>FYMax then FY:=1; end; until (SheetÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus*ÆOverWritten,LockedÅ=ÆÅ) or (FX=Start); if FX<>Start then GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.CP20å procedure MoveLeft; var Start: SheetIndex; begin LeaveCell(FX,FY); Start:=FX; repeat FX:=Pred(FX); if FX<'A' then begin FX:=FXMax; FY:=FY-1; if FY<1 then FY:=FYMax; end; until (SheetÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus*ÆOverWritten,LockedÅ=ÆÅ) or (FX=Start); if FX<>Start then GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.PAå æ*******************************************************************å æ* SOURCE CODE MODULE: MC-MOD03 *å æ* PURPOSE: Read, Save and Print a spread sheet. *å æ* Display on-line manual. *å æ*******************************************************************å type String3 = stringÆ3Å; var FileName: stringÆ14Å; Line: stringÆ100Å; function Exist(FileN: AnyString): boolean; var F: file; begin æ$I-å assign(F,FileN); reset(F); æ$I+å if IOResult<>0 then Exist:=false else Exist:=true; end; procedure GetFileName(var Line: AnyString; FileType:String3); begin Line:=''; repeat Read(Kbd,Ch); if Upcase(Ch) in Æ'A'..'Z',^MÅ then begin write(Upcase(Ch)); Line:=Line+Ch; end; until (Ch=^M) or (length(Line)=8); if Ch=^M then Delete(Line,Length(Line),1); if Line<>'' then Line:=Line+'.'+FileType; end; æ.CP20å procedure Save; var I: SheetIndex; J: integer; begin HighVideo; Msg('Save: Enter filename '); GetFileName(Filename,'MCS'); if FileName<>'' then begin Assign(MCFile,FileName); Rewrite(MCFile); for I:='A' to FXmax do begin for J:=1 to FYmax do write(MCfile,SheetÆI,JÅ); end; Grid; Close(MCFile); LowVideo; GotoCell(FX,FY); end; end; æ.CP30å procedure Load; begin HighVideo; Msg('Load: Enter filename '); GetFileName(Filename,'MCS'); if (Filename<>'') then if (not exist(FileName)) then repeat Msg('File not Found: Enter another filename '); GetFileName(Filename,'MCS'); until exist(FileName) or (FileName=''); if FileName<>'' then begin ClrScr; Msg('Please Wait. Loading definition...'); Assign(MCFile,FileName); Reset(MCFile); for FX:='A' to FXmax do for FY:=1 to FYmax do read(MCFile,SheetÆFX,FYÅ); FX:='A'; FY:=1; LowVideo; UpDate; end; GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.PAå procedure Print; var I: SheetIndex; J,Count, LeftMargin: Integer; P: stringÆ20Å; MCFile: Text; begin HighVideo; Msg('Print: Enter filename "P" for Printer> '); GetFileName(Filename,'LST'); Msg('Left margin > '); Read(LeftMargin); if FileName='P.LST' then FileName:='LST:'; Msg('Printing to: ' + FileName + '....'); Assign(MCFile,FileName); Rewrite(MCFile); For Count:=1 to 5 do Writeln(MCFile); for J:=1 to FYmax do begin Line:=''; for I:='A' to FXmax do begin with SheetÆI,JÅ do begin while (Length(Line)<XPOSÆIÅ-4) do Line:=Line+' '; if (Constant in CellStatus) or (Formula in CellStatus) then begin if not (Locked in CellStatus) then begin if DEC>0 then Str(Value:FW:DEC,P) else Str(Value:FW,P); Line:=Line+P; end; end else Line:=Line+Contents; end; æ With å end; æ One line å For Count:=1 to LeftMargin do Write(MCFile,' '); writeln(MCFile,Line); end; æ End Column å Grid; Close(MCFile); LowVideo; GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.PAå procedure Help; var H: text; HelpFileName: stringÆ14Å; Line: stringÆ80Å; I,J: integer; Bold: boolean; begin if Exist('CALC.HLP') then begin Assign(H,'CALC.HLP'); Reset(H); while not Eof(H) do begin ClrScr; I:=1; Bold:=false; LowVideo; Readln(H,Line); repeat For J:=1 to Length(Line) do begin if LineÆJÅ=^B then begin Bold:=not Bold; if Bold then HighVideo else LowVideo; end else write(LineÆJÅ); end; Writeln; I:=I+1; Readln(H,Line); until Eof(H) or (I>23) or (Copy(Line,1,3)='.PA'); GotoXY(26,24); HighVideo; write('<<< Please press any key to continue >>>'); LowVideo; read(Kbd,Ch); end; GotoXY(20,24); HighVideo; write('<<< Please press <RETURN> to start MicroCalc >>>'); LowVideo; Readln(Ch); UpDate; end else æ Help file did not exist å begin Msg('To get help the file CALC.HLP must be on your disk. Press <RETURN>'); repeat Read(kbd,Ch) until Ch=^M; GotoCell(FX,FY); end; end; æ.PAå æ*******************************************************************å æ* SOURCE CODE MODULE: MC-MOD04 *å æ* PURPOSE: Evaluate formulas. *å æ* Recalculate spread sheet. *å æ* *å æ* NOTE: This module contains recursive procedures *å æ* and is for computer scientists only. *å æ*******************************************************************å var Form: Boolean; æ$A-å procedure Evaluate(var IsFormula: Boolean; æ True if formulaå var Formula: AnyString; æ Fomula to evaluateå var Value: Real; æ Result of formula å var ErrPos: Integer);æ Position of error å const Numbers: set of Char = Æ'0'..'9'Å; EofLine = ^M; var Pos: Integer; æ Current position in formula å Ch: Char; æ Current character being scanned å EXY: stringÆ3Å; æ Intermidiate string for conversion å æ Procedure NextCh returns the next character in the formula å æ The variable Pos contains the position ann Ch the character å procedure NextCh; begin repeat Pos:=Pos+1; if Pos<=Length(Formula) then Ch:=FormulaÆPosÅ else Ch:=eofline; until Ch<>' '; end æ NextCh å; function Expression: Real; var E: Real; Opr: Char; function SimpleExpression: Real; var S: Real; Opr: Char; function Term: Real; var T: Real; function SignedFactor: Real; function Factor: Real; type StandardFunction = (fabs,fsqrt,fsqr,fsin,fcos, farctan,fln,flog,fexp,ffact); StandardFunctionList = arrayÆStandardFunctionÅ of stringÆ6Å; const StandardFunctionNames: StandardFunctionList =('ABS','SQRT','SQR','SIN','COS', 'ARCTAN','LN','LOG','EXP','FACT'); var E,EE,L: Integer; æ intermidiate variables å Found:Boolean; F: Real; Sf:StandardFunction; OldEFY, æ Current cell å EFY, SumFY, Start:Integer; OldEFX, EFX, SumFX:SheetIndex; CellSum: Real; function Fact(I: Integer): Real; begin if I > 0 then begin Fact:=I*Fact(I-1); end else Fact:=1; end æ Fact å; æ.PAå begin æ Function Factor å if Ch in Numbers then begin Start:=Pos; repeat NextCh until not (Ch in Numbers); if Ch='.' then repeat NextCh until not (Ch in Numbers); if Ch='E' then begin NextCh; repeat NextCh until not (Ch in Numbers); end; Val(Copy(Formula,Start,Pos-Start),F,ErrPos); end else if Ch='(' then begin NextCh; F:=Expression; if Ch=')' then NextCh else ErrPos:=Pos; end else if Ch in Æ'A'..'G'Å then æ Maybe a cell reference å begin EFX:=Ch; NextCh; if Ch in Numbers then begin F:=0; EXY:=Ch; NextCh; if Ch in Numbers then begin EXY:=EXY+Ch; NextCh; end; Val(EXY,EFY,ErrPos); IsFormula:=true; if (Constant in SheetÆEFX,EFYÅ.CellStatus) and not (Calculated in SheetÆEFX,EFYÅ.CellStatus) then begin Evaluate(Form,SheetÆEFX,EFYÅ.contents,f,ErrPos); SheetÆEFX,EFYÅ.CellStatus:=SheetÆEFX,EFYÅ.CellStatus+ÆCalculatedÅ end else if not (Txt in SheetÆEFX,EFYÅ.CellStatus) then F:=SheetÆEFX,EFYÅ.Value; if Ch='>' then begin OldEFX:=EFX; OldEFY:=EFY; NextCh; EFX:=Ch; NextCh; if Ch in Numbers then begin EXY:=Ch; NextCh; if Ch in Numbers then begin EXY:=EXY+Ch; NextCh; end; val(EXY,EFY,ErrPos); Cellsum:=0; for SumFY:=OldEFY to EFY do begin for SumFX:=OldEFX to EFX do begin F:=0; if (Constant in SheetÆSumFX,SumFYÅ.CellStatus) and not (Calculated in SheetÆSumFX,SumFYÅ.CellStatus) then begin Evaluate(Form,SheetÆSumFX,SumFYÅ.contents,f,errPos); SheetÆSumFX,SumFYÅ.CellStatus:= SheetÆSumFX,SumFYÅ.CellStatus+ÆCalculatedÅ; end else if not (Txt in SheetÆSumFX,SumFYÅ.CellStatus) then F:=SheetÆSumFX,SumFYÅ.Value; Cellsum:=Cellsum+f; f:=Cellsum; end; end; end; end; end; end else begin found:=false; for sf:=fabs to ffact do if not found then begin l:=Length(StandardFunctionNamesÆsfÅ); if copy(Formula,Pos,l)=StandardFunctionNamesÆsfÅ then begin Pos:=Pos+l-1; NextCh; F:=Factor; case sf of fabs: f:=abs(f); fsqrt: f:=sqrt(f); fsqr: f:=sqr(f); fsin: f:=sin(f); fcos: f:=cos(f); farctan: f:=arctan(f); fln : f:=ln(f); flog: f:=ln(f)/ln(10); fexp: f:=exp(f); ffact: f:=fact(trunc(f)); end; Found:=true; end; end; if not Found then ErrPos:=Pos; end; Factor:=F; end æ function Factorå; æ.PAå begin æ SignedFactor å if Ch='-' then begin NextCh; SignedFactor:=-Factor; end else SignedFactor:=Factor; end æ SignedFactor å; begin æ Term å T:=SignedFactor; while Ch='^' do begin NextCh; t:=exp(ln(t)*SignedFactor); end; Term:=t; end æ Term å; begin æ SimpleExpression å s:=term; while Ch in Æ'*','/'Å do begin Opr:=Ch; NextCh; case Opr of '*': s:=s*term; '/': s:=s/term; end; end; SimpleExpression:=s; end æ SimpleExpression å; begin æ Expression å E:=SimpleExpression; while Ch in Æ'+','-'Å do begin Opr:=Ch; NextCh; case Opr of '+': e:=e+SimpleExpression; '-': e:=e-SimpleExpression; end; end; Expression:=E; end æ Expression å; begin æ procedure Evaluate å if FormulaÆ1Å='.' then Formula:='0'+Formula; if FormulaÆ1Å='+' then delete(Formula,1,1); IsFormula:=false; Pos:=0; NextCh; Value:=Expression; if Ch=EofLine then ErrPos:=0 else ErrPos:=Pos; end æ Evaluate å; æ.PAå procedure Recalculate; var RFX: SheetIndex; RFY:integer; OldValue: real; Err: integer; begin LowVideo; GotoXY(1,24); ClrEol; Write('Calculating..'); for RFY:=1 to FYMax do begin for RFX:='A' to FXMax do begin with SheetÆRFX,RFYÅ do begin if (Formula in CellStatus) then begin CellStatus:=CellStatus+ÆCalculatedÅ; OldValue:=Value; Evaluate(Form,Contents,Value,Err); if OldValue<>Value then begin GotoXY(XPosÆRFXÅ,RFY+1); if (DEC>=0) then Write(Value:FW:DEC) else Write(Value:FW); end; end; end; end; end; GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.PAå æ*******************************************************************å æ* SOURCE CODE MODULE: MC-MOD05 *å æ* PURPOSE: Read the contents of a cell and update *å æ* associated cells. *å æ*******************************************************************å procedure GetLine(var S: AnyString; æ String to edit å ColNO,LineNO, æ Where start line å MAX, æ Max length å ErrPos: integer; æ Where to begin å UpperCase:Boolean); æ True if auto Upcase å var X: integer; InsertOn: boolean; OkChars: set of Char; procedure GotoX; begin GotoXY(X+ColNo-1,LineNo); end; begin OkChars:=Æ' '..'å'Å; InsertOn:=true; X:=1; GotoX; Write(S); if Length(S)=1 then X:=2; if ErrPos<>0 then X:=ErrPos; GotoX; repeat Read(Kbd,Ch); if UpperCase then Ch:=UpCase(Ch); case Ch of ^Æ: begin S:=chr($FF); æ abort editing å Ch:=^M; end; ^D: begin æ Move cursor right å X:=X+1; if (X>length(S)+1) or (X>MAX) then X:=X-1; GotoX; end; ^G: begin æ Delete right char å if X<=Length(S) then begin Delete(S,X,1); Write(copy(S,X,Length(S)-X+1),' '); GotoX; end; end; ^S,^H: begin æ Move cursor left å X:=X-1; if X<1 then X:=1; GotoX; end; ^F: begin æ Move cursor to end of line å X:=Length(S)+1; GotoX; end; ^A: begin æ Move cursor to beginning of line å X:=1; GotoX; end; #127: begin æ Delete left char å X:=X-1; if (Length(S)>0) and (X>0) then begin Delete(S,X,1); Write(copy(S,X,Length(S)-X+1),' '); GotoX; if X<1 then X:=1; end else X:=1; end; ^V: InsertOn:= not InsertOn; æ.PAå else begin if Ch in OkChars then begin if InsertOn then begin insert(Ch,S,X); Write(copy(S,X,Length(S)-X+1),' '); end else begin write(Ch); if X=length(S) then S:=S+Ch else SÆXÅ:=Ch; end; if Length(S)+1<=MAX then X:=X+1 else OkChars:=ÆÅ; æ Line too Long å GotoX; end else if Length(S)+1<=Max then OkChars:= Æ' '..'å'Å; æ Line ok again å end; end; until CH=^M; end; æ.PAå procedure GetCell(FX: SheetIndex;FY: Integer); var S: AnyString; NewStat: Set of Attributes; ErrorPosition: Integer; I: SheetIndex; Result: Real; Abort: Boolean; IsForm: Boolean; æ Procedure ClearCells clears the current cell and its associated å æ cells. An associated cell is a cell overwritten by data from the å æ current cell. The data can be text in which case the cell has the å æ attribute "OverWritten". If the data is a result from an expressionå æ and the field with is larger tahn 11 then the cell is "Locked" å procedure ClearCells; begin I:=FX; repeat with SheetÆI,FYÅ do begin GotoXY(XPosÆIÅ,FY+1); write(' '); I:=Succ(I); end; until (ÆOverWritten,LockedÅ*SheetÆI,FYÅ.CellStatus=ÆÅ); æ Cell is not OVerWritten not Locked å end; æ.CP20å æ The new type of the cell is flashed at the bottom of the Sheet å æ Notice that a constant of type array is used to indicate the type å procedure FlashType; begin HighVideo; GotoXY(5,23); LowVideo; end; æ.CP20å procedure GetFormula; begin FlashType; repeat GetLine(S,1,24,70,ErrorPosition,True); if S<>Chr($FF) then begin Evaluate(IsForm,S,Result,ErrorPosition); if ErrorPosition<>0 then Flash(15,'Error at cursor'+^G,false) else Flash(15,' ',false); end; until (ErrorPosition=0) or (S=Chr($FF)); if IsForm then NewStat:=NewStat+ÆFormulaÅ; end; æ.CP20å æ Procedure GetText calls the procedure GetLine with the current å æ cells X,Y position as parameters. This means that text entering å æ takes place direcly at the cells posion on the Sheet. å procedure GetText; begin FlashType; with SheetÆFX,FYÅ do GetLine(S,XPosÆFXÅ,FY+1,70,ErrorPosition,False); end; æ.CP20å æ Procedure EditCell loads a copy of the current cells contents in å æ in the variable S before calling either GetText or GetFormula. In å æ this way no changes are made to the current cell. å procedure EditCell; begin with SheetÆFX,FYÅ do begin S:=Contents; if Txt in CellStatus then GetText else GetFormula; end; end; æ.PAå æ Procedure UpdateCells is a little more complicated. Basically it å æ makes sure to tag and untag cells which has been overwritten or å æ cleared from data from another cell. It also updates the current å æ with the new type and the contents which still is in the temporaly å æ variable "S". å procedure UpdateCells; var Flength: Integer; begin SheetÆFX,FYÅ.Contents:=S; if Txt in NewStat æSheetÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatuså then begin I:=FX; FLength:=Length(S); repeat I:=Succ(I); with SheetÆI,FYÅ do begin FLength:=Flength-11; if (Flength>0) then begin CellStatus:=ÆOverwritten,TxtÅ; Contents:=''; end else begin if OverWritten in CellStatus then begin CellStatus:=ÆTxtÅ; GotoCell(I,FY);LeaveCell(I,FY); end; end; end; until (I=FXMax) or (SheetÆI,FYÅ.Contents<>''); SheetÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus:=ÆTxtÅ; end else æ string changed to formula or constant å begin æ Event number two å I:=FX; repeat with SheetÆI,FYÅ do begin if OverWritten in CellStatus then begin CellStatus:=ÆTxtÅ; Contents:=''; end; I:=Succ(I); end; until not (OverWritten in SheetÆI,FYÅ.CellStatus); with SheetÆFX,FYÅ do begin CellStatus:=ÆConstantÅ; if IsForm then CellStatus:=CellStatus+ÆFormulaÅ; Value:=Result; end; end; end; æ.PAå æ Procedure GetCell finnaly starts here. This procedure uses all å æ all the above local procedures. First it initializes the temporaly å æ variable "S" with the last read character. It then depending on å æ this character calls GetFormula, GetText, or EditCell. å begin æ procedure GetCell å S:=Ch; ErrorPosition:=0; Abort:=false; NewStat:=ÆÅ; if Ch in Æ'0'..'9','+','-','.','(',')'Å then begin NewStat:=ÆConstantÅ; if not (Formula in SheetÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus) then begin GotoXY(11,24); ClrEol; ClearCells; GetFormula; end else begin Flash(15,'Edit formula Y/N?',true); repeat read(Kbd,Ch) until UpCase(CH) in Æ'Y','N'Å; Flash(15,' ',false); if UpCase(Ch)='Y' then EditCell Else Abort:=true; end; end else begin if Ch=^Æ then begin NewStat:=(SheetÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus)*ÆTxt,ConstantÅ; EditCell; end else begin if formula in SheetÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus then begin Flash(15,'Edit formula Y/N?',true); repeat read(Kbd,Ch) until UpCase(CH) in Æ'Y','N'Å; Flash(15,' ',false); if UpCase(Ch)='Y' then EditCell Else Abort:=true; end else begin NewStat:=ÆTxtÅ; ClearCells; GetText; end; end; end; if not Abort then begin if S<>Chr($FF) then UpDateCells; GotoCell(FX,FY); if AutoCalc and (Constant in SheetÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus) then Recalculate; if Txt in NewStat then begin GotoXY(3,FY+1); Clreol; For I:='A' to FXMax do LeaveCell(I,FY); end; end; Flash(15,' ',False); GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.PAå æ Procedure Format is used to å procedure Format; var J,FW,DEC, FromLine,ToLine: integer; Lock: Boolean; procedure GetInt(var I: integer; Max: Integer); var S: stringÆ8Å; Err: Integer; Ch: Char; begin S:=''; repeat repeat Read(Kbd,Ch) until Ch in Æ'0'..'9','-',^MÅ; if Ch<>^M then begin Write(Ch); S:=S+Ch; Val(S,I,Err); end; until (I>=Max) or (Ch=^M); if I>Max then I:=Max; end; begin HighVideo; Msg('Format: Enter number of decimals (Max 11): '); GetInt(DEC,11); Msg('Enter Cell whith remember if larger than 10 next column will lock: '); GetInt(FW,20); Msg('From which line in column '+FX+': '); GetInt(FromLine,FYMax); Msg('To which line in column '+FX+': '); GetInt(ToLine,FYMax); if FW>10 then Lock:=true else Lock:=False; for J:=FromLine to ToLine do begin SheetÆFX,JÅ.DEC:=DEC; SheetÆFX,JÅ.FW:=FW; with SheetÆSucc(FX),JÅ do begin if Lock then begin CellStatus:=CellStatus+ÆLocked,TxtÅ; Contents:=''; end else CellStatus:=CellStatus-ÆLockedÅ; end; end; NormVideo; UpDate; GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.PAå æ*********************************************************************å æ* START OF MAIN PROGRAM PROCEDURES *å æ*********************************************************************å æ Procedure Commands is activated from the main loop in this program å æ when the user types a slash (/). a procedure activates a procedureå æ which will execute the command. These procedures are located in theå æ above modules. å æ For easy reference the source code module number is shown in a å æ comment on the right following the procedure call. å procedure Commands; begin GotoXY(1,24); HighVideo; Write('/ restore Quit, Load, Save, Recalculate, Print, Format, AutoCalc, Help '); Read(Kbd,Ch); Ch:=UpCase(Ch); case Ch of æ In module å 'Q': Halt; 'F': Format; æ 04 å 'S': Save; æ 03 å 'L': Load; æ 03 å 'H': Help; æ 03 å 'R': Recalculate; æ 05 å 'A': Auto; æ 00 å '/': Update; æ 01 å 'C': Clear; æ 01 å 'P': Print; æ 03 å end; Grid; æ 01 å GotoCell(FX,FY); æ 02 å end; æ Procedure Hello says hello and activates the help procedure if the å æ user presses anything but Return å procedure Wellcome; procedure Center(S: AnyString); var I: integer; begin for I:=1 to (80-Length(S)) div 2 do Write(' '); writeln(S); end; begin æ procedure Wellcome å ClrScr; GotoXY(1,9); Center('Welcome to MicroCalc. A Turbo demonstation program'); Center('Press any key for help or <RETURN> to start'); GotoXY(40,12); Read(Kbd,Ch); if Ch<>^M then Help; end; æ.PAå æ*********************************************************************å æ* THIS IS WHERE THE PROGRAM STARTS EXECUTING *å æ*********************************************************************å begin Init; æ 01 å Wellcome; ClrScr; Grid; æ 01 å GotoCell(FX,FY); repeat Read(Kbd,Ch); case Ch of ^E: MoveUp; æ 02 å ^X,^J: MoveDown; æ 02 å ^D,^M,^F: MoveRight; æ 02 å ^S,^A: MoveLeft; æ 02 å '/': Commands; ^Æ: GetCell(FX,FY); æ 04 å else if Ch in Æ' '..'ü'Å then GetCell(FX,FY); æ 04 å end; until true=false; æ (program stops in procedure Commands) å end. «eof»