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Length: 20480 (0x5000) Types: TextFile Names: »KATALOG.PAS«
└─⟦27a1d1812⟧ Bits:30002681 RC-Katalog over EDB-bøger og programmer └─ ⟦this⟧ »KATALOG.PAS«
program katalog; type regs = record ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,si,di,ds,es,flags:integer; end; produkt=record opl: array(.1..10.) of string(.30.); nr:integer; mark:array(.1..7.) of boolean; end; prodptr=^produkt; streng = string(.30.); var i,j,m,n,p,sortnummer,nummer,antallinier,antalpost,niveau:integer; post:produkt; postptr:array(.1..410.) of prodptr; f:file of produkt; g:file of string(.255.); typer:array(.0..9.) of string(.10.); aktive,maskemgd:array(.1..7.) of integer; maske,listetekst:array(.1..7.) of string(.30.); ch,check:char; udvid,med,pr:boolean; u,e:text; tom:string(.20.); st:string(.3.); reg:regs; procedure L_detach; begin reg.cx:=$9f; swint(224,reg); end; function L_cattach:integer; begin reg.cx:=$a1; swint(224,reg); L_cattach:=reg.ax; end; procedure printer; begin close(u); if pr then begin assign(u,'con:'); L_detach; end else if L_cattach<>$0 then begin writeln(clrhom); gotoxy(10,10);write('PRINTER OPTAGET AF ANDEN PROCES. IKKE TILORDNET. '); gotoxy(1,23);write(rvson,' TRYK RETUR ',rvsoff); pr:=not pr; assign(u,'con:'); read(ch); end else assign(u,'lst:'); rewrite(u); pr:=not pr; end; function findvaerdi(s:streng):integer; var i,v,p:integer; begin i:=0; repeat repeat i:=i+1; until (s(.i.) in (.'0'..'9'.)) or (i=len(s)); val(copy(s,i,len(s)-i),v,p); if p<>0 then findvaerdi:=v else findvaerdi:=0; until (p=0) or (v>9); end; procedure strquicksort(v:integer); var gloplys:string(.30.); gammel,w:integer; procedure sort(v,l,r:integer); var i,j:integer; x,w:prodptr; begin i:=l; j:=r; x:=postptr(.(l+r) div 2.); repeat while postptr(.i.)^.opl(.v.)<x^.opl(.v.) do i:=i+1; while x^.opl(.v.)<postptr(.j.)^.opl(.v.) do j:=j-1; if i<=j then begin w:=postptr(.i.); postptr(.i.):=postptr(.j.); postptr(.j.):=w; i:=i+1; j:=j-1; end; until i>j; if l<j then sort(v,l,j); if i<r then sort(v,i,r); end; begin sort(v,1,antalpost); w:=1; gloplys:=postptr(.1.)^.opl(.v.); gammel:=1; repeat w:=w+1; if postptr(.w.)^.opl(.v.)<>gloplys then begin sort(1,gammel,w-1); gammel:=w; gloplys:=postptr(.w.)^.opl(.v.); end; until w=antalpost; sort(1,gammel,w); end; procedure nrquicksort(v:integer); var gloplys:integer; gammel,w:integer; procedure sort(v,l,r:integer); var i,j:integer; x,w:prodptr; begin i:=l; j:=r; x:=postptr(.(l+r) div 2.); repeat while findvaerdi(postptr(.i.)^.opl(.v.))<findvaerdi(x^.opl(.v.)) do i:=i+1; while findvaerdi(x^.opl(.v.))<findvaerdi(postptr(.j.)^.opl(.v.)) do j:=j-1; if i<=j then begin w:=postptr(.i.); postptr(.i.):=postptr(.j.); postptr(.j.):=w; i:=i+1; j:=j-1; end; until i>j; if l<j then sort(v,l,j); if i<r then sort(v,i,r); end; begin write(clrhom); gotoxy(5,10); write('ET ØJEBLIK - LISTE SORTERES EFTER ',RVSON,' PRIS ',RVSOFF,' (LANGSOM)'); sort(v,1,antalpost); w:=1; gloplys:=findvaerdi(postptr(.1.)^.opl(.v.)); gammel:=1; repeat w:=w+1; if findvaerdi(postptr(.w.)^.opl(.v.))<>gloplys then begin sort(1,gammel,w-1); gammel:=w; gloplys:=findvaerdi(postptr(.w.)^.opl(.v.)); end; until w=antalpost; sort(1,gammel,w); end; procedure quicksort(v:integer); begin if v=4 then nrquicksort(v) else strquicksort(v); end; procedure init; begin typer(.0.):='retur '; typer(.1.):='TITEL '; typer(.2.):='FORF. '; typer(.3.):='FORLAG '; typer(.4.):='PRIS '; typer(.5.):='TLF '; typer(.6.):='FAG '; typer(.7.):='KLAS. '; typer(.8.):='BOG/SW '; typer(.9.):='SPROG '; tom:=' '; for i:=2 to 7 do aktive(.i.):=0; for i:=1 to 7 do listetekst(.i.):=''; udvid:=false; pr:=true; printer; niveau:=1; sortnummer:=0; maske(.1.):=''; end; procedure indlaes; begin assign(f,'katdata.dat'); reset(f); i:=0; while not eof(f) do begin i:=i+1; read(f,post); allocate(postptr(.i.),340); postptr(.i.)^:=post; end; antalpost:=i; aktive(.1.):=i; close(f); end; procedure maskeliste; var typelist:array(.1..410.) of string(.30.); k:integer; begin write(clrhom); gotoxy(10,10); write('ET ØJEBLIK '); for j:=1 to 410 do typelist(.j.):=''; if nummer<>sortnummer then quicksort(nummer); writeln; k:=0; for j:=1 to antalpost do begin med:=false; n:=0; if postptr(.j.)^.mark(.niveau-1.) then begin repeat n:=n+1; if postptr(.j.)^.opl(.nummer.)=typelist(.n.) then med:=true; until (med) or (n>=k); if not med then begin k:=k+1; typelist(.k.):=postptr(.j.)^.opl(.nummer.); end; end; end; write(clrhom); for n:=1 to k do begin if ((n mod 40)=1) and(n<>1) then begin gotoxy(1,23);write(rvson,'TRYK RETUR FOR DE NÆSTE :',rvsoff); read(ch); write(clrhom); end; if not(odd((n-1) div 20)) then gotoxy(1,((n-1) mod 20)+1) else gotoxy(41,((n-1) mod 20)+1); writeln(n,' : ',typelist(.n.)); end; gotoxy(1,23);write(rvson,'Indtast nummeret på ønskede maske, RETUR hvis ingen : ',rvsoff); repeat gotoxy(54,23);write(clreos); read(st); val(st,n,p); until (p=0) ; if (n=0) or (st='') then begin check:='O'; if not udvid then niveau:=niveau-1; end else maske(.niveau.):=typelist(.n.); if nummer<>sortnummer then quicksort(sortnummer); end; function igraenser(s:streng;min,max:integer):boolean; var v:integer; begin v:=findvaerdi(s); if (min<v) and (v<max) then igraenser:=true else igraenser:=false; end; procedure prisgruppe; var tal:string(.5.); min,max:integer; begin repeat write(clrhom); gotoxy(10,12);write('1) Op til en vis maksimal pris'); gotoxy(10,13);write('2) Mellem en øvre og en nedre grænse'); gotoxy(10,14);write('3) Fra en vis mindstepris og opefter'); gotoxy(10,10);write('Angiv type af prisområde '); read(e,ch); until ch in (.'1','2','3'.); case ch of '1':begin min:=0; gotoxy(10,18); write('Maksimal pris : '); read(max); str(max,tal); maske(.niveau.):='max '+tal; end; '2':begin gotoxy(10,18);write('Minimal pris : ');read(min); gotoxy(10,20);write('Maksimal pris : ');read(max); str(min,tal); maske(.niveau.):=tal+' - '; str(max,tal); maske(.niveau.):=maske(.niveau.)+tal; end; '3':begin gotoxy(10,18); write('Minimal pris : '); read(min); max:=32767; str(min,tal); maske(.niveau.):='min '+tal; end; otherwise end; for i:=1 to antalpost do with postptr(.i.)^ do begin if (mark(.niveau-1.)) and (igraenser(opl(.4.),min,max)) then begin if not mark(.niveau.) then aktive(.niveau.):=aktive(.niveau.)+1; mark(.niveau.):=true end; end; end; procedure skim; begin check:='A'; niveau:=niveau+1; write(clrhom); gotoxy(10,3); if udvid then write(rvson,' UDVIDELSE AF DELGRUPPE : ',listetekst(.niveau.),' ',RVSOFF) else write(rvson,' VALG AF DELGRUPPE ',RVSOFF); gotoxy(10,10);writeln('Vælg blandt nedenstående typer'); for i:=0 to 9 do begin gotoxy(12,11+i);writeln(i,' : ',typer(.i.));end; gotoxy(10,23);write(rvson,'Indtast nummer : ',rvsoff); repeat read(e,ch); until ch in (.'0'..'9'.); val(ch,nummer,n); if nummer=0 then begin if not udvid then niveau:=niveau-1; end else begin maskemgd(.niveau.):=nummer; write(clrhom,RVSON,' MASKNING PÅ : ',typer(.nummer.),RVSOFF); gotoxy(10,10); write('Indtast maske (eller RETUR for liste over mulige ) : '); readln(maske(.niveau.)); if maske(.niveau.)='' then begin if nummer=4 then begin writeln('Vælg mellem at få en liste, eller at angive et prisområde'); write('RETUR = liste, O = område '); read(e,check); if check in(.'O','o','0'.) then prisgruppe else maskeliste; end else maskeliste; end; if not( check in (.'O','o','0'.)) then for i:=1 to antalpost do with postptr(.i.)^ do begin if (mark(.niveau-1.)) and (pos(maske(.niveau.),opl(.nummer.))<>0) then begin if not mark(.niveau.) then aktive(.niveau.):=aktive(.niveau.)+1; mark(.niveau.):=true end; end; listetekst(.niveau.):=listetekst(.niveau.)+'/'+copy(maske(.niveau.),1,10); end; end; procedure bagud; begin for i:=1 to antalpost do postptr(.i.)^.mark(.niveau.):=false; aktive(.niveau.):=0; listetekst(.niveau.):=''; niveau:=niveau-1; end; procedure udskema(x:integer);forward; procedure liste; var stk,medtaeller,udantal:integer; tom:string(.19.); sidste:array(.0..410.) of 0..511; begin case niveau of 1,2,3,4,5:stk:=2; 6,7:stk:=3; otherwise end; tom:=' '; udantal:=0; write(u,clrhom); for i:=1 to niveau do begin writeln(u,listetekst(.i.)); end; writeln(u,'----------------------------------------------------'); writeln(u); i:=0; sidste(.0.):=1; repeat i:=i+1; with postptr(.i.)^ do begin if mark(.niveau.) then begin udantal:=udantal+1; sidste(.udantal.):=i; writeln(u,udantal,' : ',opl(.sortnummer.)); for j:=1 to 9 do begin med:=false; n:=0; repeat n:=n+1; if (j=maskemgd(.n.)) and (j<>4) then begin med:=true; n:=niveau; end; until n>=niveau; if (not med) and (j<>sortnummer) then if j=3 then writeln(u,tom,opl(.j.)+opl(.10.)) else writeln(u,tom,opl(.j.)); end; if ((udantal mod stk)=0) and (not pr) then begin gotoxy(1,23); write(rvson,'RETUR = Næste, F = Forrige, S = Stop (evt for beskrivelse)',rvsoff); read(e,ch); if ch in (.'S','s'.) then i:=antalpost; if (ch in (.'F','f'.)) and (udantal>=2*stk) then begin udantal:=udantal-2*stk;i:=sidste(.udantal.);end; write(u,clrhom); for j:=1 to niveau do begin writeln(u,listetekst(.j.)); end; writeln(u,'----------------------------------------------------'); end; end; end; until i=antalpost; if not pr then begin if not (ch in (.'S','s'.)) then begin gotoxy(1,23); write(rvson,' TRYK RETUR ',rvsoff); read(ch); end; write(clrhom); gotoxy(1,10); write('Angiv nummer på post der ønskes beskrivelse af, RETUR hvis ingen'); read(st); if st<>'' then begin val(st,i,p); if p=0 then begin assign(g,'beskriv.dat'); reset(g); medtaeller:=0; p:=0; repeat p:=p+1; if postptr(.p.)^.mark(.niveau.) then medtaeller:=medtaeller+1; until medtaeller=i; udskema(p); gotoxy(7,23); write(rvson,' Tryk RETUR',rvsoff); read(ch); close(g); end; end; end; end; procedure udskema; var beskrivelse:string(.255.); procedure linie(x:integer); var i:integer; begin write(u,' '); case x of 1,5,6:write(u,'▶86◀'); 2,3 :write(u,'▶80◀'); 4,7 :write(u,'▶82◀'); otherwise end; for i:=1 to 35 do write(u,'▶88◀'); case x of 1:write(u,'▶8a◀'); 2,7:write(u,'▶88◀'); 3,6:write(u,'▶84◀'); 4,5:write(u,'▶87◀'); otherwise end; for i:=1 to 35 do write(u,'▶88◀'); case x of 1,5,6:writeln(u,'▶85◀'); 2,3 :writeln(u,'▶81◀'); 4,7 :writeln(u,'▶83◀'); otherwise end; end; procedure tekst(n:integer); begin writeln(u,copy(' ▶89◀'+typer(.n.)+postptr(.x.)^.opl(.n.)+tom+tom,1,42), copy('▶89◀ '+typer(.n+1.)+postptr(.x.)^.opl(.n+1.)+tom+tom,1,36),'▶89◀'); end; var k,pos,i:integer; begin write(clrhom); with postptr(.x.)^ do begin linie(3); tekst(1);linie(5); writeln(u,copy(' ▶89◀'+typer(.3.)+opl(.3.)+opl(.10.)+tom+tom+tom+tom,1,78), '▶89◀'); linie(6); tekst(4);linie(1); tekst(6);linie(1); tekst(8);linie(4); linie(2); antallinier:=0; write(u,' ▶89◀ '); pos:=8; seek(g,4*(nr)); for i:=1 to 4 do begin read(g,beskrivelse); k:=0; if len(beskrivelse)>0 then begin m:=0; repeat m:=m+1; pos:=pos+1; if ((beskrivelse(.m.)=chr(13)) or (pos=78)) or (beskrivelse(.m.)=chr(10)) then begin while pos<79 do begin pos:=pos+1;write(u,' ');end; write(u,'▶89◀',chr(13)+chr(10),' ▶89◀ '); antallinier:=antallinier+1; pos:=8; if (beskrivelse(.m.)=chr(13)) and (m<253) then m:=m+1; if (not pr) and (antallinier=11) then begin gotoxy(1,23); write(rvson,'TRYK RETUR FOR RESTEN',rvsoff); read(ch); gotoxy(1,23);write(' ▶89◀ '); gotoxy(8,23); end; end else if (m<=len(beskrivelse)) then write(u,beskrivelse(.m+k.)); until m>=len(beskrivelse); end; end; while pos<78 do begin pos:=pos+1;write(u,' ');end; writeln(u,'▶89◀'); linie(7); end; end; procedure beskriv; var taeller:integer; sidste:array(.0..410.) of 0..511; begin assign(g,'beskriv.dat'); reset(g); writeln(u,chr(12)); taeller:=0; i:=0; sidste(.0.):=1; repeat i:=i+1; with postptr(.i.)^ do if mark(.niveau.) then begin taeller:=taeller+1; sidste(.taeller.):=i; if (pr) and ((taeller mod 2)=1) then begin writeln(u,((taeller-1) div 2):40); write(u,chr(12)); writeln(u,tom+tom+postptr(.i.)^.opl(.sortnummer.):79); end; udskema(i); if not pr then begin gotoxy(7,23); write(rvson,' RETUR = næste, F =Forrige, S = Stop',rvsoff); read(e,ch); end else for m:=1 to 17-antallinier do writeln(u); writeln(u); if ch in (.'S','s'.) then i:=antalpost; if (ch in (.'F','f'.)) and (taeller>1) then begin taeller:=taeller-2;i:=sidste(.taeller.);end; end; until i=antalpost; close(g); end; procedure sorter(v:integer); begin write(clrhom); if v=0 then begin gotoxy(10,3); write(rvson,' SORTERING ',rvsoff); for i:=1 to 9 do begin gotoxy(10,7+i);writeln(i,' : ',typer(.i.));end; gotoxy(10,23);write(rvson,'INDTAST NUMMER DER ØNSKES SORTERET EFTER : ',rvsoff); repeat read(e,ch); until ch in(.'1'..'9'.); v:=ord(ch)-48; end; if v<>sortnummer then begin sortnummer:=v; write(clrhom); gotoxy(10,10); write('SORTERER DATA EFTER ',rvson,' ',typer(.sortnummer.),rvsoff); quicksort(sortnummer); end; end; procedure indhold; var w,w1,w2,max:integer; prik:string(.55.); gloplys:string(.30.); tryk:boolean; side:array(.1..410.) of 0..410; oplys:array(.0..410.) of string(.30.); begin prik:='.......................................................'; writeln(u,chr(12)); writeln(u); writeln(u,' INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE'); writeln(u); writeln(u); quicksort(sortnummer); for w:=0 to 410 do oplys(.w.):=' '; w:=0; w1:=0; write(clrhom); for i:=1 to antalpost do with postptr(.i.)^ do begin if mark(.niveau.) then begin w:=w+1; if opl(.sortnummer.)<>gloplys then begin gloplys:=opl(.sortnummer.); for w2:=1 to 30 do if gloplys(.w2.)<>' ' then max:=w2; writeln(u,tom,copy(copy(gloplys,1,max)+prik,1,55),((w+1) div 2)); if pr then writeln(u); tryk:=false; w1:=w1+1; end; side(.w.):=(w+1) div 2; oplys(.w.):=opl(.1.); gloplys:=opl(.sortnummer.); if (not pr) and (not tryk) and (((w1 mod 20)=0) or (i=antalpost)) then begin tryk:=true; gotoxy(10,23); write(rvson,'TRYK RETUR FOR DE NÆSTE',rvsoff); read(ch); write(clrhom); end else if (pr) and ((w1 mod 25)=0) then writeln(u,chr(12),chr(10)); end; end; quicksort(1); w:=0; if pr then for i:=1 to antalpost do with postptr(.i.)^ do begin if mark(.niveau.) then begin w:=w+1; if (w mod 55)=1 then write(u,chr(12),chr(10)); w1:=0; repeat w1:=w1+1; until opl(.1.)=oplys(.w1.); gloplys:=opl(.1.); for w2:=1 to 30 do if gloplys(.w2.)<>' ' then max:=w2; writeln(u,tom,copy(copy(gloplys,1,max)+prik,1,55),((w1+1) div 2)); end; end; quicksort(sortnummer); end; procedure hovedmenu; begin assign(e,'kbd:'); rewrite(e); repeat write(clrhom); gotoxy(10,3); write('L = LISTE OVER NUVÆRENDE GRUPPE'); gotoxy(10,5); write('B = BESKRIVELSE+LISTE OVER NUVÆRENDE GRUPPE'); gotoxy(10,7); write('S = SORTERING EFTER BESTEMT POST'); gotoxy(10,9); write('D = DELGRUPPE EFTER MASKE'); gotoxy(10,11);write('U = UDVID NUVÆRENDE DELGRUPPE ', rvson,' NIVEAU : ',niveau,' ',rvsoff); gotoxy(10,13);write('T = TILBAGE TIL FOREGÅENDE GRUPPE'); gotoxy(10,15);write('P = PRINTER TIL ELLER FRA'); gotoxy(10,17);if pr then write('I = INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE FOR NUVÆRENDE GRUPPE'); gotoxy(10,21);write('A = AFSLUT PROGRAMMET'); gotoxy(10,1); if pr then write(rvson,' printer ',rvsoff) else write(rvson,' skærm ',rvsoff); gotoxy(30,1);write(rvson,' ','ANTAL I NUVÆRENDE GRUPPE : ',aktive(.niveau.),' ',rvsoff); gotoxy(10,23);write(rvson,' INDTAST DET ØNSKEDE : ',rvsoff); read(e,ch); case ch of 'L','l':liste; 'B','b':beskriv; 'S','s':sorter(0); 'D','d':skim; 'U','u':if niveau>1 then begin udvid:=true;niveau:=niveau-1;skim;udvid:=false;end; 'T','t':if niveau>1 then bagud; 'I','i':indhold; 'P','p':printer; otherwise end; until ch in (.'A','a'.); write(clrhom); end; begin init; indlaes; sorter(1); hovedmenu; close(f); close(u); close(e); end. «eof»