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Length: 18304 (0x4780) Types: TextFile Names: »GSX.DOC«
└─⟦08ea08c61⟧ Bits:30003924 PolyPascal programmer └─ ⟦this⟧ »GSX.DOC« └─⟦42acf21c3⟧ Bits:30005716 PolyPascal-80 v. 3.10 (RC703) └─ ⟦this⟧ »GSX.DOC« └─⟦6367c43c0⟧ Bits:30004325 PolyPascal vers. 3.10 for Butler └─ ⟦this⟧ »GSX.DOC« └─⟦692ac107c⟧ Bits:30005923 PolyPascal-80 V3.10 arbejdsdiskette 1 └─ ⟦this⟧ »GSX.DOC« └─⟦74e5ee6fb⟧ Bits:30002683 PolyPascal-86 v. 3.11 - Piccoline └─⟦74e5ee6fb⟧ Bits:30003934 SW1402 PolyPascal v3.11 (dk) til Piccoline └─ ⟦this⟧ »GSX.DOC« └─⟦bffadc512⟧ Bits:30003938 SW1502 PolyPascal 3.10 (dk) til RC Partner └─⟦bffadc512⟧ Bits:30004539 SW1402 PolyPascal v3.10 (dk) til Piccoline └─ ⟦this⟧ »GSX.DOC« └─⟦f03928158⟧ Bits:30005922 PolyPascal 3.10 (RC700) └─ ⟦this⟧ »GSX.DOC«
PolyPascal Supplementary Documentation GSX Interface Routines Copyright (C) 1985 PolyData MicroCenter A/S This file contains documentation for the GSX interface routines contained in the GSX.PAS include file. If your computer is not equipped with high-res graphics, or if the GSX Graphics Operating System is not available for your computer system, the GSX.PAS and GSX.DOC files are of no interest to you. The GSX.PAS include file will allow you to write graphics appli- cation programs which interface graphics devices via the GSX Graphics Operating System. The GSX Programmer's Reference Manual describes in detail all of the functions supported by GSX. The GSX.PAS library allows you to call any GSX function without resorting to an assembly language program. Also, the input and output parameters passing scheme is designed to take full advantage of the PolyPascal language. 1. Using the GSX interface routines ----------------------------------- To include the GSX interface routines in the compilation of a program, insert the following include file directive at the very beginning of the program: æ$I GSXå or æ$I d:GSXå where "d:" is the drive containing the GSX.PAS file. The GSX.PAS file contains the following CONST and TYPE declara- tions: CONST MAXINTIN = 80; MAXPTSIN = 4; MAXINTOUT = 80; MAXPTSOUT = 2; TYPE COOR = RECORD X,Y: INTEGER; END; STRINGIN = STRINGÆMAXINTINÅ; STRINGOUT = STRINGÆMAXINTOUTÅ; The four constants define the maximum number of input and output integers and points. MAXPTSIN and MAXPTSOUT need never be chan- ged. MAXINTIN and MAXINTOUT may however require modification as they define the maximum lengths of strings that can be input and output. MAXINTIN and MAXINTOUT should never be less than 10. The COOR type is used for storing coordinates. Many routines require an ARRAYÆ1..NÅ OF COOR as a parameter, so you will frequently use this type. STRINGIN and STRINGOUT define the type of strings that can be input and output. Strings of smaller maximum lengths may of course be used as well. In addition, the GSX.PAS file declares the following variables: VAR CONTRL : ARRAYÆ1..9Å OF INTEGER; INTIN : ARRAYÆ1..MAXINTINÅ OF INTEGER; PTSIN : ARRAYÆ1..MAXPTSINÅ OF COOR; INTOUT : ARRAYÆ1..MAXINTOUTÅ OF INTEGER; PTSOUT : ARRAYÆ1..MAXPTSOUTÅ OF COOR; WSINTOUT : ARRAYÆ1..45Å OF INTEGER; WSPTSOUT : ARRAYÆ1..6Å OF COOR; ACTUAL : INTEGER; Don't modify any of the declarations. CONTRL, INTIN, PTSIN, INTOUT and PTSOUT are used internally by the GSX interface rou- tines to pass parameters to GSX. WSINTOUT and WSPTSOUT always contain the values returned by the last "Open Workstation" call. Refer to the GSX documentation for a complete description of these arrays. ACTUAL is used by many routines to return the actual value realized when a request is made to change a device parameter. Some of the routines require an ARRAYÆ1..NÅ OF INTEGER/COOR as a variable parameter. Such parameters are declared as "untyped" parameters by all routines, to allow arrays of variable length to be passed. The drawback of this method is that the compiler's type checks are disabled, thereby leaving all type checks up to you! In addition to the identifiers described above and the identifi- ers of the GSX interface routines, the following identifiers are used in GSX.PAS: GSX, GSXC, GSXP, GSXI, GSXX, GSXY, ESCP and ESCN. Don't use these identifiers in your application programs, or you will get a "Duplicate identifier" error message. 2. Workstation functions ------------------------ Function: Open Workstation with default parameters. Header: PROCEDURE OPENWS(ID: INTEGER); Remarks: ID is the workstation ID number. All input parame- ters, i.e. INTINÆ2..10Å, default to 1. To explicitly specify the input parameters use the INITWS proce- dure. WSINTOUT and WSPTSOUT contain the returned values. These may be examined to determine the cha- racteristics of the driver. Function: Open Workstation specifying parameters. Header: PROCEDURE INITWS(VAR WSINTIN); Remarks: The type of WSINTIN is ARRAYÆ1..10Å OF INTEGER. Note that the first element must contain the workstation ID number. WSINTOUT and WSPTSOUT contain the returned values. These may be examined to determine the cha- racteristics of the driver. Function: Close Workstation. Header: PROCEDURE CLOSEWS; Function: Clear Workstation. Header: PROCEDURE CLEARWS; Function: Update Workstation. Header: PROCEDURE UPDATEWS; 3. Line drawing functions ------------------------- Function: Polyline. Header: PROCEDURE POLYLINE(NPTS: INTEGER; VAR PTSIN); Remarks: NPTS is the number of points in PTSIN. The type of PTSIN is ARRAYÆ1..NPTSÅ OF COOR. Function: Set Polyline Line Type. Header: PROCEDURE LINETYPE(TYP: INTEGER); Remarks: TYP is the requested line type. ACTUAL returns the actual line type. Function: Set Polyline Line Width. Header: PROCEDURE LINEWIDTH(WIDTH: INTEGER); Remarks: WIDTH is the requested line width in NDC units. ACTUAL returns the actual line width. 4. Point marking functions -------------------------- Function: Polymarker. Header: PROCEDURE POLYMARK(NPTS: INTEGER; VAR PTSIN); Remarks: NPTS is the number of points in PTSIN. The type of PTSIN is ARRAYÆ1..NPTSÅ OF COOR. Function: Set Polymarker Type. Header: PROCEDURE MARKTYPE(TYP: INTEGER); Remarks: TYP is the requested polymarker type. ACTUAL returns the actual polymarker type. Function: Set Polymarker Scale. Header: PROCEDURE MARKSCALE(SCALE: INTEGER); Remarks: SCALE is the requested polymarker height in NDC units. ACTUAL returns the actual height. 5. Generalized drawing primitives --------------------------------- Function: Bar. Header: PROCEDURE BAR(X1,Y1,X2,Y2: INTEGER); Remarks: X1 and Y1 are the coordinates of the lower left corner. X2 and Y2 are the coordinates of the upper right corner. Function: Arc. Header: PROCEDURE ARC(STARTANG,ENDANG,XCTR,YCTR,XSTART,YSTART, XEND,YEND,RADIUS: INTEGER); Remarks: STARTANG is the start angle in tenths of degrees (0- 3600). ENDANG is the end angle in tenths of degrees (0-3600). XCTR and YCTR are the coordinates of the center. XSTART and YSTART are the coordinates of the start point of the circumfence. XEND and YEND are the coordinates of the end point of the circumfence. RADUIS is the radius in NDC units. Function: Pie Slice. Header: PROCEDURE PIE(STARTANG,ENDANG,XCTR,YCTR,XSTART,YSTART, XEND,YEND,RADIUS: INTEGER); Remarks: See description of ARC. Function: Circle. Header: PROCEDURE CIRCLE(XCTR,YCTR,RADIUS: INTEGER); Remarks: XCTR and YCTR are the coordinates of the center. RADIUS is the radius in NDC units. 6. Filled area functions ------------------------ Function: Filled Area. Header: PROCEDURE POLYFILL(NPTS: INTEGER; VAR PTSIN); Remarks: NPTS is the number of points in PTSIN. The type of PTSIN is ARRAYÆ1..NPTSÅ OF COOR. Function: Cell Array. Header: PROCEDURE CELLARRAY(ROWLEN,WIDTH,HEIGHT,MODE: INTEGER; X1,Y1,X2,Y2: INTEGER; VAR COLORINDEX); Remarks: ROWLEN is the length of each row in the color index array. WIDTH is the number of elements in each row of the cell array. HEIGHT is the number of rows in the cell array. MODE is the pixel operation to be perfor- med (1-4). X1 and Y1 are the coordinates of the lower left corner. X2 and Y2 are the coordinates of the upper right corner. COLORINDEX is the color index array. The type of COLORINDEX is ARRAYÆ1..(HEIGHT- 1)*ROWLEN+WIDTHÅ OF INTEGER. Function: Set Fill Interior Style. Header: PROCEDURE FILLTYPE(TYP: INTEGER); Remarks: TYP is the requested fill style. ACTUAL returns the actual fill style. Function: Set Fill Style Index. Header: PROCEDURE FILLSTYLE(INDEX: INTEGER); Remarks: INDEX is the requested fill style index. ACTUAL re- turns the actual fill style index. 7. Text functions ----------------- Function: Text. Header: PROCEDURE GTEXT(X,Y: INTEGER; S: STRINGIN); Remarks: X and Y are the coordinates of the lower left corner of the first character. S is the character string. The characters in S are converted to words and stored in INTIN before the call. The maximum length there- fore depends on the MAXINTIN constant. Function: Set Character Height. Header: PROCEDURE CHARHEIGHT(HEIGHT: INTEGER; VAR CHARW,CHARH,CELLW,CELLH: INTEGER); Remarks: HEIGHT is the requested character height in NDC units. CHARW, CHARH, CELLW and CELLH return the ac- tual character width and height and cell width and height. Function: Set Character Up Vector. Header: PROCEDURE CHARUPVEC(ANGLE: INTEGER); Remarks: ANGLE is the requested rotation angle of the baseline in tenths of degrees (0-3600). The run and the rise of the baseline are automatically calculated. ACTUAL returns the actual rotation angle. Function: Set Text Font. Header: PROCEDURE TEXTFONT(FONT: INTEGER); Remarks: FONT is the requested text font number. ACTUAL re- turns the actual text font number. 8. Color functions ------------------ Function: Set Color Representation. Header: PROCEDURE SETCOLOR(INDEX,RED,GREEN,BLUE: INTEGER); Remarks: INDEX is the requested color index. RED, GREEN and BLUE are the requested color intensities in tenths of a percent (0-1000). The actual color intensities selected may be examined using the INQCOLOR proce- dure. Function: Set Polyline Color Index. Header: PROCEDURE LINECOLOR(INDEX: INTEGER); Remarks: INDEX is the requested color index. ACTUAL returns the actual color index. Function: Set Polymarker Color Index. Header: PROCEDURE MARKCOLOR(INDEX: INTEGER); Remarks: INDEX is the requested color index. ACTUAL returns the actual color index. Function: Set Text Color Index. Header: PROCEDURE TEXTCOLOR(INDEX: INTEGER); Remarks: INDEX is the requested color index. ACTUAL returns the actual color index. Function: Set Fill Color Index. Header: PROCEDURE FILLCOLOR(INDEX: INTEGER); Remarks: INDEX is the requested color index. ACTUAL returns the actual color index. 9. Mode control functions ------------------------- Function: Set Writing Mode. Header: PROCEDURE WRITEMODE(MODE: INTEGER); Remarks: MODE is the requested writing mode. ACTUAL returns the actual writing mode. 10. Input functions ------------------- Function: Set Input Mode. Header: PROCEDURE INPUTMODE(DEVICE,MODE: INTEGER); Remarks: DEVICE is the requested logical device. MODE is the requested input mode. Usually this procedure is not used since the the input procedures select the proper input mode automatically. Function: Input Locator, Request Mode. Header: PROCEDURE RQLOCATOR(DEVICE,XIN,YIN: INTEGER; VAR STATUS,TERM,XOUT,YOUT: INTEGER); Remarks: DEVICE is the requested locator device. XIN and YIN are the initial coordinates of the locator in NDC units. STATUS=0 means unsuccessful request, STATUS>0 means successful. TERM returns the terminator value. XOUT and YOUT return the final coordinates of the locator in NDC units. Function: Input Locator, Sample Mode. Header: PROCEDURE SMLOCATOR(DEVICE: INTEGER; VAR STATUS,XOUT,YOUT: INTEGER); Remarks: DEVICE is the requested locator device. STATUS=0 means unsuccessful sample, STATUS>0 means successful. XOUT and YOUT return the final coordinates of the locator in NDC units. Function: Input Valuator, Request Mode. Header: PROCEDURE RQVALUATOR(DEVICE,VIN: INTEGER; VAR STATUS,VOUT: INTEGER); Remarks: DEVICE is the requested valuator device. VIN is the initial value (0-32767). STATUS=0 means unsuccessful request, STATUS>0 means successful. VOUT is the out- put value. Function: Input Valuator, Sample Mode. Header: PROCEDURE SMVALUATOR(DEVICE: INTEGER; VAR STATUS,VOUT: INTEGER); Remarks: DEVICE is the requested valuator device. STATUS=0 means unsuccessful sample, STATUS>0 means successful. VOUT is the output value. Function: Input Choice, Request Mode. Header: PROCEDURE RQCHOICE(DEVICE,CIN: INTEGER; VAR STATUS,COUT: INTEGER); Remarks: DEVICE is the requested choice device. CIN is the initial choice requested. STATUS=0 means unsuccessful request, STATUS>0 means successful. COUT returns the choice number. Function: Input Choice, Sample Mode. Header: PROCEDURE SMCHOICE(DEVICE: INTEGER; VAR STATUS,COUT: INTEGER); Remarks: DEVICE is the requested choice device. STATUS=0 means unsuccessful sample, STATUS>0 means successful. COUT returns the choice number. Function: Input String, Request Mode. Header: PROCEDURE RQSTRING(DEVICE,MAXLEN,MODE: INTEGER; VAR S: STRINGOUT); Remarks: DEVICE is the requested string device. MAXLEN is the maximum string length requested. MODE=0 means no echo, MODE=1 means echo input on screen. S returns the string. If the length of S is zero, the request was unsuccessful. If the string variable passed to RQSTRING is not of type STRINGOUT, use the (*$V-*) compiler directive to disable "strict" string type checking. 11. Status inquiry functions ---------------------------- Function: Inquire Color Representation. Header: PROCEDURE INQCOLOR(RINDEX,FLAG: INTEGER; VAR SINDEX,RED,GREEN,BLUE: INTEGER); Remarks: RINDEX is the requested color index. FLAG=0 means specified color values, FLAG=1 means actual color values. SINDEX returns the selected color index. RED, GREEN and BLUE return the color intensities in tenths of a percent (0-1000). 12. Escape functions -------------------- Function: Inquire Addressable Character Cells. Header: PROCEDURE INQCELLS(VAR ROW,COL: INTEGER); Remarks: ROW returns the number of rows on the device. COL returns the number of columns on the device. Function: Enter Graphics Mode. Header: PROCEDURE ENTERGRAF; Function: Exit Graphics Mode. Header: PROCEDURE EXITGRAF; Function: Alpha Cursor Up. Header: PROCEDURE CURSORUP; Function: Alpha Cursor Down. Header: PROCEDURE CURSORDOWN; Function: Alpha Cursor Right. Header: PROCEDURE CURSORRIGHT; Function: Alpha Cursor Left. Header: PROCEDURE CURSORLEFT; Function: Alpha Cursor Home. Header: PROCEDURE CURSORHOME; Function: Alpha Erase To End Of Screen. Header: PROCEDURE ERAEOS; Function: Alpha Erase To End Of Line. Header: PROCEDURE ERAEOL; Function: Direct Cursor Address. Header: PROCEDURE CURSOR(ROW,COL: INTEGER); Remarks: ROW is the requested row number. COL is the requested column number. Function: Output Cursor Addressable Text. Header: PROCEDURE CTEXT(S: STRINGIN); Remarks: S is the character string. The characters in S are converted to words and stored in INTIN before the call. The maximum length therefore depends on the MAXINTIN constant. Function: Reverse Video On. Header: PROCEDURE REVERSEON; Function: Reverse Video Off. Header: PROCEDURE REVERSEOFF; Function: Inquire Current Cursor Address. Header: PROCEDURE INQCURSOR(VAR ROW,COL: INTEGER); Remarks: ROW returns the row number. COL returns the column number. Function: Inquire Tablet Status. Header: PROCEDURE INQTABLET(VAR STATUS: INTEGER); Remarks: STATUS returns 0 if a graphics tablet is not availab- le or 1 if a graphics tablet is available. Function: Hardcopy. Header: PROCEDURE HARDCOPY; Function: Place Graphics Cursor At Location. Header: PROCEDURE GCURSOR(X,Y: INTEGER); Remarks: X and Y are the requested coordinates for the grap- hics cursor. Function: Remove Last Graphics Cursor. Header: PROCEDURE REMGCUR; «eof»