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Length: 11520 (0x2d00) Types: TextFile Names: »LESSON6.PC«
└─⟦a6ed1cd35⟧ Bits:30002862 Perfect Calc 1.10 for JET80 CP/M └─ ⟦this⟧ »LESSON6.PC«
Ødg36 >a3:" LESSON6 -- Setting Up the Spreadsheet As You Like It >a5:" In this lesson we will examine some command procedures that you >a6:" are sure to appreciate: justifying entries within their columns; >a7:" changing column widths to accommodate large or small data elements; >a8:" and changing the display format (Perfect Calc allows you to display >a9:" numeric values as whole numbers, decimals, dollars & cents, as well >a10:" as graphically). >a12:" For this lesson, we will be creating a spreadsheet from scratch. >a13:" Our first step is to split the screen horizontally and move the cursor >a14:" to the top window. To do this position the cursor at 'a11' and give >a15:" the following commands: >a17:" Control--x 2 CREATE TWO WINDOWS Command >a19:" Control--x o Switch to OTHER WINDOW Command >a22:" In the top window create a new file by giving the FIND FILE >a23:" command: (Control--X Control--F) . >a25:" Ask to find the new file 'sales.pc' . >a27:" Perfect Calc displays an empty spreadsheet. We will build this >a28:" spreadsheet showing monthly sales figures for a business. It will look >a29:" like this: >a31:" ø a øø b øøcøø d øø e >a32:" 1 Month Sales Graph >a33:" 2 ----- ----- ----- >a34:" 3 January 152,000.00 >a35:" 4 February 133,854.00 >a36:" 5 March 141,000.59 æNOTE: This is a text file, it >a37:" 6 April 82,000.00 contains no data that can be >a38:" 7 May 198,000.00 copied. Also, when copying >a39:" 8 June 305,000.00 be sure NOT to enter the commas, >a40:" 10 TOTAL SALES: sum(b3:b8) Perfect Calc supplies these.å >a42:" However, before we begin entering these figures, let us modify >a43:" the blank spreadsheet so that it will accommodate this data. >a45:" CHANGING THE COLUMN WIDTH >a46:" First, let us change the column width of 'a' from its default >a47:" width of 9 characters to 15 characters. With the cursor anywhere in >a48:" column 'a', type the CHANGE COLUMN WIDTH Command: Control--x w >a49:" Perfect Calc responds with the message: "Global or Column?" >a50:" Since "global" applies to the entire spreadsheet, type a 'c' to indi- >a51:" cate the change only applies to the column which the cursor is current- >a52:" ly occupying. Perfect Calc echoes this response with the message: >a53:" "Column a: " >a55:" Type the new column width of '15' followed by a carriage return. >a56:" Perfect Calc immediately enlarges column 'a' to 15 characters. >a58:" In the same way change columns 'b' and 'd' to 12 characters, and 'c' >a59:" to 2 characters. Following this you are ready to begin entering data. >a61:" In position 'a1', 'b1', and 'd1' enter the labels "MONTH", >a62:" "SALES", and "GRAPH" respectively. Unless told otherwise, Perfect >a63:" Calc will place these labels against the left margin of their entry >a64:" boxes. Since column headings look better 'centered', let us center >a65:" these headings in their respective columns. >a66:" With the cursor anywhere in line 1 type the JUSTIFY ENTRY Command: >a67:" Control--x j >a68:" Perfect Calc responds with the message: >a69:" "Justify: Global, Line, or Column?" >a70:" Enter 'l' for line. Perfect Calc responds: "Line 1:" >a71:" Here you can respond in one of several ways. Type a question >a72:" mark to see what your choices are: " ? ". The appropriate choice is >a73:" is 'c' for 'center'. Perfect Calc centers all entries in line 1. >a74:" As you can see Perfect Calc also lets you 'left justify' and >a75:" 'right justify' entries (Left and Right). >a77:" In line 2 enter as labels the three short rows of five hyphens >a78:" in columns 'a', 'b', and 'd'. REMEMBER: A hyphen is really a 'minus' >a79:" sign and will signal a number if not preceded by a double quote ( " ). >a81:" The rows of hyphens (which will serve as underlines) should be as >a82:" long as the characters in the heading of the column. >a84:" Afterwards center these labels using the JUSTIFY ENTRY Command: >a85:" Control--x j >a87:" Now, enter the first six months and their respective numeric values >a88:" into lines 3 to 8. Indent each month 2 spaces from the left margin by >a89:" padding each label with two leading blanks. Scroll these instructions >a90:" backwards and copy the data from the sample screen previously shown. >a91:" REMEMBER TO RETURN HERE AFTER ENTERING THE DATA! >a94:" Be sure to enter in position 'b9' the formula: >a96:" FORMULA: b9=sum(b3:b8) >a98:" As soon as you enter this formula Perfect Calc will perform a >a99:" recalculation and display a value for 'Total Sales'. As you can see >a100:" Perfect Calc normally displays all numeric values showing two decimal >a101:" places. However, this 'display format' can be changed. >a103:" Type the CHANGE DISPLAY FORMAT Command: >a104:" Control--x d >a105:" Perfect Calc responds: "Display: Global, Line, or Column?" >a106:" Select 'g' for 'global'. Perfect Calc echoes: "Global: " >a107:" As with similar commands, to see the options you now have, press >a108:" a question mark, ' ? '. Perfect Calc responds with the choices: >a109:" " 0 to 13, Sci, * , $ , Formula, or <CR> " >a110:" These are the numeric display options available. Typing a number >a111:" between 0 and 13 produces a display that many decimal places for each >a112:" number. However, type a ' 0 '. >a114:" Perfect Calc displays the numbers as integers, showing no decimal >a115:" places. >a117:" Type the CHANGE DISPLAY FORMAT again, this time selecting 's' for >a118:" 'Sci' (or scientific notation). In this format all values are >a119:" displayed showing two places after the exponent 'E'. >a120:" This display notation is commonly used for displaying very large or >a121:" very small numbers. Perfect Calc will use it automatically for any >a122:" number which is too large or too small to fit into the entry box. >a123:" Type the command again, selecting 'f' for 'formula display'. >a124:" This option causes all formulas in the line, column, or spreadsheet >a125:" to display at their entry position. The formula computing 'Total >a126:" Sales' should be displaying at location 'b9'. >a128:" Type the command again, selecting ' $ ' for 'dollars and cents'. >a129:" (If you work with financial figures this is a display format which you >a130:" may want to use frequently.) Answering 'no' to "Display cents?" >a131:" causes Perfect Calc to round all figures to the nearest dollar. Notice >a132:" that commas are inserted for extra readability. >a135:" Finally, typing a carriage return in response to the display >a136:" format request, causes the default value of two decimal places to >a137:" be restored. >a139:" Selecting a star ( * ) causes numeric values to display in >a140:" graphic notation. This option is useful for constructing bar graphs, >a141:" which is what we are going to do now. >a143:" CONSTRUCTING A BAR GRAPH >a145:" Suppose that we wish to represent each of our monthly sales >a146:" figures graphically in order to get a better idea of their relation- >a147:" ship to each other. Position the cursor in column 'd', which we >a148:" have purposely enlarged to accommodate a bar graph. >a150:" In a bar graph, numeric values are displayed using stars or >a151:" asterisks ' * ' . A number will be represented by as many stars >a152:" as its value warrants. Stars will be inserted in the entry position >a154:" starting at the lefthand edge of the column. If the numeric value >a155:" is zero or less, nothing will be displayed. If the value is greater >a156:" than the column width, the entire column will be filled with stars. >a158:" The numeric values in column 'b' are so large that even the >a159:" smallest one will completely fill its entry position. The figures >a160:" need to be proportionally 'scaled' so that they will fit in the >a161:" column while still maintaining a correct relation to each other. >a163:" To generate a 'normalized' bar graph in column 'd', move the >a164:" cursor to position 'd3' and type the CHANGE DISPLAY FORMAT Command >a165:" (Control--x d ), followed by 'c' for column, and ' * " for graphic >a166:" notation format. Column 'd' is now ready to display numeric values >a167:" in graphic notation. >a168:" Next, 'scale' the numeric data that will go into column 'd' >a169:" using a formula of the form: >a170:" "dx = <width of column 'd'> * bx / max(bx:bn) " >a171:" where 'x' and 'n' are the line numbers of the first and last entries >a172:" in column 'b' respectively. >a174:" This formula will produce a scaled numeric constant to represent >a175:" each sales figure in column 'b'. Replicated to each entry box in >a176:" column 'd' it will produce a series of such constants each proportional >a177:" to the largest sales value of column 'b'. As such they will display >a178:" accurately as stars in column 'd'. >a180:" For position 'd3' this formula becomes: >a182:" d3 = 12 * b3 / max(b3:b8) >a183:" Copy this formula using the COPY ENTRY Command: Control--w >a184:" Perfect Calc copies the formula into the Save Buffer. >a185:" Set a mark at 'd3' using the SET MARK Command: Escape...<space bar> >a186:" afterwards moving the cursor to position 'd8'. Replicate the formula >a187:" to every position in column 'd' by hitting the YANKBACK Command: >a188:" Escape...y >a189:" Perfect Calc asks you to identify the 'relative' variables in the >a190:" formula. The first variable 'b3' is 'relative' æanswer 'y'å. The >a191:" second two variables contained within the 'max' function are 'absolute' >a192:" æthus answer 'n'å. >a194:" Perfect Calc enters the formula into positions 'd3' to 'd8', thereby >a195:" constructing the bar graph. >a197:" Enlarging the width of column 'd' will necessarily increase the >a198:" resolution of the bar graph. Do that now. Change the column width >a199:" of 'd' from 12 characters to 25 characters, using the CHANGE COLUMN >a200:" WIDTH Command, Control--x w . Besides changing the actual >a201:" width of the column, you must also edit and re-replicate the formula. >a204:" This concludes Lesson 6. The next lesson introduces the power of >a205:" 'associated files'. >a208:" If you want to proceed to the next lesson use the CLEAR ENTIRE >a209:" MEMORY Command and then call up 'lesson7.pc' with the FIND FILE >a210:" command. >a214:" If you do not wish to continue, type the QUIT Command: >a216:" Control--x Control--c >a218:" Answer 'yes' to Perfect Calc's message "Ignore changes this >a219:" session?" >a220:" END OF LESSON 6 >a1 «eof»