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    Length: 62208 (0xf300)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »READ.ME«


└─⟦57f0389e8⟧ Bits:30005761 SW1611 Access Manager v. 1.0
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »READ.ME« 


              ========================================           :
              ø                                      ø           :
              ø            ACCESS MANAGER            ø           :
              ø                                      ø           :
              ø             Version 1.1              ø           :
              ø                                      ø           :
              ø          READ.ME File Notes          ø           :
              ø                                      ø           :
              ø               June 1983              ø           :
              ø                                      ø           :
              ø                                      ø           :
              ø           Digital Research           ø           :
              ø      Pacific Grove, California       :           :
              :______________________________________:           :
         Information and changes documented in this file         :
         supercede existing documentation.                       :
       .---------------------------------------------------.     :
       ø The notes in this file are organized so that when ø     :
       ø printed on paper that is 11-inches long at six    ø     :
       ø lines per inch, they can be trimmed on the indi-  ø     :
       ø cates lines and placed in your product documenta- ø     :
       ø tion binder.                                      ø     :
       ø___________________________________________________ø     :


    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
                            TABLE OF CONTENTS                    :
         ==================================================      :
         CONCURRENT CP/M-86 IMPLEMENTATION . . . . . . .  1      :
           Reserving Access Manager Queue Space  . . . .  2      :
           Invoking Shared Routines  . . . . . . . . . .  3      :
           Cancelling Shared Code  . . . . . . . . . . .  4      :
           Data and Index Files  . . . . . . . . . . . .  4      :
         ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5      :
         DIGITAL RESEARCH C APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . .  6      :
           Linking Digital Research C Programs . . . . .  6      :
           Access Manager Parameters . . . . . . . . . .  8      :
           Coding Numeric Key Values . . . . . . . . . . 10      :
           RECREATE.C Utility Program  . . . . . . . . . 11      :
           DATABASE Sample Program . . . . . . . . . . . 13      :
           Data File Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14      :
         CHANGES TO PL/I-86 DATABASE SOURCE CODE . . . . 14      :
    Access Manager                                  Page  i      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         CONCURRENT CP/M-86 IMPLEMENTATION                       :
         ===================================================     :
         Concurrent CP/M-86 is like CP/M-86 in that it sup-      :
         ports a single-user environment: it is like MP/M-86     :
         in that it allows simultaneous processing of multiple   :
         tasks.  Under Concurrent CP/M-86, your computer can     :
         perform several separate tasks (e.g., application       :
         programs) at the same time.  And while each task        :
         operates independently, you can control each one        :
         through the same console device.                        :
         Concurrent CP/M-86 uses a concept of virtual consoles   :
         to permit multiple tasks to run concurrently.  The      :
         operating system can accommodate several                :
         separate virtual consoles.  Every virtual console is    :
         assigned to the same physical console (normally your    :
         computer terminal).  Each application running on        :
         your computer is assigned to a different virtual        :
         console.  Thus, by switching from one virtual           :
         console to another, you can effectively move about      :
         freely from one task to another.                        :
         For example, suppose you have a word processing         :
         program assigned to virtual console number one, a       :
         data base update program assigned to virtual console    :    
         number two, and a printing program to console three.    :
         To use the word processing program you simply tell      :
         Concurrent CP/M-86 you want to use virtual console      :
         number one.  The other two application programs         :
         continue to run even while you are attached to the      :
         first console.  To check on the progress of or work     :
         with one of the other two programs, all you need do     :
         is enter the number of the assigned console.            :
         The concurrent execution of programs on the same        :
         computer is known as multitasking.  Both Concurrent     :
         CP/M-86 and MP/M-86 provide multitasking ability.       :
         Consequently, using Access Manager under Concurrent     :
         CP/M-86 is practically identical to using it under      :
         MP/M-86.                                                :
    Access Manager                                  Page  1      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         Correct implementation of Access Manager under          :
         Concurrent CP/M-86 requires proper use of AM86.CMD,     :
         which contains the shared index file, data file,        :
         and buffer area.  AM86.CMD automatically creates        :
         the queue structures necessary for its proper use.      :
         Reserving Access Manager Queue Space                    :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         The queues created by AM86.CMD coordinate the multi-    :
         task, keyed file accessing requests.  Table 1-3 in      :
         your Access Manager Programmer's Guide shows the        :
         queue space memory requirements.                        :
         Ordinarily, Concurrent CP/M-86 is pre-configured        :
         with sufficient queue space to support multiuser        :
         applications.  The Concurrent CP/M-86 utility pro-      :
         gram SYSTAT.CMD can be used to determine the            :
         available queue capacity.  If there is insufficient     :
         space (based on the specifications in Table 1-3 in      :
         your Access Manager Programmer's Guide) you may be      :
         able to change the configuration of your operating      :
         system using the GENCCPM.CMD utility program.  If       :
         you do not have this utility program, follow the        :
         procedure described in section 1.4.1 of your Access     :
         Manager Programmer's Guide to increase the available    :
         queue space capacity.                                   :
         After you complete the GENCCPM procedure, a new         :
         Concurrent CP/M-86 operating system is written to       :
         a disk file.  The next time you boot the operating      :
         system, the new version of Concurrent CP/M-86 resides   :
         on disk.                                                :
    Access Manager                                  Page  2      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         Invoking Shared Routines under Concurrent CP/M-86       :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         AM86.CMD contains the shared Access Manager code        :
         designed to run in its own memory segment under         :
         Concurrent CP/M-86.  As distributed, it requires        :
         less than 34K bytes of memory, supports up to forty     :
         index files and forty data files, and uses twenty       :
         buffers with a node size of 512 bytes (NNSEC%=4).       :
         Instructions for changing this configuration are        :
         found under "Creating Custom Background Servers"        :
         in section 1.4.4 of your Programmer's Guide.            :
         To start AM86.CMD under Concurrent CP/M-86, type        :
         the following at your operating system prompt:          :
           AM86                                                  :
         If Access Manager starts successfully, the follow-      :
         ing banner appears on your screen:                      :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         ACCESS MANAGER(tm) 8086                 Version 1.1     :
         Serial No. AM-9999-000000       All Rights Reserved     :
         Copyright (c) 1982,1983      Digital Research, Inc.     :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         Access Manager then detaches from the console and       :
         AM86.CMD is waiting in the background to service        :
         multitasked application programs.                       :
         If Access Manager encounters a problem at start-up,     :
         one of the following messages appears on the console:   :
          "Access Manager could not open queues. Call Digital    :
           Research."                                            :
          "Access Manager Background Server (AM86.CMD) has       :
           illegal SETUP parameters. Check AM86MBUF.A86 for      :
           proper setup."                                        :
          "Access Manager could not open lock file. Are the      :
           disk and/or directory full?"                          :
    Access Manager                                  Page  3      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
          "Access Manager could not initialize lock file.        :
           Call Digital Research."                               :
          "Error while making Access Manager queues. Either      :
           queues already exist (is Access Manager already       :
           running?); or there is insufficient space for         :
           queue control blocks and/or queue buffers             :
           (GENSYS required)."                                   :
         Cancelling the Shared Code under Concurrent CP/M-86     :
         ----------------------------------------------------    :
         To close all open index and data files, delete the      :
         Access Manager queues, and free the memory segment      :
         occupied by AM86.CMD, type the command                  :
          STOPAM86                                               :
         If successful, the following message appears on the     :
         console:                                                :
          Access Manager (tm) Terminated                         :
         If AM86.CMD is not running when you attempt to start    :
         STOPAM86, this message appears on the console:          :
          "Be sure that Access Manager is operational. Run       :
           SYSTAT to see."                                       :
         Data and Index Files under Concurrent CP/M-86           :
         ----------------------------------------------------    :
         When Access Manager runs in the multitasking environ-   :
         ment, index and data files are opened in the locked     :
         mode.  This places total control of these files         :
         under AM86.CMD.  Further, the files are in the          :
         directory of the Concurrent CP/M-86 virtual console     :
         area from which AM86 is started.  In most environ-      :
         ments, AM86.CMD is started from virtual console         :
         number zero or one.                                     :
    Access Manager                                  Page  4      :


    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS                                   :
         ===================================================     :
         The following components should be on your Access       :
         Manager distribution disks in addition to those         :
         listed in Section 1 of your Programmer's Guide.         :
         AM86DRCS.L86   A complete, binary-relocatable,          :
                        indexed library of index and data        :
                        file functions for Digital Research      :
                        C application programs using the         :
                        SMALL memory model.                      :
         AM86DRCC.L86   Same as AM86DRCS.L86 except for use      :
                        with COMPACT memory models.              :
         AM86DRCM.L86   Same as AM86DRCS.L86 except for use      :
                        with MEDIUM memory models.               :
         AM86DRCB.L86   Same as AM86DRCS.L86 except for use      :
                        with BIG memory models.                  :
         AM86DRC.H      Header file containing definition of     :
                        special string structure for use in      :
                        Digital Research C application           :
                        programs.                                :
         AMQ6DRCS.L86   Relocatable interface module to          :
                        coordinate compiled Digital Research     :
                        C application programs using the         :
                        SMALL memory model and the shared        :
                        Access Manager routines (AM86.CMD).      :
         AMQ6DRCC.L86   Same as AMQ6DRCS.L86 except for use      :
                        with COMPACT memory models.              :
         AMQ6DRCM.L86   Same as AMQ6DRCS.L86 except for use      :
                        with MEDIUM memory models                :
         AMQ6DRCB.L86   Same as AMQ6DRCS.L86 except for use      :
                        with BIG memory models.                  :
    Access Manager                                  Page  5      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         ==================================================      :
         If AM86.CMD is aborted while being started in a         :
         multitasking environment, some of the queues that       :
         are created may not be deleted.  If you attempt to      :
         start AM86.CMD again, the residual queues from the      :
         first attempt will confuse the second.                  :
         DIGITAL RESEARCH C APPLICATIONS                         :
         ==================================================      :
         This section discusses a Digital Research C appli-      :
         cation program that you write and compile to pro-       :
         duce a binary object file named MYPROG.OBJ.             :
         Linking Single-user Digital Research C Applications     :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         You must link your compiled application program to      :
         the appropriate Access Manager subroutine library       :
         and the single-user buffer module.  You can use the     :
         following command line to create an executable          :
         version of MYPROG:                                      :
                 LINK86 MYPROG,AM86DRCx.L86,AM86BUF              :
         where x = S, C, M, or B.  The appropriate choice        :
         for x is based on the memory model used when            :
         MYPROG was compiled, per the following:                 :
               Memory Model Used         x =                     :
               _______________________________                   :
                   SMALL                  S                      :
                   COMPACT                C                      :
                   MEDIUM                 M                      :
                   BIG                    B                      :
    Access Manager                                  Page  6      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         NOTE: if you link an application program compiled       :
         under one memory model with an Access Manager           :
         library designed for a different model, link-time       :
         errors are not reported but serious and unpredict-      :
         able run-time errors are bound to occur.                :
         AM86BUF contains the single-user buffer area            :
         beginning with entry point AM8FCB and ending with       :
         AM8END.                                                 :
         Before linking, make sure that AM86BUF.OBJ is           :
         large enough to contain your buffers as specified       :
         in the SETUP function.  You can use SETAMBUF.CMD        :
         to create a correctly sized buffer module.              :
         Linking Multiuser C Applications                        :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         If your single-user version of MYPROG is coded with     :
         appropriate data locking procedures, you do not have    :
         to recompile it to create a multiuser version.  You     :
         only need to relink the program.                        :
         You must link your compiled application program to      :
         the appropriate Access Manager multiuser interface.     :           
         The interface makes the queue calls to the shared       :
         code in the background server.  The background          :
         server resides in its own memory segment.               :
         To create a CMD file that calls the Access Manager      :
         background server, use LINK86.CMD as follows:           :
              LINK86 MYPROG,AMQ6DRCx.L86                         :
         where x = S, C, M, or B, as explained earlier in        :
         this section.                                           :
    Access Manager                                  Page  7      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         Access Manager Parameters                               :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         There are two types of parameters you can use with      :
         Access Manager: two-byte integers and strings.  Two-    :
         byte integers can be either int (WORD) or unsigned      :
         int (UWORD) variables.  Strings are usually repre-      :
         sented by character arrays ending in null ('Ø0').       :
         Because Access Manager expects the first byte of a      :
         string to specify its length and does not interpret     :
         a null as a string delimiter, you must use a more       :
         generalized data structure.                             :
         The header file AM86DRC.H, supplied on your distri-     :
         bution disks, contains the following data structure     :
         definition:                                             :
              struct am86strg æ                                  :
                                BYTE len;                        :
                                BYTE strÆMAX_KEY_LEN+1Å;         :
                              å ;                                :
         This structure assumes your application program         :
         specifies the compile-time constant MAX_KEY_LEN         :
         in a #define macro.  For example, the following         :
         code sequence specifies the maximum key length          :
         (which can range from one to 48) and sets up the        :
         extended string definition required by Access           :
         Manager:                                                :
              #define MAX_KEY_LEN 48                             :
              #include <am86drc.h>                               :
         With these two statements in your program code,         :
         you can define extended strings and/or their            :
         pointers as follows:                                    :
              struct am86strg keyval,*ptrkey;                    :
         You must pass all string parameters (file names         :
         and key values) to Access Manager using a pointer       :
         to an am86strg structure or its equivalent.             :
    Access Manager                                  Page  8      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         NOTE: make certain the length byte of the am86strg      :
         structure is valid before passing a string parameter    :
         to Access Manager.                                      :
         Following are two examples of ways to set the length    :
         byte correctly, assuming the key value ends with a      :
         null byte.  The first example shows how to place a      :
         constant value into an extended string structure        :
         and set its length byte:                                :
              struct am86strg keyval,filname;                    :
         The second example demonstrates how to place a value    :
         into the character array and then set its length        :
         byte:                                                   :
         filname.len=strlen(strcpy(filname.str,"TEST.IDX"));     :
         scanf("%10s",keyval.str);                               :
         keyval.len = strlen(keyval.str);                        :
         NOTE: you can only use the "strlen" library function    :
         if the string ends with a null character; otherwise,    :
         you must use some other approach to set the length      :
         byte.                                                   :
         With the preceding example in mind, here are two        :
         examples of passing extended strings to Access          :
         Manager:                                                :
              WORD file_no,drn;                                  :
              file_no = OPNIDX(-1,&filname,22,0,1);              :
              drn = GETKEY(file_no,0,0,&keyval);                 :
         Notice how the & operator is used to pass a pointer     :
         to the extended string structure.                       :
    Access Manager                                  Page  9      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         When you pass pointers to extended string structures    :
         (am86strg) to your own routines, you can declare the    :
         pointers as BYTE-type.  This way, you can increment     :
         or decrement the pointers to move up or down the        :
         structure.  If you declare them as pointers to          :
         am86strg structures, incrementing the pointer causes    :
         the size of the am86strg structure to be added to       :
         the pointer, instead of simply adding one.              :
         In addition to the definition of am86strg, AM86DRC.H    :
         contains the following compile-time constant defini-    :
         tions:                                                  :
         #define N_LOCK 0  /* NO LOCK/UNLOCK REQUEST         */  :
         #define S_LOCK 1  /* SHARED RECORD LOCK/UNLOCK      */  :
         #define X_LOCK 2  /* EXCLUSIVE RECORD LOCK/UNLOCK   */  :
         #define S_FILE 3  /* SHARED FILE LOCK/UNLOCK        */  :
         #define X_FILE 4  /* EXCLUSIVE FILE LOCK/UNLOCK     */  :
         #define R_LOCK 5  /* SHARED/EXCLUSIVE RECORD UNLOCK */  :
         #define A_FILE 6  /* UNLOCK ALL LOCKS ON A FILE     */  :
                           /*    FOR CALLING USER            */  :
         #define A_USER 7  /* UNLOCK ALL LOCKS ON ALL FILES  */  :
                           /*    FOR CALLING USER            */  :
         Coding Numeric Key Values                               :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         There is a general discussion of coding numeric key     :
         values with the ADDKEY function description in          :
         Section 3 of your Reference Manual.                     :
         In C, the most straightforward approach to represent    :
         numeric key values is to use long, four-byte integers.  :
         Four-byte integers accommodate key values ranging       :
         from -2147483648 to 2147483647.  Because long inte-     :
         gers are stored with the least significant byte         :
         first and the sign bit set in the last byte, the        :
         key type parameter KEYTYP% should be one.               :
    Access Manager                                  Page 10      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         Even when key values are numeric, they must be repre-   :
         sented as extended strings (see "Access Manager Para-   :
         meters" earlier in this section).  You can use the      :
         following declarations and assignments with long        :
         integer key values (the length of the keys used here    :
         is four bytes):                                         :
              #define MAX_KEY_LEN 48                             :
              #include <am86drc.h>                               :
              struct am86strg keyval,idxval;                     :
              long *linp,*lout;                                  :
              linp = keyval.str; /* overlay long integer */      :
                                 /*   on string          */      :
              keyval.len = 4;    /* set key length */            :
              lout = idxval.str;                                 :
              idxval.len = 4;                                    :
         When using a numeric quantity with an Access Manager    :
         function, use &keyval for input values and %idxval      :
         for output values.  To manipulate the key as a          :
         numeric quantity, use *linp and *lout for input and     :
         output values, respectively.  For example,              :
              *linp = 123456789; /* length bytes set above */    :
              drn = SERKEY(key_no,dfile,dlock,&keyval,&idxval);  :
              if (drn øø DATVAL())                               :
                  printf("ØnSERKEY output value = %d",*lout);    :
              else                                               :
                  printf("ØnNo value found.");                   :
         RECREATE.C Utility Program                              :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         A detailed description of the RECREATE program is       :
         provided in Section 5 of your Reference Manual.         :
         Details about the Digital Research C version of the     :
         program are provided here.                              :
    Access Manager                                  Page 11      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
         RECREAT1.C, RECREAT2.C, and RECREATE.H contain the      :
         source code for the C version of the program.  You      :
         can modify the code to fit your particular needs.       :
         To create RECREATE.CMD, use DRC.CMD to compile the      :
         two code modules and then link as follows:              :
         The buffer area for RECREATE is 4,844 bytes based       :
         on the following SETUP function parameter values        :
         (note that only one data file and one index file are    :
         open at the same time):                                 :
                NNSEC% = 4           NBUFS% = 8                  :
                NDATF% = 1           NKEYS% = 1                  :
         You can use SETAMBUF.CMD to configure AM86BUF.OBJ.      :
         The following table shows the layout and content of     :
         records in a Recreate Parameter File.  You can use      :
         this particular example file to reconstruct the files   :
         in the DATABASE sample program described later.         :
             TABLE:  Example C Recreate Parameter File           :
             ---------------------------------------------       :
               Record Type              Contents                 :
             ---------------------------------------------       :
               Header            1 4                             :
               Data File         CUSTOMER.DAT 100 3 0            :
               Index File        NAME.IDX 10 0 1 1 Y             :
               Key Part          22 8                            :
               Index File        NUMB.IDX 4 0 0 1 N              :
               Key Part          2 4                             :
               Index File        ZIPC.IDX 11 0 1 1 Y             :
               Key Part          84 9                            :
         If you want to change the capacities and, hence,        :
         memory requirements of the RECREATE program, you        :
         need to be concerned with the following key             :
         constants in the program:                               :
    Access Manager                                  Page 12      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
           MAX_KEYS specifies the maximum number of index        :
           files associated with a data file.  MAX_PARTS         :
           indicates the maximum number of fields compris-       :
           ing a key value.                                      :
           MAX_SORT is the maximum number of key values the      :
           RECREATE program can leave in buffers before they     :
           are sorted and added to the index file being          :
           created.                                              :
           MAX_SPACE specifies the actual number of bytes        :
           available for buffering key values.  Each key         :
           requires one more byte than its actual length.        :
         The actual number of key values that are buffered       :
         depends on length of the keys.  MAX_SORT is the         :
         limiting factor for short keys and MAX_SPACE for        :
         long keys.                                              :
         You should increase the constant MAX_REC_LEN if         :
         your data files contain records exceeding 1024          :
         bytes.                                                  :
         DATABASE.C Sample Program                               :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         Your Access Manager distribution disks contain a        :
         sample program coded in Digital Research C for          :
         creating and maintaining a database.  You can make      :
         any changes you want to the source code; which is       :
         on your disks in these three files:                     :
                DATABAS1.C                                       :
                DATABAS2.C                                       :
                DATABASE.H                                       :
         The DATABASE sample program demonstrates how to         :
         integrate Access Manager with Digital Research C        :
         applications.  You can use this program to build,       :
         examine, update, and list a database containing         :
         name and address information.                           :
    Access Manager                                  Page 13      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
           ÆSINGLEÅ  To create DATABASE.CMD, compile             :
           DATABAS1.C and DATABAS2.C with DRC.CMD and link       :
           as follows:                                           :
                LINK86 DATABASE=DATABAS1,DATABAS2,               :
                       AM86DRCS.L86ÆSÅ,AM86BUF                   :
           ÆMULTIÅ  In a multiuser environment, enter the        :
           link statement as follows:                            :
         Data File Example                                       :
         ---------------------------------------------------     :
         At the end of this READ.ME file is a listing            :
         illustrating several Access Manager functions used      :
         to update records in a data file.                       :
         CHANGES TO PL/I-86 DATABASE SOURCE CODE                 :
         ===================================================     :
         Note the following changes which should be made to      :
         the DATABASE source code:                               :
---------Page 3-22-----------------------------------------------:
FORMAT(X(28),5A);                                                :
PUT FILE(LIST_FILE) EDIT(OLD_FLD(1),' ',OLD_FLD(2)) (col(29),5A);:
        '    ',OLD_FLD(6)) (R(LFRMT));                           :
---------Page 3-29-----------------------------------------------:
GET EDIT (NEW_FLD(FLD))(A);                                      :
---------Page 3-30-----------------------------------------------:
IF OP1 = 'S' ø OP1 = 's' THEN                                    :
         RETURN('SAVE');                                         :
    Access Manager                                  Page 14      :

    READ.ME File Notes                                           :
---------Page 3-32-----------------------------------------------:
GET EDIT (NEW_FLD(FIELD_NO))(A);                                 :
         ===================================================     :
         Note the following changes which should be made to      :
         the DATABASE source code:                               :
---------Page 4-21-----------------------------------------------:
WRITELN(LIST_FILE,' ':4,OLD_FLDÆ0Å:10,'  ',OLD_FLDÆ7Å);          :
---------Page 4-30-----------------------------------------------:
IF (OP1 = 'C') OR (OP1 = 'c') THEN                               :
         TMPDAT := SAVE;                                         :
    Access Manager                                  Page 15      :

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_KEY_LEN 48
#include <am86drc.h>
#define YES 1
#define NO 0



/* ******************************************************************
     Working Variables
   ****************************************************************** */

WORD progid,file_no;
struct am86strg filname;
struct æ
          WORD lsw;
          WORD msw;
       å drn;

/* ******************************************************************
     Data Buffer
   ****************************************************************** */

struct æ
          BYTE part_noÆ4Å;
          BYTE part_nameÆ20Å;
          LONG part_quan;
       å datbuf;

/* ******************************************************************
     Initialize System
   ****************************************************************** */

progid = INTUSR(-1,YES,3); /* auto id; trap errors; 3 second time out */
if (ERRCOD())
if (SETUP(3,1,4,1)) /* 3 buffers; 1 key; 4 node sectors; 1 data file */

/* ******************************************************************
     Open Files
   ****************************************************************** */

filname.len = strlen(strcpy(filname.str,"K:PART.DAT");
file_no = OPNDAT(-1,S_FILE,&filname,32); /* auto file #; share file lock
                                            record length = 32       */
if (ERRCOD())
if (LOKCOD())

/* ******************************************************************
     Set exclusive lock on data record 65686
   ****************************************************************** */

drn.msw = 1;   /* Set high word to one which implies a base of 65536 */
drn.lsw = 150; /* 65686 = 65536 + 150                                */

if (SETLOK(file_no,X_LOCK,drn.lsw))

/* ******************************************************************
     Read Data Record
   ****************************************************************** */

if (READAT(file_no,drn.lsw,&datbuf))

/* ******************************************************************
     Update Data Record
   ****************************************************************** */

part_quan = part_quan - 100L;

/* ******************************************************************
     Write Data Record
   ****************************************************************** */

if (WRTDAT(file_no,drn.lsw,&datbuf))

/* ******************************************************************
     Release Record Lock
   ****************************************************************** */

if (FRELOK(file_no,X_LOCK,drn.lsw))

/* ******************************************************************
     Close Data File & Release File Lock
   ****************************************************************** */

if (CLSDAT(file_no))
if (FRELOK(file_no,S_FILE,0))

/* ******************************************************************
     Exception Processing
   ****************************************************************** */


WORD locale;

     æ printf("ØnERROR #%d at LOCALE %d.",ERRCOD(),locale);


WORD locale;

     æ printf("ØnLOCK CONFLICT at LOCALE %d with code %d",locale, Ø


                    End of ACCESS MANAGER Read.Me File«eof»