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Length: 12800 (0x3200) Types: TextFile Names: »LESSON1.TXT«
└─⟦dc6c79650⟧ Bits:30004299 FINAR Tutor └─ ⟦this⟧ »LESSON1.TXT«
..Lesson 1 - Introduction .. ..Screen 1 .. FINAR 5.1 : Micro Finar Report 1 Summary Profit & Loss Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Year Sales: Domestic 250 280 300 230 1,060 Foreign 175 180 180 150 685 Total sales 425 460 480 380 1,745 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Cost of goods sold 120 127 131 111 489 Gross margin 305 333 349 269 1,256 Other income 15 15 20 (5) 45 320 348 369 264 1,301 Overheads 60 60 60 65 245 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profit before tax 260 288 309 199 1,056 ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== Ø ..Screen 2 .. Total sales : * Gross margin : + Profit before tax : x I * * I * * * 400 - * * * * I * * *+ * I *+ *+ *+x * I *+x *+x *+x *+ I *+x *+x *+x *+ 200 - *+x *+x *+x *+x I *+x *+x *+x *+x I *+x *+x *+x *+x I *+x *+x *+x *+x 0 - *+x *+x *+x *+x +-------I-------I-------I-------I Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Ø ..Screen 3 .. æ C o l u m n s æ æWorksheet 10æ v v v v æ +------+------+------+------+ æ ______________________________ Rows ø ø ø ø ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø FINAR æProjectæ ø . ø ø ø ø ø æø ø------> +------+------+------+------+ æø containing ø . ø ø ø ø ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø æStored Instructionsæ ø æWorksheet 20 æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø which act upon values in ø Rows ø ø ø ø ø æø ø +------+------+------ø------+ æø æWorksheetsæ ø . ø ø ø ø ø æø ø------> +------+------+------+------+ æø______________________________ø . ø ø ø ø ø æ +------+------+------+------+ ØP2201: A diagrammatic representation of a FINAR Project and Worksheets. ØH ..Screen 4 .. ØP2201:ØP0401: æ Worksheet 10 æJan Feb Mar Qtr æ +------+------+------+------+ æ ______________________________ æSalesæ ø ø ø ø ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø 50 ; Project EXMPL ø æCostsæ ø ø ø ø ø æø æ1000 Columns Jan Feb Mar Qtræ ø +------+------+------+------+ æø æ2000 Rows Sales Costs Profitæ ø æProfitæ ø ø ø ø ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø ø Worksheet 20 æJan Feb Mar Qtr æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø ø æSalesæ ø ø ø ø ø æø 3000 Profit = Sales - Costs ø +------+------+------+------+ æø 3010 Qtr = sum of Jan to Mar ø æCostsæ ø ø ø ø ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø______________________________ø æProfitæ ø ø ø ø ø æ +------+------+------+------+ ØP2201: Now with some Row and Column names given to Worksheet elements. ØH ..Screen 5 .. ØP2201:ØP0401 æ Worksheet 10 Jan Feb Mar Qtr æ +------+------+------+------+ æ ______________________________ Sales ø æ1500æ ø æ1625æ ø æ1575æ ø ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø 50 ; Project EXMPL ø Costs ø æ935æ ø æ950æ ø æ940æ ø ø æø 1000 Columns Jan Feb Mar Qtr ø +------+------+------+------+ æø 2000 Rows Sales Costs Profit ø Profit ø ø ø ø ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø ø Worksheet 20 Jan Feb Mar Qtr æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø ø Sales ø æ620æ ø æ700æ ø æ680æ ø ø æø 3000 Profit = Sales - Costs ø +------+------+------+------+ æø 3010 Qtr = sum of Jan to Mar ø Costs ø æ420æ ø æ460æ ø æ450æ ø ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø______________________________ø Profit ø ø ø ø ø æ +------+------+------+------+ ØP2201 After Auto-Input (Data Entry) has been completed. ØH ..Screen 6 .. ØP2201:ØP0401 æ Worksheet 10 Jan Feb Mar Qtr æ +------+------+------+------+ æ ______________________________ Sales ø 1500 ø 1625 ø 1575 ø æ4700æ ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø 50 ; Project EXMPL ø Costs ø 935 ø 950 ø 940 ø æ2825æ ø æø 1000 Columns Jan Feb Mar Qtr ø +------+------+------+------+ æø 2000 Rows Sales Costs Profit ø Profit ø æ565æ ø æ675æ ø æ635æ ø æ1875æ ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø ø Worksheet 20 Jan Feb Mar Qtr æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø ø Sales ø 620 ø 700 ø 680 ø æ2000æ ø æø æ3000 Profit = Sales - Costsæ ø +------+------+------+------+ æø æ3010 Qtr = sum of Jan to Maræ ø Costs ø 420 ø 460 ø 450 ø æ1330æ ø æø ø +------+------+------+------+ æø______________________________ø Profit ø æ200æ ø æ240æ ø æ230æ ø æ670æ ø æ +------+------+------+------+ ØP2201 And finally after the Calculations have been performed. Ø ..Screen 7 .. Call up FINAR, and ask for Project SAMPLE. Then enter the Stored Instructions shown in your Primer. !1A>üFINAR NOWhat is the name of this system? !1FINAR 5.1 All Rights Reserved Copyright 1982. Finar Systems Ltd Project name ? üSAMPLE NOLook at the Project name in the Primer. !1New Project SAMPLE Worksheet 1 ? ü@01##001`;å`Projectå SAMPLE.ø SAMPLE NOLook closely at your Primer. ? ü@02##100Colåumns øumn øs ø åJan Feb Mar å`Qtr1(First)(Quarter) NO ? ü@03##200Rowås ø åSales NO ? ü@04##201Rowås ø å`VPC(Variableå cost %)å`Varcost(Variableå cost) NO ? ü@05##202Rowås ø å`Fixed(Fixedå cost)å`Tcost(Totalå cost)å`Margin NO ? ü@06##500`Varcost=Sales*VPC/100 NO ? ü@07##501`Tcost=Varcost+Fixed NO ? ü@08##502`Margin=Sales-Tcost NO ? ü@09##503`Qtr1=sumå of ø åJan to Mar NO ? ü@10##505`Conåsider ø åQtr1 NO ? ü@11##506`VPC=Varcostå as % of ø`%å`Sales NO Ø ..Screen 8 .. Now the Direct Command to calculate the Worksheet. ? üCalculateøCaløC NONow you need to CALCULATE! !4ØP1501First, the Row, Column and Worksheet Definitions are checked : !4ØP2201Checking Row, Column and Worksheet Definitions !1ØP2250@#01 !1ØP2200@#02 !1ØP2200@#03 !1ØP2200@#04 !1ØP2200@#05 !1ØP2200@#06 !4ØP2201:ØP1501: !4ØP1501And then the Calculation Section is checked : !4ØP2201Checking Calculation Section !1ØP2230@#06 !1ØP2200@#07 !1ØP2200@#08 !1ØP2200@#09 !1ØP2200@#10 !1ØP2200@#11 !4ØP2201:ØP1501:!4Auto-Input starts. ØP1701ü ØP1701:ØP1501:ØP0401:ØP0601: ØP0301 < < Cursor Movement > > ø < < Screen Options > > ø < < Formatting > > æ^S Left ^D or <CR> Right ø HELP WIN shows this menu ø ^P = Precision æ^E Up ^X Down ø HELP OFF cancels this menu ø ^W = Column Width æ^Z first Col of next Row ø WIN OFF will scroll screen ø <ESC> exits ^P/^W æTAB/^I MOVE to Row/Column ø WIN restores last Window ø and cancels input Project SAMPLE Worksheet 1 JAN FEB MAR QTR1 SALES VPC VARCOST FIXED TCOST MARGIN !2ØP1801:Calculating !2ØP2201æAuto Input !4ØP1801For Jan, Feb and Mar, 3 numbers per line ØP1901Sales? ü1680 1730 1750 NOLook closely at your Primer. ØP11121680 1730 1750 ØP2001Variable cost %? ü37.. NO ØP121137.00 37.00 37.00 ØP2101Fixed cost? ü500 505 507 NO ØP1410500.00 505.00 507.00 ØP2201:ü ØP2201:@@06 ØP1310621.60 640.10 647.50 0.00 !2ØP2201:@@07 ØP15121121 1145 1154 0.00 !2ØP2201:@@08 ØP1610558.40 584.90 595.50 0.00 !2ØP2201:@@09 ØP1130 5160 ØP1200 111.00 ØP1300 1909 ØP1400 1512 ØP1500 3421 ØP1600 1739 !2ØP2201:@@10 !2ØP2201:@@11 ØP1230 37.00 ØH ..Screen 9 .. ØP1801:ØP1901:ØP2001:ØP2101:ØP2201:ØP0301 < < Cursor Movement > > ø < < Screen Options > > ø < < Formatting > > æ^S Left ^D or <CR> Right ø HELP WIN shows this menu ø ^P = Precision æ^E Up ^X Down ø HELP OFF cancels this menu ø ^W = Column Width æ^Z first Col of next Row ø WIN OFF will scroll screen ø <ESC> exits ^P/^W æTAB/^I MOVE to Row/Column ø WIN restores last Window ø and cancels input Project SAMPLE Worksheet 1 JAN FEB MAR QTR1 SALES > 1680.00< 1730.00 1750.00 5160.00 VPC 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 VARCOST 621.60 640.10 647.50 1909.20 FIXED 500.00 505.00 507.00 1512.00 TCOST 1121.60 1145.10 1154.50 3421.20 MARGIN 558.40 584.90 595.50 1738.80 ØP2101Now terminate the session with the Command END. ØP1701? üEnd NOThe Command is END. Ø ..Screen 10 .. Now let's have a revision of the contents of Lesson 1. If you can't remember the answer to any question, review the Lesson 1 text. !3FINAR stores instructions in a ? üProjectøPro NOStored Instructions are kept where ? FINAR stores data in a ? üWorksheetøWor NOA table of numbers called a ? What type of directive is stored ? üStored åInstructioånsøn NOIn contrast to a Direct Command. What type of directive is acted upon immediately ? üDirect CommandøCommand NOIn contrast to a Stored Instruction. Ø ..Screen 11 .. What is the lowest Stored Instruction number available ? ü1øOne NORefer to your Primer. What is the highest Stored Instruction number available ? ü9999 NORefer to your Primer. Are Stored Instructions executed in ASCENDING (low to high) or DESCENDING (high to low) order ? üAscendingøAscøAøLo to hiøLow to high NO How many logical sections are there in a FINAR Project ? ü4øFour NO Which section (first second third or fourth) comprises the : Calculation Section ? üSecondø2ndø2 NO Row, Column and Worksheet Definitions ? üFirstø1stø1 NO Graphics ? üFourthø4thø4 NO Reports ? üThirdø3rdø3 NO What do you type to invoke FINAR at the CP/M prompt ? üFINAR NOWhat is the name of the system you are learning ? What is the Direct Command to terminate a FINAR session ? üEnd NOOr end it ? Ø ..Screen 12 .. ØP1123You have now successfully completed your first Lesson. Try the example Project SAMPLE using FINAR before moving on to Lesson 2. «eof»