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Length: 14976 (0x3a80) Types: TextFile Names: »INSTCRT.PAS«
└─⟦09ad82a35⟧ Bits:30002863 PolyPascal-80 V3.10 for JET80 CP/M └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTCRT.PAS« └─⟦42acf21c3⟧ Bits:30005716 PolyPascal-80 v. 3.10 (RC703) └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTCRT.PAS« └─⟦6367c43c0⟧ Bits:30004325 PolyPascal vers. 3.10 for Butler └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTCRT.PAS« └─⟦692ac107c⟧ Bits:30005923 PolyPascal-80 V3.10 arbejdsdiskette 1 └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTCRT.PAS« └─⟦725a95225⟧ Bits:30003287 PolyPascal v. 3.10 med eksempler for RC700 └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTCRT.PAS« └─⟦f03928158⟧ Bits:30005922 PolyPascal 3.10 (RC700) └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTCRT.PAS«
PROCEDURE crt; CONST pa1: str36 = 'A. Screen width (in characters)...: '; pb1: str36 = 'B. Screen height (in lines).......: '; pc1: str36 = 'C. GOTOXY lead-in sequence........: '; pd1: str36 = 'D. GOTOXY separator sequence......: '; pe1: str36 = 'E. GOTOXY terminator sequence.....: '; pf1: str36 = 'F. Line before column (YES/NO)....: '; pg1: str36 = 'G. Coordinate offset..............: '; ph1: str36 = 'H. Coordinate format (0/2/3)......: '; pa2: str36 = 'A. CLRHOM sequence................: '; pb2: str36 = 'B. CLREOS sequence................: '; pc2: str36 = 'C. CLREOL sequence................: '; pd2: str36 = 'D. INSLIN sequence................: '; pe2: str36 = 'E. DELLIN sequence................: '; pa3: str36 = 'A. RVSON sequence.................: '; pb3: str36 = 'B. RVSOFF sequence................: '; pc3: str36 = 'C. INTON sequence.................: '; pd3: str36 = 'D. INTOFF sequence................: '; pe3: str36 = 'E. ULNON sequence.................: '; pf3: str36 = 'F. ULNOFF sequence................: '; pg3: str36 = 'G. BLKON sequence.................: '; ph3: str36 = 'H. BLKOFF sequence................: '; pi3: str36 = 'I. ALLOFF sequence................: '; VAR sec: integer; ch,mc,first,last: char; PROCEDURE help1; BEGIN writeln('All fields on this submenu must be filled in for PolyPascal to'); writeln('operate correctly.'); writeln; writeln('SCREEN WIDTH. This field defines the number of characters per'); writeln('line on your video display. If the display scrolls when writing'); writeln('to the bottom right character position, then specify the screen'); writeln('width less one.'); writeln; writeln('SCREEN HEIGHT. This field defines the number of lines on your'); writeln('video display. Always specify the exact value.'); writeln; writeln('Character sequences are entered as sequences of hex values bet-'); writeln('ween 00 and FF. Each hex value must be separated from the sur-'); writeln('rounding ones by at least one blank. To enter an empty sequence,'); writeln('simply enter a blank line.'); writeln; writeln('GOTOXY LEAD-IN SEQUENCE. The character sequence sent prior to the'); writeln('coordinates. The maximum length is 8.'); writeln; pressreturn; writeln('GOTOXY SEPARATOR SEQUENCE. The character sequence sent between'); writeln('the coordinates. The maximum length is 4.'); writeln; writeln('GOTOXY TERMINATOR SEQUENCE. The character sequence sent after the'); writeln('coordinates. The maximum length is 4.'); writeln; writeln('LINE BEFORE COLUMN. This field should be set to YES if your video'); writeln('display requires the line coordinate (Y) to be sent before the'); writeln('column coordinate (X). Otherwise it should be set to NO.'); writeln; writeln('COORDINATE OFFSET. This field defines the value (in decimal) to'); writeln('be added to the coordinates before they are transmitted. If the'); writeln('coordinate format (see below) is 0, then 32 is normally used. If'); writeln('the coordinate format is 2 or 3, then 0 or 1 is normally used.'); writeln; writeln('COORDINATE FORMAT. A value of 0 in this field indicates that the'); writeln('coordinates are to be transmitted as single bytes using binary'); writeln('format. Other values (2 or 3) indicate that the coordinates are'); writeln('to be transmitted as decimal character strings of 2 or 3 charac-'); writeln('ters.'); writeln; pressreturn; END; PROCEDURE help2; BEGIN writeln('CLRHOM SEQUENCE. The function sequence which clears the screen'); writeln('and returns the cursor to the top left corner. The maximum is 8.'); writeln('This function sequence must be specified for PolyPascal to ope-'); writeln('rate correctly.'); writeln; writeln('All of the following function sequences are optional. The maximum'); writeln('length is 8 for all sequences.'); writeln; writeln('CLREOS SEQUENCE. The function sequence which clears all character'); writeln('positions from the cursor to the end of the screen.'); writeln; writeln('CLREOL SEQUENCE. The function sequence which clears all character'); writeln('positions from the cursor to the end of the current line.'); writeln; writeln('INSLIN SEQUENCE. The function sequence which scrolls the current'); writeln('line, and all lines below it, down, and clears the current line.'); writeln; writeln('DELLIN SEQUENCE. The function sequence which deletes the current'); writeln('line, and scrolls up all lines below it, with a blank line ap-'); writeln('pearing at the bottom. The maximum length is 8.'); writeln; pressreturn; END; PROCEDURE help3; BEGIN writeln('All of the following function sequences are optional. The maximum'); writeln('length is 8 for all sequences.'); writeln; writeln('RVSON SEQUENCE. Turns on reverse video.'); writeln; writeln('RVSOFF SEQUENCE. Turns off reverse video.'); writeln; writeln('INTON SEQUENCE. Turns on increased/decreased intensity.'); writeln; writeln('INTOFF SEQUENCE. Turns off increased/decreased intensity.'); writeln; writeln('ULNON SEQUENCE. Turns on underlining.'); writeln; writeln('ULNOFF SEQUENCE. Turns off underlining.'); writeln; writeln('BLKON SEQUENCE. Turns on character blink.'); writeln; writeln('BLKOFF SEQUENCE. Turns off character blink.'); writeln; writeln('ALLOFF SEQUENCE. Turns off all character attributes.'); writeln; pressreturn; END; BEGIN æcrtå sec:=1; WITH data DO REPEAT writeln('CRT CONFIGURATION TABLE (SECTION ',sec,'):'); writeln; CASE sec OF 1: BEGIN writeln(pa1,width); writeln(pb1,height); writeln(pc1,hexseq(gxyls)); writeln(pd1,hexseq(gxyss)); writeln(pe1,hexseq(gxyts)); writeln(pf1,yesno(255-colblin)); writeln(pg1,coorofs); writeln(ph1,coorfmt); mc:='H'; END; 2: BEGIN writeln(pa2,hexseq(clhs)); writeln(pb2,hexseq(cess)); writeln(pc2,hexseq(cels)); writeln(pd2,hexseq(ilns)); writeln(pe2,hexseq(dlns)); mc:='E'; END; 3: BEGIN writeln(pa3,hexseq(rons)); writeln(pb3,hexseq(rofs)); writeln(pc3,hexseq(ions)); writeln(pd3,hexseq(iofs)); writeln(pe3,hexseq(uons)); writeln(pf3,hexseq(uofs)); writeln(pg3,hexseq(bons)); writeln(ph3,hexseq(bofs)); writeln(pi3,hexseq(aofs)); mc:='I'; END; END; writeln; writeln('Press RETURN to view more'); writeln; ch:=select('Edit(A-'+mc+'), All(Z), Exit(X), Help(Y)', Æ'A'..mc,'Z','X','Y',^MÅ); IF ch=^M THEN IF sec=3 THEN sec:=1 ELSE sec:=sec+1 ELSE BEGIN IF ch='Z' THEN BEGIN first:='A'; last:=mc; END ELSE BEGIN first:=ch; last:=ch; END; FOR ch:=first TO last DO CASE sec OF 1: CASE ch OF 'A': BEGIN write(pa1); width:=readnum(40,255); END; 'B': BEGIN write(pb1); height:=readnum(8,255); END; 'C': BEGIN write(pc1); gxyls:=readseq(8); END; 'D': BEGIN write(pd1); gxyss:=readseq(4); END; 'E': BEGIN write(pe1); gxyts:=readseq(4); END; 'F': BEGIN write(pf1); colblin:=255-readyn; END; 'G': BEGIN write(pg1); coorofs:=readnum(0,255); END; 'H': BEGIN write(ph1); coorfmt:=readnum(0,3); END; 'Y': help1; END; 2: CASE ch OF 'A': BEGIN write(pa2); clhs:=readseq(8); END; 'B': BEGIN write(pb2); cess:=readseq(8); END; 'C': BEGIN write(pc2); cels:=readseq(8); END; 'D': BEGIN write(pd2); ilns:=readseq(8); END; 'E': BEGIN write(pe2); dlns:=readseq(8); END; 'Y': help2; END; 3: CASE ch OF 'A': BEGIN write(pa3); rons:=readseq(8); END; 'B': BEGIN write(pb3); rofs:=readseq(8); END; 'C': BEGIN write(pc3); ions:=readseq(8); END; 'D': BEGIN write(pd3); iofs:=readseq(8); END; 'E': BEGIN write(pe3); uons:=readseq(8); END; 'F': BEGIN write(pf3); uofs:=readseq(8); END; 'G': BEGIN write(pg3); bons:=readseq(8); END; 'H': BEGIN write(ph3); bofs:=readseq(8); END; 'I': BEGIN write(pi3); aofs:=readseq(8); END; 'Y': help3; END; END; IF ch IN Æ'A'..mcÅ THEN writeln; END; UNTIL ch='X'; END; PROCEDURE keyboard; TYPE keyrec = RECORD val: byte; str: str12; END; CONST stdkey: ARRAYÆ1..42Å OF str2 = ( ^J,^S,^D,^A,^F,^Q^S,^Q^D,^E,^X,^Q^E,^Q^X,^R,^C,^Q^R,^Q^C, ^H,^G,^Q^H,^Q^Y,^T,^Y,^M,^I,^N,^V,^Z,^B,^W,^Q^F,^Q^A, ^L,^K^B,^K^K,^K^Y,^K^C,^K^V,^K^P,^K^R,^K^W,^K^H,^K^D,^K^X); VAR c,i,n,m: integer; ch,mc: char; s: str12; akey: ARRAYÆ1..50Å OF keyrec; FUNCTION keystr(ch: char): str3; BEGIN CASE ch OF @32..@126,@128..@255: keystr:='"'+ch+'"'; @8: keystr:='BS'; @13: keystr:='CR'; @27: keystr:='ESC'; @127: keystr:='DEL'; OTHERWISE keystr:='^'+chr(ord(ch)+64); END; END; FUNCTION keyseq(ks: str12): str48; VAR i: integer; s: str48; BEGIN s:=''; FOR i:=1 TO len(ks) DO s:=s+keystr(ksÆiÅ)+' '; keyseq:=copy(s,1,len(s)-1); END; PROCEDURE delakey(i: integer); VAR p: integer; BEGIN FOR p:=i+1 TO n DO akeyÆp-1Å:=akeyÆpÅ; n:=n-1; END; PROCEDURE addakey; VAR i,sl: integer; ch: char; s: str12; BEGIN sl:=0; FOR i:=1 TO n DO sl:=sl+len(akeyÆnÅ.str)+2; IF (n=50) OR (sl>240) THEN writeln('No room for further definitions') ELSE BEGIN cbreak:=false; write('Standard: '); REPEAT read(kbd,ch); i:=1; WHILE (i<42) AND (ch<>stdkeyÆiÅÆ1Å) DO i:=i+1; IF stdkeyÆiÅÆ1Å=ch THEN BEGIN s:=ch; write(keyseq(ch),' '); sl:=len(keyseq(ch))+1; IF len(stdkeyÆiÅ)=2 THEN BEGIN read(kbd,ch); s:=s+ch; i:=1; WHILE (i<42) AND (s<>stdkeyÆiÅ) DO i:=i+1; IF s=stdkeyÆiÅ THEN BEGIN s:=s+ch; write(keyseq(ch),' '); sl:=sl+len(keyseq(ch))+1; END ELSE BEGIN s:=''; backsp(sl); END; END; END ELSE s:=''; UNTIL s<>''; write('':9-sl,'Alternate: '); s:=''; REPEAT read(kbd,ch); IF (len(s)<12) AND (ch<>^M) THEN BEGIN IF len(s)>=1 THEN IF ch IN Æ^A..^ZÅ THEN ch:=chr(ord(ch)+64) ELSE IF ch IN Æ'a'..'z'Å THEN ch:=chr(ord(ch)-32); write(keystr(ch),' '); s:=s+ch; END; UNTIL ch=^M; n:=n+1; akeyÆnÅ.val:=i; akeyÆnÅ.str:=s; writeln; cbreak:=true; END; writeln; END; PROCEDURE help; BEGIN writeln('To be able to benefit fully from the special keys offered by your'); writeln('keyboard, PolyPascal allows you to define alternate keys to in-'); writeln('voke selected editor functions. A typical example of alternate'); writeln('keys is defining your cursor arrows to do the same as ^S, ^D, ^E'); writeln('and ^X.'); writeln; writeln('To add an alternate key definition, you must first select the'); writeln('function for which you want to create an alternative. This you do'); writeln('by entering the standard key sequence, i.e. the sequence listed'); writeln('in the manual. Once you have selected a function, you will be'); writeln('prompted for an alternate key sequence, to which you must answer'); writeln('by entering the alternate sequence. To end the alternate sequen-'); writeln('ce, press RETURN.'); writeln; writeln('Note that it is actually possible to override the standard key'); writeln('sequences. If you for instance define ^J to be an alternate key'); writeln('for the ^X function, the original ^J function will become inac-'); writeln('cessible unless you define an alternate sequence for it as well.'); writeln; pressreturn; END; BEGIN ækeyboardå WITH data DO BEGIN i:=0; n:=0; c:=1; WHILE altkeyÆiÅ<>0 DO BEGIN n:=n+1; move(altkeyÆiÅ,akeyÆnÅ,altkeyÆi+1Å+2); i:=i+altkeyÆi+1Å+2; END; REPEAT writeln('ALTERNATE KEY DEFINITIONS:'); writeln; IF n=0 THEN BEGIN writeln('No alternate keys defined'); writeln; ch:=select('Add(Z), Exit(X), Help(Y)',Æ'Z','X','Y'Å); END ELSE BEGIN IF c+9>n THEN m:=n-c ELSE m:=9; FOR i:=0 TO m DO BEGIN s:=keyseq(stdkeyÆakeyÆc+iÅ.valÅ); write(chr(i+65),'. Standard: ',s,'':9-len(s)); writeln('Alternate: ',keyseq(akeyÆc+iÅ.str)); END; IF n>10 THEN BEGIN writeln; writeln('Press RETURN to view more'); END; writeln; mc:=chr(m+65); ch:=select('Delete(A-'+mc+'), Add(Z), Exit(X), Help(Y)', Æ'A'..mc,'Z','X','Y',^MÅ); END; CASE ch OF 'A'..'J': BEGIN delakey(c+ord(ch)-65); IF (n>0) AND (c>n) THEN c:=c-10; END; 'Z': BEGIN addakey; c:=n-((n-1) MOD 10); END; 'Y': help; ^M: BEGIN c:=c+10; IF c>n THEN c:=1; END; END; UNTIL ch='X'; i:=0; FOR n:=1 TO n DO BEGIN move(akeyÆnÅ,altkeyÆiÅ,len(akeyÆnÅ.str)+2); i:=i+len(akeyÆnÅ.str)+2; END; fill(altkeyÆiÅ,256-i,0); END; END; «eof»