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⟦42ffcc38c⟧ TextFile

    Length: 13568 (0x3500)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »CHECKS.IPF«


└─⟦65142c8de⟧ Bits:30004652 KnowledgeMan vers. 1.07h
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »CHECKS.IPF« 


 This program is meant to provide you with an example of how 
 KnowledgeMan can be used in a procedural fashion.  It is for
 demonstration purposes ONLY and no guarantee is made for its
 fitness for use in any way.
 Along the right margin you will see numbers enclosed in 
 comment marks.  These page numbers are intended to provide
 you with pages in the manual to refer to for additional 
 details on the subject (command, etc.) that is being covered
 at that point in the program.
 Define as a form and put up the MDBS, Inc. logo. 
form logo                                           /* 153, 154 */
   at 1,1 to 24,79 put "fobu"                       /* 156, 157 */
   at 12,10 to 16,70 put "fubo"
   at 2,2 put "     M"
   at 3,2 put "    ! ! "
   at 4,2 put "   !   ! "
   at 5,2 put "  D     B   Micro Data Base Systems, Inc."
   at 6,2 put "   !   !"
   at 7,2 put "    ! !"
   at 8,2 put "     S"
   at 14,23 put "C h e c k   B o o k   S y s t e m" with "lb" 

clear                                                    /* 164 */
putform logo                                             /* 160 */
at 20,40                                                 /* 159 */

 Check to see if the CHECKS table has been defined.
 If it has not, then define it by executing the perform file
 "SETCHK.IPF".  The define will automatically leave the table
 in USE.  If it has already been defined (the file CHECKS.ITB
 exists), then simply invoke USE to make the table available
 for use.
if not filex("checks.itb") then
   perform setchk                           /* 238, 33, 225, 19 */
else use checks                                           /* 64 */

 Set some environment variables.
e.paus=true                                           /* 23, 24 */
e.lmod=false                                          /* 24, 71 */
e.supd=true                                           /* 24, 93 */
e.lstr=50                                             /* 24, 85 */ 

 Initialize working variables.
amt1=0                                                    /* 22 */

 Define a macro to use inside each form definition that uses
 the company name and address. 
macro putmdbs Ø
   at 11,7 put "Micro Data Base Systems, Inc." with "l";Ø
   at 12,7 put "1616 Potter Drive" with "l";Ø
   at 13,7 put "West Lafayette, IN. 47906" with "l";Ø
   at 14,7 put "(317) 463-7653" with "l"
                                                          /* 34 */

 Define the menu as a form.
form menu                                           /* 153, 154 */
   at 1,1 to 24,80 put "BAFO"
   at 5,20 put  "KnowledgeMan Check Book System" with "rl"
   at 8,10 put  "1  Enter Checks"
   at 9,10 put  "2  Enter Deposit"
   at 11,10 put "3  Sort on Check Number"
   at 12,10 put "4  Sort on Date"
   at 14,10 put "5  Mark Returned Checks"
   at 16,10 put "6  Balance Check Book"
   at 8,40 put  "7  Browse Checks"
   at 9,40 put  "8  Browse Deposits"
   at 11,40 put "9  List All Checks and Deposits"
   at 16,40 put "0"; at 16,46 put "End Session" with "l"
   at 19,30 put "Choice?" with "b"

 Define a form to put on the screen during lengthy processing
 so that the user knows what's happening.
form delay
   at 10,10 to 14,70 put "brfg"
   at 12,20 put "Calculations in Process...please wait"Ø
   with "b" 

 Define form to put on screen during WAIT command.
form pause
   at 23,25 put "Press ANY KEY to return to menu" with "b"

 Define forms for input/output
form ckform
   at 10,5 to 19,70 put "bufc"
   at 11,6 to 14,40 put "bafc"
   putmdbs !Remember this is a MACRO                     /* 34 */
   at 11,50 put "Number: " with "l"
   at 11,58 put number 
   at 11,58 get number
   at 12,50 put "Date  : " with "l"
   at 12,58 put date 
   at 12,58 get date 
   at 16,7 put "Pay To: " with "l"
   at 16,15 put payto 
   at 16,15 get payto 
   at 16,50 put "Amount: " with "l"
   at 16,58 put amount 
   at 16,58 get amount 
   at 18,7 put "Memo  : " with "l"
   at 18,15 put memo 
   at 18,15 get memo 
   at 18,47 put "Cancelled: " with "l"
   at 18,58 put cancel 
   at 18,58 get cancel 

form depform
   at 10,5 to 19,70 put "brfo"
   at 11,6 to 14,40 put "bafo"
   putmdbs                                                 /* 34 */
   at 12,50 put "Date  : " with "l"
   at 12,58 put date 
   at 12,58 get date 
   at 16,50 put "Amount: " with "l"
   at 16,58 put amount 
   at 16,58 get amount 
   at 18,7 put "Memo  : " with "l"
   at 18,15 put memo 
   at 18,15 get memo 
   at 18,47 put "Credited: " with "l"
   at 18,58 put cancel 
   at 18,58 get cancel 

form bal
   at 10,10 to 21,70 put "bufo"
   at 10,25 put "Check Book Balance Form" with "l"
   at 12,15 put "Enter Final Balance" with "l"
   at 13,15 put "as Shown by Bank" with "l"
   at 13,40 put amt4 using "$dddddd.dd"
   at 13,40 get amt4 using "$dddddd.dd"
   at 15,15 put "Deposits not Credited" with "l"
   at 15,40 put -amt2 using "$dddddd.dd"
   at 17,15 put "Checks Outstanding" with "l"
   at 17,40 put amt1 using "$dddddd.dd"
   at 18,15 put "Computed Balance" with "l"
   at 18,40 put amt4-amt2-amt1 using "$dddddd.dd"
   at 19,15 put "Check Book Balance" with "l"
   at 19,40 put amt3 using "$dddddd.dd"
   at 20,15 put "Discrepancy"
   at 20,40 put amt4-amt2-amt1-amt3 using "$dddddd.dd"
form deposit
   at 10,5 to 19,70 put "brfo"
   at 11,6 to 14,40 put "bafo" 
   putmdbs                                                /* 34 */   
   at 16,7 put "Deposit: " with "l"
   at 16,16 put amt1 using "$dddddd.dd"
   at 16,16 get amt1 using "$dddddd.dd"
   at 11,47 put "Date: " with "l"
   at 11,56 put dat using "dd/dd/dddd"
   at 11,56 get dat using "dd/dd/dddd"
   at 18,7 put "Memo: " with "l"
   at 18,16 get note 

 Define a form to display when the user enters a check number
 that does not exist. Note that this is a helpful way to display
 'status' messages.
form NotHere
   at 24,32 put "Check not Present" with "srb"           /* 157 */


 Note:  An alternative to defining numerous forms each time the
        program is executed would be to define them once, in a 
        separate program, and SAVE them to a context file.  The
        form definitions, then, get LOADed (by adding a LOAD line
        to this program) each time this program is executed.
        You'll discover that executing a LOAD is often much faster
        than the first alternative. This is because the
        definitions are SAVEd in a tokenized form. This is true
        not only for forms, but also for macros, cell
        definitions, global variables, etc.  
        /* 50, 243, 19 */



 This is the main body of the program.  An infinite WHILE loop 
 executes until the user enters 0 (or just presses <ENTER>) as 
 his choice from the menu, which exits from KnowledgeMan to the 
 Operating System.  All other valid entries cause the statements 
 for the appropriate CASE to get executed and the loop repeats.
while true do                                             /* 234 */   

   putform menu; c=0  !Put menu on screen and set default response        !Turn on auto advance during menu selection
                                                           /* 24 */
   at 19,38 input c using "d" !Get user's selection       /* 165 */               !Turn off auto advance

   test c                                            /* 236, 237 */
      case 1:                 !Menu Option 1
         create with ckform   !Create records in the default table
                              !using the format of the form ckform.
                                                       /* 74, 51 */
         break                !Exit TEST statement   /* 236, 240 */

      case  2:                !Menu Option 2
         putform deposit      !Display deposit form.      /* 160 */
         getform deposit      !Allow user input to deposit form.
                                                          /* 161 */
         tally deposit   !Display new values of computed variables.
                                                          /* 162 */
         attach 1     !Create blank record at end of default table
                                                     /* 76, 78.1 */
         payto=" *** DEPOSIT ***"; number=0       !Set values of
         date=dat; amount=-amt1                   !fields in the 
         memo=note; cancel=false                  !new record. 
         putform pause; at 24,40
         wait                                             /* 230 */

     case 3:                  ! Menu Option 3
        clear; putform delay; at 17,40        
        sort checks by az number                           /* 80 */

     case 4:                  ! Menu Option 4
        clear; putform delay; at 17,40   
        sort checks by az substr(date,7,4)+substr(date,1,5) 

     case 5:                  !Menu Option 5
        at 17,19 ?"(Enter Return to Go Back to Menu)"
        while c>0 do 
           at 12,20 input c using "dddd" with Ø
                    "Number of Returned Check: "         /* 166 */
           if not #found then clear NotHere 
           /* If the previous OBTAIN caused form NotHere to */
           /* be displayed, then CLEAR it.                  */
                                                 /* 25, 28, 164 */
           if c>0 then obtain first for number=c 
           /* If non-zero check number was entered, then look */
           /* for the check.                                  */
                                                      /* 88, 90 */ 
              if #found then cancel=true  !If it is there, then
                                          !mark it as cancelled
              else putform NotHere

     case 6:                 ! Menu Option 6
        clear; putform delay ; at 17,40 
        e.ocon=false         ! Turn off console display during
                             ! statistics computation
                                                          /* 24 */
        stat amount for number>0 and not cancel
        !Fill statistical arrays based on amounts of all
        !outstanding checks.  
                                                         /* 100 */
        amt1=#sum(1)     !Store the sum of these amounts to amt1 
                                                     /* 25, 101 */

        stat amount for number=0 and not cancel
        !Compute statistics for all outstanding deposits.
        amt2=#sum(1)     !Store the sum to amt2  

        stat amount   
        !Compute statistics for all transactions
        amt3=-#sum(1)    !Store the negative of the sum to amt3
        e.ocon=true      !Turn console display back on   
        clear; putform bal; tally bal; getform bal; tally bal
                                                         /* 153 */
        putform pause; at 24,40
        wait                                             /* 230 */

     case 7:             ! Menu Option 7
        browse for number>0 with ckform             /* 124, 128 */

     case 8:             ! Menu Option 8
        browse for number=0 with depform            /* 124, 128 */

     case 9:             ! Menu Option 9
         e.stat=false                                     /* 24 */
"      ---------------     Check Book Listing     ---------------"
                                                       /* 25, 94 */
         list number using "dddddd", payto, amount, date, memo
                                                       /* 85, 94 */
         e.stat=true                                       /* 24 */
         output;output    !Put two blank lines on the screen
                                                          /* 167 */
         putform pause; at 24,40; wait; clear 

     case 0:              ! Menu Option 0
        bye                                               /* 244 */ 

        ?"ERROR"                                          /* 236 */

