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⟦4c3c36113⟧ TextFile

    Length: 1920 (0x780)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »SYS.CST«


└─⟦57841d236⟧ Bits:30007315 RC890 Opstart
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »SYS.CST« 


; This file contains the global configuration parameters for system.
; -----------
; Where nb specifies the CUIdent number and is in the range 1..99. The 
; default value is 1.
; ------------
; Where nb specifies the number of terminals which will be polled on
; RcCircuit
; NODENAME=<name>;
; ---------------
; Where name assigns an 8 byte name concisting of letters and digits to the
; machine. The default named is "RC890<CUIDENT>-".
; The nodename is used by the SW8934 CSP Communication Software to form a
; a LAN device name, which is used to identify the device on RcLAN. The LAN
; device name for devices connected through Circuit II or the V24 ports J6-J9,
; is generated in the following form:
;   nodename<device number>
;   where <device number> is 2 digits equal to Circuit II address + 4
;      or <device number> is equal to 00-03 for devices connected to J6-J9
;  I.e. with default configuration the LAN device names will be:
;    RC89001-00  for a device connected to J6
;    RC89001-01  for a device connected to J7   
;    ....
;    RC89001-04  for a device connected to Circuit 0
;    RC89001-01  for a device connected to Circuit 1
;    .....
; IMCNETID=<address>
; ------------------
; Where address assigns an 12 byte hexadecimal address, which will be used 
; as multicast address on RcLAN. See package description for release 1.2 of 
; sw8930.
; -------------
; By means of this parameter the scope of the floppy device port FD<CUIDENT>
; can be changed, so the port is made invisible on the RcLAN network, thereby
; reducing the total number of ports on the network. <nb> can have one of the
; following values:
;  <nb> = 3  The FD port global, i.e visible on RcLAN.
;  <nb> = 1  THe FD port is local to the CU, i.e. invisible on RcLAN.