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└─⟦dc6c79650⟧ Bits:30004299 FINAR Tutor
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »LESSON7.TXT« 


..Lesson 7 - Sensitivity Analysis and Goal Seeking
..Screen 1
ØP0401LIST the Stored Instructions shown in your Primer, and then CALCULATE :

? üListøLisøL
NOUse the LIST Command.
  1000 Columns Y1 Y2 Y3
  2000 Rows    Units SP(Selling price) Sales
  2010 Rows    COS(Cost of sales) Margin
  5000 Sales = Units * SP
  5010 COS = Units * 3.5
  5020 Margin = Sales - COS
!1? üCalculateøCaløC
ØP2201!2Checking Row, Column and Worksheet Definitions
ØP2201:!2Checking Calculation Section
!1For Y1,Y2 and Y3, 3 numbers per line
Units? ü5000 5500 5600
NOEnter three numbers separated by spaces.
Selling price? ü5...ø5..
NOUse 5...
..Screen 2
 < < Cursor Movement > >  ø   < < Screen Options > >   ø < < Formatting > >
æ^S Left  ^D or <CR> Right ø HELP WIN shows this menu   ø ^P = Precision
æ^E Up    ^X         Down  ø HELP OFF cancels this menu ø ^W = Column Width
æ^Z first Col of next Row  ø WIN OFF will scroll screen ø <ESC> exits ^P/^W
æTAB/^I MOVE to Row/Column ø WIN restores last Window   ø  and  cancels input
Projec▶f4◀ MARGI▶ce◀                                                     Worksheet 1
              Y1        Y2        Y3
UNITS >  5000.00<  5500.00   5600.00
SP          5.00      5.00      5.00
SALES   25000.00  27500.00  28000.00
COS     17500.00  19250.00  19600.00
MARGIN   7500.00   8250.00   8400.00
!2ØP2201Now copy the Command to perform SENSITIVITY.
ØP1701? üSenåsitivity ø åof MarginøMarginå for ø å5%ø5å change in ø change ø åSP
NOCopy the Command carefully from your Primer.
..Screen 3
                Sensitivity Analysis
                  Y1        Y2        Y3  

Initial values are
Selling price     5.00      5.00      5.00
Margin         7500.00   8250.00   8400.00
!1a -5% change in
Selling price     4.75      4.75      4.75
results in
Margin         6250.00   6875.00   7000.00
!1a  5% change in
Selling price     5.25      5.25      5.25
results in
Margin         8750.00   9625.00   9800.00
..Screen 4
Now do another Sensitivity Analysis, this time on Y1 only.
Determine the effect of a ten per cent change in Units on Sales.  

? üConsiderøConå Y1
NOFirst tell FINAR that you only want to see Y1.
? üSenåsitivity ø åof SalesøSaleså for ø å10%ø10å change in ø change ø åUnits
NOCopy carefully from your Primer.
..Screen 5
              Sensitivity Analysis

Initial values are
Units          5000.00
Sales         25000.00
!2a -10% change in
Units          4500.00
results in
Sales         22500.00
!2a  10% change in
Units          5500.00
results in
Sales         27500.00
..Screen 6
Now save the results of your SENSITIVITY in Worksheet 10

? üConåsider ø åWoråksheet ø å10
NOFirst say which Worksheet you want to CONSIDER.
Creating Worksheet from which old Worksheet ? ü0
NOSensitivity and Goal Seeking take place in Worksheet 0
and perform a further SENSITIVITY on ALL Columns, to see what effect
a fifteen per cent change in Units would have on COS.
? üConåsider ø åall Columnsøall Colsøall ColøY1 TO Y3
NOAt the moment you are only CONSIDERing Y1.
? üSenåsitivity ø åof COSøCOSå for ø å15%ø15å change in ø change ø cha ø åUnits
..Screen 7
                Sensitivity Analysis
                  Y1        Y2        Y3  

Initial values are
Units           5500.00   5500.00   5600.00
Cost of sales  19250.00  19250.00  19600.00
!2a -15% change in
Units           4675.00   4675.00   4760.00
results in
Cost of sales  16362.50  16362.50  16660.00
!2a  15% change in
Units           6325.00   6325.00   6440.00
results in
Cost of sales  22137.50  22137.50  22540.00
..Screen 8
Now let's try Goal Seeking
Using the same example, find out what SP is needed to achieve a
Margin of 10000 in Y1.
Since we are only interested in Y1, first tell FINAR that this is
the Column to work on.
? üConsiderøConå Y1
NOYou are still considering ALL COLUMNS! 
? üFindøFinå SPå giving ø giv ø for å`Margin=10000å in Y1ø Y1
NOCopy the Command carefully from your Primer.
..Screen 9
Goal Seeking taking place

         Goal Seeking

Target figure : Margin =  10000
Selling price      5.50
Margin         10000.00
..Screen 10
Now another FIND.

In order to achieve Sales of $28,875 in Y3, how many Units must be sold?

(Remember you are currently CONSIDERing Y1.)

? üConsiderøConå Y3
NOWhich Column are you interested in?
? üFindøFinøå Unitså giving ø giv ø for å`Sales=28875øå in Y3ø Y3
..Screen 11
Goal Seeking taking place

         Goal Seeking

Target figure : Sales = 28875
Units           5250.00
Sales          28875.00
..Screen 12
ØP1123That's  the  end  of  this   Lesson.
Before  progressing  to   Lesson   8
(Graphics), do some experiments with
SENSITIVITY  and  FIND  using   some
    models of your own in  FINAR.
