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Length: 4096 (0x1000) Types: TextFile Names: »ARK«
└─⟦2a24d2e1b⟧ Bits:30003042 Programmer fra Aarhus kursus └─ ⟦this⟧ »ARK«
type streng = string(.80.); var zliste: array (.1..100.) of streng; zantal,zl,zp: integer; procedure fyldop; var s: streng; begin writeln('Skriv højst 100 ord (max. 80 tegn) adskilt af linieskift'); writeln('Afslut med tom linie:'); zantal:=0; readln(s); while (zantal<100) and (len(s)>0) do begin zantal:=zantal+1; zliste(.zantal.):=s; readln(s); end; zl:=1; zp:=1; end; function tom: boolean; begin if zl>zantal then tom:=true else tom:=false; end; function linieskift: boolean; begin if (zp=1) and (zl<>1) then linieskift:=true else linieskift:=false; end; procedure naeste(var blok: streng); var stop,alfanum: boolean; s: streng; ch: char; begin blok:=''; if zl>zantal then writeln('Naeste kaldt på tom side') else begin s:=zliste(.zl.); stop:=false; alfanum:=s(.zp.) in (.'0'..'9','A'..'Å','a'..'å'.); while (zp<=len(s)) and not stop do begin ch:=s(.zp.); if alfanum then begin if ch in (.'0'..'9','A'..'Å','a'..'å'.) then blok:=blok+s(.zp.) else stop:=true; end else begin if not (ch in (.'0'..'9','A'..'Å','a'..'å'.)) then blok:=blok+s(.zp.) else stop:=true; end; if not stop then zp:=zp+1; end; if zp>len(s) then begin zl:=zl+1; zp:=1; end; end; end; (* naeste *) procedure stav(tal: streng; var tekst: streng); var ciffer1: char; lille,mellem,stor : array (.'0'..'9'.) of string(.10.); hundreder: streng; procedure stav2(tal2: streng; var tekst: streng); var ciffer1,ciffer2: char; begin if len(tal2) = 1 then tal2 := '0'+tal2; ciffer1:=tal2(.1.); (* første ciffer *) ciffer2:=tal2(.2.); (* andet ciffer *) if ciffer1='0' then tekst:=lille(.ciffer2.) else if ciffer1='1' then tekst:=mellem(.ciffer2.) else if ciffer2='0' then tekst:=stor(.ciffer1.) else tekst:=lille(.ciffer2.) + 'og' + stor(.ciffer1.); end; (* stav2 *) begin (* stav *) lille (.'0'.) := 'nul'; lille (.'1'.) := 'en'; lille (.'2'.) := 'to'; lille (.'3'.) := 'tre'; lille (.'4'.) := 'fire'; lille (.'5'.) := 'fem'; lille (.'6'.) := 'seks'; lille (.'7'.) := 'syv'; lille (.'8'.) := 'otte'; lille (.'9'.) := 'ni'; mellem(.'0'.) := 'ti'; mellem(.'1'.) := 'elleve'; mellem(.'2'.) := 'tolv'; mellem(.'3'.) := 'tretten'; mellem(.'4'.) := 'fjorten'; mellem(.'5'.) := 'femten'; mellem(.'6'.) := 'seksten'; mellem(.'7'.) := 'sytten'; mellem(.'8'.) := 'atten'; mellem(.'9'.) := 'nitten'; stor (.'2'.) := 'tyve'; stor (.'3'.) := 'tredive'; stor (.'4'.) := 'fyrre'; stor (.'5'.) := 'halvtreds'; stor (.'6'.) := 'tres'; stor (.'7'.) := 'halvfjerds'; stor (.'8'.) := 'firs'; stor (.'9'.) := 'halvfems'; if len(tal) < 3 then stav2(tal,tekst) else begin ciffer1:=tal(.1.); delete(tal,1,1); (* tal indeholder nu de sidste to cifre *) stav2(tal,tekst); (* tekst indeholder stavningen af de to sidste cifre *) if ciffer1<>'0' then begin if ciffer1='1' then hundreder:='ethundrede' else hundreder:=lille(.ciffer1.)+'hundrede'; if tekst='nul' then tekst:=hundreder else tekst:=hundreder+'og'+tekst; end; end; end; (* stav *) function allecifre(s: streng): boolean; var i: integer; ok: boolean; begin ok:=true; i:=1; while i<=len(s) do begin if not ( ('0'<=s(.i.)) and (s(.i.)<='9') ) then ok:=false; i:=i+1; end; allecifre:=ok; end; «eof»