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Length: 6272 (0x1880) Types: TextFile Names: »MC.PAS«
└─⟦d482c3728⟧ Bits:30005987 Turbo Pascal v2.00A (Jet80) └─ ⟦this⟧ »MC.PAS«
æ********************************************************************å æ* BEFORE YOU COMPILE THIS PROGRAM: *å æ* 1. Use the O command from the main menu to select Options. *å æ* 2. Select the C option to generate a COM file. *å æ* 3. Select the Q option to Quit the Options menu. *å æ* 4. Select the M option to make this file the Main file *å æ********************************************************************å æ$R-,U-,V-,X-,A+,C-å æ This program is Copyrighted by Borland International Inc. 1983 å program MicroCalc; const FXMax: Char = 'G'; æ Maximum number of columns å FYMax = 21; æ Maximum number of lines å type Anystring = stringÆ255Å; ScreenIndex = 'A'..'G'; Attributes = (Constant,Formula,Txt,OverWritten,Locked,Calculated); æ The spreadsheet is made out of Cells every Cell is defined as å æ the following record: å CellRec = record CellStatus: set of Attributes; æ Status of cell (see type def.) å Contents: StringÆ70Å; æ Contains a formula or some text å Value: Real; æ Last calculated cell value å DEC,FW: 0..20; æ Decimals and Cell Whith å end; Cells = arrayÆScreenIndex,1..FYMaxÅ of CellRec; const XPOS: arrayÆScreenIndexÅ of integer = (3,14,25,36,47,58,68); var Screen: Cells; æ Definition of the spread sheet å FX: ScreenIndex; æ Culumn of current cell å FY: Integer; æ Line of current cell å Ch: Char; æ Last read character å MCFile: file of CellRec; æ File to store sheets in å AutoCalc: boolean; æ Recalculate after each entry? å æ The following include files contain procedures used in MicroCalc. å æ In the following source code there is a reference after each å æ procedure call indicating in which module the procedure is located.å æ If you want a printer listing of the following modules then you å æ must let the include directives start in column one and then use å æ the TLIST program to generate a listing. å æ$I MC-MOD00.INC Miscelaneous procedures å æ$I MC-MOD01.INC Initialization procedures å æ$I MC-MOD02.INC Commands to move between fields å æ$I MC-MOD03.INC Commands to Load,Save,Print å æ$I MC-MOD04.INC Evaluating an expression in a cell å æ$I MC-MOD05.INC Reading a cell definition and Format commandå æ.PAå æ*********************************************************************å æ* START OF MAIN PROGRAM PROCEDURES *å æ*********************************************************************å æ Procedure Commands is activated from the main loop in this program å æ when the user type a semicolon. Commands then activates a procedureå æ which will execute the command. These procedures are located in theå æ above modules. å æ For easy reference the source code module number is shown in a å æ comment on the right following the procedure call. å procedure Commands; begin GotoXY(1,24); HighVideo; Write('/ restore, Quit, Load, Save, Recalculate, Print, Format, AutoCalc, Help '); Read(Kbd,Ch); Ch:=UpCase(Ch); case Ch of æ In module å 'Q': Halt; 'F': Format; æ 04 å 'S': Save; æ 03 å 'L': Load; æ 03 å 'H': Help; æ 03 å 'R': Recalculate; æ 05 å 'A': Auto; æ 00 å '/': Update; æ 01 å 'C': Clear; æ 01 å 'P': Print; æ 03 å end; Grid; æ 01 å GotoCell(FX,FY); æ 02 å end; æ Procedure Hello says hello and activates the help procedure if the å æ user presses anything but Return å procedure Wellcome; procedure Center(S: AnyString); var I: integer; begin for I:=1 to (80-Length(S)) div 2 do Write(' '); writeln(S); end; begin æ procedure Wellcome å ClrScr; GotoXY(1,9); Center('Welcome to MicroCalc. A Turbo demonstation program'); Center('Copyright 1983 by Borland International Inc. '); Center('Press any key for help or <RETURN> to start'); GotoXY(40,12); Read(Kbd,Ch); if Ch<>^M then Help; end; æ.PAå æ*********************************************************************å æ* THIS IS WHERE THE PROGRAM STARTS EXECUTING *å æ*********************************************************************å begin Init; æ 01 å Wellcome; ClrScr; Grid; æ 01 å GotoCell(FX,FY); repeat Read(Kbd,Ch); case Ch of ^E: MoveUp; æ 02 å ^X,^J: MoveDown; æ 02 å ^D,^M,^F: MoveRight; æ 02 å ^S,^A: MoveLeft; æ 02 å '/': Commands; ^Æ: GetCell(FX,FY); æ 04 å else if Ch in Æ' '..'ü'Å then GetCell(FX,FY); æ 04 å end; until true=false; æ (program stops in procedure Commands) å end. «eof»