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Length: 13056 (0x3300) Types: TextFile Names: »REGN3.PAS«
└─⟦5c8344fa1⟧ Bits:30004223 REGN version 2.1 til ICL Comet └─ ⟦this⟧ »REGN3.PAS«
(* REGN3.PAS INCLUDE FILE *) var dobbeltrelation,form: boolean; sv,second:char; (*$A-*) PROCEDURE EVALUATE(var isformula: boolean; æ true if formula å var formel: anystring; æ formula to evaluate å var value: real; æ result of formula å var errpos: integer); æ position of error å const numbers: set of char = Æ'0'..'9'Å; eofline=return; var cpos: integer; æ current position in formula å ch: char; æ current character being scanned å exy: stringÆ3Å; æ intermidiate string for conversion å æ NEXTCH returns the next character in the formula å æ the variable cpos contains the position and ch the character å PROCEDURE NEXTCH; begin repeat cpos:=cpos+1; if cpos<=len(formel) then ch:=formelÆcposÅ else ch:=eofline; until ch<>' '; end æ NEXTCH å; FUNCTION EXPRESSION: real; var e: real; opr: char; FUNCTION SIMPLEEXPRESSION: real; var s: real; opr: char; FUNCTION TERM: real; var t: real; FUNCTION SIGNEDFACTOR: real; FUNCTION FACTOR: real; type standardfunction=(FABS,FSQRT,FSQR,FSIN,FCOS,FRND,FARCTAN,FTAN, FPI,FLN,FLOG,FEXP,FFACT,FROUND,FINT,FFRAC); standardfunctionlist=arrayÆstandardfunctionÅ of stringÆ6Å; const standardfunctionnames: standardfunctionlist=('ABS','SQRT','SQR','SIN','COS','RND','ARCTAN','TAN', 'PI','LN','LOG','EXP','FACT','ROUND','INT','FRAC'); var e,ee,l: integer; æ intermidiate variables å found:boolean; f: real; sf:standardfunction; oldefy, æ current cell å efy, sumfy, start:integer; oldefx, efx, sumfx:sheetindex; cellsum: real; FUNCTION FACT(i: integer): real; begin if i > 0 then begin FACT:=i*FACT(i-1); end else FACT:=1; end; begin æ function FACTOR å if ch in numbers then begin start:=cpos; repeat NEXTCH until not (ch in numbers); if ch='.' then repeat NEXTCH until not (ch in numbers); if ch='E' then begin NEXTCH; repeat NEXTCH until not (ch in numbers); end; val(copy(formel,start,cpos-start),f,errpos); end else if ch='(' then begin NEXTCH; f:=EXPRESSION; if ch=')' then NEXTCH else errpos:=cpos; end else (* Test for cell reference *) if (ch in Æ'A'..fxmaxÅ) and not (formelÆcpos+1Å in Æ'A'..'å'Å) then begin efx:=ch; NEXTCH; if ch in numbers then begin f:=0; exy:=ch; NEXTCH; if ch in numbers then begin exy:=exy+ch; NEXTCH; end; val(exy,efy,errpos); isformula:=true; (* Can the formula be calculated? *) (* or rather can then result be written on the screen? *) if (txt in sheetÆefx,efyÅ.cellstatus) then begin beregnet:=false; end; if not (((fx=efx) and (fy=efy)) or ((efx=upfx) and (efy=upfy))) then if (formula in sheetÆefx,efyÅ.cellstatus) and not (onscreen in sheetÆefx,efyÅ.cellstatus) then beregnet:=false; if (constant in sheetÆefx,efyÅ.cellstatus) and not (calculated in sheetÆefx,efyÅ.cellstatus) then begin EVALUATE(form,sheetÆefx,efyÅ.contents,f,errpos); sheetÆefx,efyÅ.cellstatus:=sheetÆefx,efyÅ.cellstatus+ÆcalculatedÅ; end else if not (txt in sheetÆefx,efyÅ.cellstatus) then begin f:=sheetÆefx,efyÅ.value; end else begin beregnet:=false; end; if ch='&' then begin (* Sum of block *) oldefx:=efx; oldefy:=efy; NEXTCH; efx:=ch; NEXTCH; if ch in numbers then begin exy:=ch; NEXTCH; if ch in numbers then begin exy:=exy+ch; NEXTCH; end; val(exy,efy,errpos); cellsum:=0; for sumfy:=oldefy to efy do begin for sumfx:=oldefx to efx do begin f:=0; if txt in sheetÆsumfx,sumfyÅ.cellstatus then begin beregnet:=false; end; if not (((fx=sumfx) and (fy=sumfy)) or ((sumfx=upfx) and (sumfy=upfy))) then if (formula in sheetÆsumfx,sumfyÅ.cellstatus) and not (onscreen in sheetÆsumfx,sumfyÅ.cellstatus) then beregnet:=false; if (constant in sheetÆsumfx,sumfyÅ.cellstatus) and not (calculated in sheetÆsumfx,sumfyÅ.cellstatus) then begin EVALUATE(form,sheetÆsumfx,sumfyÅ.contents,f,errpos); sheetÆsumfx,sumfyÅ.cellstatus:=sheetÆsumfx,sumfyÅ.cellstatus+ÆcalculatedÅ; end else if not (txt in sheetÆsumfx,sumfyÅ.cellstatus) then begin f:=sheetÆsumfx,sumfyÅ.value; end else begin beregnet:=false; end; cellsum:=cellsum+f; f:=cellsum; end; end; end; end; end; end else begin found:=false; for sf:=fabs to ffrac do if not found then begin l:=len(standardfunctionnamesÆsfÅ); if copy(formel,cpos,l)=standardfunctionnamesÆsfÅ then begin cpos:=cpos+l-1; NEXTCH; f:=FACTOR; case sf of FABS: f:=abs(f); FSQRT:begin if f<0 then begin f:=f; beregnet:=false; end else f:=sqrt(f); end; FSQR: f:=sqr(f); FSIN: f:=sin(f); FCOS: f:=cos(f); FARCTAN: f:=arctan(f); FTAN:begin if cos(f)=0 then begin f:=f; beregnet:=false; end else f:=sin(f)/cos(f); end; FPI: f:=pi; FLN:begin if f<0 then begin f:=f; beregnet:=false; end else f:=ln(f); end; FLOG:begin if f<=0 then begin f:=f; beregnet:=false; end else f:=ln(f)/ln(10); end; FEXP: begin if f>88 then begin f:=f; beregnet:=false; end else f:=exp(f); end; FFACT:begin if f<0 then begin f:=f; beregnet:=false; end else f:=fact(trunc(f)); end; FRND:begin if f>maxint then begin f:=f; beregnet:=false; end else f:=random(round(abs(f))); end; FROUND:begin if f>maxint then begin f:=f; beregnet:=false; end else f:=round(f); end; FINT:begin if f>maxint then begin f:=f; beregnet:=false; end else f:=int(f); end; FFRAC: f:=frac(f); end; found:=true; end; end; if not found then errpos:=cpos; end; FACTOR:=f; end æ function FACTORå; begin æ SIGNEDFACTOR å if ch='-' then begin NEXTCH; SIGNEDFACTOR:=-FACTOR; end else begin if ch in Æ'>','='Å then begin dobbeltrelation:=true; second:=ch; NEXTCH; end else dobbeltrelation:=false; SIGNEDFACTOR:=FACTOR; end; end; begin æ TERM å t:=SIGNEDFACTOR; while ch='^' do begin NEXTCH; if t<=0 then begin t:=t; beregnet:=false; end else t:=exp(ln(t)*SIGNEDFACTOR); end; TERM:=t; end; var tmp:real; begin æ SIMPLEEXPRESSION å s:=TERM; while ch in Æ'*','/',':','<','=','>'Å do begin opr:=ch; NEXTCH; tmp:=TERM; case opr of '*': s:=s*tmp; ':','/': begin if tmp<>0 then s:=s/tmp else begin s:=s; beregnet:=false; end; end; '<':begin if dobbeltrelation then begin if second='>' then if s<>tmp then s:=1 else s:=0; if second='=' then if s<=tmp then s:=1 else s:=0; end else if s<tmp then s:=1 else s:=0; end; '>':begin if dobbeltrelation then begin if second='=' then if s>=tmp then s:=1 else s:=0; end else if s>tmp then s:=1 else s:=0; end; '=':begin if s=tmp then s:=1 else s:=0; end; end; end; SIMPLEEXPRESSION:=s; end; begin æ EXPRESSION å e:=SIMPLEEXPRESSION; while ch in Æ'+','-'Å do begin opr:=ch; NEXTCH; case opr of '+': e:=e+SIMPLEEXPRESSION; '-': e:=e-SIMPLEEXPRESSION; end; end; EXPRESSION:=e; end; begin æ EVALUATE å isformula:=false; cpos:=0; NEXTCH; value:=EXPRESSION; if ch=eofline then errpos:=0 else errpos:=cpos; end æ EVALUATE å; (*$A+*) PROCEDURE RECALCULATE(visible:boolean); var rfx: sheetindex; rfy:integer; oldvalue: real; err: integer; shown:boolean; begin if visible then begin write(rvsoff); gotoxy(0,23); write(clreol); write(' Beregning.. '); end; for rfy:=1 to fymax do begin for rfx:='A' to fxmax do begin upfx:=rfx;upfy:=rfy; with sheetÆrfx,rfyÅ do begin if (formula in cellstatus) then begin shown:=((onscreen in cellstatus) and not repeteret); cellstatus:=cellstatus-ÆonscreenÅ; oldvalue:=value; beregnet:=true; cellstatus:=cellstatus+ÆcalculatedÅ; EVALUATE(form,contents,value,err); if beregnet then begin cellstatus:=cellstatus+ÆonscreenÅ; if ((oldvalue<>value) or not shown) and visible then begin gotoxy(xposÆrfxÅ,rfy); TALUD(rfx,rfy); end; end else begin gotoxy(xposÆrfxÅ,rfy); write(copy(points,1,fw)); end; end; end; end; end; if visible then GOTOCELL(fx,fy); end; FUNCTION SYNTAX(var formel:anystring):byte; var pil:byte; formelok,operator,double1,double2:boolean; simpleoperators:set of char; rel:stringÆ2Å; begin simpleoperators:=Æ'+','-','^','*','/',':','<','=','>'Å; while (pos(',',formel)>0) do formelÆpos(',',formel)Å:='.'; if formelÆ1Å='.' then formel:='0'+formel; if (formelÆ1Å='+') then delete(formel,1,1); while pos('..',formel)>0 do delete(formel,pos('..',formel),1); operator:=(formelÆ1Å<>'-'); double1:=true;double2:=true; formelok:=(len(formel)>0); if formelok then pil:=0 else pil:=1; while (pil<len(formel)) and formelok do begin pil:=pil+1; if formelÆpilÅ in simpleoperators then begin if formelÆpilÅ in Æ'<','=','>'Å then begin if operator then begin if double2 then formelok:=false else if double1 then begin rel:=copy(formel,pil-1,2); if (rel='<>') or (rel='>=') or (rel='<=') then double2:=true else formelok:=false; end else formelok:=false; end else begin operator:=true; double1:=true; end; end else begin if operator then formelok:=false else operator:=true; end; end else begin operator:=false;double1:=false;double2:=false; end; end; if operator then formelok:=false; if formelok then SYNTAX:=0 else SYNTAX:=pil; end; «eof»