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└─⟦ea621760d⟧ Bits:30005267 dBase II - uoriginal diskette └─ ⟦this⟧ »EXAMPLES.DOC«
CHECKBOOK BALANCING SYSTEM This example illustrates how a dBASE system can be designed for checkbook balancing and check register maintenance. The program helps automate the procedure we all experience when we receive the monthly statement from the bank. This system could be used for personal or business applications. The system uses an user defined database file and six associated command files. The six dBASE command files and their functions are: 1. XMENU - System controller. 2. XNEWENTR - Enters new checks into user database file. 3. XDEPOSIT - Enters new deposits into user database file. 4. XCANCEL - Enters cancelled checks into user database file. 5. XDEPCANC - Enters cancelled deposits into user database file. 6. XBALANCE - Sums the total outstanding checks and deposits. Ask for ending balance from bank statement and computes the current checkbook balance. The following conventions are used in the text that follows. The character > sigifies the system prompt. (cr) signifies a user keyboard carriage return. Lower case text enclosed in square brackets ÆÅ denotes document explanatory text and is not part of any file or run stream and should not be entered into the user's runstream. Prior to using the system a user specified database file must be available for the command files to access. In any database project, one must plan the data fields that will be required. For this example, the following fields are selected: NO - The check number, INTEGER TO - The recipient of the check, CHARACTER CAN - The cancelled/not-cancelled status of a check or deposit, LOGICAL. DATE - Date when the check was written, CHARACTERS MEMO - Code for users accounting files: A-Advertising B-Bank Charges C-Car + Truck D-Dues + Publications F-Freight I-Insurance L-Legal Expenses O-Office Supplies P-Postage R-Rent T-Telephone X-Taxes .PA Enter the following to CREATE the database structure. The database file name is CHECKER. >DBASE(cr) Æinitiate the dBASE system to begin processingÅ ENTER TODAYS DATE AS MM/DD/YY OR RETURN FOR NONE : (cr) *** dBASE II VER 2.xx .CREATE(cr) Ætells dBASE you want to create a fileÅ FILENAME:CHECKER(cr) Æasks what you want to name fileÅ ENTER RECORD STRUCTURE AS FOLLOWS: FIELD NAME,TYPE,WIDTH,DECIMAL PLACES 001 NO,N,4(cr) Æfield name is NO with 4 Numeric charsÅ 002 TO,C,30(cr) Æfield name is TO with 30 CharactersÅ 003 AMT,N,10,2(cr) Æsimilar explanations for rest of fileÅ 004 CAN,L(cr) 005 DATE,C,8(cr) 006 MEMO,C,10(cr) 007 (cr) INPUT NOW?:N Æindicates not going to enter data to file nowÅ .QUIT(cr) Æexit the dBASE systemÅ *** END RUN dBASE II *** ÆdBASE message to userÅ .pa The dBASE command files that are used to do the checkbook processing are listed below. These were built with a text editor (a word processor can be used). The CP/M extension should be specified. For dBASE command files, it is ".CMD". For example, the first command file is XMENU, it is entered into the text processor as "XMENU.CMD". Things to especially notice in this example are: 1. How the menu entries are distinguished by the DO CASE programming structure. 2. A "DO WHILE T" is used to repeat the menu. DO WHILE T essentially says "DO this segment of commands WHILE the value of T is .TRUE.". Since T is a literal .TRUE., its value is always TRUE and the loop will never terminate. Well almost never, there is a CANCEL command inside the DO WHILE that aborts the entire command file. This is called a "DO FOREVER" in some structured languages. 3. In general, command files should not be written that make explicit references to specific database files. This is avoided in this example. The database name is supplied by the user in response to the line 'ACCEPT "Enter check database name" to DBF' and the subsequent 'USE &DBF' instead of something like 'USE B:CHECKS'. This permits this system of command files to be used with any number of seperate checkbook databases. 4. In general, command files should not be written that make explicit references to specific disk drives. This is avoided in this example by the lines 'ACCEPT "Enter disk drive containing command files as 'A:' or 'B:'" to DISK' and 'SET DEFAULT TO &DISK'. NOTE - EXAMPLE dBASE CHECK BALANCER COMMAND FILE PROGRAM * * * - turn off display of commands to screen SET TALK OFF * - enter user database file name ACCEPT "Enter check database name" to DBF * - access database file USE &DBF * - specify disk containing command files ACCEPT "Enter disk drive containing command files as 'A:' or 'B:'" to DISK SET DEFAULT TO &DISK * - this is text that is displayed on the screen DO WHILE T * DO WHILE T means DO WHILE TRUE I.E. DO FOREVER * The DO WHILE will be terminated by a CANCEL command internally ? ? ? ? ' CHECK BOOK BALANCER MENU' ? ? ' 0 - EXIT' ? ' 1 - ENTER NEW CHECKS' ? ' 2 - ENTER DEPOSIT' ? ' 3 - ENTER CANCELLED CHECKS' ? ' 4 - ENTER CANCELLED DEPOSITS' ? ' 5 - BALANCE' ? ? ' ENTER DESIRED ACTION' * - reading user response WAIT TO ACTION DO CASE * - testing to exit CASE ACTION='0' SET TALK ON * - return to dBASE system CANCEL * - test for new checks CASE ACTION='1' * - enter new check data DO XNEWENTR * - test for new deposits CASE ACTION='2' * - enter new deposit data DO XDEPOSIT * - test for cancelled checks CASE ACTION='3' * - enter cancelled check data DO XCANCEL * - test for cancelled deposits CASE ACTION='4' * - enter cancelled deposit data DO XDEPCANC * - test for balancing check book CASE ACTION='5' * - compute ending balance DO XBALANCE * - non-valid entry to the menu OTHERWISE ? 'Invalid entry, re-enter' ENDCASE ENDDO RETURN .pa The XNEWENTR command file is analogous to recording the name and amount of the check in our checkbook as we write them. Notice the '@' commands that "paint" a picture on the screen NOTE - EXTENDED NEWENTR COMMAND FILE TO ENTER NEW CHECKS * * - clear screen ERASE * - position to bottom of database file GO BOTTOM * - initialize date STORE '01/01/81' TO CH:DAT DO WHILE T * initialize memory variables so that READ will have a length to mark STORE ' ' TO CH:TO STORE 0.00 TO M:AMT STORE ' ' TO CH:MEMO STORE NO+1 TO M:NO * - this is text to read check data @ 5,0 SAY 'CHECK ENTRY ENTER CHECK NUMBER OF ZERO TO EXIT' @ 6,0 SAY 'IF CHECK NUMBER=0, ENTER CARRIAGE RETURNS FOR OTHER ENTRIES' @ 7,0 SAY 'CHECK NUMBER ' GET M:NO @ 8,0 SAY 'PAY TO THE ORDER OF ' GET CH:TO @ 9,0 SAY 'AMOUNT OF CHECK ' GET M:AMT @ 10,0 SAY 'DATE WRITTEN ' GET CH:DAT PICTURE '99/99/99' @ 11,0 SAY 'PURPOSE OF CHECK' @ 13,0 SAY 'A - ADVERTISING B - BANK CHARGES C - CAR + TRUCK' @ 14,0 SAY 'D - DUES + PUBLICATIONS F - FREIGHT I - INSURANCE' @ 15,0 SAY 'L - LEGAL EXPENSES S - OFFICE SUPPLIES P - POSTAGE' @ 16,0 SAY 'R - RENT T - TELEPHONE X - TAXES' @ 18,0 SAY 'ENTER PURPOSE LETTER' GET CH:MEMO READ IF M:NO=0 RETURN ENDIF * - put blank card into database file APPEND BLANK * - put check data into database file REPLACE NO WITH M:NO,TO WITH CH:TO,AMT WITH M:AMT; DATE WITH CH:DAT,CAN WITH F,MEMO WITH !(CH:MEMO) ENDDO .pa The XDEPOSIT command file records the date and amount of any deposits to the checkbook. NOTE - DEPOSIT COMMAND FILE TO ENTER NEW DEPOSITS * REMARK ENTER DEPOSIT AMOUNT OF 0 TO EXIT * - initialize date value STORE '01/01/81' TO C:DAT DO WHILE T ? ? * - reading deposit entries INPUT "Amount of Deposit " TO C:AMT * - if deposit amount equals 0, exit command file IF C:AMT=0 RETURN ENDIF STORE C:DAT TO OLD:DATE * - read date of deposit ACCEPT "Date of Deposit as MM/DD/YY " TO C:DAT * - if date is blank, use current date IF C:DAT=' ' STORE OLD:DATE TO C:DAT ENDIF * - ask if all fields are correct INPUT "ARE ALL FIELDS CORRECT ? " TO GO:NOGO * - test for correct data IF .NOT.GO:NOGO LOOP ENDIF * - put blank card into database file APPEND BLANK * - put deposit data into database structure REPLACE NO WITH 0,TO WITH 'DEPOSIT',AMT WITH C:AMT REPLACE DATE WITH C:DAT,CAN WITH F ENDDO .pa The XCANCEL command file is analogous to checking off the canceled checks we receive with the bank statement. NOTE - CANCELS COMMAND FILE TO ENTER CANCELLED CHECKS * * - message to be displayed on screen REMARK ENTER CHECK NUMBER OF 0 TO EXIT * - loop while check number not equal to zero DO WHILE T ? INPUT "ENTER CANCELLED CHECK NO" TO C:CAN * - testing for zero check number IF C:CAN=0 RETURN ENDIF * - position to top of database file GO TOP * - search for cancelled check number LOCATE FOR C:CAN=NO * - testing to see if at end of database file IF .NOT.EOF * - if not at end of file ? `* - display check data DISP OFF 'Payed to ',TO,' on ',DATE DISP OFF 'Amount of check is ',AMT * - ask if this is right check INPUT 'Is this the one? (Y/N)' to ANSWER IF ANSWER * - change logical flag for cancelled check REPLACE CAN WITH T ENDIF ELSE * - message to tell user his check is not in file. DISP OFF 'Check ',C:CAN,' cannot be found' ENDIF ENDDO RETURN .pa The XDEPCANC command file enters the cancelled deposit data furnished on the bank statement. note - DEPOSIT CANCELLATION PROGRAM * * - position to top of database file GO TOP DO WHILE T * - find first uncancelled deposit LOCATE FOR NO=0 .AND. .NOT. CAN NEXT 65000 * - if not at end of character field IF .NOT.EOF ? * - display date and amount of deposit * MAKE SURE THIS IS THE THE RIGHT ONE DISP OFF 'Deposited on ',DATE,' Amount = ',AMT INPUT ' Cancel this one? (Y/N)' TO ANSWER * - ask if deposit is to be cancelled IF ANSWER * - change logical flag for cancelled deposit REPLACE CAN WITH T ENDIF ELSE * END OF FILE ? * - tell user there are not more deposits ? 'No more uncancelled deposits' RETURN ENDIF * IF NOT EOF ? INPUT 'Any more deposits to cancel? (Y/N)' to ANSWER IF .NOT. ANSWER RETURN ENDIF ENDDO RETURN .pa The XBALANCE command file does the final reconciliation of the bank statement with the user checkbook. NOTE - BALANCE COMMAND FILE TO BALANCE CHECKBOOK * SUM AMT TO OUTSTAND FOR .NOT. CAN .AND. NO>0 SUM AMT TO T:OUT FOR .NOT. CAN .AND. NO=0 ? ? * - display total of outstanding checks DISP OFF ' TOTAL OUTSTANDING CHECKS = $',OUTSTAND ? * - display total of outstanding deposits DISP OFF ' TOTAL OUTSTANDING DEPOSITS = $'T:OUT ? * - request ending balance form check book INPUT "ENTER ENDING BALANCE FROM BANK STATEMENT" TO BEGIN DISP OFF 'CURRENT BALANCE = $',BEGIN+T:OUT-OUTSTAND WAIT RETURN .PA CHECKBOOK REPORTING SYSTEM This dBASE sample illustrates the use of the INDEX and REPORT commands. This dBASE system uses the database file generated by the XMENU check balancing system discussed previously. The system list the checks by MEMO type and their subtotals and totals. The system uses a command file, a database file and a report form file. The files associated with this system and their names are: 1. CHREPORT - System controller. 2. CHREPORT - Report forms file generated when the user uses the REPORT dialog. 3. CHECKER - Database file generated by XMENU system. The data base structure is presumed to have already been created for using this system. A listing of the file structure follows. FIELD NAME,TYPE,WIDTH,DECIMAL PLACES 001 NO,N,4(cr) Æfield name is NO with 4 Numeric charsÅ 002 TO,C,30(cr) Æfield name is TO with 30 CharactersÅ 003 AMT,N,10,2(cr) Æsimilar explanations for rest of fileÅ 004 CAN,L(cr) 005 DATE,C,8(cr) 006 MEMO,C,10(cr) 007 (cr) .pa A text editor is then executed and the following command file sources with the extention ".CMD" are entered: The CHREPORT command file: NOTE - report on the checks in a database * - this dBASE II system uses the database file generated by the * - check balancing system initiated by XMENU. This check report * - system reads the XMENU data base and report the subtotals for * - each of the various user memos. * * note: uses database with structure same as XMENU * ? 'THIS PROGRAM IS SET TO RUN ON YOUR PRINTER. IF PRINTER IS NOT READY' ? ' THE PROGRAM MAY HANG UP.' * - enter name of database file from XMENU ACCEPT 'Enter check database name' to DBNAME * - assign data base file to this command system * - database has name of xxxx.DBF USE &DBNAME * - index on variable MEMO in database file INDEX ON MEMO TO &DBNAME * - enter title to be printed at top of each output page ACCEPT 'Enter report title (up to 60 chars)' to TITLE * - set header to title value SET HEAD TO &TITLE * - generate report form using CHREPORT.FRM REPORT FORM CHREPORT FOR NO#0 TO PRINT RETURN .pa The CHREPORT.FRM file is listed here. The notations in square brackets indicate the REPORT prompts being answered. Y Æpage heading? (y/n)Å Checks subtotalled by type Æenter page heading:Å n Ædouble space report? (y/n)Å y Æare totals required? (y/n)Å y Æsubtotals in report? (y/n)Å MEMO Æenter subtotals field:Å N Æsummary report only? (y/n)Å N Æeject page after subtotals? (y/n)Å Check type : Æenter subtotals heading:Å 5,NO Æwidth, contentsÅ CHECKNO Æenter headingÅ N Æare totals required? (y/n)Å 33,TO Æwidth, contentsÅ PAY TO THE ORDER OF Æenter headingÅ 10,$(DATE,3,2)+'/'+$(DATE,5,2)+'/'+$(DATE,1,2) Æwidth,contentsÅ DATE;WRITTEN Æenter headingÅ 12,AMT Æwidth,contentÅ >AMOUNT Æenter headingÅ Y Æare totals required? (y/n)Å .pa A sample run using these command files follows. First the user is presumed to have "CREATEd" a database file called CHECKER. >DBASE Æinitiate the dBASE systemÅ ENTER TODAYS DATE AS MM/DD/YY OR RETURN FOR NONE: 11/04/81(cr) *** dBASE II VER 2.xx .DO CHREPORT(cr) Æinitiate the check report systemÅ THIS PROGRAM IS SET TO RUN ON YOUR PRINTER. IF THE PRINTER IS NOT READY THE PROGRAM MAY HANG UP. Enter check databse name:CHECKER(cr) Æenter name of database fileÅ Enter report title (up to 60 chars): THIS IS A SAMPLE CASE(cr) .pa PAGE NO. 00001 THIS IS A SAMPLE CASE Checks subtotalled by type CHECK PAY TO THE ORDER OF DATE AMOUNT NO WRITTEN * Check type : A 1008 PRESSURE ADVERTIZING AGENCY 04/05/80 500.00 ** SUBTOTAL ** 500.00 * Check`type : B 1003 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 05/07/80 55.10 ** SUBTOTAL ** 55.10 * Check type : D 1005 HARVEY MUDD 01/01/81 169.34 ** SUBTOTAL ** 169.34 * Check type : F 1004 NEWTON PHYSICS LAB 01/01/81 1000.00 ** SUBTOTAL ** 1000.00 * Check type : I 1007 PIECES OF ROCK INSURANCE 01/05/81 40.00 ** SUBTOTAL ** 40.00 * Check type : L 1006 SHUSTER LEGAL CLINIC 01/05/81 333.22 ** SUBTOTAL ** 333.22 * Check type : P 1002 POSTMASTER 05/05/80 22.41 ** SUBTOTAL ** 22.41 * Check Type : R 1009 SMITH OFFICE RENTAL 01/25/81 239.56 ** SUBTOTAL ** 239.56 .pa PAGE NO. 00002 THIS IS A SAMPLE CASE Checks subtotalled by type CHECK PAY TO THE ORDER OF DATE AMOUNT NO WRITTEN * Check type : S 1001 MITCHELL OFFICE SUPPLY 04/05/80 77.34 ** SUBTOTAL ** 77.34 * Check type : X 1010 GOV MEDFLY STATE TAX BOARD 01/25/81 7.76 ** SUBTOTAL ** 7.76 ** TOTAL ** 2444.73 .QUIT Æleaving dBASE systemÅ *** END RUN dBASE II *** .PA SIMPLE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM This is a check printer system. This example demonstrates direct formatting of printer output and the usage of PRIMARY and SECONDARY databases. This system uses the CHECKS data base file generated by the check balancing system discussed earlier. The system accesses a database file called ACCNTS and asks the user if he wants to pay any checks to the accounts in the file. When a check is paid, a record of the check is made in the CHECKS database file. The system also allows the user to write checks to accounts not in the ACCNTS database. The system uses a command file and two database files. The files associated with this system and their names are: 1. ACCNTPAY - System controller. 2. ACCNTS - Database file used to display the accounts to be paid. 3. CHECKS - Database file generated by check balancing system. Prior to using the system, user specified database files must be available for the command files to access. In any database project, one should consider what data fields will be required. For the CHECK file, the following fields were selected: NO - The check number, INTEGER TO - The recipient of the check, CHARACTER CAN - The cancelled/not-cancelled status of a check or deposit, LOGICAL. DATE - Date when the check was written, CHARACTERS MEMO - Code for users accounting files: A-Advertising B-Bank Charges C-Car + Truck D-Dues + Publications F-Freight I-Insurance L-Legal Expenses O-Office Supplies P-Postage R-Rent T-Telephone X-Taxes The data base structure is presumed to have already been created for using this system. A listing of the file structure follows. STRUCTURE FOR FILE: CHECKS.DBF NUMBER OF RECORDS: 00010 DATE OF LAST UPDATE: 00/00/00 PRIMARY USE DATABASE FLD NAME TYPE WIDTH DEC 001 NO C 004 002 TO C 030 003 AMT N 010 002 004 CAN L 001 005 DATE C 008 006 MEMO C 010 ** TOTAL ** 00064 .pa For the ACCNTS file the following fields were selected: PNAME - Payees name AMT - Amount outstanding in account DDATE - Date account was opened LDATE - Last date a payment was made LAMT - Last amount still owed TYPE - Account memo PERIOD - Payment period VARIABLE- Logical flag The structue of the database file is a follows: STRUCTURE FOR FILE: ACCNTS.DBF NUMBER OF RECORDS: 00007 DATE OF LAST UPDATE: 00/00/00 PRIMARY USE DATABASE FLD NAME TYPE WIDTH DEC 001 PNAME C 030 002 AMT N 010 002 003 DDATE C 006 004 LDATE C 006 005 LAMT N 008 002 006 TYPE C 010 007 PERIOD N 001 008 VARIABLE L 001 ** TOTAL ** 00073 .pa A text editor is then executed and the following command file source with the extention "CMD" is entered: NOTE - THIS IS THE ACCOUNT PAYING COMMAND FILE * * * - explanatory text ? 'THIS PROGRAM USES THE PRINTER. IF YOUR PRINTER IS NOT READY IT' ? ' MAY HANG UP AT THIS POINT. FURTHER DOWN IN THIS FILE' ? ' YOU WILL FIND A SECTION OF CODE TO SET UP AN ANADEX PRINTER FOR' ? ' PRINTING CHECKS. USE YOUR TEXT EDITOR TO MODIFY THIS FOR YOUR' ? ' PRINTER. ' * - turn off printing commands to screen SET TALK OFF * - send results of @ statements to printer SET FORMAT TO PRINT * - echo output to printer SET PRINT ON * - turn off console SET CONSOLE OFF * - go to top of page on printer EJECT * - this is the ANADEX 9500 text * SET`FORM LENGTH TO 22 LINES ON ANADEX 9500 * ESC 4 022 * - create ASCII string of esc4022 ? CHR(27)+CHR(52)+CHR(48)+CHR(50)+CHR(50) * - turn off echo SET PRINT OFF * - echo output to console SET CONSOLE ON * - set loop variable true STORE T TO STAY * - request current date ACCEPT "Enter Today's Date (YYMMDD)" TO TODAY * - ask for beginning check number for this run INPUT 'Enter Beginning Check No. ' TO NNO * - ask for disk drive with database files ACCEPT 'Enter Data Disk Drive ' TO DRV * - set system default to database disk drive SET DEFAULT TO &DRV USE CHECKS * - select primary database file SELE SECO USE ACCNTS * - set up program loop DO WHILE STAY * - select seconary file ACCNTS SELECT SECONDARY ? ? * - list data from ACCNTS LIST PNAME,S.AMT,DDATE ? ? ? ? ' ENTER OPTION YOU WANT' ? ' -1 - EXIT' ? ' 0 - WRITE CHECK TO ACCOUNT NOT IN DATABASE' ? ' N - NUMBER OF ACCOUNT TO WRITE CHECK FOR' * - ask for account number to print check for INPUT 'Which Account' TO ACCNT * - check to see if exit IF ACCNT<0 * - set loop variable false to exit program STORE F TO STAY LOOP ENDIF * - check to see if writing check not in ACCNTS IF ACCNT=0 * - request data for check ACCEPT 'Enter Payee ' TO NAME INPUT 'Enter Amount ' TO MAMT ELSE * - locate account number in ACCNTS file GOTO ACCNT * - store payee name to variable NAME STORE PNAME TO NAME * - is check hasn't been canceled IF .NOT.VARIABLE * - check to get amount still owed STORE S.AMT TO MAMT IF TODAY>=LDATE STORE S.AMT+LAMT TO MAMT ENDIF ELSE * - user option on amount to pay this time INPUT 'Enter Amount To Pay ' TO MAMT ENDIF IF PERIOD>0 IF (VAL($(DDATE,3,2))+PERIOD)>12 STORE VAL(DDATE)+((88+PERIOD)*100) TO NDATE ELSE STORE VAL(DDATE)+100*PERIOD TO NDATE ENDIF REPLACE DDATE WITH STR(NDATE,6) ENDIF ENDIF * - store variables to be printed on check STORE STR(NNO,4) TO XNO STORE STR(MAMT,10,2) TO XAMT * - show user on screen proposed check values DISP OFF 'Check #',XNO,' Pay ',XAMT,' To ',NAME * - ask if you want to print this check ? 'OK? (Y/N)' WAIT TO X * - see if check is to be written IF X=$('Yy',1,1) .OR. X=$('Yy',2,1) * - select primary file SELE PRIMARY APPEND BLANK * - put check data into primary file REPLACE TO WITH NAME,NO WITH NNO,AMT WITH MAMT,CAN WITH F REPLACE DATE WITH TODAY,MEMO WITH TYPE STORE NNO+1 TO NNO * NOW PRINT CHECK ON PRINTER @ 3,67 SAY 'Check No.' @ 3,77 SAY XNO @ 5,67 SAY 'Date:' @ 5,73 SAY $(TODAY,3,2)+'/'+$(TODAY,5,2)+'/'+$(TODAY,1,2) @ 10,1 SAY 'Pay to the' @ 11,1 SAY 'Order of' @ 11,12 SAY NAME @ 11,68 SAY MAMT USING '$$,$$$,$$$.99' @ 17,12 SAY INT(MAMT) USING '$$,$$$,$$$' @ 1wl23 SAY 'D O L L A R S and ' @ 17,44 SAY (MAMT-INT(MAMT))*100 USING '99' @ 17,47 SAY 'C E N T S' @ 20,12 SAY 'Type: ' @ 20,18 SAY TYPE @ 20,41 SAY '----------------------------------------' EJECT ENDIF ENDDO RETURN .pa A sample run using these files follows. First the user is presumed to have "CREATE"d a database file called CHECKS and a database file call ACCNTS. >DBASE Æinitiate the dBASE systemÅ ENTER TODAYS DATE AS MM/DD/YY OR RETURN FOR NONE: 11/04/81(cr) *** dBASE II VER 2.xx .DO ACCNTPAY(cr) Æinitiate the check report systemÅ THIS PROGRAM USES THE PRINTER. IF YOUR PRINTER IS NOT READY IT MAY HANG UP AT THIS POINT. 5 LINES FURTHER DOWN IN THIS FILE YOU WILL FIND A SECTION OF CODE TO SET UP AN ANADEX PRINTER FOR PRINTING CHECKS. USE YOU TEXT EDITOR TO MODIFY THIS FOR YOUR PRINTER. Enter Today's Date (YYMMDD):811130(cr) Enter Beginning Check No. :1025(cr) Enter Data Disk Drive :B:(cr) 0001 SMITH OFICE RENTAL 234.56 800901 0002 HURTZ BUSINESS CAR LEASING 300.00 800620 0003 PRESSURE ADVERTIZING AGENCY 500.00 800723 0004 TIDY LAUNDRY 40.00 800701 0005 MUNICIPAL WATER DEPARTMENT 10.00 800705 ENTER ACCOUNT OPTION -1 - EXIT 0 - WRITE CHECK TO ACCOUNT NOT IN DATABASE N - NUMBER OF ACCOUNT TO WRITE CHECK FOR Which Account: 1(cr) Check # 1025 Pay 234.56 to SMITH OFFICE RENTAL OK? (Y/N) WAITING Y 0001 SMITH OFFICE RENTAL 234.56 801001 0002 HURTZ BUSINESS CAR LEASING 300.00 800620 0003 PRESSURE ADVERTIZING AGENCY 500.00 800723 0004 TIDY LAUNDRY 40.00 800701 0005 MUNICIPAL WATER DEPARTMENT 10.00 800705 ENTER ACCONT OPTON -1 - EXIT 0 - WRITE CHECK TO ACCOUNT NOT IN DATABASE N - NUMBER OF ACCOUNT TO WRITE CHECK FOR Which Account: 0(cr) Enter Payee: CLIPUM MOTORS Enter Amount: 123.45 Check # 1026 Pay 123.45 to CLIPUM MOTORS OK? (Y/N) WAITING Y 0001 SMITH OFFICE RENTAL 234.56 801001 0002 HURTZ BUSINESS CAR LEASING 300.00 800620 0003 PRESSURE ADVERTIZING AGENCY 500.00 800723 0004 TIDY LAUNDRY 40.00 800701 0005 MUNICIPAL WATER DEPARTMENT 10.00 800705 ENTER ACCOUNT OPTION -1 - EXIT 0 - WRITE CHECK TO ACCOUNT NOT IN DATABASE N - NUMBER OF ACCOUNT TO WRITE CHECK FOR Which Account: -1(cr) . QUIT Æexiting dBASE systemÅ *** END RUN dBASE *** .pa The following is the printed output from the ACCNTPAY system. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Check No. 1025 Date: 11/30/81 Pay to the Order of SMITH OFFICE RENTAL $$$$$$$$234.56 $$$$$$$$$234 D O L L A R S and 56 C E N T S -------------------------- Type: R -------mm-------------------------------------------------------- Check No. 1026 Date: 11/30/81 Pay to the Order of CLIPUM MOTORS $$$$$$$$$123.45 $$$$$$123.45 D O L L A R S AND 56 C E N T S ---------------------------- Type: R ----------------------------------------------------------------- .PA MAILING SYSTEM This example illustrates a dBASE II system for mailing list generation, mail label printing or form letter printing. The system does not have provisions for modifying the mailing list. The user can change entries in the mailing list using the dBASE II commands DELETE and/or EDIT. This system illustrates the use of format files, text files and the SET ALTERNATE command. The system uses a user defined mailing list database file, five command files, a dBASE II format file and generates and text file. The files and their functions are: 1. MAIL.DBF - Database file containing mailing list 2. MAIL.CMD - System controller. 3. MAILENTR.CMD - Enters names and addresses to mailing list file MAIL.DBF 4. MAILLAB.CMD - Prints mailing labes from mailing list file MAIL.DBF 5. MAILLTTR.CMD - Generates form letter to be printed. 6. MAILINFO.CMD - Contains text of form letter to be printed. 7. MAILFMT.FMT - Format file for reading in name and address data in MAILENTR.CMD 8. PRINT.TXT - Output file containing form letters. Prior to using the system a mailing list database file must be available for the command files to access. The following variable names are accessed by the system presented here. TITLE - Title code of person, Mr, Mrs, etc. NAME - Name of person in mailing list. OF - Name of addressee's company. ADDR - Address of person and/or company. CITY - City of residence. STATE - Postal abbreviation of state. ZIP - Zip code. .pa Enter the following to CREATE the mailing list database structure. The database file name is MAIL. >DBASE(cr) Æinitiate the dBASE system to begin processingÅ ENTER TODAYS DATE AS MM/DD/YY OR RETURN FOR NONE : (cr) *** dBASE II VER 2.xx .CREATE FILENAME:MAIL(cr) Æasks what you want to name the fileÅ ENTER RECORD STRUCTURE AS FOLLOWS: FIELD NAME,TYPE,WIDTH,DECIMAL PLACES 001 TITLE,N,1 002 NAME,C,30 003 OF,C,30 004 ADDR,C,30 005 CITY,C,20 006 STATE,C,2 007 ZIP,C,6 008 (cr) INPUT NOW?:N Æindicates not going to enter data to file nowÅ . QUIT Æleaving dBASE system for now *** END RUN dBASE II *** ÆdBASE message to userÅ A text editor is then executed and the follwoing command file sources with the extention "CMD" are entered: First the MAIL commmand file: NOTE Example dBASE Command file program * * - this is a sample form letter generator and mailing label * - dBASE II system. The system allows the user to add new * - entries to a mailing list, print the mailing list on gummed * - labels or print a form letter addressed to all the people * - in the mailing list. No provision is made to modify the * - mailing list. The user can use the dBASE commands EDIT and/or * - DELETE to modify the database file MAIL.DBF to change the * - mailing list. * * - turn off display of commands to screen SET TALK OFF * - assign database file to command stream. USE MAIL * - enter current date to print on form letter ACCEPT 'Enter date as mm/dd/yy' TO DATE * - select system option DO WHILE T ? ? ? ? ' Form Letter Writing System' ? ? ? ' 0 - EXIT' ? ' 1 - Enter new entries' ? ' 2 - Make Labels' ? ' 3 - Write Letters' ? ? ' enter desired action' * - wait for user response WAIT TO ACTION * - test for exit IF ACTION='0' SET TALK on CANCEL ENDIF * - test for new entries IF ACTION='1' * - add new names to MAIL.DBF DO MAILENTR ENDIF * - test to make labels IF ACTION='2' * - print mail labels DO MAILLAB ENDIF * - test to write form letters IF ACTION='3' * - print form letter to names in MAIL.DBF DO MAILLTTR ENDIF ENDDO RETURN .pa The MAILENTR command file add names to the MAIL.DBF file using the MAILFMT.FMT format file. NOTE - MAIL SYSTEM NAME AND ADDRESS ENTRY PROGRAM * * - move pointer to bottom of MAIL.DBF GO BOTTOM * - send output of @ commands to MAILFMT.FMT SET FORMAT TO MAILFMT * - read name and address data DO WHILE T * - initialize address variables to blank STORE ' ' TO MTTL STORE ' ' TO MSTATE STORE ' ' TO MZIP STORE ' ' TO MSNAM,MCITY STORE ' ' TO MGNAME STORE ' ' TO MOF,MADDR * - read format file READ * - check to see if ready to exit this command file IF MTTL=' ' RETURN ENDIF * - combine first and last name and store STORE MSNAM+MGNAME TO MNAME * - add blank card to MAIL.DBF APPEND BLANK * - store name and address data to MAIL.DBF * - substitute input variables for database file variables REPLACE TITLE WITH &MTTL,NAME WITH MNAME,OF WITH MOF,ADDR WITH MADDR REPLACE CITY WITH MCITY,STATE WITH !(MSTATE),ZIP WITH MZIP ENDDO RETURN .pa The format file MAILFMT follows: This file reads the mail list input data @ 1,1 SAY ' 1 = "Mr."' @ 2,1 SAY ' 2 = "Mrs."' @ 3,1 SAY ' 3 = "Ms."' @ 4,1 SAY ' 4 = "Dr."' @ 5,1 SAY ' BLANK to exit entry program' @ 6,1 SAY ' After BLANK, enter carriage return for entries' Æenter title codeÅ @ 7,1 SAY 'Enter title code ' GET MTTL Æenter surnameÅ @ 8,1 SAY 'Enter Surname ' GET MSNAM Æenter given and middle namesÅ @ 9,1 SAY 'Enter other names ' GET MGNAME Æenter company nameÅ @ 10,1 SAY 'Enter Co. name ' GET MOF Æenter street addressÅ @ 11,1 SAY 'Enter Address ' GET MADDR Æenter city nameÅ @ 12,1 SAY 'Enter City ' GET MCITY Æenter two letter postal abbreviation for state nameÅ @ 13,1 SAY 'Enter State ' GET MSTATE Æenter zip code numberÅ @ 14,1 SAY 'Enter ZIP code ' GET MZIP .pa The MAILLAB command file print the mailing list onto the system printer. The text of the file follows: NOTE - THIS COMMAND FILE PRINTS MAILING LABELS ON THE PRINTER * REMARK WHEN LABELS ARE IN PLACE, HIT CARRIAGE RETURN WAIT * - echo printed information to screen SET PRINT ON * - position to top of MAIL.DBF GO TOP * - print labels DO WHILE .NOT.EOF * - print name DISP OFF $(NAME,13,17)-(' '+$(NAME,1,12)) * - checking to see if office address IF OF#' ' * - print office name DISP OFF OF * - print address DISP OFF ADDR * - print city, state, zip DISP OFF $(CITY,1,20)-(', '+$(STATE,1,2))-(' '+$(ZIP,1,5)) ELSE * - print home address DISP OFF ADDR * - print city, state, zip DISP OFF $(CITY,1,20)-(', '+$(STATE,1,2))-(' '+$(ZIP,1,5)) ? ENDIF ? SKIP ENDDO * - turn off echo of labels SET PRINT OFF REMARK ALL DONE RETURN .pa The MAILLTTR command file generates the form letter for the system. The text of the file follows. NOTE - THIS COMMAND FILE WRITES THE FORM LETTER * * - position pointer at top of MAIL.DBF GO TOP * - sets up to store everything that appears on the screen into * - a file called PRINT.TXT which the user can later list using * - his work processor. SET ALTERNATE TO PRINT SET ALTERNATE ON * PUT PRINT FORMATTER SETUP DIRECTIVES HERE, SUCH AS PAGE NUMBERING, * PRINTER PITCH, PAGE OFFSET, LINE HEIGHT, AND FOOTNOTES * EXAMPLE: * ? '.OFFSET = 8' * ? '.CHARACTER WIDTH = 12/INCH' * etc. * - print letter DO WHILE .NOT.EOF ? ' Your Company' ? ' 8080 Micro St.' ? ' Silicon, CA 93002' ? ' (213) 555-1234' ? ' '+DATE * - print name and address of client ? $(NAME,13,18)-(' '+$(NAME,1,12)) IF OF#' ' ? OF ENDIF ? ADDR IF VAL(ZIP)=0 ? CITY-(', '+STATE) ELSE ? CITY-(', '+STATE)-(' '+ZIP) ENDIF ? ? * - print salutation IF TITLE=1 ? 'Dear Mr. '+$(NAME,1,12) ENDIF IF TITLE=2 ? 'Dear Mrs. '+$(NAME,1,12) ENDIF IF TITLE=3 ? 'Dear Ms. '+$(NAME,1,12) ENDIF IF TITLE=4 ` ? 'Dear Dr. '+$(NAME,1,12) ENDIF ? * - print text of letter DO MAILINFO * * PUT A WORD PROCESSOR COMMAND TO SKIP TO THE NEXT PAGE HERE * EXAMPLE * ? '.SKIP' * - this is a WordStar (tm) page skip ? '.pa' SKIP ENDDO SET ALTERNATE OFF RETURN .pa The MAILINFO command file accessed by this file contains the text of the form letter. A sample MAILINFO file follows. NOTE - THIS IS THE TEXT FOR THE USER FORM LETTER * * - the text presented here describes how to generate the * - letter. The user will put in own text. ? 'This is the body of a form letter. It was first written with a word' ? 'processor and then modified to become a command file. The modifications' ? 'are: placement of question marks at the beginning of each line and' ? 'enclosing the text in single quotes or square brackets. In this way,' ? 'each line of text is written to the ALTERNATE file by means of the SET' ? 'ALTERNATE commands in MAILLTTR.CMD (which calls this command file).' ? ? 'The text of the letter can be altered based on the database data fields.' ? 'For instance, if the content of the letter should change for different' ? 'states, then this condition can be checked and the appropriate action' ? 'can be taken.' ? ? ? ' Yours truly' ? ? ? ? ? ' Mike R. O. Chip' ? ? 'Example:' ? IF STATE='CA' ? 'California residents add 6% sales tax' ENDIF RETURN .pa A sample run using these command files follows. First the user is presumed to have "CREATE"d a database file called MAIL using the commands presented in the database discussion. >DBASE(cr) Æinitiate the dBASE systemÅ ENTER TODAYS DATE AS MM/DD/YY OR RETURN FOR NONE : (cr) *** dBASE II VER 2.xx .MAIL Æinitiate mailing list systemÅ Enter date as mm/dd/yy:11/29/81(cr) Form Letter Writing System 0 - EXIT 1 - Enter new entries 2 - Make Labels 3 - Write Letters enter desired action WAITING 1 Æentering names to mailing listÅ 1 = "Mr." 2 = "Mrs." 3 = "Ms." 4 = "Dr." BLANK to exit entry program After BLANK, enter carriage return for entries Enter title code :1: Enter Surname :Jones(cr) : Enter other names :John J.(cr) : Enter Co. name :Micro Enterprises(cr) : Enter Address :1234 Chip Road(cr) : Enter City :Silicon(cr): Enter State :CA: Enter ZIP code :90002(cr): 1 = "Mr." 2 = "Mrs." 3 = "Ms." 4 = "Dr." BLANK to exit entry program After BLANK, enter carriage return for entries Enter title code :1: Enter Surname :Brown(cr) : Enter other names :Thomas(cr) : Enter Co. name :(cr) : Enter Address :1234 West Winchester Dr.(cr) : Enter City :Boston(cr): Enter State :CA: Enter ZIP code :10024(cr): 1 = "Mr." 2 = "Mrs." 3 = "Ms." 4 = "Dr." BLANK to exit entry program After BLANK, enter carriage return for entries Enter title code :2: Enter Surname :Franklin(cr) : Enter other names :Josephine(cr) : Enter Co. name :(cr) : Enter Address :12 Country Club Dr.(cr) : Enter City :Chino(cr): Enter State :CA: Enter ZIP code :9l710(cr): 1 = "Mr." 2 = "Mrs." 3 = "Ms." 4 = "Dr." BLANK to exit entry program After BLANK, enter carriage return for entries Enter title code : :Æexiting this command fileÅ Enter Surname :(cr) : Enter other names :(cr) : Enter Co. name :(cr) : Enter Address :(cr) : Enter City :(cr) : Enter State :(cr): Enter ZIP code :(cr) : Form Letter Writing System 0 - EXIT 1 - Enter new entries 2 - Make Labels 3 - Write Letters enter desired action WAITING 2 Æprinting mailing labelsÅ WHEN LABELS ARE IN PLACE, HIT CARRIAGE RETURN WAITING (cr) John J. Jones Micro Enterprises 1234 Chip Road Silicon, CA 90002 Thomas Brown 1234 West Winchester Dr. Boston, MA 10024 Josephine Franklin 12 Country Club Dr. Chino, CA 9l710 Form Letter Writing System 0 - EXIT 1 - Enter new entries 2 - Make Labels 3 - Write Letters enter desired action WAITING 3 Æwriting form lettersÅ Form Letter Writing System 0 - EXIT 1 - Enter new entries 2 - Make Labels 3 - Write Letters Enter desired action WAITING 0 Æexiting MAIL systemÅ DO CANCELLED . QUIT Æexit from dBASE processorÅ *** END RUN dBASE II *** At the end of processing the form letters are in a file called PRINT.TXT. The user needs to print this file using his system word processor. When the printing is completed, he should delete the TXT file from his disk. A sample form letter for this version of the MAIL system follows: .pa Your Company 8080 Micro St. Silicon, CA 93002 (213) 555-1234 11/29/81 Josephine Franklin 12 Country Club Dr. Chino, CA 9l710 Dear Mrs. Franklin This is the body of a form letter. It was first written with a word processor and then modified to become a command file. The modifications are: placement of question marks at the beginning of each line and enclosing the text in single quotes or square brackets. In this way, each line of text is written to the ALTERNATE file by means of the SET ALTERNATE commands in MAILLTTR.CMD (which call this command file). The text of the letter can be altered based on the database data fields. For instance, if the content of the letter should change for different states, then this codition can be checked and the appropriate action can be taken. Yours truly Mike R. O. Chip Example: California Residents add 6% sales tax .PA DATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The following example demonstrates the capability to use dBASE to perform computations without using a database file. This program allows the listing of dates that are a specified number of days apart, such as treatment dates at a hospital or payroll dates. The system consists of three command files. The three dBASE command files and their functions are: 1. DATER - System controller 2. CALJUL - Computes pseudo-Julian date from user input calendar date. 3. JULCAL - Computes calendar date from pseudo-Julian date. First the DATER command file: NOTE - DRIVER program for date calculation * * - turn off display of commands to screen SET TALK OFF * - ask user for start date DO CALJUL INPUT 'Enter interval in days between dates' TO DELTA ? ? INPUT 'Enter number of times you want interval' TO TOT * - initialize counter INPUT 'Do you want output to printer? (Y/N)' TO ANSWER STORE 1 TO CNT IF ANSWER SET PRINT ON ? ' START DATE = ' ?? DATE SET PRINT OFF ELSE ? ' START DATE = ' ?? DATE ENDIF DO WHILE CNT<=TOT * - increment date STORE X+DELTA TO X DO JULCAL STORE 1+CNT TO CNT LOOP ENDDO .pa The CALJUL command file calculates the pseudo-Julian day date from the user input calendar date. NOTE - PSEUDO-JULIAN DAY COMMAND FILE PROGRAM * - ask user for start date ACCEPT 'ENTER DATE AS MM/DD/YY' TO DATE * - strip off month from date STORE VAL($(DATE,1,2)) TO M * - strip off day from date STORE VAL($(DATE,4,2)) TO D * - strip off year from date STORE VAL($(DATE,7,2))+1900 TO Y * - calculate integer julian date STORE INT(30.57*M)+INT(365.25*Y-395.25)+D TO X * - perform leap year calculation IF M>2 IF INT(Y/4)=Y/4 STORE X-1 TO X ELSE STORE X-2 TO X ENDIF ENDIF RETURN .pa The JULCAL command file computes the calendar date from the pseudo-Julian day date. NOTE - CALCULATE CALENDAR DATE FROM PSEUDO-JULIAN DATE * * - strip off year STORE INT(X/365.26)+1 TO Y * - strip off day STORE X+INT(395.25-365.25*Y) TO D * - do leap year adjustment IF INT(Y/4)*4=Y STORE 1 TO D1 ELSE STORE 2 TO D1 ENDIF IF D>(91-D1) STORE D+D1 TO D ENDIF * - do month computation STORE INT(D/30.57) TO M STORE D-INT(30.57*M) TO D IF M>12 STORE 1 TO M STORE Y+1 TO Y ENDIF STORE Y-1900 TO Y * - create output format for date STORE STR(M,2)+'/'+STR(D,2)+'/'+STR(Y,2) TO DATE IF ANSWER SET PRINT ON ENDIF ? 'CALENDAR DATE =' ?? DATE IF ANSWER SET PRINT OFF ENDIF RETURN .pa A sample run using the command files follows. This case is to compute the payroll date for a company that pays every two weeks starting on New Years day 1981. >DBASE Æinitiate the dBASE systemÅ ENTER TODAYS DATE AS MM/DD/YY OR RETURN FOR NONE : (cr) *** dBASE II VER 2.xx .DO DATER(cr) ENTER DATE AS MM/DD/YY:01/01/81(cr) Ærequest for start dateÅ Enter interval in days between dates:14(cr) Ætwo weeksÅ Enter number of times you want interval:26(cr) Æ# of weeks/yrÅ Do you want output to printer? (Y/N):Y(cr) START DATE = 01/01/81 CALENDAR DATE = 1/15/81 CALENDAR DATE = 1/29/81 CALENDAR DATE = 2/12/81 CALENDAR DATE = 2/26/81 CALENDAR DATE = 3/12/81 CALENDAR DATE = 3/26/81 CALENDAR DATE = 4/ 9/81 CALENDAR DATE = 4/23/81 CALENDAR DATE = 5/ 7/81 CALENDAR DATE = 5/21/81 CALENDAR DATE = 6/ 4/81 CALENDAR DATE = 6/18/81 CALENDAR DATE = 7/ 2/81 CALENDAR DATE = 7/16/81 CALENDAR DATE = 7/30/81 CALENDAR DATE = 8/13/81 CALENDAR DATE = 8/27/81 CALENDAR DATE = 9/10/81 CALENDAR DATE = 9/24/81 CALENDAR DATE =10/ 8/81 CALENDAR DATE =10/22/81 CALENDAR DATE =11/ 5/81 CALENDAR DATE =11/19/81 CALENDAR DATE =12/ 3/81 CALENDAR DATE =12/17/81 CALENDAR DATE =12/31/81 . QUIT *** END RUN dBASE II *** «eof»