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⟦7dd915c49⟧ TextFile

    Length: 25472 (0x6380)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »MON2MMOB.A86«


└─⟦7ea4c8a73⟧ Bits:30004203 GSX driver sourcer disk 2
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »MON2MMOB.A86« 


;stlut									*
; 14									*
;	Set color representation					*
;									*
;	Supported for color index zero only				*
;									*
;	calls load lut with						*
;			ax=color index					*
;			si=pointer to color table entry 		*
	les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ		; get the requested index
	cmp	ax,0
	je	valid_index
	mov	ax,1
	push	ax
	mov	cl,6
	mul	cl			;index into table
	mov	cx,3			;three words per index
	mov	si,offset requested_color_table
	add	si,ax
	add	di,2
	mov	ax,es:ÆdiÅ
	mov	ÆsiÅ,ax 		;store values in table
	add	si,2
	add	di,2
	loop	set_loop
	pop	ax
	sub	si,6			;point to top of table
	call	load_lut		;try to implement it
;stline 								*
; 15									*
;	Set the line style attribute					*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
	les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ		; get the style word
	mov	line_style_index,ax
	call	plncmd			; range check linestyle
	mov	ax,line_style_index
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax		; return the style set
;stplwd 								*
; 16									*
;	Set the line width attribute	NOT SUPPORTED			*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
	les	di,ptsout		; set line width to 1
	mov	es: W_1ÆdiÅ, 1
	mov	es: W_2ÆdiÅ, 0
	les	di,contrl
	mov	es: W_3ÆdiÅ, 1		; set ptsout count = 1
;stplcx 								*
; 17									*
;	Set the polyline color attribute				*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
	les	di,intin
	mov	ax,es:ÆdiÅ
	mov	line_color,ax		; store requested color index.
	call	plncmd
	mov	ax,line_color
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax		;store index actually set

plncmd: 				;external entry from openwk
	mov	ax,line_color
	cmp	ax, 0
	je	plncm2			; if line color is not zero 
	mov	ax,1			;   then color is one.
plncm2: mov	line_color,ax	
	mov	bx,line_style_index
	cmp	bx,0			; is linestyle greater than zero?
	ja	plncm5
	mov	bx,1			; no, then make it one
	jmps	plncm6
plncm5: cmp	bx,9			; is it less than 9?
	jb	plncm6
	mov	bx,1			; no, then make it one
plncm6: mov	line_style_index,bx
	dec	bx			; make zero relative
	shl	bx,1			;make it a word pointer
	add	bx, offset style_table
	mov	ax,ÆbxÅ 		;get line style
	mov	l_style,ax
plncm3: mov	bx, writing_mode	; get the value 0-3
	shl	bx,1
	add	bx, line_color		; get the polyline color
	add	bx, offset mode_table
	mov	al,Æ bx Å		; get the operation index from table
	mov	polyline_mode, al	; save the pixel operation index
	mov	bx,line_color
	and	bx,1
	mov	polyline_bp_1,bl
	cmp	polyline_mode,2
	jb	plncmdone1
	cmp	back_bp_1,0
	je	plncmdone1
	xor	polyline_mode,1
;stmrkr 								*
; 18									*
;	Sets the polymarker type					*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
stmrkr: les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ		; get requested marker type
	mov	marker_index,ax
	call	mkrcmd
	mov	ax,marker_index
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ, ax		; return marker type selected 
;stmrks 								*
; 19									*
;	Sets the marker size	NOT SUPPORTED				*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
	les	di,contrl
	mov	es: W_3ÆdiÅ, 1		; ptsout count = 1
	les	di,ptsout
	mov	es: W_1ÆdiÅ, 0		; ptsoutÆ1Å = 0
	mov	es: W_2ÆdiÅ, 7		; ptsoutÆ2Å = marker height Dev. Units
;stmkcx 								*
; 20									*
;	Sets the marker color index					*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
stmkcx: les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ		
	mov	marker_color,ax 	; save requested color
	call	mkrcmd
	mov	ax,marker_color
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax
	mov	ax,marker_color
	mov	bx,marker_index
	and	ax,ax
	jz	stmrk1
	mov	ax,1
stmrk1: cmp	bx, 9			; check if marker type out of range
	jb	stmrk2
	mov	bx, 3			; marker 3 is used if out of range.
stmrk2: cmp	bx,0			; check if marker type is 0.
	ja	stmrk3
	mov	bx, 3			; marker 3 is used if 0 type requested
stmrk3: mov	marker_color,ax
	mov	marker_index,bx
	mov	bx, writing_mode	; get the current mode
	shl	bx,1
	add	bx, offset mode_table
	add	bx, ax			;add in color
	mov	al,Æ bx Å		; get the operation from table
	mov	marker_mode,al
	mov	bx,marker_color
	and	bx,1
	mov	mark_bp_1,bl
	cmp	marker_mode,2
	jb	stmrkdone1
	cmp	back_bp_1,0
	je	stmrkdone1
	xor	marker_mode,1
;sttxtf 								*
; 21									*
;	Sets the text font	NOT SUPPORTED				*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
sttxtf: les	di,intout
	mov	es:W_1Æ di Å,1		; always returns font #1
;stxtcx 								*
; 22									*
;	Sets the text color index					*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
stxtcx: les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ		
	mov	text_color,ax		; save requested color
	call	txtcmd
	mov	ax,text_color
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax
	cmp	text_color,0
	je	sttxt1
	mov	text_color,1		;map all colors to one
	mov	bx, writing_mode	; get the current mode
	shl	bx,1
	add	bx,text_color		; add in color
	add	bx, offset mode_table
	mov	al,Æ bx Å		; get the operation from table
	mov	text_mode,al
	mov	bx,text_color
	and	bx,1
	mov	text_bp_1,bl
	cmp	text_mode,2
	jb	sttxtdone1
	cmp	back_bp_1,0
	je	sttxtdone1
	xor	text_mode,1
;stflis 								*
; 23									*
;	Sets the Polygon Interior Style 				*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
stflis: les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ		; get the fill style
	mov	fill_style,ax		; save requested fill style
	call	pgncmd
	les	di,intout
	mov	ax,fill_style	
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax		; return the style
;stflsi 								*
; 24									*
;	Sets the Polygon Interior Style Index	 (1-8)			*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
stflsi: les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ
	mov	fill_index,ax
	call	pgncmd
	mov	ax,fill_index
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ, ax		; return style selected in intoutÆ1Å
;stfclx 								*
; 25									*
;	Sets the Polygon Fill Color Index				*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
stfclx: les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ		
	mov	polygon_color,ax	; save requested color
	call	pgncmd			; range check color and load operation
	les	di,intout
	mov	ax,polygon_color
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ, ax		; return the selected color -intoutÆ1Å
	cmp	polygon_color,0
	je	pgncl1
	mov	polygon_color,1
pgncl1: mov	bx,fill_index
	cmp	bx,0			; range check interior style
	ja	pgncmd1
	mov	bx,1
pgncmd1:cmp	bx,9
	jb	pgncmd2
	mov	bx,1
pgncmd2:mov	fill_index,bx		; save index
	mov	ax, fill_style		; get fill interior style
	cmp	ax, 0		
	jne	solid			; test if hollow
	mov	pattern_number,0ffh	; hollow fill.
	jmps	pattern_done
solid:	cmp	ax, 1			; check if solid interior style.
	jne	dither
	mov	pattern_number,7
	jmps	pattern_done
dither: cmp	ax, 2			; check if dithered pattern interior.
	jne	hatch
	mov	bx,fill_index
	dec	bx			;make zero relative
	mov	pattern_number,bl
	jmps	pattern_done
hatch:	cmp	ax,3
	jne	fillbig
	mov	bx, fill_index
	add	bx, 7			; else make 8-15 to signify crosshatch.
	mov	pattern_number,bl
	jmps	pattern_done
fillbig:mov	pattern_number,0ffh	;its hollow
	mov	ax,0
	mov	fill_style,ax
	mov	bx,writing_mode 	; get the writing mode
	shl	bx,1
	add	bx,polygon_color
	add	bx,offset mode_table	; index into the color table
	mov	al,Æ bx Å
	mov	polygon_mode,al
	mov	bx,polygon_color
	and	bx,1
	mov	poly_bp_1,bl
	cmp	polygon_mode,2
	jb	pgncmdone1
	cmp	back_bp_1,0
	je	pgncmdone1
	xor	polygon_mode,1
;inqclr 								*
; 26									*
;	Inquire Color Representation (Get LUT)				*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
inqclr: les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:W_2ÆdiÅ
	mov	si,offset requested_color_table
	cmp	ax,0
	je	inq2
	mov	si,offset realized_color_table
inq2:	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ		; get color index
	cmp	ax,0
	jz	index_0
	mov	ax,1
index_0:les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax		; return the index
	mov	cx,6			; six bytes per entry
	mul	cl
	add	si,ax			;access correct table
	add	di,2
	mov	cx, 3			;three words
	rep	movsw			;move from table to intoutÆ2-4Å
;inqcla 								*
; 27									*
;	Inquire Cell Array (Raster Op) NOT SUPPORTED			*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
;getloc 								*
; 28									*
;	Return Locator Position 					*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
;	Exit	none							*
;					ContrlÆ3Å	ContrlÆ5Å	*
;	      Coordinate has changed	    1		    1		*
;	      Key has been pressed	    0		    1		*
;	      Nothing has happened	    0		    0		*
getloc: cmp	locator_mode, 1 	; if request mode input 
	jnz	sampmode		;   then leave cursor off
	les	di,ptsin
	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ		; initial  X-coord. of locator
	mov	gcurx, ax
	mov	ax, es: W_2ÆdiÅ 	; initial Y-coord. of locator  
	mov	gcury, ax
	call	enable_cross		; cursor on
;get_loc_key subroutine returns
;			al=0 if nothing happened
;			al=1 button press
;			al=2 coordinate information
;			ah=character information
;			bx=delta x value
;			cx=delta y value
	call	get_loc_key
	and	al,al
	jz	req_loop
	cmp	al,1			; test if locator terminated
	jz	req_loc_done
	add	bx,gcurx
	add	cx,gcury		; add in the delta x,y values
	call	move_cross
	jmps	req_loop
	les	di,intout		; return the terminating character
	mov	al,ah
	xor	ah,ah
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax
	les	di,ptsout		; return the x,y coordinate
	mov	ax,gcurx
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax
	mov	ax,gcury
	mov	es:W_2ÆdiÅ,ax
	call	enable_cross		; turn off locator
	jmp	locator_success
;get_loc_key subroutine returns
;			al=0 if nothing happened
;			al=1 button press
;			al=2 coordinate information
;			ah=character information
;			bx=delta x value
;			cx=delta y value
	les	di,intout
	mov	es: W_1ÆdiÅ,0		; return a null key if none pressed
	les	di,ptsin
	mov	ax,es:ÆdiÅ		; get input x,y
	mov	bx,es:W_2ÆdiÅ
	les	di,ptsout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax
	mov	es:W_2ÆdiÅ,ax		; set ptsout to ptsin
	push	ax
	push	bx			; save x,y input
	call	get_loc_key		; go to devspec and do sample mode
	and	al,al			; test if nothing happened
	jz	samp_mode_none
	cmp	al,2
	jz	samp_mode_coord
	pop	bx
	pop	bx			; get rid of stack data
	les	di,intout
	mov	al,ah
	xor	ah,ah
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax		;return the key pressed
	mov	ax,0
	mov	bx,1
	jmps	locator_done
	pop	bx
	pop	bx
	xor	ax,ax
	mov	bx,ax
	jmps	locator_done		; return status that nothing happened
	pop	ax
	add	cx,ax			; find new x
	pop	ax
	add	bx,ax			; find new y
	call	clip_cross
	les	di,ptsout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,bx
	mov	es:W_2ÆdiÅ,cx		; return in ptsout
	mov	ax,1
	mov	bx,ax
	les	di,contrl
	mov	es:W_3ÆdiÅ,ax
	mov	es:W_5ÆdiÅ,bx
;getval 								*
; 29									*
;	Return Valuator Scalar						*
;									*
;	Entry  IntinÆ2Å contains initial value				*
;									*
;	Exit								*
;	For Request mode						*
;		ContrlÆ5Å contains length of intout (2) 		*
;		IntoutÆ1Å contains output value 			*
;		IntoutÆ2Å contains terminating character		*
;									*
;	For Sample mode 						*
;						    ContrlÆ5Å		*
;		Nothing happened			0		*
;		Valuator changed			1		*
;		Terminating character			2		*
;		New value returned in IntoutÆ1Å 			*
;		Terminating character in IntoutÆ2Å if available 	*
	les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:W_2ÆdiÅ		; initial  value
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax		;put it in intoutÆ1Å
	cmp	val_mode, 1		; if request mode input 
	jnz	val_samp_mode		;   then leave cursor off
;get_val subroutine returns
;			al=0 if nothing happened
;			al=1 button press
;			al=2 coordinate information
;			ah=character information
;			bx=delta value
	call	valuator
	and	al,al
	jz	val_req_loop
	cmp	al,1			; test if locator terminated
	jz	req_val_done
	les	di,intout
	add	es:ÆdiÅ,bx		; update value
	jmps	val_req_loop
	mov	al,ah
	xor	ah,ah
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:W_2ÆdiÅ,ax
	les	di,contrl
	mov	es:W_5ÆdiÅ,2
	call	valuator		; go to devspec and do sample mode
	cmp	al,0			; test if nothing happened
	jz	valuator_samp_done
	cmp	al,2
	jz	samp_mode_value
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:W_2ÆdiÅ,ax		;return the key pressed
	mov	ax,2			;say we got a key
	les	di,contrl
	mov	es:W_5ÆdiÅ,ax
	les	di,intout
	add	es:ÆdiÅ,bx		;get new output value in intoutÆ1Å
	mov	ax,1
	jmps	valuator_samp_done
;getchc 								*
; 30									*
;	Return Choice							*
;									*
;									*
	cmp	choice_mode,1		; see if sample or request
	jz	getchc_req
;call choice 
;	returns al=0 if nothing happened
;	returns al=1 if choice available
;		bx=choice number 1-number of choice keys
	call	choice
	cmp	al,1
	jnz	no_terminator
	cmp	ah,0
	jz	no_terminator
	mov	al,2
	mov	bl,ah
	xor	bh,bh
	xor	ah,ah
	les	di,contrl
	mov	es:W_5ÆdiÅ,ax
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,bx
	mov	es:W_2ÆdiÅ,bx
	call	choice
	and	al,al
	jz	getchc_req		; loop til choice found
	and	ah,ah
	jnz	getchc_req
	xor	ah,ah
	les	di,contrl
	mov	es:W_5ÆdiÅ, ax		; return status
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,bx		; return choice if any
;getstr 								*
; 31									*
;	Get String							*
;									*
;									*
	les	di,intin
	mov	cx, es: W_2ÆdiÅ 	; get maximum character count.
	xor	dx, dx			; init the returned character count
	les	di,intout		; point at destination
	cmp	string_mode,1		; test if request or sample
	jz	getstr_req
	jmp	getstr_samp
	push	dx			; current number
	push	cx			; maximum number of chars
	push	es			; segment of intout
	push	di			; current offset of intout
	call	get_char		;get a character in bx ,status in al
	pop	di
	pop	es
	pop	cx
	pop	dx
	and	al, al
	jz	getstr_req		; loop till done
	cmp	bl, 0dh 		; test if cr
	jz	getstr_req_done
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ, bx
	add	di,2			; next available location in intout
	inc	dx
	cmp	dx, cx			; is buffer full?
	jnz	getstr_req
	les	di,contrl
	mov	es: W_5ÆdiÅ, dx 	; return string length
;sample mode string code
	push	dx			; current number
	push	cx			; maximum number of chars
	push	es			; segment of intout
	push	di			; current offset of intout
	call	get_char		;get a character in bx,status in al
	pop	di
	pop	es
	pop	cx
	pop	dx
	and	al, al
	jz	getstr_samp_done	; loop till done
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ, bx
	add	di,2			; next available location in intout
	inc	dx
	cmp	dx, cx			; is buffer full?
	jnz	getstr_samp
	les	di,contrl
	mov	es: W_5ÆdiÅ, dx 	; return string length
;stwrmd 								*
; 32									*
;	Set Writing Mode						*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
stwrmd: les	di,intin
	mov	ax, es:ÆdiÅ		; get the requested mode
	cmp	ax,0
	ja	stwrmd1
	mov	ax,1
	cmp	ax,5
	jb	stwrmd2
	mov	ax,1
	dec	ax			; make zero relative
	mov	writing_mode,ax 	; store writing mode 0-3.
	inc	ax
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ, ax		; return the mode set
	call	plncmd
	call	pgncmd
	call	txtcmd
	call	mkrcmd
;stinmd 								*
; 33									*
;	Set Input Mode							*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
stinmd: les	di,intin
	mov	bx, es:ÆdiÅ		; get logical device index (1-4).
	mov	ax, es: W_2ÆdiÅ 	; get input mode. 1/request 2/sample
	mov	si, offset inp_mode	; input mode flags area.
	mov	byte ptrÆsi+bxÅ, al	; store input mode flag.
	les	di,intout
	mov	es:ÆdiÅ,ax		; return mode selected
;extinq 								*
; 34									*
;	extended inquire						*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
extinq: ret
;retval 								*
; 35									*
;	return pixel value						*
;									*
;	Entry								*
;									*
retval: ret
;*				DATA AREA				*
;*		     the place to put your variables			*
dseg			       ;this stuff is accessed off of ds
	public	text_color,text_mode
	public	chup
	public	writing_mode
	public	polygon_color,polygon_mode
	public	pattern_number,fill_style
	public	realized_color_table
	public	contrl,intin,ptsin,intout,ptsout
	public	upstack,downstack
	extrn	font:byte
	extrn	arstl1:byte,arstl2:byte 	;polygon fill style tables
	extrn	x1:word,x2:word,y1:word,y2:word ;endpoints for abline
	extrn	gcurx:word,gcury:word
	extrn	lstlin:byte
	extrn	back_bp_1:byte
	extrn	line_mode:byte,line_bp_1:byte,line_mask:word
	extrn	char_mode:byte,char_bp_1:byte
;	This table stores the address of each subroutine
function_table	dw     offset update   ;0      entry 0 is a nop
	dw	offset openws	;1	the initialization routine
	dw	offset closews	;2	the driver termination routine
	dw	offset clear	;3	clear display surface
	dw	offset update	;4	nop
	dw	offset escape	;5	alpha escape routines
	dw	offset polline	;6	draw a polyline sequence
	dw	offset marker	;7	draw a polymarker sequence
	dw	offset hrdtxt	;8	draw a text string
	dw	offset plyfil	;9	draw a filled polygon
	dw	offset cellar	;10	draw a rectangular pixel array
	dw	offset gdp	;11	generalized drawing primitives
	dw	offset stchht	;12	set text height
	dw	offset stchup	;13	set text baseline
	dw	offset stlut	;14	set contents of lut 
	dw	offset stline	;15	set poly line linestyle attribute
	dw	offset stplwd	;16	set poly line width attribute
	dw	offset stplcx	;17	set poly line color attribute
	dw	offset stmrkr	;18	set poly marker type
	dw	offset stmrks	;19	set poly marker size  attribute
	dw	offset stmkcx	;20	set poly marker color attribute
	dw	offset sttxtf	;21	set the current text font
	dw	offset stxtcx	;22	set the current text color attribute
	dw	offset stflis	;23	set polygon interior style attribute
	dw	offset stflsi	;24	set polygon style index    attribute
	dw	offset stfclx	;25	set polygon color attribute
	dw	offset inqclr	;26	inquire lut
	dw	offset inqcla	;27	return cell array
	dw	offset getloc	;28	return locator value x,y
	dw	offset getval	;29	return valuator scalar
	dw	offset getchc	;30	return choice
	dw	offset getstr	;31	return text string
	dw	offset stwrmd	;32	set the current writing mode for output
	dw	offset stinmd	;33	set the current input mode
	dw	offset extinq	;34	extended inquire function
	dw	offset retval	;35	return pixel value
;	dw	offset getscr	;36	screen to memory raster op
;	dw	offset putscr	;37	memory to screen raster op
;	dw	offset inqrsz	;38	inquire raster size requirements
;	dw	offset cpyscr	;39	copy screen to screen raster op
esctbl	dw	offset escfn0
	dw	offset escfn1
	dw	offset escfn2
	dw	offset escfn3
	dw	offset escfn4
	dw	offset escfn5 
	dw	offset escfn6 
	dw	offset escfn7
	dw	offset escfn8
	dw	offset escfn9
	dw	offset escf10
	dw	offset escf11
	dw	offset escf12
	dw	offset escf13
	dw	offset escf14
	dw	offset escf15
	dw	offset escf16
	dw	offset escf17
	dw	offset escf18
	dw	offset escf19
;storage for segment and offset of pointers to input arrays
contrl	rd	1	;pointer to control array
intin	rd	1	;pointer to intnt array
ptsin	rd	1	;pointer to ptsin array
intout	rd	1	;pointer to intout array
ptsout	rd	1	;pointer to ptsout array
;default attributes for driver
;These are modified when openws is called
default_table		dw	0	;workstation id 
line_style_index	dw	1	;polyline current linestyle
line_color		dw	1	;polyline color index
marker_index		dw	1	;polymarker type
marker_color		dw	1	;polymarker color index
curfnt			dw	0	;current text font
text_color		dw	1	;text color index
fill_style		dw	1	;polygon interior style
fill_index		dw	1	;polygon style index
polygon_color		dw	1	;polygon color index
writing_mode	dw	0		;writing mode
;operation storage
;stores current operation for output primitives
polyline_mode	db	0	;default set to replace
marker_mode	db	0	;default marker set to replace mode
text_mode	db	0	;replace mode
polygon_mode	db	0	;replace mode
polyline_bp_1	db	0
mark_bp_1	db	0
text_bp_1	db	0
poly_bp_1	db	0
pattern_number	db	1	;default area style attribute
;this table matches a color and writing mode to a pixel operation
mode_table	db	0		; replace mode flag.
		db	0
		db	2		; mode 1 pen 0 = not and
		db	3		; mode 1 pen 1 = or
		db	1		; xor 
		db	1		; xor(complement)
		db	2		; mode 3 pen 0 = or
		db	2		; mode 3 pen 1 = not and
;hrdtxt variables
;   (function #8)
chup		dw	0		;character up vector
scratch_char	rb	8		;place to rotate character
;(Function #9)
;PLYFIL variables
plycnt		dw	0
minyply 	dw	0
xbkcnt		dw	0

;(Function #11)
;GDP Bar fill
barfil	db	0			;Bar fill routine in progress flag
					;  - 0ffh  in progress.
					;  - 0	   not in progress.
;(OPCODE #14)
requested_color_table	rw	6	;requested representations for 0 and 1
realized_color_table	rw	6	;requested representations for 0 and 1
;(OPCODE #28)
coord_change	dw	0	; coordinate change flag used in sample mode.
;(OPCODE #33)
inp_mode	db	0		; nop	
locator_mode	db	1		; Locator  input mode
val_mode	db	1		; Valuator input mode	
choice_mode	db	1		; Choice   input mode
string_mode	db	1		; string   input mode		
;line style lookup table
;contains 16 bit linestyle patterns
style_table	dw	0ffffh		; solid
		dw	0ffc0h		; dashed
		dw	0c0c0h		; dotted
		dw	0fc30h		; dash-dot
		dw	0fffch		; long dash
		dw	0f0f0h		; short dash
		dw	0fccch		; dot dot dash
		dw	08888h		; short dot 
l_style 	dw	0ffffh		;line style storage 
;polygon and seedfill buffers
upstack 	rb	1
gdpary		dw	0
		rb	8
edgary		dw	0
		rb	896
edgtbl		dw	0
		rb	512
downstack	rb	1408
public	bakcol,txtclx,txtcol
public	wrmode,plncol,style
bakcol	db	0
txtclx	dw	0
txtcol	db	0
wrmode	dw	0
plncol	db	0
style	dw	0