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⟦7e5fc2744⟧ TextFile

    Length: 2816 (0xb00)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »CHESS.HLP«


└─⟦121d96d60⟧ Bits:30005835 RC Chess 750 source code
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »CHESS.HLP« 


     H E L P                                           
Commands :                                             
  INit          : initialize for a new game            
  ENd           : end program                          
  GO n          : go n moves (default 1)               
  PM            : print move list on logfile           
  SAve  <file>  : save the current position on board   
  LOad  <file>  : load the saved board back            
  LoG   <file>  : change logfile                       
  BOard param   : board setup; started from A1         
        L,D     : side switch is set to lite or dark   
        1..8    : number of empty squares              
        P,R,N,B,Q,K : piece type                       
  ST    param   : status change                        
        L,D     : as board param                       
        G       : set side to move                     
        N n     : set move number to n                 
        oo, ooo : set castle king, queen side          
        EP var  : set enpassant file                   
  SWitch param  : set different switches on or off     
        EC      : echo input on logfile      ON          
        PS      : print preliminary scores   OFF        
        RE      : set reply on/off           ON          
        SU      : set statistics on/off      ON        
        TR      : trace tree search          OFF       
        BM      : best move trace            OFF       
  LEt   var  n  : change variable                      
        LEVEL   : set play-level between 1..7, def.: 2 
                     (1 easy game; 7 take long time)   
  PL    var     : print let variable                   
  Pawn, Rock, kNight, Bishop, Queen, King              
  E2E4          : move kings pawn to forward           
  P/K4          :  do                                  
  E4*D5         : pawn(E4) capture pawn(D5)            
  PxP           :  do                                  
  o-o, o-o-o    : castle                               
  P-KN8=Q       : pawn promote to queen                