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Length: 9984 (0x2700) Types: TextFile Names: »SCHLP.TXT«
└─⟦8aac91c70⟧ Bits:30003307 SuperCalc v. 1.12 & RcKalk 1.0 til RC700 └─ ⟦this⟧ »SCHLP.TXT«
SCHLP.TXT = PrintOut-List from SuperCalc <SC> & SC.HLP, Feb-88, JFP. A>sc SuperCalc(tm) Version 1.12 Terminal: RC700 CPU: 8080 S/N-000000 CP/M 2.2 Copyright 1982 SORCIM CORP. Santa Clara, CA. Enter "?" for HELP or "return" to start SuperCalc ? Press any key to continue ! A !! B !! C !! D !! E !! F !! G !! H < > Width: 9 Memory: 25 Last Col/Row:A1 ? for HELP Enter B,C,D,E,F,G,I,L,M,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,W,X,Z,? SC.HLP: HotFlash notes. ========================= * General operation. A Initial character meanings. / --> To enter a command = --> To specify a cell to jump to ! --> To force recalculation ; --> To change screen window Four arrow keys scroll around the cells. - Four CTRL+key combinations also scroll: CTRL/E CTRL/X CTRL/S CTRL/D ==> UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT If your terminal has no UP/DOWN arrows, then the spacebar toggles the meaning of RIGHT/LEFT arrows between RIGHT/LEFT and DOWN/UP. CTRL/Z --> Clear out current entry line. " --> Starts Text cells. ' --> Starts Repeating Text cells. Any other character starts Formula cells. B: A file name is from 1 to 8 letters and/or optionally preceded by a device (disk) prefix. This prefix is a single letter followed by a colon (:). Examples: BALANCE 1Exempt B:Feb24 A <return> allows current file list selection. C Range designators. ======================== A "range" is a row, column, cell or block. A "row" is a number from 1 through 254. A "column" is a letter (pair) from A through BK. A "cell" is a column followed by a row, for example: 'J10' A "block" is two cells, separated by a colon (:). An empty range (entering just "return") means the current cell, row or column. "ALL" means the range A1:<Last Col/Row>. Entering "ESC" allows the arrow keys (or CTRL S/E/D/X keys) to be used to "point" to a desired cell. SuperCalc AnswerKey (tm) slash commands : D /slash commands/ : ===================== B(lank)-----> Removes contents of cells. C(opy)------> Copies contents of cells. D(elete)----> Deletes entire row or column. E(dit)------> Allows editing the contents of a cell. F(ormat)----> Change display format of cells, rows, or entire worksheet. G(lobal)----> Change global display or calculation options. I(nsert)----> Create new row or column. L(oad)------> Read worksheet (or portion) from disk. M(ove)------> Swap rows or columns. O(utput)----> Display contents or values of cells on printer, console or disk. P(rotect)---> Prevent future alteration of cells. Q(uit)------> Exit SuperCalc. R(eplicate)-> Reproduce partial rows or columns. S(ave)------> Write worksheet to disk. T(itle)-----> Lock first rows or columns against scrolling. U(nprotect)-> Allow alteration of protected cells. W(indow)----> Split or unsplit the screen display. X(eXecute)--> Accept commands and data from a file. Z(ap)-------> Clear worksheet and all settings. Enter B,C,D,E,F,G,I,L,M,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,W,X,Z,? E Formula adjustment options. ============================== Determines how cell references in formulas are adjusted for their new positions. N(o adjust)---> Leave all cell references (like J10) unchanged. A(sk)---------> Gives you the options to change or leave each cell reference individually. V(alues)------> Only move cell values, no adjusment is pertinent. If no option specified (back up and type <return> instead of <,>) all cell references are modified. F <T>,Title Lock. ================== Tells SuperCalc to "lock" the leftmost columns and/or uppermost rows so that they are never scrolled off the screen (or video window). Options: H(orizontal)--> Lock current row and all rows above it. V(ertical)----> Lock current column and all those to the left. B(oth)--------> Simultaneously lock H and V. C(lear)-------> Erase any title locks. G <G>,GLOBAL command options: =============================== These options affect calculation or display attributes. R(ow-wise) -- Specifies that recalculation be done across the rows, that is, all of Row 1 is calculated, then all of Row 2, etc. C(olumn-wise) -- Calculation is down the columns, that is all of Column A, then all of Column B, etc. A(utomatic Recalculation) -- The entire worksheet is recalculated after numbers or formulas are entered. M(anual Recalculation) -- In this mode, the worksheet is only recalculated when you enter "!". The following options are "toggles". If the option is already on, respecifying it turns it off and vice versa. T(ab) -- In Tab mode, advancing between cells skips all empty or protected cells. B(orders) -- Controls whether the row number and column letter borders are displayed. F(ormula Display) -- In Formula Display mode, the textual contents (rather than current values) are displayed. N(ext) -- This toggle controls whether an "auto-advance" is performed (in the "current direction") after data is entered into a cell. H Scope of Formats. =================== E(ntry)--->Sets display format for a cell or group of cells. R(ow)----->Sets display format for all cells in row without a cell format. C(olumn)-->Sets display format (or width) for column. Affects cells with no entry or row format. G(lobal)--->Sets display format and column width for all cells and rows without local formats. I <Q>,Quit options. ==================== Y(es) exits SuperCalc. This discards all worksheet data not /S(aved) on disk. J <Z>,Zap operation. ================ Y(es) erases all data from worksheet, including global formats and column widths. Zap is equivalent to exiting SuperCalc and calling it again. K <W>,Window (split-screen) options: ===================================== H(orizontal)-->Split into two windows at current row. V(ertical)---->Split at current column. C(lear)------->Erase split (return to single window). S(ynchronize)->Cause both windows to scroll simultaneously when moving parallel to split. U(nsynch.)---->Cause only current window to scroll, regardless of direction. L <F>,FORMAT command. ====================== Enter one or more of following options: I(nteger)---->Display numbers rounded to a whole number. $------------>Display numbers with two digits after "." . E(xponent)--->Display numbers in scientific notation. G(eneral)---->Display numbers as they "best fit" in cell. *------------>Display numbers as a string of stars. R(ight)------>Format numbers right-justified. L(eft)-------->Format numbers left-justified. T(ext)L(eft)-->Display text strings left-justified. In this case long text will continue to display in unoccupied adjacent cells. T(ext)R(ight)->Display text strings right-justified. D(efault)---->Reset to G(eneral), R(ight), T(ext)L(eft). In addition, while formatting Global or Column, a column width of 0-127 may be specified. M <L>,Load workheet. ===================== LOAD worksheet from disk options: A(ll)--->Loads entire worksheet and resets global, column and row formats, column widths, display mode settings, etc. from saved worksheet. P(art)-->Allows loading of any portion of saved worksheet into any portion of current memory worksheet. Global flags and settings are not affected. N OUTPUT report options: ========================= D(isplay)--->Generates report formatted in rows and columns, essentially like the interactive display. C(ontents)-->Lists the exact contents (text or formulas) of occupied cells, one per line. O <S>,SAVE worksheet on disk options: ====================================== A(ll)---->Text, Formulas and current values for the entire worksheet are saved on disk. V(alues)->Only text and current values of formulas (for the entire worksheet) are saved. P(art)--->Allows one of the above options on a portion of the worksheet. P Entry/Edit mode. ================= The first character determines whether you are entering a formula or a text string (label). A quote mark (") starts a text string. An apostrophe (') starts a repeating text string. Any other character starts a formula. While entering data, the arrow keys (which normally scroll around the worksheet) become "editing" keys: Left arrow (or CTRL/S) --> Backspace one character Right arrow (or CTRL/D) --> Move right one character Up arrow (or CTRL/E) --> Insert one blank Down arrow (or CTRL/X) --> Delete one character Q <O>,Output destinations. =========================== P(rinter)--->Allows you to create printed reports from the worksheet, using the setup codes originally configured when SuperCalc was installed. S(etup)----->Print report (as "P"), but allows specifying special printer setup codes, paper width or page length. C(onsole)--->Allows you to preview the report on your terminal display. D(isk)------>Outputs the report to a disk file for later use. R <D>,Delete Options: ====================== R(ow)----->to delete an entire row from the worksheet. C(olumn)-->to delete an entire column. F(ile)---->to delete (forever) a file that currently exists on disk. ! Notes: Press any key to continue Enter B,C,D,E,F,G,I,L,M,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,W,X,Z,? q Quit, EXIT SuperCalc? Y(es) or N(o) y A> «eof»