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⟦87c853777⟧ TextFile

    Length: 2432 (0x980)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »FPDIVD.SRC«


└─⟦c9df7130d⟧ Bits:30005915 Pascal MT+ Release 5.2 (Jet-80)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »FPDIVD.SRC« 


; floating point divide routine
fdivd:	setupf			;setup for 2 operands
fdivd1:	zchk	2		;check for division by zero
	jz	fperr
	mov	a,op1+msb(x)	;get sign of op1
	xra	op2+msb(x)	;x-or with sign of op2
	mov	scr1(x),a	;save sign of result
	mov	a,op1(x)	;get exponent of op1
	inr	a		;compensate for algorithm
	sub	op2(x)		;subtract exponent of op2
	jv	fperr		;floating point error
	mov	op1(x),a	;save exponent of result
	res	sign,op1+msb(x)	;clear sign bits in op1...
	res	sign,op2+msb(x)	;...and op2
	lxi	h,-nbytes	;add extra variable to stack
	dad	s		;for use in intermediate
	sphl			;calculations
	push	h		;save addr of lsb
	xra	a		;zero temporary variable
	mvi	b,nbytes	;zero correct number of bytes
zerlp:	mov	m,a		;zero this byte
	inx	h		;bump pointer
	djnz	zerlp		;and continue
	dcx	h		;correct pointer
	push	h		;make y point to this
	pop	y		;temporary variable
	mvi	b,fracln*8-1	;process all bits in mantissa
	push	d		;save base reg
	push	b		;save counter
	lxi	h,op1		;get addresses of two operands
	dad	d
	xchg			;de <- hl = addr( op1 )
	lxi	b,op2
	dad	b		;hl = addr( op2 )
	mvi	b,fracln	;process at most all bytes
divd1:	dcx	h		;bump pointers
	dcx	d
	ldax	d		;get byte from op1
	cmp	m		;compare with byte from op2
	jrc	divd2		;too big don't subtract
	jrnz	divd1a		;continue if zero
	djnz	divd1		;stop when done
	inr	b		;make the next loop do nothing
divd1a:	dcx	h
	dcx	d
	djnz	divd1a
	inx	h
	inx	d
divd1b:	call	mpsub		;subtract divisor from dividend
	ora	a		;clear carry
divd2:	pop	b		;restore counter
	pop	d		;restore base reg
	push	psw		;save carry
	rotate	y,left		;shift result right one bit
	pop	psw		;get carry
	jrc	divd3		;don't set a bit
	bset	0,lsb(y)	;set least significant bit
divd3:	rotate	1,left		;shift dividend left 1 bit
	djnz	divlp		;...and continue
	lxi	h,op1+lsb	;calculate addr of op1
	dad	d
	pop	d		;get addr of temp variable
	mvi	b,fracln	;and copy to op1
coplp:	ldax	d		;get byte from temp
	mov	m,a		;store in op1
	inx	h		;bump pointers
	inx	d
	djnz	coplp
; fix stack
	lxi	h,nbytes	;size of temp variable
	dad	s		;+ stack pointer
	sphl			;is original value of sp
	bit	sign,scr1(x)	;fix sign of result
	jz	done2
	bset	sign,op1+msb(x)
	jmp	done2