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Length: 11136 (0x2b80) Types: TextFile Names: »MC-MOD05.INC«
└─⟦d482c3728⟧ Bits:30005987 Turbo Pascal v2.00A (Jet80) └─ ⟦this⟧ »MC-MOD05.INC«
æ.PAå æ*******************************************************************å æ* SOURCE CODE MODULE: MC-MOD05 *å æ* PURPOSE: Read the contents of a cell and update *å æ* associated cells. *å æ*******************************************************************å æ Procedure GetLine will let the user type and/or edit a string of å æ maximum length "MAX". The string will start at cursor position: å æ ColNO,LineNO. If ErrPos <> 0 then the cursor will jump to position å æ ErrPos in the string. If the last parameter is "True" then all å æ characters entered will be translated to upper case. å æ If the user at anytimes types <ESCAPE> then the string returned å æ contain $FF to indicate that editing was aborted. å procedure GetLine(var S: AnyString; æ String to edit å ColNO,LineNO, æ Where start line å MAX, æ Max length å ErrPos: integer; æ Where to begin å UpperCase:Boolean); æ True if auto Upcase å var X: integer; InsertOn: boolean; OkChars: set of Char; procedure GotoX; begin GotoXY(X+ColNo-1,LineNo); end; begin OkChars:=Æ' '..'å'Å; InsertOn:=true; X:=1; GotoX; Write(S); if Length(S)=1 then X:=2; if ErrPos<>0 then X:=ErrPos; GotoX; repeat Read(Kbd,Ch); if UpperCase then Ch:=UpCase(Ch); case Ch of ^Æ: begin S:=chr($FF); æ abort editing å Ch:=^M; end; ^D: begin æ Move cursor right å X:=X+1; if (X>length(S)+1) or (X>MAX) then X:=X-1; GotoX; end; ^G: begin æ Delete right char å if X<=Length(S) then begin Delete(S,X,1); Write(copy(S,X,Length(S)-X+1),' '); GotoX; end; end; ^S,^H: begin æ Move cursor left å X:=X-1; if X<1 then X:=1; GotoX; end; ^F: begin æ Move cursor to end of line å X:=Length(S)+1; GotoX; end; ^A: begin æ Move cursor to beginning of line å X:=1; GotoX; end; #127: begin æ Delete left char å X:=X-1; if (Length(S)>0) and (X>0) then begin Delete(S,X,1); Write(copy(S,X,Length(S)-X+1),' '); GotoX; if X<1 then X:=1; end else X:=1; end; ^V: InsertOn:= not InsertOn; æ.PAå else begin if Ch in OkChars then begin if InsertOn then begin insert(Ch,S,X); Write(copy(S,X,Length(S)-X+1),' '); end else begin write(Ch); if X=length(S) then S:=S+Ch else SÆXÅ:=Ch; end; if Length(S)+1<=MAX then X:=X+1 else OkChars:=ÆÅ; æ Line too Long å GotoX; end else if Length(S)+1<=Max then OkChars:= Æ' '..'å'Å; æ Line ok again å end; end; until CH=^M; end; æ.PAå procedure GetCell(FX: ScreenIndex;FY: Integer); var S: AnyString; NewStat: Set of Attributes; ErrorPosition: Integer; I: ScreenIndex; Result: Real; Abort: Boolean; IsForm: Boolean; æ Procedure ClearCells clears the current cell and its associated å æ cells. An associated cell is a cell overwritten by data from the å æ current cell. The data can be text in which case the cell has the å æ attribute "OverWritten". If the data is a result from an expressionå æ and the field with is larger tahn 11 then the cell is "Locked" å procedure ClearCells; begin I:=FX; repeat with ScreenÆI,FYÅ do begin GotoXY(XPosÆIÅ,FY+1); write(' '); I:=Succ(I); end; until (ÆOverWritten,LockedÅ*ScreenÆI,FYÅ.CellStatus=ÆÅ); æ Cell is not OVerWritten not Locked å end; æ.CP20å æ The new type of the cell is flashed at the bottom of the screen å æ Notice that a constant of type array is used to indicate the type å procedure FlashType; begin HighVideo; GotoXY(5,23); LowVideo; end; æ.CP20å æ Procedure GetFormula repeats calling the procedure GetLine and å æ Evaluate until the line read by GetLine contains a valid formula. å æ Evaluate returns an error position in the string evaluated. If å æ this position is non zero GetLine is called. If the user types å æ ESC in GetLine to abort the editing then the string returned from å æ Getline will contain $FF and te original value of the cell will å æ be restored later. å procedure GetFormula; begin FlashType; repeat GetLine(S,1,24,70,ErrorPosition,True); if S<>Chr($FF) then begin Evaluate(IsForm,S,Result,ErrorPosition); if ErrorPosition<>0 then Flash(15,'Error at cursor'+^G,false) else Flash(15,' ',false); end; until (ErrorPosition=0) or (S=Chr($FF)); if IsForm then NewStat:=NewStat+ÆFormulaÅ; end; æ.CP20å æ Procedure GetText calls the procedure GetLine with the current å æ cells X,Y position as parameters. This means that text entering å æ takes place direcly at the cells posion on the screen. å procedure GetText; begin FlashType; with ScreenÆFX,FYÅ do GetLine(S,XPosÆFXÅ,FY+1,70,ErrorPosition,False); end; æ.CP20å æ Procedure EditCell loads a copy of the current cells contents in å æ in the variable S before calling either GetText or GetFormula. In å æ this way no changes are made to the current cell. å procedure EditCell; begin with ScreenÆFX,FYÅ do begin S:=Contents; if Txt in CellStatus then GetText else GetFormula; end; end; æ.PAå æ Procedure UpdateCells is a little more complicated. Basically it å æ makes sure to tag and untag cells which has been overwritten or å æ cleared from data from another cell. It also updates the current å æ with the new type and the contents which still is in the temporaly å æ variable "S". å procedure UpdateCells; var Flength: Integer; begin ScreenÆFX,FYÅ.Contents:=S; if Txt in NewStat æScreenÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatuså then begin I:=FX; FLength:=Length(S); repeat I:=Succ(I); with ScreenÆI,FYÅ do begin FLength:=Flength-11; if (Flength>0) then begin CellStatus:=ÆOverwritten,TxtÅ; Contents:=''; end else begin if OverWritten in CellStatus then begin CellStatus:=ÆTxtÅ; GotoCell(I,FY);LeaveCell(I,FY); end; end; end; until (I=FXMax) or (ScreenÆI,FYÅ.Contents<>''); ScreenÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus:=ÆTxtÅ; end else æ string changed to formula or constant å begin æ Event number two å I:=FX; repeat with ScreenÆI,FYÅ do begin if OverWritten in CellStatus then begin CellStatus:=ÆTxtÅ; Contents:=''; end; I:=Succ(I); end; until not (OverWritten in ScreenÆI,FYÅ.CellStatus); with ScreenÆFX,FYÅ do begin CellStatus:=ÆConstantÅ; if IsForm then CellStatus:=CellStatus+ÆFormulaÅ; Value:=Result; end; end; end; æ.PAå æ Procedure GetCell finnaly starts here. This procedure uses all å æ all the above local procedures. First it initializes the temporaly å æ variable "S" with the last read character. It then depending on å æ this character calls GetFormula, GetText, or EditCell. å begin æ procedure GetCell å S:=Ch; ErrorPosition:=0; Abort:=false; NewStat:=ÆÅ; if Ch in Æ'0'..'9','+','-','.','(',')'Å then begin NewStat:=ÆConstantÅ; if not (Formula in ScreenÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus) then begin GotoXY(11,24); ClrEol; ClearCells; GetFormula; end else begin Flash(15,'Edit formula Y/N?',true); repeat read(Kbd,Ch) until UpCase(CH) in Æ'Y','N'Å; Flash(15,' ',false); if UpCase(Ch)='Y' then EditCell Else Abort:=true; end; end else begin if Ch=^Æ then begin NewStat:=(ScreenÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus)*ÆTxt,ConstantÅ; EditCell; end else begin if formula in ScreenÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus then begin Flash(15,'Edit formula Y/N?',true); repeat read(Kbd,Ch) until UpCase(CH) in Æ'Y','N'Å; Flash(15,' ',false); if UpCase(Ch)='Y' then EditCell Else Abort:=true; end else begin NewStat:=ÆTxtÅ; ClearCells; GetText; end; end; end; if not Abort then begin if S<>Chr($FF) then UpDateCells; GotoCell(FX,FY); if AutoCalc and (Constant in ScreenÆFX,FYÅ.CellStatus) then Recalculate; if Txt in NewStat then begin GotoXY(3,FY+1); Clreol; For I:='A' to FXMax do LeaveCell(I,FY); end; end; Flash(15,' ',False); GotoCell(FX,FY); end; æ.PAå æ Procedure Format is used to å procedure Format; var J,FW,DEC, FromLine,ToLine: integer; Lock: Boolean; procedure GetInt(var I: integer; Max: Integer); var S: stringÆ8Å; Err: Integer; Ch: Char; begin S:=''; repeat repeat Read(Kbd,Ch) until Ch in Æ'0'..'9','-',^MÅ; if Ch<>^M then begin Write(Ch); S:=S+Ch; Val(S,I,Err); end; until (I>=Max) or (Ch=^M); if I>Max then I:=Max; end; begin HighVideo; Msg('Format: Enter number of decimals (Max 11): '); GetInt(DEC,11); Msg('Enter Cell whith remember if larger than 10 next column will lock: '); GetInt(FW,20); Msg('From which line in column '+FX+': '); GetInt(FromLine,FYMax); Msg('To which line in column '+FX+': '); GetInt(ToLine,FYMax); if FW>10 then Lock:=true else Lock:=False; for J:=FromLine to ToLine do begin ScreenÆFX,JÅ.DEC:=DEC; ScreenÆFX,JÅ.FW:=FW; with ScreenÆSucc(FX),JÅ do begin if Lock then begin CellStatus:=CellStatus+ÆLocked,TxtÅ; Contents:=''; end else CellStatus:=CellStatus-ÆLockedÅ; end; end; NormVideo; UpDate; GotoCell(FX,FY); end; «eof»