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Length: 20864 (0x5180) Types: TextFile Names: »INSTALL.PAS«
└─⟦09ad82a35⟧ Bits:30002863 PolyPascal-80 V3.10 for JET80 CP/M └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTALL.PAS« └─⟦2ba946bad⟧ Bits:30003066 PolyPascal-80 v. 3.10 - Piccolo └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTALL.PAS« └─⟦42acf21c3⟧ Bits:30005716 PolyPascal-80 v. 3.10 (RC703) └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTALL.PAS« └─⟦6367c43c0⟧ Bits:30004325 PolyPascal vers. 3.10 for Butler └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTALL.PAS« └─⟦692ac107c⟧ Bits:30005923 PolyPascal-80 V3.10 arbejdsdiskette 1 └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTALL.PAS« └─⟦725a95225⟧ Bits:30003287 PolyPascal v. 3.10 med eksempler for RC700 └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTALL.PAS« └─⟦8181fe295⟧ Bits:30005924 PolyPascal-80 V3.10 arbejdsdiskette 2 └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTALL.PAS« └─⟦f03928158⟧ Bits:30005922 PolyPascal 3.10 (RC700) └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTALL.PAS«
PROGRAM install; æ$A+,R-å CONST maxterm = 40; TYPE str2 = STRINGÆ2Å; str3 = STRINGÆ3Å; str4 = STRINGÆ4Å; str5 = STRINGÆ5Å; str8 = STRINGÆ8Å; str12 = STRINGÆ12Å; str14 = STRINGÆ14Å; str24 = STRINGÆ24Å; str31 = STRINGÆ31Å; str36 = STRINGÆ36Å; str48 = STRINGÆ48Å; charset = SET OF char; filename = RECORD drv: byte; nam: ARRAYÆ1..8Å OF char; ext: ARRAYÆ1..3Å OF char; END; extstr = ARRAYÆ1..3Å OF char; datarec = RECORD f1: byte; edofs,pstwd: integer; f2: ARRAYÆ1..27Å OF byte; termname: str31; width,height: byte; gxyls: str8; gxyss,gxyts: str4; colblin,coorofs,coorfmt: byte; clhs,cess,cels,ilns,dlns,rons,rofs, ions,iofs,uons,uofs,bons,bofs,aofs: str8; f3: ARRAYÆ1..150Å OF byte; rdelay: integer; altkey: ARRAYÆ0..255Å OF byte; xstep,backf,insmf,autof,tabsf,errmod: byte; hlpstr,ermstr,wrkstr: filename; pasext,bakext,comext,chnext: extstr; END; pdatrec = ARRAYÆ1..590Å OF byte; VAR cf,hf: FILE; tf: FILE OF str31; df: FILE OF pdatrec; cfn: str14; data: datarec; tnam: ARRAYÆ1..maxtermÅ OF str31; b1: ARRAYÆ0..1023Å OF byte; b2: ARRAYÆ0..511Å OF byte; b2sec,b2ofs,i: integer; insfile: boolean; ch: char; PROCEDURE errhand(errno,errofs: integer); BEGIN IF errno=1 THEN BEGIN writeln('^C'); halt; END; END; FUNCTION upcase(s: str24): str24; VAR i: integer; u: str24; BEGIN u:=''; FOR i:=1 TO len(s) DO IF (sÆiÅ>='a') AND (sÆiÅ<='z') THEN u:=u+chr(ord(sÆiÅ)-32) ELSE u:=u+sÆiÅ; upcase:=u; END; FUNCTION hex(number,digits: integer): str4; CONST hexdigits: ARRAYÆ0..15Å OF char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; VAR d: integer; h: str4; BEGIN hÆ0Å:=chr(digits); FOR d:=digits DOWNTO 1 DO BEGIN hÆdÅ:=hexdigitsÆnumber AND 15Å; number:=number SHR 4; END; hex:=h; END; FUNCTION hexseq(seq: str8): str24; VAR i: integer; s: str24; BEGIN IF seq='' THEN hexseq:='Unconfigured' ELSE BEGIN s:=''; FOR i:=1 TO len(seq) DO s:=s+hex(ord(seqÆiÅ),2)+' '; hexseq:=copy(s,1,len(s)-1); END; END; FUNCTION yesno(flag: integer): str4; BEGIN IF flag<>0 THEN yesno:='YES' ELSE yesno:='NO'; END; PROCEDURE backsp(n: integer); VAR i: integer; BEGIN FOR i:=1 TO n DO write(^H' '^H); END; FUNCTION readnum(min,max: integer): integer; VAR n,p: integer; ok: boolean; s: str5; BEGIN REPEAT buflen:=5; read(s); IF s='' THEN ok:=false ELSE BEGIN val(s,n,p); ok:=(p=0) AND (n>=min) AND (n<=max); END; IF NOT ok THEN backsp(len(s)); UNTIL ok; writeln; readnum:=n; END; FUNCTION readseq(maxlen: integer): str8; CONST hexdigits: SET OF '0'..'f' = Æ'0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f'Å; VAR h,i,n,p: integer; error: boolean; seq: str8; s: str24; BEGIN REPEAT buflen:=maxlen*3-1; read(s); s:=s+^M; error:=false; p:=1; n:=0; REPEAT WHILE sÆpÅ=' ' DO p:=succ(p); IF sÆpÅ=^M THEN i:=0 ELSE BEGIN i:=p; WHILE NOT(sÆpÅ IN Æ' ',^MÅ) DO p:=succ(p); val('$'+copy(s,i,p-i),h,i); n:=succ(n); seqÆnÅ:=chr(h); END; UNTIL (sÆpÅ=^M) OR (i<>0); IF i<>0 THEN backsp(len(s)-1); UNTIL i=0; seqÆ0Å:=chr(n); writeln; readseq:=seq; END; FUNCTION readyn: integer; VAR s: str4; BEGIN REPEAT buflen:=3; read(s); s:=upcase(s); IF (s<>'YES') AND (s<>'NO') THEN backsp(len(s)); UNTIL (s='YES') OR (s='NO'); IF s='YES' THEN readyn:=255 ELSE readyn:=0; writeln; END; FUNCTION select(prompt: str48; okch: charset): char; VAR ch: char; BEGIN write(prompt,': '); REPEAT read(kbd,ch); IF (ch>='a') AND (ch<='z') THEN ch:=chr(ord(ch)-32); UNTIL ch IN okch; IF ch=^M THEN backsp(len(prompt)+2) ELSE BEGIN writeln(ch); writeln; END; select:=ch; END; PROCEDURE pressreturn; VAR ch: char; BEGIN write('Press RETURN...'); REPEAT read(kbd,ch) UNTIL ch=^M; backsp(15); END; PROCEDURE resetdisks; BEGIN bdos(37,-1); END; PROCEDURE clear1; BEGIN fill(data.termname,332,0); WITH data DO BEGIN width:=79; height:=24; gxyls:=@27'='; coorofs:=32; clhs:=@26; END; END; PROCEDURE clear2; BEGIN fill(data.rdelay,312,0); WITH data DO BEGIN rdelay:=1000; xstep:=16; backf:=255; insmf:=255; autof:=255; errmod:=2; hlpstr.drv:=0; hlpstr.nam:='PPAS '; hlpstr.ext:='HLP'; ermstr.drv:=0; ermstr.nam:='PPAS '; ermstr.ext:='ERM'; wrkstr.drv:=0; wrkstr.nam:='WORK '; wrkstr.ext:='PAS'; pasext:='PAS'; bakext:='BAK'; comext:='COM'; chnext:='CHN'; END; END; PROCEDURE configure; VAR ch: char; (*$I INSTCRT*) PROCEDURE editor; CONST pa: str36 = 'A. Insert mode on (YES/NO)........: '; pb: str36 = 'B. Auto-indent on (YES/NO)........: '; pc: str36 = 'C. Taulate mode on (YES/NO).......: '; pd: str36 = 'D. Replace prompt delay...........: '; pe: str36 = 'E. Side scroll step value.........: '; VAR ch: char; PROCEDURE help; BEGIN writeln('INSERT MODE ON. This field defined the initial state of the'); writeln('insert mode (INS) when PolyPascal is started.'); writeln; writeln('AUTO-INDENT ON. This field defines the initial state of the auto-'); writeln('indent tabulator (AUT) when PolyPascal is started.'); writeln; writeln('TABS MODE ON. This field defines the initial state of the tabula-'); writeln('tor mode (TAB) when PolyPascal is started.'); writeln; writeln('REPLACE PROMPT DELAY. This field is used only by the find/replace'); writeln('function in the editor. It defines the delay used when moving the'); writeln('cursor alternately between the replace prompt and the text.'); writeln('Experiment to find a suitable value (typical values range from'); writeln('200 to 2000).'); writeln; writeln('SIDE SCROLL STEP VALUE. This field defines the step size used by'); writeln('the editor when it scrolls sidewards. The minimum value is 1 and'); writeln('the maximum value is the screen width less one.'); writeln; pressreturn; END; BEGIN æeditorå WITH data DO REPEAT writeln('EDITOR CONFIGURATION TABLE:'); writeln; writeln(pa,yesno(insmf)); writeln(pb,yesno(autof)); writeln(pc,yesno(tabsf)); writeln(pd,rdelay); writeln(pe,xstep); writeln; ch:=select('Edit(A-E), Exit(X), Help(Y)',Æ'A'..'E','X','Y'Å); CASE ch OF 'A': BEGIN write(pa); insmf:=readyn; END; 'B': BEGIN write(pb); autof:=readyn; END; 'C': BEGIN write(pc); tabsf:=readyn; END; 'D': BEGIN write(pd); rdelay:=readnum(0,32767); END; 'E': BEGIN write(pe); xstep:=readnum(1,pred(width)); END; 'Y': help; END; IF ch IN Æ'A'..'E'Å THEN writeln; UNTIL ch='X'; END; PROCEDURE misc; CONST pa: str36 = 'A. Use backup files (YES/NO)......: '; pb: str36 = 'B. Error message mode (0/1/2).....: '; pc: str36 = 'C. Help file name.................: '; pd: str36 = 'D. Error message file name........: '; pe: str36 = 'E. Default workfile name..........: '; pf: str36 = 'F. Default text file type.........: '; pg: str36 = 'G. Default backup file type.......: '; ph: str36 = 'H. Default program file type......: '; pi: str36 = 'I. Default object file type.......: '; pj: str36 = 'J. Configuration name.............: '; VAR ch: char; FUNCTION fnstr(fn: filename): str14; VAR i: integer; s: str14; BEGIN WITH fn DO BEGIN drv:=drv AND $7F; IF drv=0 THEN s:='' ELSE s:=chr(drv+64)+':'; FOR i:=1 TO 8 DO IF namÆiÅ<>' ' THEN s:=s+namÆiÅ; s:=s+'.'; FOR i:=1 TO 3 DO IF extÆiÅ<>' ' THEN s:=s+extÆiÅ; END; fnstr:=s; END; PROCEDURE readfn(VAR fn: filename); VAR s: str14; f: FILE; BEGIN REPEAT buflen:=14; read(s); assign(f,s); move(memÆaddr(f)+12Å,fn,12); IF fn.namÆ1Å=' ' THEN backsp(len(s)); UNTIL fn.namÆ1Å<>' '; writeln; END; PROCEDURE readext(VAR ext: extstr); VAR s: str3; BEGIN buflen:=3; readln(s); s:=upcase(s)+' '; move(sÆ1Å,ext,3); END; PROCEDURE help; BEGIN writeln('USE BAK FILES. This field must be either YES or NO. If it is set'); writeln('to YES, duplicate files will have their type changed to BAK when'); writeln('the SAVE command is used to save a file. Otherwise, such files'); writeln('are simply deleted.'); writeln; writeln('ERROR MESSAGE MODE. The error message mode can be either 0, 1 or'); writeln('2. 0 means that the error message file should never be loaded. 1'); writeln('means that the error message file should only be loaded if the'); writeln('user confirms it (by answering yes to the prompt when PolyPascal'); writeln('is started), and 2 means that the error message file should'); writeln('always be loaded. If the error message file is not loaded the'); writeln('compiler will output only error numbers and not messages.'); writeln; writeln('HELP FILE NAME. The name of the PolyPascal help file.'); writeln; writeln('ERROR MESSAGE FILE NAME. The name of the PolyPascal error message'); writeln('file.'); writeln; writeln('DEFAULT WORKFILE NAME. The workfile name is set to this file name'); writeln('when PolyPascal is started and when the ZAP command is used.'); writeln; pressreturn; writeln('DEFAULT TEXT FILE TYPE. The default type used by the LOAD, SAVE'); writeln('and NAME commands.'); writeln; writeln('DEFAULT BACKUP FILE TYPE. The type used by the SAVE command to'); writeln('create backup files.'); writeln; writeln('DAFAULT PROGRAM FILE TYPE. The default type used by the PROGRAM'); writeln('command.'); writeln; writeln('DEFAULT OBJECT FILE TYPE. The default type used by the OBJECT'); writeln('command.'); writeln; writeln('CONFIGURATION NAME. This function is used to define the name of'); writeln('the current configuration. If no name is installed, PolyPascal'); writeln('will not run, since this indicates an unconfigured copy.'); writeln; pressreturn; END; BEGIN æmiscå WITH data DO REPEAT writeln('MISCELLANEOUS DATA:'); writeln; writeln(pa,yesno(backf)); writeln(pb,errmod); writeln(pc,fnstr(hlpstr)); writeln(pd,fnstr(ermstr)); writeln(pe,fnstr(wrkstr)); writeln(pf,pasext); writeln(pg,bakext); writeln(ph,comext); writeln(pi,chnext); writeln(pj,termname); writeln; ch:=select('Edit(A-J), Exit(X), Help(Y)',Æ'A'..'J','X','Y'Å); CASE ch OF 'A': BEGIN write(pa); backf:=readyn; END; 'B': BEGIN write(pb); errmod:=readnum(0,2); END; 'C': BEGIN write(pc); readfn(hlpstr); hlpstr.drv:=hlpstr.drv+$80; END; 'D': BEGIN write(pd); readfn(ermstr); ermstr.drv:=ermstr.drv+$80; END; 'E': BEGIN write(pe); readfn(wrkstr); END; 'F': BEGIN write(pf); readext(pasext); END; 'G': BEGIN write(pg); readext(bakext); END; 'H': BEGIN write(ph); readext(comext); END; 'I': BEGIN write(pi); readext(chnext); END; 'J': BEGIN write(pj); buflen:=31; readln(termname); END; 'Y': help; END; IF ch IN Æ'A'..'J'Å THEN writeln; UNTIL ch='X'; END; PROCEDURE clear; BEGIN write('Clear configuration data (YES/NO)? '); IF readyn<>0 THEN BEGIN clear1; clear2; END; writeln; END; PROCEDURE help; BEGIN writeln('To do a complete installation of PolyPascal you should go through'); writeln('all functions of this menu (the order in which you do it is of no'); writeln('importance, as long as you make sure that all fields within all'); writeln('menus have be inspected and modified if necessary).'); writeln; writeln('CRT CONFIGURATION. This function is used to view and/or modify'); writeln('the CRT configuration table.'); writeln; writeln('KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION. This function is used to view and/or'); writeln('modify alternate key definitions.'); writeln; writeln('EDITOR CONFIGURATION. This function is used to view and/or modify'); writeln('the editor configuration table.'); writeln; writeln('MISCELLANEOUS DATA. This function allows you to view and/or'); writeln('modify various system parameters.'); writeln; pressreturn; writeln('CLEAR CONFIGURATION DATA. This function will initialize all con-'); writeln('figuration data fields to some appropriate default values. If you'); writeln('are about to install a new terminal, use this function before the'); writeln('above ones - this will save you the trouble of manually removing'); writeln('the existing values.'); writeln; pressreturn; END; BEGIN æconfigureå WITH data DO REPEAT writeln('MAIN CONFIGURATION MENU:'); writeln; writeln('1. CRT configuration'); writeln('2. Keyboard configuration'); writeln('3. Editor configuration'); writeln('4. Miscellaneous data'); writeln('5. Clear configuration data'); writeln; ch:=select('Function(1-5), Exit(X), Help(Y)',Æ'1'..'5','X','Y'Å); CASE ch OF '1': crt; '2': keyboard; '3': editor; '4': misc; '5': clear; 'Y': help; END; UNTIL ch='X'; END; PROCEDURE noinst; BEGIN writeln('The INSTALL.TRM and INSTALL.DAT data files are not present on the'); writeln('default drive, and therefore you cannot load or save standard'); writeln('configurations.'); writeln; pressreturn; END; PROCEDURE lsconfig(load: boolean); VAR i,c,cc: integer; ch: char; done: boolean; ls: str4; PROCEDURE loadc; VAR ch: char; p: ^pdatrec; BEGIN IF tnamÆcÅ<>'' THEN BEGIN p:=ptr(addr(data.termname)); seek(df,c-1); read(df,p^); done:=true; END ELSE BEGIN write('ERROR: Undefined configuration. Press RETURN...'); REPEAT read(kbd,ch) UNTIL ch=^M; backsp(47); END; END; PROCEDURE savec; VAR p: ^pdatrec; BEGIN seek(tf,c-1); write(tf,data.termname); p:=ptr(addr(data.termname)); seek(df,c-1); write(df,p^); tnamÆcÅ:=data.termname; done:=true; END; PROCEDURE help1; BEGIN writeln('To load a standard configuration, simply press the letter deno-'); writeln('ting that configuration. If none of the standard configurations'); writeln('mentioned match your computer system, you will have to install'); writeln('PolyPascal manually (using function 2 on the main menu).'); writeln; pressreturn; END; PROCEDURE help2; BEGIN writeln('To save the current configuration as a standard configuration,'); writeln('use the RETURN key to move to a section that contains an empty'); writeln('entry, and enter the letter of that entry. You may, if you wish'); writeln('save the current configuration on top of an existing confi-'); writeln('guration, in which case that cofiguration is lost. Note that if'); writeln('the name of the configuration you save is empty, you will not be'); writeln('able to load the configuration again.'); writeln; pressreturn; END; BEGIN ælsconfigå IF insfile THEN BEGIN cc:=1; done:=false; IF load THEN ls:='Load' ELSE ls:='Save'; REPEAT writeln('STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS (MENU ',(cc+9) DIV 10,'):'); writeln; FOR i:=0 TO 9 DO writeln(chr(i+65),'. ',tnamÆcc+iÅ); writeln; writeln('Press RETURN to view more'); writeln; ch:=select(ls+'(A-J), Exit(X), Help(Y)',Æ'A'..'J','X','Y',^MÅ); CASE ch OF 'A'..'J': BEGIN c:=cc+ord(ch)-65; IF load THEN loadc ELSE savec; END; 'X': done:=true; 'Y': IF load THEN help1 ELSE help2; ^M: BEGIN cc:=cc+10; IF cc>maxterm THEN cc:=1; END; END; UNTIL done; END ELSE noinst; END; PROCEDURE getdata; VAR i: integer; BEGIN seek(cf,0); blockread(cf,b1,3,i); move(b1,data,364); IF data.pstwd=$9090 THEN BEGIN b2sec:=(data.edofs+3) DIV 128-2; b2ofs:=(data.edofs+3) MOD 128; seek(cf,b2sec); blockread(cf,b2,4,i); move(b2Æb2ofsÅ,data.rdelay,312); END ELSE clear2; END; PROCEDURE putdata; VAR i: integer; BEGIN move(data,b1,364); seek(cf,0); blockwrite(cf,b1,3,i); IF data.pstwd=$9090 THEN BEGIN move(data.rdelay,b2Æb2ofsÅ,312); seek(cf,b2sec); blockwrite(cf,b2,4,i); END; END; PROCEDURE help; BEGIN writeln('LOAD STANDARD CONFIGURATION. This function is used to load a'); writeln('standard configuration, i.e. to load all the parameters that'); writeln('define a specific computer system. If your computer system is'); writeln('among the standard configurations, then all you need to do to'); writeln('install PolyPascal is to load that configuration and exit. If it'); writeln('is not, you must define your computer system manually, using the'); writeln('function described below.'); writeln; writeln('EDIT CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS. This function is used to set up'); writeln('new configurations and to edit an existing configuration. It'); writeln('allows you to view and/or modify all parameters that define a'); writeln('specific computer system. If your computer is not mentioned in'); writeln('the list of standard configurations (see above), you must use'); writeln('this function to define it manually.'); writeln; writeln('SAVE A STANDARD CONFIGURATION. This function is used to add an'); writeln('entry to the list of standard configurations. Normally, you will'); writeln('not need to use this function.'); writeln; pressreturn; END; BEGIN ehaddr:=addr(errhand); writeln; writeln(' PolyPascal-80 V3.10 Install Program'); writeln; writeln(' Copyright (C) 1985'); writeln(' PolyData MicroCenter A/S'); writeln; writeln; writeln('This program is used to view and modify the adjustable parts of'); writeln('PolyPascal. If your copy of PolyPascal is unconfigured, then be-'); writeln('fore you can use it, you must install it using this program. If'); writeln('your copy is already set up for a specific computer system, there'); writeln('is no need to run this program, unless you wish to make personal'); writeln('adjustments.'); writeln; assign(tf,'INSTALL.TRM'); assign(df,'INSTALL.DAT'); æ$I-å reset(tf); reset(df); æ$I+å insfile:=iores=0; IF insfile THEN FOR i:=1 TO maxterm DO read(tf,tnamÆiÅ) ELSE noinst; REPEAT write('Input file name (RETURN for PPAS.COM)? '); buflen:=14; readln(cfn); cfn:=upcase(cfn); writeln; IF (cfn='') OR (len(cfn)=2) AND (cfnÆ2Å=':') THEN cfn:=cfn+'PPAS'; IF pos('.',cfn)=0 THEN cfn:=cfn+'.COM'; assign(cf,cfn); æ$I-å reset(cf) æ$I+å; i:=iores; IF i<>0 THEN BEGIN writeln('That file does not exist. Please specify another filename.'); writeln('You may insert another disk if you wish.'); writeln; resetdisks; END; UNTIL i=0; getdata; REPEAT writeln('INSTALL PROGRAM MAIN MENU:'); writeln; writeln('1. Load a standard configuration'); writeln('2. Edit configuration parameters'); writeln('3. Save a standard configuration'); writeln; write('CURRENT CONFIGURATION: '); IF data.termname<>'' THEN writeln(data.termname) ELSE writeln('No terminal selected'); writeln; ch:=select('Function(1-3), Exit(X), Help(Y)',Æ'1'..'3','X','Y'Å); CASE ch OF '1': lsconfig(true); '2': configure; '3': lsconfig(false); 'Y': help; END; UNTIL ch='X'; write('Save configuration in ',cfn,' (YES/NO)? '); IF readyn<>0 THEN putdata; close(cf); IF insfile THEN BEGIN close(tf); close(df); END; END. «eof»