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⟦a36b77541⟧ TextFile

    Length: 2944 (0xb80)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »8087DEF.A86«


└─⟦93c4d868c⟧ Bits:30005869 SW1609 Digital Research C v. 1.11 - May 84
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »8087DEF.A86« 
└─⟦b85731168⟧ Bits:30002664 Digital Research C - CCP/M - May 84
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »8087DEF.A86« 


;	This include file must be included to use the 8087 opcodes with RASM86.
;	Future versions of RASM86 will eliminate the need for this file.
st	equ	0
st0	equ	0
st1	equ	1
st2	equ	2
st3	equ	3
st4	equ	4
st5	equ	5
st6	equ	6
st7	equ	7
;M	equ	word ptr 0ÆbpÅ	; Define a memory reference example.
;	RASM86 now implements the following opcodes.  The operations on
;	the 8087 stack have the same mnemonics as Intel uses, with one
;	addition.  Intel uses FXCH for 8087 exchanges, and XCHG for 8086
;	exchanges.  This is confusing, so we defined both FXCH and FXCHG.
;	For the memory reference opcodes, we include the length (16, 32, 64, 80)
;	right in the opcode.  In spite of this, RASM86 still requires that you
;	use 'byte pointer' or 'word pointer' on the memory operand if it is not
;	already defined to have an alignment attribute.  We'll fix it someday.
;	By contrast, the Intel assembler picks up the length from the operand
;	definition.  This leads to the anomaly that there are valid 8087 opcodes
;	that the Intel assembler cannot produce, since it cannot define memory
;	operands of the appropriate length.  We think our approach is better.
;	Here are the 8087 opcode formats.  Remove the semicolons to produce a
;	complete test case.
;	f2xm1
;	fabs
;	fadd
;	fadd	st,st1
;	fadd	st1,st
;	fadd32	M
;	fadd64	M
;	faddp	st1,st0
;	fbld	M
;	fbstp	M
;	fchs
;	fclex
;	fcom
;	fcom	st1
;	fcom32	M
;	fcom64	M
;	fcomp
;	fcomp	st1
;	fcom32p	M
;	fcom64p	M
;	fcompp
;	fdecstp
;	fdisi
;	fdiv
;	fdiv	st,st1
;	fdiv	st1,st
;	fdiv32	M
;	fdiv64	M
;	fdivp	st1,st0
;	fdivr
;	fdivr	st,st1
;	fdivr	st1,st
;	fdivr32	M
;	fdivr64	M
;	fdivrp	st1,st
;	feni
;	ffree	st1
;	fiadd16	M
;	fiadd32	M
;	ficom16	M
;	ficom32	M
;	ficom16p M
;	ficom32p M
;	fidiv16 M
;	fidiv32	M
;	fidivr16 M
;	fidivr32 M
;	fild16	M
;	fild32	M
;	fild64	M
;	fimul16	M
;	fimul32	M
;	fincstp
;	finit
;	fist16	M
;	fist32	M
;	fist16p	M
;	fist32p	M
;	fisub16	M
;	fisub32	M
;	fisubr16 M
;	fisubr32 M
;	fld	st1
;	fld32	M
;	fld64	M
;	fld80	M
;	fld1
;	fldcw	word ptr ÆbpÅ
;	fldenv	word ptr 6ÆbpÅ
;	fldl2e
;	fldl2t
;	fldlg2
;	fldln2
;	fldpi
;	fldz
;	fmul
;	fmul	st1,st
;	fmul	st,st1
;	fmul32	M
;	fmul64	M
;	fmulp	st1,st
;	fnclex
;	fndisi
;	fneni
;	fninit
;	fnop
;	fnsave	M
;	fnstcw	M
;	fnstenv	M
;	fnstsw	M
;	fpatan
;	fprem
;	fptan
;	frndint
;	frstor	M
;	fsave	M
;	fscale
;	fsqrt
;	fst	st1
;	fst32	M
;	fst64	M
;	fstcw	M
;	fstenv	M
;	fstp	st1
;	fst32p	M
;	fst64p	M
;	fst80p	M
;	fstsw	M
;	fsub
;	fsub	st,st1
;	fsub	st1,st
;	fsub32	M
;	fsub64	M
;	fsubp	st1,st
;	fsubr
;	fsubr	st,st1
;	fsubr	st1,st
;	fsubr32	M
;	fsubr64	M
;	fsubrp	st1,st
;	ftst
;	fwait
;	fxam
;	fxch
;	fxch	st1
;	fxtract
;	fyl2x
;	fyl2xp1