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Length: 13056 (0x3300) Types: TextFile Names: »LESSON7.PC«
└─⟦a6ed1cd35⟧ Bits:30002862 Perfect Calc 1.10 for JET80 CP/M └─ ⟦this⟧ »LESSON7.PC«
>a3:" LESSON7 -- Using Associated Files >a6:" Throughout these lessons we have seen how two separate files >a7:" can be displayed simultaneously to the screen. This capability is made >a8:" possible by Perfect Calc's unique system of 'multiple buffers', which >a9:" allows more than one spreadsheet to be held in machine memory at one >a10:" time. As we have mentioned, up to seven associated spreadsheets can be >a11:" active simultaneously, permitting us to switch back and forth between >a12:" them with ease, copying and sharing data as needed (this feature is >a13:" only available with Perfect Calc!). >a15:" In this lesson we are going to examine how spreadsheets can be >a16:" linked together and made to share data--a feature we are sure you will >a17:" agree represents one of the most remarkable advances ever to appear >a18:" in personal computer software. For the first time, a powerful set of >a19:" programming tools are available to the typical personal computer user >a20:" in a 'natural language'. With this feature you will find yourself >a21:" doing programming without ever knowing that you are! >a24:" When a spreadsheet is copied from disk to machine memory, it is >a25:" placed in a temporary work space called a 'buffer', which serves to >a26:" isolate it from other spreadsheets and internal program functions. >a27:" Thus, changes and recalculations made to a spreadsheet in one buffer >a28:" do not affect files held in other buffers, a necessary condition if >a29:" the integrity of spreadsheet files is to be maintained. >a31:" However, sometimes it is desireable or even necessary to have >a32:" spreadsheets work together sharing both functions and data. For >a33:" example, if we are preparing a tax report, it might be convenient if >a34:" the 'tax' spreadsheet could directly reference positions on other >a35:" spreadsheets that calculate our income, net worth, etc., thus elimin- >a36:" ating the need for manual transfer of data. >a38:" Perfect Calc provides a means of doing this through a process >a39:" called 'linking' or 'associating' files. >a45:" Consider the following formula: b17 = b18 + incomeÆc6Å >a46:" >a47:" This formula instructs Perfect Calc to calculate the sum of two >a48:" variables, one of which is held in the current buffer and one in a >a49:" buffer called 'income'. When calculating this formula, Perfect Calc >a50:" will go to the spreadsheet in the buffer 'income' and retrieve whatever >a51:" value is located in position 'c6', afterwards returning to complete >a52:" the calculation in the current buffer. (Note the syntax of the cross- >a53:" reference: the variable is enclosed in square brackets and follows >a54:" immediately after the name of the buffer containing it.) >a56:" The referenced buffer must exist (i.e. be active in memory) and >a57:" must hold the correct spreadsheet. If it does not, the formula will >a58:" either compute to 'Error!' or produce a faulty value. >a59:" However, more is needed than just cross-references between the >a60:" spreadsheet files. Spreadsheets which reference each other must be >a61:" 'linked' or 'associated' in such a way that a recalculation in one >a62:" automatically causes a recalculation in the other. Otherwise data in >a63:" the non-current spreadsheet may become outdated, if it is not regularly >a64:" updated by switching to it and forcing a recalculation. Remember, a >a65:" recalculation normally affects only the spreadsheet in the current >a66:" buffer, and no other. >a68:" Perfect Calc provides a means of doing this through its >a69:" ASSOCIATE FILES Command, which will link the files such that a recalcu- >a70:" lation in one will cause a recalculation in all. >a72:" Linked or associated files exist in a special 'dependency' to >a73:" each other. The first file (considered the master file) is dependent >a74:" upon the file, or files, which follow it. Dependency means that the >a75:" files are recalculated in a specific order: that is, the 'depended-on' >a76:" files are always recalculated BEFORE those files which depend on them >a77:" are recalculated. >a79:" HOW TO LINK FILES >a81:" Given several files which reference each other, you would place >a82:" the cursor in the file which would depend on all the other files, and >a83:" type: >a84:" Control--x a >a86:" Perfect Calc would respond with the message: >a88:" "Associate file: <CR> " >a89:" You would then type the name of the first file which the current >a90:" file would 'depend on', and which would have to be recalculated before >a91:" the current file is recalculated. >a93:" Perfect Calc would 'associate' the two files and switch you to >a94:" the file that you have just named. If this second file depends on yet >a95:" a third file, you would give the ASSOCIATE FILES Command again, linking >a96:" the third file to the second. Up to seven spreadsheets may be linked >a97:" consecutively in this way. >a99:" To preserve the 'associative' links you must save each file in >a100:" turn, using the SAVE FILE Command (Control--x Control--s). >a102:" When reading such a chain of linked files into memory, either when >a103:" beginning Perfect Calc or by using the FIND FILE Command, you have only >a104:" to name the first file in the chain. Perfect Calc will automatically >a105:" read the remaining linked files without your having to specify them. >a107:" Associated spreadsheets, as we will see shortly, allow us to >a108:" handle data in ways that previously were not possible. In the remain- >a109:" der of this lesson let us examine a set of linked spreadsheets to >a110:" demonstrate exactly how this feature works. >a112:" At this time move the cursor to line 121 and give the CREATE >a113:" TWO WINDOWS Command (Control--x 2). >a115:" (Do not synchronize the windows.) >a116:" Move the cursor to the top window, using the OTHER WINDOW >a117:" Command (Control--x o ). >a119:" Type the FIND FILE Command (Control--x Control--f), followed >a120:" by the filename: 'Rental.pc'. >a121:" In the next few moments Perfect Calc will read into machine >a122:" memory three separate, but 'linked', files: >a124:" 1) 'Rental.pc' >a125:" 2) 'Unit1.pc' >a126:" 3) 'Unit2.pc' >a128:" When the read operation is complete, Perfect Calc will display >a129:" the 'unit2.pc' file in the top window. Use the SWITCH BUFFERS Command >a130:" to go to the first buffer in the chain, 'rental'. >a131:" As you can see, 'Rental.pc' is a simple rental property manage- >a132:" ment program, which calculates the total monthly income generated by >a133:" various holdings of property, in this case 'Unit1' and 'Unit2' . >a135:" Move the cursor to position 'b5' and examine the formula contain- >a136:" ed there: >a137:" Formula: unit1Æb19Å >a139:" This tells Perfect Calc to display in position 'b5' whatever >a140:" value is held in position 'b19' of the spreadsheet buffer 'unit1' . >a141:" Let us switch to buffer 'unit1' to see what data is being refer- >a142:" enced in its spreadsheet. Use the SWITCH BUFFER Command >a143:" (Control--x b), followed by the buffer name: 'unit1' . >a145:" Perfect Calc switches us to buffer 'unit1' . The spreadsheet >a146:" here contains income and expense figures for a three bedroom house, >a147:" from which it will calculate a 'Cash Flow' for the property. Move >a148:" the cursor to position 'b19', and examine the formula which accomplish- >a149:" es this: >a151:" Formula: b8 - (b16 + b18) >a153:" This formula instructs Perfect Calc to subtract 'Total Expenses' >a154:" and 'Mortgage Payment' from 'Monthly Rent', producing a figure that >a155:" represents either a positive or negative 'Cash Flow' ('b19'). To see >a156:" how this value is referenced by the previous spreadsheet, 'rental.pc', >a157:" enter the following values for January: >a158:" Monthly rent: $550.00 Maintenance: $35.00 >a159:" Repairs: $45.00 Taxes: $110.75 >a160:" Insurance: $12.50 Mortgage: $350.00 >a162:" Perfect Calc automatically calculates 'Total Expenses' and 'Cash >a163:" Flow'. Since this file is 'linked' to the file 'Rental.pc' which >a164:" depends on it, we can assume that a recalculation has already occurred >a165:" in the other file. Switch back to the buffer 'Rental' to see what >a166:" has happened. (use Control--X b to SWITCH BUFFERS) >a168:" As you can see, 'Rental.pc' has automatically referenced a value >a169:" for January 'Cash Flow' from 'Unit1' and, using this value, has calcu- >a170:" lated figures for 'YEARLY TOTALS' and 'Monthly Cash Totals'. >a172:" Move the cursor to 'b6' of 'Rental.pc' and examine the formula >a173:" at this position: >a174:" b6 = unit2Æb19Å >a176:" This formula is identical to the previous one, except that its >a177:" value is taken from the spreadsheet in buffer 'Unit2' . Switch to >a178:" this buffer using the SWITCH BUFFER Command (Control--x b). This >a179:" spreadsheet is identical to the spreadsheet in buffer 'Unit1', except >a180:" that it calculates rental income for a 'warehouse' . Enter several >a181:" sample values in this spreadsheet, afterwards switching back to the >a182:" master spreadsheet in buffer 'rental' . >a184:" As before, 'rental.pc' has already obtained a 'Cash Flow' value >a185:" from 'unit2.pc' and has recalculated its formulas accordingly. >a187:" As we mentioned, a particular order of dependency exists between >a188:" the spreadsheet files, which determines their order of recalculation. >a189:" This relationship is reflected in the Buffer Directory, which displays >a190:" the 'links' existing between the spreadsheets. >a192:" Move the cursor to the bottom window, using the OTHER WINDOW >a193:" Command (Control--x o ), afterwards typing the CREATE ONE WINDOW >a194:" Command (Control--x 1). Now, give the BUFFER DIRECTORY Command: >a196:" Control--x Control--b >a198:" The Buffer Directory will display at the bottom of the screen, >a199:" overwriting some of this text. If necessary, scroll the window to >a200:" erase the directory, or give the REDRAW WINDOW Command (Escape... >a201:" Control--L ). >a203:" In the Buffer Directory 'arrows' indicate the links between >a204:" spreadsheets. 'Rental' is linked (i.e. depends on) 'Unit1', which >a205:" is linked to 'Unit2'. You should note that we are currently using four >a206:" different spreadsheets in memory. Amazing! >a207:" æType Escape...Control--Lå >a209:" As you perhaps realize 'Unit1' does not really depend on 'Unit2'. >a210:" The only dependent spreadsheet in the chain is 'Rental.pc', which >a211:" depends on all the files which follow it. The files 'Unit1.pc' >a212:" and 'Unit2.pc' could therefore have been linked in reverse order, >a213:" and a correct recalculation would have resulted. However, >a214:" this will not always be the case, and we can easily conceive of >a215:" instances in which the order of recalculation among a series of files >a216:" IS important and must be strictly followed. >a218:" One can see how simple and convenient associated spreadsheets are >a219:" to use. One master spreadsheet, working in conjunction with two >a220:" subsidiary spreadsheets (a total of six subsidiary spreadsheets would >a221:" have been possible), results in a very orderly and intelligible format, >a222:" for what might otherwise have been a hodgepodge of loosely connected >a223:" financial data, involving awkward and inefficient manual transfers of >a224:" information. The associated spreadsheet files, while maintaining their >a225:" functional integrity, operate in a unified and harmonious fashion. >a227:" This concludes our lesson on 'Using Associated Files' . However, >a228:" before we end this series of lessons on learning to use Perfect Calc, >a229:" we wish to conclude with a few important 'suggestions' regarding the >a230:" use of Perfect Calc, which we are sure you will find helpful. >a232:" At this time delete entire machine memory, and proceed to the >a233:" concluding lesson, 'lesson8.pc' with the FIND FILE Command. >a235:" END OF LESSON7 >a1 «eof»