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Length: 7936 (0x1f00) Types: TextFile Names: »COPY602.A86«
└─⟦490a8e2df⟧ Bits:30003937 SW1501 RcComal-80 v3.0 (thykier) └─ ⟦this⟧ »COPY602.A86« └─⟦72a4952a6⟧ Bits:30004362 SW1501 RcComal-80 v3.0 └─ ⟦this⟧ »COPY602.A86« └─⟦dcb507fe6⟧ Bits:30003936 SW1501 RcComal-80 v3.0 (ils) └─ ⟦this⟧ »COPY602.A86«
CSEG VER DW VERSNO ; copy602 PACKTYPE DW ASSEMBLER ; DOC DW 0 ; INIT DW OFFSET FINITO ; EXIT DW 0 ; DB 11,'SKÆRMUDSNIT'; PROC skærmudsnit(startx, starty DB PROC ; antalx, antaly, indryk); DW 0 ; ingen dokumentation DW OFFSET XDUMP ; DB 5 ; fem parametre DB 6,'STARTX' ; DB VALUE+REAL,0 ; DB 6,'STARTY' ; DB VALUE+REAL,0 ; DB 6,'ANTALX' ; DB VALUE+REAL,0 ; DB 6,'ANTALY' ; DB VALUE+REAL,0 ; DB 6,'INDRYK' ; DB VALUE+REAL,0 ; DB 9,'SKÆRMKOPI' ; PROC skærmkopi; DB PROC ; DW 0 ; ingen dokumentation DW OFFSET HARDCOPY ; DB 0 ; DB 0 ; ikke flere procedurer og funktioner DW OFFSET RESERVER ; DW ASSEMBLER ; INCLUDE ASSEMBL.A86 ; Constants no_of_dots equ 7 ; dots in printer matrix ESC equ 27 ; LF equ 10 ; Line Feed CR equ 13 ; Carrige Return ; Extra xios function calls get_nvm equ 3 ; function number get_config equ 4 ; do XIOS equ 28h ; interrupt number ; Operating system calls L_DETACH equ 159 ; function number L_WRITE equ 5 ; do OS equ 224 ; op sys interrupt number CodeMacro PUSHA DB 60H endM CodeMacro POPA DB 61H endM cseg ; code XDUMP: MOV CL,1 ; CALL REALPAR ; MOV X,BX ; x:=get_real_par(1); MOV CL,2 ; CALL REALPAR ; MOV Y,BX ; y:=get_real_par(2); MOV CL,3 ; CALL REALPAR ; MOV NX,BX ; nx:=get_real_par(3); MOV CL,4 ; CALL REALPAR ; MOV NY,BX ; ny:=get_real_par(4); MOV CL,5 ; CALL REALPAR ; MOV INDENT,BX ; indent:=get_real_par(5); JMP COPY ; HARDCOPY: ; (* hele skærmen *) mov x,0 ; x:=0; mov y,0 ; y:=0; mov nx,720 ; nx:=720; (* max skærmstørrelse x-akse *) mov ny,352 ; ny:=352; (* max skærmstørrelse y-akse *) mov indent,20 ; indent:=20; COPY: mov al,get_nvm ; if cpu_id = Partner then int xios ; begin cmp ES:byte ptr 53ÆsiÅ,0 ; pixel_segment:=0F000H; jnz PICCOLINE ; xmax:=719; mov pixel_segment,0F000H ; ymax:=351; jmps screen_60_hz ; end PICCOLINE: ; else mov pixel_segment,0D000H ; begin (* PICCOLINE *) mov al,get_config ; pixel_segment:=0D000H; int xios ; if video_hz_50 then test ES:byte ptr 18ÆsiÅ,010B ; begin jnz screen_60_hz ; xmax:=559; mov xmax,559 ; ymax:=255; mov ymax,255 ; end jmps check_limits ; else screen_60_hz: ; begin mov xmax,719 ; xmax:=719; mov ymax,351 ; ymax:=351; ; end; ; end; check_limits: ; mov ax,x ; if (x > xmax) or mov bx,y ; (y > ymax) then cmp ax,xmax ; return jbe x_ok ; jmp return ; x_ok: ; cmp bx,ymax ; jbe y_ok ; jmp return ; y_ok: ; add ax,nx ; else dec ax ; begin cmp ax,xmax ; if (x+nx-1) > xmax then jbe check_y ; nx:=xmax + 1 - x; mov ax,xmax ; inc ax ; sub ax,x ; mov nx,ax ; check_y: ; add bx,ny ; if (y+ny-1) > ymax then dec bx ; ny:=ymax + 1 - y; cmp bx,ymax ; jbe limits_ok ; mov bx,ymax ; sub bx,y ; inc bx ; mov ny,bx ; limits_ok: mov ax,pixel_segment mov es,ax mov ax,x ; mov cl,4 ; pixel_row_offset:= shr ax,cl ; 2*( (x DIV 16)* mov cx,ymax ; (ymax+1) +y)); inc cx ; imul cx ; add ax,y ; shl ax,1 ; mov pixel_row_offset,ax ; mov ax,ny ; add ax,no_of_dots-1 ; max_row:= mov cx,no_of_dots ; ((ny + no_of_dots -1)DIV xor dx,dx ; no_of_dots); idiv cx ; mov max_row,ax ; call init_graphics_print ; init_graphics_print; mov cx,max_row ; for row:=1 to max_row do next_row: ; push cx ; do_indent; call do_indent ; pixel_offset:= mov bx,pixel_row_offset ; pixel_row_offset; add pixel_row_offset,2*no_of_dots ; pixel_row_offset := mov ax,x ; 2*no_of_dots; and ax,0Fh ; bit_no := x MOD 16; mov bit_no,al ; cmp cx,1 ; je last_line_to_write ; if row <> max_row then mov last_line,no_of_dots-1 ; last_line:=no_of_dots-1; jmps next_line ; last_line_to_write: ; else mov ax,ny ; dec ax ; last_line:= (ny-1)MOD mov cx,no_of_dots ; no_of_dots; xor dx,dx ; idiv cx ; mov last_line,dl ; next_line: ; call write_row ; write_row; call writeln ; writeln; pop cx ; loop next_row ; end; (* for loop *) call reset_printer ; reset_printer; return: jmp finito write_row: mov row_index,0 ; row_index:=0; mov cx,nx ; for col:=1 to nx do mov di,offset pixel_row ; cld ; next_coloumn: push cx ; call pack_vertical ; pixel_rowÆrow_indexÅ:= ; pack_vertical(pixel_seg, mov ds:ÆdiÅ,dl ; pixel_offset,bit_no, inc di ; last_line); inc row_index ; row_index :+ 1; inc bit_no ; bit_no :+ 1; cmp bit_no,16 ; if (bit_no=16) or je write_it ; (col=nx) then pop cx ; push cx ; cmp cx,1 ; je write_it ; jmps just_loop ; write_it: call print_it ; print_it; just_loop: pop cx ; loop next_coloumn ; end (* for *) pack_vertical: mov cl,last_line ; begin xor ch,ch ; inc cx ; xor dx,dx ; bit_pattern:=0; next_pixel: ; for line:=last_line downto 0 push cx ; do begin dec cx ; mov si,cx ; pixel:=(memwÆpixel_seg: shl si,1 ; pixel_offset + 2*lineÅ add si,bx ; SHR (15- bit_no)) and 1; mov ax,es:ÆsiÅ ; mov cx,15 ; sub cl,bit_no ; shr ax,cl ; and ax,1 ; shl dx,1 ; bit_pattern:= bit_pattern or dx,ax ; SHL 1 OR pixel; pop cx ; loop next_pixel ; end; ret ; end; init_graphics_print: ; procedure init_graphics_printer; mov dl,28 ; begin call write_char ; mov dl,3 ; write(@28,@3); call write_char ; ret ; end; reset_printer: ; procedure reser_printer; call writeln ; begin mov dl,3 ; call write_char ; writeln(@3,@2); mov dl,2 ; call write_char ; mov cl,L_DETACH ; detach_printer; int OS ; ret ; end; print_it: ; procedure print_it; pusha ; begin mov cx,row_index ; for index:=1 to row_index do mov si,offset esc_codes ; begin cld ; next_char: ; push cx ; lodsb ; char:=row_indexÆindexÅ; mov dl,al ; push si ; cmp dl,3 ; if char=control_code then jnz only_once ; write(char); call write_char ; mov dl,3 ; only_once: call write_char ; write(char); pop si ; pop cx ; loop next_char ; end; popa mov row_index,0 ; row_index:=0 mov bit_no,0 ; bit_no:=0; mov ax,ymax ; inc ax ; pixel_offset:= shl ax,1 ; pixel_offset+ add bx,ax ; (ymax+1)*2; mov di,offset pixel_row ; ret ; end; writeln: ; procedure write_ln; mov dl,3 ; begin call write_char ; mov dl,14 ; write(@3,@14); call write_char ; ret ; end; do_indent: ; procedure do_indent; pusha ; begin mov cx,indent ; for i:=1 to indent do next_space: ; begin push cx ; mov dl,0 ; write(@0); call write_char ; pop cx ; loop next_space ; end; popa ; ret ; end; write_char: mov cl,L_WRITE ; L_WRITE int OS ; write_it!! ret DSEG $ pixel_segment dw 0 pixel_offset dw 0 pixel_row_offset dw 0 x dw 0 y dw 0 nx dw 0 ny dw 0 xmax dw 0 ymax dw 0 indent dw 0 max_row dw 0 bit_no db 0 last_line db 0 esc_codes rb 0 pixel_row rb 17 row_index dw 16 «eof»