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Length: 5248 (0x1480) Types: TextFile Names: »LIFE.PAS«
└─⟦08ea08c61⟧ Bits:30003924 PolyPascal programmer └─ ⟦this⟧ »LIFE.PAS« └─⟦09235ab48⟧ Bits:30003065 Demoprogrammer K-Z til Pascal bog └─ ⟦this⟧ »LIFE.PAS« └─⟦092727b26⟧ Bits:30005927 Demoprogrammer til Pascal bog (Jet-80) └─ ⟦this⟧ »LIFE.PAS« └─⟦f983c2ef3⟧ Bits:30004681 Pascal opgaver (Butler) └─ ⟦this⟧ »LIFE.PAS«
PROGRAM life; TYPE tavle = ARRAY(.0 .. 18, 0 .. 18.) OF CHAR; VAR glgen, nygen : tavle; ch : CHAR; generation : INTEGER; PROCEDURE init; TYPE str2 = STRING(.2.); VAR plac : str2; x, y : INTEGER; ch : CHAR; BEGIN (* init *) FOR x := 0 TO 18 DO FOR y := 0 TO 18 DO nygen(.x, y.) := ' '; WRITE(CLRHOM); GOTOXY(12, 1); WRITE('NY GENERATION'); GOTOXY(2, 3); FOR ch := 'a' TO 'q' DO WRITE(ch, ' '); GOTOXY(2, 21); FOR ch := 'a' TO 'q' DO WRITE(ch, ' '); FOR ch := 'A' TO 'Q' DO BEGIN GOTOXY(0, ORD(ch) - 61); WRITE(ch); GOTOXY(36, ORD(ch) - 61); WRITE(ch); END; GOTOXY(45, 5); WRITE('En organismes placering angives'); GOTOXY(45, 6); WRITE('f.eks. således: <fK>'); GOTOXY(45, 8); WRITE('I. Indsæt organisme'); GOTOXY(45, 9); WRITE('S. Slet organisme'); GOTOXY(45, 10); WRITE('A. Afslut indtastning'); GOTOXY(45, 12); WRITE('Ønske: < >'); GOTOXY(45, 14); WRITE('Placering: < >'); REPEAT GOTOXY(53, 12); WRITE(' ', CHR(8)); REPEAT READ(KBD, ch); UNTIL ch IN (.'I', 'i', 'S', 's', 'A', 'a'.); WRITELN(ch); IF ch IN (.'I', 'i', 'S', 's'.) THEN BEGIN REPEAT GOTOXY(57, 14); WRITE(' ', CHR(8), CHR(8)); BUFLEN := 2; READ(plac); UNTIL (plac(.1.) IN (.'a' .. 'q'.)) AND (plac(.2.) IN (.'A' .. 'Q'.)); GOTOXY((ORD(plac(.1.)) - 96) * 2, ORD(plac(.2.)) - 61); IF ch IN (.'I', 'i'.) THEN BEGIN WRITE('*'); nygen(.ORD(plac(.1.)) - 96, ORD(plac(.2.)) - 64.) := '*'; END ELSE BEGIN WRITE(' '); nygen(.ORD(plac(.1.)) - 96, ORD(plac(.2.)) - 64.) := ' '; END; END; UNTIL ch IN (.'A', 'a'.); GOTOXY(54, 1); WRITE('GL GENERATION'); FOR y := 5 TO 14 DO BEGIN GOTOXY(45, y); WRITE(CLREOL); END; GOTOXY(44, 3); FOR ch := 'a' TO 'q' DO WRITE(ch, ' '); GOTOXY(44, 21); FOR ch := 'a' TO 'q' DO WRITE(ch, ' '); FOR ch := 'A' TO 'Q' DO BEGIN GOTOXY(42, ORD(ch) - 61); WRITE(ch); GOTOXY(78, ORD(ch) - 61); WRITE(ch); END; generation := 1; END; (* init *) PROCEDURE nygeneration; VAR x, y, antal : INTEGER; FUNCTION nabo(x, y : INTEGER) : INTEGER; VAR i, j, antal : INTEGER; BEGIN (* nabo *) antal := 0; FOR i := x -1 TO x + 1 DO IF glgen(.i, y - 1.) = '*' THEN antal := antal + 1; FOR i := x-1 TO x + 1 DO IF glgen(.i, y + 1.) = '*' THEN antal := antal + 1; IF glgen(.x - 1, y.) = '*' THEN antal := antal + 1; IF glgen(.x + 1, y.) = '*' THEN antal := antal + 1; nabo := antal; END; (* nabo *) PROCEDURE tegnbane(nr : INTEGER); VAR i, j : INTEGER; BEGIN (* tegnbane *) FOR i := 1 TO 17 DO FOR j := 1 TO 17 DO IF nr = 1 THEN BEGIN GOTOXY(2 * i, j + 3); WRITE(nygen(.i, j.)); END ELSE BEGIN GOTOXY(2 * i + 42, j + 3); WRITE(nygen(.i, j.)); END; END; (* tegnbane *) BEGIN (* nygeneration *) glgen := nygen; tegnbane(2); FOR x := 1 TO 17 DO FOR y := 1 TO 17 DO BEGIN antal := nabo(x,y); CASE antal OF 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 : nygen(.x, y.) := ' '; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 : BEGIN IF (glgen(.x, y.) = ' ') AND (antal = 3) THEN nygen(.x, y.) := '*'; IF (glgen(.x, y.) = '*') AND ((antal = 0) OR (antal = 1) OR (antal = 4)) THEN nygen(.x, y.) := ' '; END; END; END; GOTOXY(26,23); WRITE(generation); tegnbane(1); END; (* nygeneration *) BEGIN (* life *) init; GOTOXY(11,23); WRITE('Generation nr. 1'); GOTOXY(47, 23); WRITE('En generation mere (j/n): '); REPEAT REPEAT GOTOXY(73, 23); WRITE(' ', CHR(8)); READ(KBD, ch); UNTIL ch IN (.'J', 'j', 'N', 'n'.); WRITE(ch); IF ch IN (.'J', 'j'.) THEN BEGIN generation := generation + 1; nygeneration; END; UNTIL ch IN (.'N', 'n'.); WRITELN; END. (* life *) «eof»