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Length: 10840 (0x2a58) Types: TextFile Names: »LIST.PAS«
└─⟦59f3de555⟧ Bits:30004546 Turbo Pascal 5.5 for C-DOS Piccoline └─ ⟦this⟧ »LIST.PAS«
PROGRAM list; uses crt, printer; æ LIST is a very useful all-purpose list program. It can output å æ listings of all sorts of text files, with headers, line num- å æ bers, and full control of page length, line length, left mar- å æ gin and bottom margin. LIST obtains all its parameters from å æ the command line. The command line format is: å æ å æ LIST <filename><options>,...,<filename><options> å æ å æ where <filename> is a file name acceptable to the operating å æ system, and <options> are one or more options, selected from å æ the following list: å æ å æ Inn Indent each line printed by nn blanks. å æ Snn Skip nn lines at the bottom of each page. å æ H Print file name and page number on top of å æ each page. å æ Hsssss Print header string and page number on top å æ of each page. å æ N Print line number before each line. å æ F Form-feed. Skip to top of next page. å æ Tn Tegntype: 1 = Pica, 2 = Elite, 3 = Compressed å æ An Afstand: 1 = 6 lpi, 2 = 8 lpi å æ D Dansk tegnsaet å æ U USA tegnsaet å æ E Enkeltark å æ å æ Each option must be preceded by a forward slash. An example å æ of a LIST command line: å æ å æ LIST WORK.PAS/I8/N/HWorkfile Listing,CALC.PAS,/F å æ å æ This line will cause WORK.PAS to be listed with an indenta- å æ tion (left margin) of 8, line numbers and a user specified å æ heading. Following this, CALC.PAS is listed using the default å æ page format parameters, and finally a form-feed is output. å CONST dpagelen = 72; æDefault page lengthå dlinelen = 80; æDefault line lengthå dindent = 0; æDefault indentationå dskip = 12; æDefault bottom skipå lf = #10; æLinefeedå rev_lf = #27'j'#180; æreverse linefeedå crlf = #13#10; æcarriagereturn - linefeedå ht = #9; æHorizontal tabå ff = #12; æFormfeedå esc = #27; æEscapeå P_ulnon = #27'-'#1; P_ulnoff = #27'-'#0; P_inton = #27'E'#27'G'; P_intoff = #27'F'#27'H'; P_itaon = #27'4'; P_itaoff = #27'5'; P_super = #27'S'#0; P_sub = #27'S'#1; P_suoff = #27'T'; Pica = #27#18#27'P'; Elite = #27#18#27'M'; Comp_on = #27'P'#27#15; LPI6 = #27'2'; LPI8 = #27'0'; SW_reset = #27'@'; US = #27'R'#13; DK = #27'R'#10; set_tof = #27'C'#0#12; eject = #27'J'#180; VAR i,pos,pagelen,linelen,indent,skip,arg, pageno,lineno,lin,col,width: integer; ch,opt: char; first, printhdr,linenumbers, sheet, dk_set: boolean; ns: STRINGÆ4Å; filename,header: STRINGÆ80Å; line, cmdline: STRINGÆ127Å; infile, outfile: text; FUNCTION cap(ch: char): char; BEGIN IF (ch>='a') AND (ch<='z') THEN cap:=chr(ord(ch)-32) ELSE cap:=ch; END; procedure stop_print; begin ClrScr; write(#7'Skift ark, n▶86◀r printeren er f▶91◀rdig, og tryk p▶86◀ retur'); readln; ClrScr; write(outfile,set_tof); end; BEGIN pagelen:=dpagelen; linelen:=dlinelen; indent:=dindent; skip:=dskip; header:=''; printhdr:=false; linenumbers:=false; filename:=''; line:=''; pos:=1; first:= TRUE; sheet:= FALSE; for i:=1 to ParamCount do line:= line+' '+ParamStr(i); line:= line+#0; i:=1; while lineÆiÅ<>#0 do begin if lineÆiÅ='@' then lineÆiÅ:= ' '; i:=i+1; end; cmdline:=LPI6+DK+Pica; dk_set:= TRUE; assign(outfile,'LST'); rewrite(outfile); REPEAT WHILE lineÆposÅ IN Æ' ',','Å DO pos:=succ(pos); WHILE NOT(lineÆposÅ IN Æ' ',',','/',#0Å) DO BEGIN filename:=filename+lineÆposÅ; pos:=succ(pos); END; WHILE lineÆposÅ=' ' DO pos:=succ(pos); WHILE lineÆposÅ='/' DO BEGIN pos:=succ(pos); opt:=cap(lineÆposÅ); pos:=succ(pos); CASE opt OF 'I','S','T','A': BEGIN arg:=0; WHILE lineÆposÅ IN Æ'0'..'9'Å DO BEGIN arg:=arg*10+ord(lineÆposÅ)-ord('0'); pos:=succ(pos); END; CASE opt OF 'I': indent:=arg; 'S': skip:=arg; 'T': CASE arg OF 1: begin cmdline:= cmdline+Pica; linelen:= 80; indent:= 0; end; 2: begin cmdline:= cmdline+Elite; linelen:= 94; indent:= 10; end; 3: begin cmdline:= cmdline+Comp_on; linelen:= 135; indent:= 15; end; ELSE writeln('Illegal fontnumber: ',arg); if not first then write(outfile,SW_reset); halt; END; 'A': CASE arg OF 1: begin cmdline:= cmdline+LPI6; pagelen:= 72; if sheet then skip:= 15 else skip:= 12; end; 2: begin cmdline:= cmdline+LPI8; pagelen:= 96; if sheet then skip:= 20 else skip:= 16; end; ELSE writeln('Illegal line spacing: ',arg); if not first then write(outfile,SW_reset); halt; END; END; END; 'H': BEGIN WHILE NOT(lineÆposÅ IN Æ',','/',#0Å) DO BEGIN header:=header+lineÆposÅ; pos:=succ(pos); END; printhdr:=true; END; 'N': linenumbers:=true; 'E': begin sheet:= TRUE; cmdline:= cmdline+Elite; linelen:= 94; indent:= 10; if pagelen=72 then skip:=15 else skip:=20; end; 'F': write(outfile,ff); 'D': begin cmdline:= cmdline+DK; dk_set:= TRUE; end; 'U': begin cmdline:= cmdline+US; dk_set:= FALSE; end; ELSE writeln('Unknown option identifier: "',opt,'"'); if not first then write(outfile,SW_reset); halt; END; WHILE lineÆposÅ=' ' DO pos:=succ(pos); END; IF filename<>'' THEN BEGIN assign(infile,filename); æ$I-å reset(infile) æ$I+å; IF ioresult<>0 THEN BEGIN writeln('File not found: "',filename,'"'); write(outfile,SW_reset); halt; END; IF header='' THEN header:='File '+filename; pageno:=1; lineno:=1; lin:=0; width:=linelen-indent; IF linenumbers THEN width:=width-6; IF first then if sheet then write(outfile,set_tof) else write(outfile,rev_lf,set_tof) else write(outfile, ff); write(outfile,cmdline); cmdline:=''; first:= FALSE; WHILE NOT eof(infile) DO BEGIN IF keypressed THEN BEGIN ch:= ReadKey; if ch=#0 then ch:=ReadKey; IF ch=esc THEN BEGIN writeln('Interrupted'); IF lin<>0 THEN write(outfile,ff); write(outfile,SW_reset); halt; END; END; IF printhdr AND (lin=0) THEN BEGIN write(outfile,'':indent,P_inton,header); writeln(outfile,'':linelen-indent-length(header)-8,'Page ',pageno); write(outfile,P_intoff,crlf,crlf); lin:=3; END; write(outfile,'':indent); IF linenumbers THEN BEGIN str(lineno,ns); write(outfile,copy('000',1,4-length(ns)),ns,' '); END; col:=0; ch:= ' '; WHILE (NOT eoln(infile)) AND (ch<>ff) DO BEGIN read(infile,ch); if ((ch=#155) or (ch=#157)) and dk_set then if ch=#155 then ch:=#124 else ch:=#92; CASE ch OF #32..#126, #128..#255: BEGIN IF col<width THEN write(outfile,ch); col:=succ(col); END; ht: REPEAT IF col<width THEN write(outfile,' '); col:=succ(col); UNTIL col MOD 8=0; ff: BEGIN write(outfile,ff); if sheet then stop_print; pageno:=succ(pageno); lin:= 0; END; ^A: write(outfile,Pica); ^B: write(outfile,Elite); ^C: write(outfile,Comp_on); ^D: begin write(outfile,DK); dk_set:= TRUE; end; ^E: write(outfile,LPI6); ^F: write(outfile,LPI8); ^G: write(outfile,P_inton); ^H: write(outfile,P_intoff); ^N: write(outfile,P_super); ^O: write(outfile,P_sub); ^P: write(outfile,P_suoff); ^R: write(outfile,P_ulnon); ^S: write(outfile,P_ulnoff); ^U: begin write(outfile,US); dk_set:= FALSE; end; ^V: write(outfile,P_itaon); ^W: write(outfile,P_itaoff); END; END; IF eoln(infile) THEN readln(infile); IF ch<>ff THEN BEGIN writeln(outfile); lineno:=succ(lineno); lin:=succ(lin); IF lin=pagelen-skip THEN BEGIN write(outfile,ff); if sheet then stop_print; pageno:=succ(pageno); lin:=0; END; END; END; IF lin<>0 THEN write(outfile,ff); filename:=''; header:=''; printhdr:=false; linenumbers:=false; close(infile); END; UNTIL lineÆposÅ=#0; if not sheet then write(outfile,eject); write(outfile,SW_reset); close(outfile); END. «eof»