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Length: 2816 (0xb00) Types: TextFile Names: »TILF.PAS«
└─⟦27a1d1812⟧ Bits:30002681 RC-Katalog over EDB-bøger og programmer └─ ⟦this⟧ »TILF.PAS«
program tilfoej; type produkt=record opl: array(.1..10.) of string(.30.); nr:integer; mark:array(.1..7.) of boolean; end; var antalpost,i,j:integer; post:produkt; f:file of produkt; g:file of string(.255.); tom:string(.20.); ch:char; procedure tilfoejnye; var linie:string(.62.); beskrivelse:array(.1..4.) of string(.255.); forlag:string(.60.); begin with post do begin write(clrhom); write('ALLE TEKSTER BORTSET FRA FORLAG ER MAX 30 TEGN, FORLAG ER 60'); gotoxy(3,3); write('TITEL : '); gotoxy(3,5); write('FORFATTER : '); gotoxy(3,7); write('FORLAG : '); gotoxy(3,9); write('PRIS : '); gotoxy(3,11);write('TELEFON : '); gotoxy(3,13);write('FAG : '); gotoxy(3,15);write('KLASSETRIN : '); gotoxy(3,17);write('BOG/SW : '); gotoxy(3,19);write('PROG.SPROG : '); gotoxy(16,3);read(opl(.1.)); gotoxy(16,5);read(opl(.2.)); gotoxy(16,7);read(forlag); forlag:=forlag+tom+tom+tom; opl(.3.):=copy(forlag,1,30); opl(.10.):=copy(forlag,31,30); gotoxy(16,9);read(opl(.4.)); gotoxy(16,11);read(opl(.5.)); gotoxy(16,13);read(opl(.6.)); gotoxy(16,15);read(opl(.7.)); gotoxy(16,17);read(opl(.8.)); gotoxy(16,19);read(opl(.9.)); write(clrhom); writeln( 'INDTAST BESKRIVELSE : HVER LINIE ER PÅ 60 TEGN, DER ER 16 LINIER'); writeln('VED AFSLUTNING FØR 16 LINIER, TAST EN LINIE KUN MED @'); for i:=1 to 19 do begin gotoxy(61,i); write('▶89◀'); end; gotoxy(0,19); for i:=1 to 61 do write('▶88◀'); gotoxy(1,3); for i:=1 to 4 do beskrivelse(.i.):=''; i:=0; repeat i:=i+1; j:=0; repeat j:=j+1; readln(linie); if linie<>'@' then beskrivelse(.i.):=beskrivelse(.i.)+linie+chr(13)+chr(10); until (j=4) or (linie='@'); until (i=4) or (linie='@'); antalpost:=antalpost+1; mark(.1.):=true; for i:=2 to 7 do mark(.i.):=false; assign(f,'katdata.dat'); reset(f); seek(f,length(f)); antalpost:=length(f); nr:=antalpost; write(f,post); close(f); assign(g,'beskriv.dat'); reset(g); seek(g,length(g)); for i:=1 to 4 do write(g,beskrivelse(.i.)); close(g); end; end; begin tom:=' '; repeat tilfoejnye; write(rvson,'ØNSKES FLERE TILFØJET - J/N',rvsoff); read(ch); until not (ch in (.'J','j'.)); end.«eof»