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⟦cc92e52fb⟧ TextFile

    Length: 1408 (0x580)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »FILELIST«


└─⟦23cd45972⟧ Bits:30005849 CP/M-86 Master Disc (RC855)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »FILELIST« 
└─⟦8183be05c⟧ Bits:30005943 RC855 CP/M 2.2 Boot diskette for 8088 CPU modul
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »FILELIST« 


	Filelist for CP/M 2.2 CP/M86 Master Operating System Disc

ASSIGN.COM	080684	RC (DK) Assign Utility
CAT.COM		080684	RC (DK) Directory Utility
CONFI.COM	080684	RC (DK) Workstation Parameter Configuration Utility
PIP.COM		080684	CP/M 2.2 Peripheral Interchange Program
STAT.COM	080684	CP/M 2.2 Stat Utility
SUBMIT.COM	080684	CP/M 2.2 Submit Utility
Z88E.COM	080684	Switch from CP/M 2.2 Operating System to CP/M86
XSUB.COM	080684	CP/M 2.2 Xsub Utility
MDRV.SYS	080684	8088 M Drive for CP/M 2.2
MD.COM		080684	M Drive Initilisation Utility for CP/M 2.2
Z80.CMD		080684	Switch from CP/M86 Operating System to CP/M 2.2
STAT.CMD	080684	CP/M86 Stat Utility
SUBMIT.CMD	080684	CP/M86 Submit Utility
UKASN.COM	080684	RC (UK) High Productivity Assign
UKCFV.COM	080684	RC (UK) High Productivity Format/Verify (4 Drives)
UKFV.COM	080684	RC (UK) High Productivity Format/Verify (2 Drives)
UKCOPY.COM	080684	RC (UK) High Productivity Disc Copy Utility
UKVER.COM	080684	RC (UK) High Productivity Verify Utility
CPM.SYS		080684	Cbios for CP/M 86
INITRAM.COM	080684	Ramdisk for CP/M 2.2 as drive A with empty directory
RAM.COM		080684	Ramdisk for CP/M 2.2 as drive A with previous directory
			and contents
CRC.COM		080684	Public Domain CRC Utility
CRCKLIST.CRC	080684	Check Data File for CRC Utility