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⟦ce86ba517⟧ TextFile

    Length: 3584 (0xe00)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »DISK10MB.LIB«


└─⟦98758eebd⟧ Bits:30004394 CP/M-86 sources for adaptation to CR8 release 1
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »DISK10MB.LIB« 


;	        DISKS   5
dpbase	equ	$		;Base of Disk Parameter Blocks
dpe0	dw	xlt0,0000h	;Translate Table
	dw	0000h,0000h	;Scratch Area
	dw	dirbuf,dpb0	;Dir Buff, Parm Block
	dw	csv0,alv0	;Check, Alloc Vectors
dpe1	dw	xlt1,0000h	;Translate Table
	dw	0000h,0000h	;Scratch Area
	dw	dirbuf,dpb1	;Dir Buff, Parm Block
	dw	csv1,alv1	;Check, Alloc Vectors
dpe2	dw	xlt2,0000h	;Translate Table
	dw	0000h,0000h	;Scratch Area
	dw	dirbuf,dpb2	;Dir Buff, Parm Block
	dw	csv2,alv2	;Check, Alloc Vectors
dpe3	dw	xlt3,0000h	;Translate Table
	dw	0000h,0000h	;Scratch Area
	dw	dirbuf,dpb3	;Dir Buff, Parm Block
	dw	csv3,alv3	;Check, Alloc Vectors
dpe4	dw	xlt4,0000h	;Translate Table
	dw	0000h,0000h	;Scratch Area
	dw	dirbuf,dpb4	;Dir Buff, Parm Block
	dw	csv4,alv4	;Check, Alloc Vectors
;	        DISKDEF 0,1,68,,2048,1292,1024,0,2      ;A: HARD HEAD 0
;	20672:	128 Byte Record Capacity
;	 2584:	Kilobyte Drive  Capacity
;	 1024:	32 Byte Directory Entries
;	    0:	Checked Directory Entries
;	  128:	Records / Extent
;	   16:	Records / Block
;	   68:	Sectors / Track
;	    2:	Reserved  Tracks
dpb0	equ	offset $	;Disk Parameter Block
	dw	68		;Sectors Per Track
	db	4		;Block Shift
	db	15		;Block Mask
	db	0		;Extnt Mask
	dw	1291		;Disk Size - 1
	dw	1023		;Directory Max
	db	255		;Alloc0
	db	255		;Alloc1
	dw	0		;Check Size
	dw	2		;Offset
xlt0	equ	0		;No Translate Table
als0	equ	162		;Allocation Vector Size
css0	equ	0		;Check Vector Size
;	        DISKDEF 1,0                             ;B: HARD HEAD 1
;	Disk 1 is the same as Disk 0
dpb1	equ	dpb0		;Equivalent Parameters
als1	equ	als0		;Same Allocation Vector Size
css1	equ	css0		;Same Checksum Vector Size
xlt1	equ	xlt0		;Same Translate Table
;	        DISKDEF 2,0                             ;C: HARD HEAD 2
;	Disk 2 is the same as Disk 0
dpb2	equ	dpb0		;Equivalent Parameters
als2	equ	als0		;Same Allocation Vector Size
css2	equ	css0		;Same Checksum Vector Size
xlt2	equ	xlt0		;Same Translate Table
;	        DISKDEF 3,0                             ;D: HARD HEAD 3
;	Disk 3 is the same as Disk 0
dpb3	equ	dpb0		;Equivalent Parameters
als3	equ	als0		;Same Allocation Vector Size
css3	equ	css0		;Same Checksum Vector Size
xlt3	equ	xlt0		;Same Translate Table
;	        DISKDEF 4,1,32,,2048,304,128,128,2      ;E: MINI DRIVE
;	 4864:	128 Byte Record Capacity
;	  608:	Kilobyte Drive  Capacity
;	  128:	32 Byte Directory Entries
;	  128:	Checked Directory Entries
;	  128:	Records / Extent
;	   16:	Records / Block
;	   32:	Sectors / Track
;	    2:	Reserved  Tracks
dpb4	equ	offset $	;Disk Parameter Block
	dw	32		;Sectors Per Track
	db	4		;Block Shift
	db	15		;Block Mask
	db	0		;Extnt Mask
	dw	303		;Disk Size - 1
	dw	127		;Directory Max
	db	192		;Alloc0
	db	0		;Alloc1
	dw	32		;Check Size
	dw	2		;Offset
xlt4	equ	0		;No Translate Table
als4	equ	38		;Allocation Vector Size
css4	equ	32		;Check Vector Size
;	        ENDEF
;	Uninitialized Scratch Memory Follows:
begdat	equ	offset $	;Start of Scratch Area
dirbuf	rs	128		;Directory Buffer
alv0	rs	als0		;Alloc Vector
csv0	rs	css0		;Check Vector
alv1	rs	als1		;Alloc Vector
csv1	rs	css1		;Check Vector
alv2	rs	als2		;Alloc Vector
csv2	rs	css2		;Check Vector
alv3	rs	als3		;Alloc Vector
csv3	rs	css3		;Check Vector
alv4	rs	als4		;Alloc Vector
csv4	rs	css4		;Check Vector
enddat	equ	offset $	;End of Scratch Area
datsiz	equ	offset $-begdat	;Size of Scratch Area
	db	0		;Marks End of Module