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⟦cec299222⟧ TextFile

    Length: 25600 (0x6400)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »HELP.HLP«


└─⟦dbfde0963⟧ Bits:30004114 SW1639 Animator - Rel. 1.0
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.HLP« 


Help screen for...	       Locate-declaration			  Help78

You have chosen to key in the name of the item to be queried; this can be a
data item or a file-name, in which case you will locate the declaration in the
data division of your program, or it can be a procedure name, in which case you
will locate the start of the procedure in your program.

F1 or /H=help	The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or /C=clear	Clear the current name.
Escape		Return to the Animate menu without specifying a name.
Enter name	Enter the name of the item you want to locate. If there is
		a name already displayed simply press RET to locate that item.

		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		  Query-data				  Help79

You have chosen to key in the name of the data-item to be queried. Provided the
data item is non-numeric you can also specify an offset into the data-item in
bytes. This will be the point at which display of the data-item begins.
Alternatively you can specify, if you know it, the hexadecimal address within
the data division of the data you wish to query.

Examples of data-items are:

Example of hex literal address is:

F1 or /H=help	The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or /C=clear	Clear the current name.
Escape		Return to the Animate menu without querying a data-item.
Enter name	Enter the name, name plus offset, or hexadecimal address of
		the data-item that you want to query.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...	     File below not found			  Help80

In order to animate a program, you need to have compiled it first.During
compilation a number of files are produced that ANIMATOR needs so that your
program can be successfully animated. Your program may also call other programs
while it is executing. One of these files cannot be found on your disk. You may
have used the wrong disk when initiating the animation of your program, you may
have accidentally deleted one of the files, or you may have deliberately put a
CALLed program onto another disk. In order to continue you can try another disk
drive or change disks and retry. If neither of these courses of action work then
you probably need to check your program(s) again.

F1 or H=help	 The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
Stop-run	 Abandon the execution of your program.
Retry		 Try the file operation again. (Do this after changing
Alter-drive	 Change the drive that ANIMATOR is searching for your file.
		 You will be prompted for the new drive identifier.

		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		    Animate				  Help82
This menu allows you to control the execution of your program. Some options
change the way the program is shown to you or move the cursor around the screen
or program, others change the order or the speed of execution. You may display
and alter variables while the program is running, or you may execute quickly
without displaying the source. Escape stops Zoom and Go and returns from View.

F1 or H=help	    Display this screen      I=next-if	Execute until next IF
F2 or V=view	    Display user screen      P=perform	Set perform level
F3 or A=align	    Make this line 3	     R=reset	Reset execute position
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen     B=break	Set/unset break-points
F5 or W=where	    Find current position    E=env	Set program environment
F6 or K=look-up     Set entered line to 3    Q=query	Interrogate data-item
F9 or <=word-left   Move one word to left    F=find	Find next occurrence
F10 or >=word-right Move one word to right   L=locate	Locate item declaration
Escape		    Leave ANIMATOR	     T=text	Set screen separator
S=step		    Execute one instruction  D=do	Execute typed COBOL
G=go		    Execute slowly	     0-9      Set default Go speed
Z=zoom		    Execute at full speed
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		 Break-points				  Help83
Break-points are places in the program where execution will stop. You can set
and unset break-points and also specify a condition that stops execution when
it becomes true. The cursor must be at the start of a COBOL statement.

F1 or H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or V=view	    Display the user screen. Press any key to return.
F3 or A=align	    Display program with line shown by the cursor at line 3.
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
F5 or W=where	    Find current line and re-display program at that point.
F6 or K=look-up     Prompt for line number; display with that line at line 3.
F9 or <=word-left   Move the cursor one word to the left.
F10 or >=word-right Move the cursor one word to the right.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu.
S=set		    Set a break-point at the current cursor position.
U=unset 	    Unset the break-point at the current cursor position.
C=cancel-all	    Unset all break-points.
E=examine	    Move the cursor to the next break-point.
I=if		    Set a conditional break-point at current cursor position.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...	      Program-name: other			  Help84

You have chosen to animate one particular program in this suite of programs,and
it is not the one currently being executed. This menu prompts you for the name
of the program to be animated.

F1 or /H=help	  The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or /C=clear	  Clear the current name.
Escape		  Return to the Animate menu without specifying a program name.
Enter name	  Enter the name of the program in this suite that you want
		  to be animated.

		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		 Perform-level				  Help85
This menu allows you to control the execution of PERFORM statements in your
program. You should use Exit if, during animation, you find yourself in a
PERFORM that you want executed but you don't want to see every statement. Exit
executes all the remaining code in the current PERFORM but doesn't animate it.
Step is used when you encounter a PERFORM statement, and causes the PERFORM to
be executed as a single step rather than animating every statement.

F1 or H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or V=view	    Display the user screen. Press any key to return.
F3 or A=align	    Display program with line shown by the cursor at line 3.
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
F5 or W=where	    Find current line and re-display program at that point.
F6 or K=look-up     Prompt for line number; display with that line at line 3.
F9 or <=word-left   Move the cursor one word to the left.
F10 or >=word-right Move the cursor one word to the right.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu.
S=step		    Execute this PERFORM (or CALLed subprogram) as single step.
E=exit		    Execute, but do not animate, remainder of current PERFORM.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		Threshold-level 			  Help86

This menu allows you to avoid animating all PERFORMs and CALLs in your program.
If you have nested PERFORMs or CALLs, then you may not want to animate all of
them. You can set a threshold level of nesting below which execution, but no
animation, will take place. Note that this is similar to, but more permanent
than, Perform-level facilities in the Animate menu.

F1 or H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or V=view	    Display the user screen. Press any key to return.
F3 or A=align	    Display program with line shown by the cursor at line 3.
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
F5 or W=where	    Find current line and re-display program at that point.
F6 or K=look-up     Prompt for line number; display with that line at line 3.
F9 or <=word-left   Move the cursor one word to the left.
F10 or >=word-right Move the cursor one word to the right.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu.
S=set		    Set the threshold level at the current level of nesting.
U=unset 	    Unset threshold level, i.e. animate all PERFORM/CALL code.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		    Until				  Help87

You can set a general condition which, unlike a break-point, is not tied to a
particular statement in the program. When this condition becomes true execution
stops. If you choose the Set option you will be prompted for the condition,
which is in the same form as a conditional break-point, e.g. PI > 3.10.

F1 or H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or V=view	    Display the user screen. Press any key to return.
F3 or A=align	    Display program with line shown by the cursor at line 3.
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
F5 or W=where	    Find current line and re-display program at that point.
F6 or K=look-up     Prompt for line number; display with that line at line 3.
F9 or <=word-left   Move the cursor one word to the left.
F10 or >=word-right Move the cursor one word to the right.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu.
S=set		    Set a condition. You will be prompted for the condition.
U=unset 	    Unset the current condition, if there is one.
E=examine	    Display the current condition, if there is one.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...	   Break-points:  Enter condition		  Help88

A conditional break-point is very similar to an ordinary break-point as it is
set at the first character of a COBOL statement in the program, and when it is
encountered by ANIMATOR  it  causes  execution	to  stop. A  conditional break-
point, however, becomes active only after the condition has become true.

A condition is not a COBOL statement but is merely a test on the state of a
data-item. These are examples of valid conditions (provided the data-items
referred to are actually declared in the program):

PI > 3.14	 N < 25      STRING = "entrypoint"     loop-counter > limit

There may be only one conditional break-point in a program at any time.

F1 or /H=help	   The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or /C=clear	   Clear the current condition.
Escape		   Leave break-point and return to the Animate menu.
Enter condition    Enter the condition you want to attach to this break-point.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		 Program-break				 Help89
A COBOL program may call a number of other programs and under ANIMATOR
you may zoom through all of them. If you want to stop on entry to a particular
program then you need to set a program break-point that causes zooming or going
to stop on entering the program specified. Only one program break-point may be
in force at any time.

F1 or H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or V=view	    Display the user screen. Press any key to return.
F3 or A=align	    Display program with line shown by the cursor at line 3.
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
F5 or W=where	    Find current line and re-display program at that point.
F6 or K=look-up     Prompt for line number; display with that line at line 3.
F9 or <=word-left   Move the cursor one word to the left.
F10 or >=word-right Move the cursor one word to the right.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu.
T=this		    Stop on entering the program currently being executed.
S=select	    You are prompted for name of program to stop execution.
C=cancel	    Cancel any current break-point set on a program name.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...	       Locate-declaration			  Help90

Locate allows you to find the point in your program's data division where
a data-item is declared. Locate also allows you to find the start of a
procedure in your program. You can either key in the name of the data-item
(or file or procedure) or you can place the cursor on any occurrence of the
name you locate.

F1 or H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or V=view	    Display the user screen. Press any key to return.
F3 or A=align	    Display program with line shown by the cursor at line 3.
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
F5 or W=where	    Find current line and re-display program at that point.
F6 or K=look-up     Prompt for line number; display with that line at line 3.
F9 or <=word-left   Move the cursor one word to the left.
F10 or >=word-right Move the cursor one word to the right.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu.
C=cursor-name	    Locate the item indicated by the current cursor position.
E=enter-name	    Enter the name of the item to be located.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		  Query text			  Page 1  Help91

You have displayed the contents of a data-item. If the data-item is longer
than 80 bytes, only the first 80 bytes are displayed; use the left/right
options to look at other parts of the data. If the item is in a table use the
up/down options to look at other table items. You can use the hex option to
look at the data-item in both hexadecimal and text together. You can clear or
alter the contents of the item (see the next screen for details). Note that for
certain types of data some options do not apply and are not displayed.

F1 or /H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or /C=clear	    Clear the value of this item to spaces.
F3 or /X=hex	    Query this item in hex; another menu is displayed.
F4 or /M=monitor    Display the value of this item while program executes.
F5 or /L=left data  Move 80 bytes left in non-numeric data > 80 bytes.
F6 or /R=right data Move 80 bytes right in non-numeric data > 80 bytes.
F7 or /U=up table   Move 1 item up table (subscripted/indexed items only).
F8 or /D=down table Move 1 item down table (subscripted/indexed items only).
Escape		    Escape to Animate menu without altering displayed data.
		  press F1 or H for more help, or space bar to return
Help screen for...		  Query text			  Page 2  Help91

To replace the contents of a data-item, type over the displayed data and press
the RET key. You can enter either text characters or hexadecimal numbers by
selecting the Query hex menu (F3 or /X) and using F9 or /X to choose either hex
or text.

If the data you are currently displaying is part of a larger data item in which
you can move left and right, and you have entered new data, that data will be
written if you move; the Esc key cannot then undo the changes. Note that you
can move by switching from text to hex, since hex displays only 16 bytes
rather than 80.

This is also true if you enter new data and then press F4 or /M; the changes
will be made. Esc only escapes without making changes to the currently
displayed data.

		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		   Query hex			  Page 1  Help92

You can now see the contents of the data-item in both hexadecimal and text
(ASCII). If the data-item is longer than 16 bytes only the first 16 bytes are
displayed; use the left/right options to look at other parts of the data item.
If the item is in a table, use the up/down options to look at other table items.
 Use the text option to look at the data-item in text only. You can clear or
alter the contents of the item (see the next screen for details).

F1 or /H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or /C=clear	    Clear the value of this item to spaces.
F3 or /T=text	    Query this item in ASCII; another menu is displayed.
F4 or /M=monitor    Display the value of this item while program executes.
F5 or /L=left data  Move 16 bytes left in non-numeric data > 16 bytes.
F6 or /R=right data Move 16 bytes right in non-numeric data > 16 bytes.
F7 or /U=up table   Move 1 item up table (subscripted/indexed items only).
F8 or /D=down table Move 1 item down table (subscripted/indexed items only).
F9 or /X=hex/ASCII  Toggle between keying over hex/ASCII contents of data-item.
Escape		    Escape to Animate menu without altering data.
		  press F1 or H for more help, or space bar to return
Help screen for...		  Query hex			  Page 2  Help92

To replace the contents of a data-item, type over the displayed data and press
the RET key. You can enter either text characters or hexadecimal numbers by
using F9 or /X to choose either hex or text.

If the data you are currently displaying is part of a larger data item in which
you can move left and right, and you have entered new data, that data will be
written if you move; the Esc key cannot then undo the changes. Note that you
can move by switching from text to hex as hex displays only 16 bytes rather
than 80. This is also true if you enter new data and then press F4 or /M; the
changes will be made. Esc only escapes without making changes to the currently
displayed data.

		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		    Query				  Help93

Query allows you to examine the contents of a data-item in your program and to
clear or alter the contents. You can either enter the name of the data-item or
you can place the cursor on an occurrence of the name in your program.

F1 or H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or V=view	    Display the user screen. Press any key to return.
F3 or A=align	    Display program with line shown by the cursor at line 3.
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
F5 or W=where	    Find current line and re-display program at that point.
F6 or K=look-up     Prompt for line number; display with that line at line 3.
F9 or <=word-left   Move the cursor one word to the left.
F10 or >=word-right Move the cursor one word to the right.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu.
C=cursor-name	    Query the data-item currently pointed at by the cursor.
E=enter-name	    Enter the name of the data-item to be queried.
R=repeat	    Query the same data-item as last time.
M=monitor-off	    Switch off monitoring if a data-item is being monitored.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		     Text				  Help94
These commands affect the way the program is displayed to you. Split allows you
to see two different parts of the program at once; you can execute the program
in either (or both) parts of the screen or you can keep an item you wish to re-
examine frequently in one part while execution proceeds in the other. The
cursor is used as the point to divide the screens when Split is selected.

F1 or H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or V=view	    Display the user screen. Press any key to return.
F3 or A=align	    Display program with line shown by the cursor at line 3.
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
F5 or W=where	    Find current line and re-display program at that point.
F6 or K=look-up     Prompt for line number; display with that line at line 3.
F9 or <=word-left   Move the cursor one word to the left.
F10 or >=word-right Move the cursor one word to the right.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu.
S=split 	    Split screen in two. The cursor defines the divider line.
J=join		    Return from split-screen mode to single-screen mode.
R=refresh	    Repaint current screen( useful if it becomes corrupted).
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		      Go				  Help95
This option allows you to execute your program slowly, with the source on the
screen, and to stop execution at any time. Break-points work in Go mode and you
can avoid having to watch every PERFORM by setting the Perform-level before
entering Go. In case you are worrying, execution is paused when you ask for
help and is resumed when you press any key after leaving help. Escape stops
execution and returns to the Animate menu. You can set the initial speed for
Go before you enter it by typing a number 0 through 9 from the Animate menu.
If you want to execute your program more quickly than speed 9 then you should
use Zoom from the Animate menu, but since this executes at full speed you
will be unable to see the source code on the screen.

F1 or /H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or /V=view	    Display user screen. Execution pauses. Any key continues.
F3 or /A=align	    Display program with current line at line 3 and continue.
F4 or /X=exchange   Display other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
Escape		    Stop execution and return to the Animate menu.
0-9		    Set the speed of execution: 0 is slowest, 9 is fastest.
Z=zoom		    Execute at full speed.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		      Find				  Help96

This menu allows you to find the next occurrence of a string of characters in
the source of your program. If you want to enter significant spaces at the end
of the string then terminate it with a # character. If the string is terminated
by a # character followed by M, only the main program file will be searched,
not any copy files.

Examples of strings are:

F1 or /H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or /C=clear	    Clear the current string.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu without finding a string.
Enter string	    Enter the string that you want to find. If a string is
		    already displayed simply press RET to find that string.

		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		      Do				  Help97

Do enables you to enter a COBOL satatement that is executed immediately,
before execution of the program continues. The COBOL statement will not be
inserted in the program, since it would then be impossible to maintain an
accurate record of the amendments to a program; so if you need the COBOL
statements to be executed as part of your program remember to add it when
you next edit the program. The COBOL statement is entered exactly as it
would be if you were adding it to the program in the editor.

F1 or /H=help	       The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or /C=clear	       Cancel the current COBOL statement.
Escape		       Return to the Animate menu without executing anything.
Enter statement        Enter the COBOL statement.

		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		    Reset				  Help98
The current line, the one highlighted, is pointed at by the program counter and
is the line of the program that will be executed next. This menu allows you to
move the program counter and therefore change the current line and the sequence
of execution. In a PERFORM N TIMES, Quit will only exit from one of the loops.

F1 or H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or V=view	    Display the user screen. Press any key to return.
F3 or A=align	    Display program with line shown by the cursor at line 3.
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
F5 or W=where	    Find current line and re-display program at that point.
F6 or K=look-up     Prompt for line number; display with that line at line 3.
F9 or <=word-left   Move the cursor one word to the left.
F10 or >=word-right Move the cursor one word to the right.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu.
C=cursor-position   Set program counter to the line shown by the cursor.
N=next		    Skip instruction (set program counter to next instruction).
S=start 	    Set the program counter to the start of the program.
Q=quit-perform	    Leave the current PERFORM paragraph without executing.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return
Help screen for...		  Environment				  Help99

This menu allows you to control the environment in which your program is run.
You can set certain programs, subprograms or PERFORM paragraphs to be animated
rather than zoomed through. You can also set a general condition that causes
execution to stop when it becomes true (not a conditional break-point).

F1 or H=help	    The help key... you pressed this to get this screen.
F2 or V=view	    Display the user screen. Press any key to return.
F3 or A=align	    Display program with line shown by the cursor at line 3.
F4 or X=exchange    Move to other screen (in split-screen mode). See Text menu.
F5 or W=where	    Find current line and re-display program at that point.
F6 or K=look-up     Prompt for line number; display with that line at line 3.
F9 or <=word-left   Move the cursor one word to the left.
F10 or >=word-right Move the cursor one word to the right.
Escape		    Return to the Animate menu.
P=program-break     Specify a break-point on entry to a particular program.
T=threshold-level   Set the depth of PERFORM statements for full animation.
U=until 	    Set a general condition that stops execution when true.
		      press F1, H or space bar to return