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Length: 15872 (0x3e00) Types: TextFile Names: »KT3.PAS«
└─⟦cd307176b⟧ Bits:30002666 Programmer fra Forlaget FAG ApS └─ ⟦this⟧ »KT3.PAS«
program transport; (* TB jan 1985 Compas Pascal v. 3.07, Piccoline *) const max=40; (* (c) Forlaget FAG, Frederikssund *) type maxrange = 0..max; doublerange = 0..80; elements = record visited, stone:boolean; unitcost: real; unitamount : real; end; path = record icord: maxrange; jcord: maxrange; end; transarray = array(.maxrange,maxrange.) of elements; headerarray= array(.maxrange.) of real; tracearray = array(.doublerange.) of path; var table: transarray; rowhead,columnhead: headerarray; source,destination: headerarray; lastsource,lastdestin: maxrange; rlastsource,rlastdestin: real; totalsource, totaldestin: real; s,t,row,col,i,j,extra: integer; leastindex: real; trace: tracearray; numstones,laststone, count: doublerange; leastamount: real; svar:char; fil:string(.12.); outf:text; fil1:file of real; prt: boolean; procedure forklaring; begin writeln(clrhom);writeln; writeln(' *******************************************************'); writeln(' * DETTE PROGRAM LØSER DET KLASSISKE TRANSPORTPROBLEM *'); writeln(' * MAN SKAL ANGIVE HVOR MANGE AFSENDERE (SOURCES) *'); writeln(' * MAN HAR TIL RÅDIGHED, OG HVOR MANGE MODTAGERE *'); writeln(' * (DESTINATIONS), DER SKAL VÆRE. *'); writeln(' * *'); writeln(' * FOR HVER AFSENDER ANFØRES HVOR MEGET, DER SKAL *'); writeln(' * LEVERES. FOR HVER MODTAGER ANFØRES HVOR MEGET, *'); writeln(' * DER SKAL MODTAGES. *'); writeln(' * *'); writeln(' * TIL SLUT ANGIVES TRANSPORTPRISEN PR ENHED *'); writeln(' * FRA ENHVER AFSENDER TIL ENHVER MODTAGER. *'); writeln(' * *'); writeln(' * HVIS UDBUDDET IKKE SVARER TIL EFTERSPØRGSLEN *'); writeln(' * OPRETTES ENTEN EN EKSTRA AFSENDER ELLER EN *'); writeln(' * EKSTRA MODTAGER. DETTE OPLYSES UNDER KØRSLEN *'); writeln(' * AF PROGRAMMET. *'); writeln(' * *'); writeln(' * (c) Tommy Borch *'); writeln(' * Forlaget FAG December 1983. *'); writeln(' *******************************************************'); writeln; write(' Tast return > '); readln(svar); end; (* forklaring *) procedure uddata; var i,j,t: integer; begin t:=0; writeln(clrhom); if prt then writeln(outf,@12); if len(fil)>0 then writeln(outf,' ':10,'FIL : ',fil:14); writeln(outf); for i:=1 to 79 do write(outf,'-'); writeln(outf); writeln(outf); writeln(outf,' Transportpriser/enhed'); writeln(outf); for i:=1 to lastsource do for j:=1 to lastdestin do begin write(outf,table(.i,j.).unitcost:10:2); t:=t+1; if t >= 8 then begin t:=0; writeln(outf); end; end; writeln(outf); writeln(outf); writeln(outf,' Leverancer fra afsendere'); writeln(outf); for i:=1 to lastsource do write(outf,source(.i.):10:2); writeln(outf);writeln(outf); writeln(outf,' Efterspørgsel fra modtagere'); writeln(outf); for j:=1 to lastdestin do write(outf,destination(.j.):10:2); writeln(outf); writeln(outf); end; procedure printer; begin close(outf); write(' Ønskes udskrift på skærm/printer? (s/p) '); readln(svar); writeln; if svar in (.'p','P'.) then begin assign(outf,'LST:');rewrite(outf); prt:=true; uddata; end else begin assign(outf,'CON:');reset(outf); prt:=false; end; end; (* printer *) procedure retdata; var svar:char; begin write(' Ønskes rettelser? (j/n) '); readln(svar); writeln; if svar in (.'j','J'.) then begin repeat writeln; writeln(' Rettelser i : (1) Leverancer '); writeln(' (2) Efterspørgsel'); writeln(' (3) Transportpriser'); writeln(' (4) Stop rettelser'); repeat write(' Vælg bogstav > '); read(svar); until svar in (.'1','2','3','4'.); writeln; case svar of '1':begin write(' Anfør afsender nummer '); readln(i); write(' afsender ',i,' = '); write(source(.i.):6:2,' = '); readln(source(.i.)); end; '2':begin write(' Anfør modtager nummer '); readln(j); write(' modtager ',j,' = '); write(destination(.j.):6:2,' = '); readln(destination(.j.)); end; '3':begin write(' Anfør afsender nummer '); readln(i); write(' Anfør modtager nummer '); readln(j); write(' Transportpris = '); write(table(.i,j.).unitcost:6:2,' = '); readln(table(.i,j.).unitcost); end; end; until svar = '4'; uddata; end; end; (* retdata *) procedure hentdata; var ok: boolean; begin assign(outf,'CON:'); reset(outf); repeat write(' Hvad er filens navn? (højst 8 bogstaver) '); buflen:=8; readln(fil); writeln; fil:=fil+'.KTD'; assign(fil1,fil); (*$I-*) reset(fil1);(*$I+*) ok:=iores=0; if not ok then writeln(' FEJL. FILEN FINDES IKKE. PRØV IGEN!'); until ok; read(fil1,rlastsource,rlastdestin); lastsource:=trunc(rlastsource);lastdestin:=trunc(rlastdestin); for i:=1 to lastsource do for j:=1 to lastdestin do read(fil1,table(.i,j.).unitcost); for i:=1 to lastsource do read(fil1,source(.i.)); for j:=1 to lastdestin do read(fil1,destination(.j.)); close(fil1); extra:=0; for i:=1 to lastsource do for j:=1 to lastdestin do begin table(.i,j.).stone:=false; table(.i,j.).visited:=false; table(.i,j.).unitamount:=0; end; end; (* hentdata *) procedure gemdata; begin write(' Skal disse data gemmes på en fil? (j/n) '); svar:='j'; readln(svar); writeln; if svar in (.'j','J'.) then begin repeat write(' Hvad er filens navn? (højst 8 bogstaver) '); buflen:=8; readln(fil); writeln; until len(fil)<>0; fil:=fil+'.KTD'; assign(fil1,fil); rewrite(fil1); rlastsource:=lastsource;rlastdestin:=lastdestin; write(fil1,rlastsource,rlastdestin); for i:=1 to lastsource do for j:=1 to lastdestin do write(fil1,table(.i,j.).unitcost); for i:=1 to lastsource do write(fil1,source(.i.)); for j:=1 to lastdestin do write(fil1,destination(.j.)); close(fil1); end; end; (* gemdata *) procedure inputdata; var i,j:maxrange; inputnum:real; begin assign(outf,'CON:'); reset(outf);fil:=''; repeat writeln;write(' Antal afsendere? '); readln(lastsource); until lastsource<=max; repeat write(' Antal modtagere? '); readln(lastdestin); until lastdestin<=max; writeln; extra:=0; for i:=1 to lastsource do begin write(' Leverance fra afsender ',i,' '); readln(inputnum); source(.i.):=inputnum; end; for j:=1 to lastdestin do begin write(' Efterspørgsel fra modtager ',j,' '); readln(inputnum); destination(.j.):=inputnum; end end; procedure inputcost; var i,j:maxrange; inputnum: real; begin writeln; writeln(' Transportomkostninger:'); for i:=1 to lastsource do for j:=1 to lastdestin do begin write(' Fra afsender ',i,' til modtager ',j,' '); readln(inputnum); table(.i,j.).unitcost:=inputnum; table(.i,j.).stone:=false; table(.i,j.).visited:=false; table(.i,j.).unitamount:=0; end end; procedure dummy; var i,j: maxrange; begin totalsource:=0; totaldestin:=0; for i:=1 to lastsource do totalsource:=totalsource+source(.i.); for j:=1 to lastdestin do totaldestin:=totaldestin+destination(.j.); if totalsource<>totaldestin then if totalsource > totaldestin then begin lastdestin:=lastdestin+1; extra:=1; for i:=1 to lastsource do begin table(.i,lastdestin.).unitcost:=0; table(.i,lastdestin.).stone:=false; table(.i,lastdestin.).unitamount:=0; table(.i,lastdestin.).visited:=false; end; destination(.lastdestin.):=totalsource-totaldestin; end else begin lastsource:=lastsource+1; extra:=2; for j:=1 to lastdestin do begin table(.lastsource,j.).unitcost:=0; table(.lastsource,j.).stone:=false; table(.lastsource,j.).unitamount:=0; table(.lastsource,j.).visited:=false; end; source(.lastsource.):=totaldestin-totalsource; end; numstones:=lastsource+lastdestin-1; end; procedure nordvest; var i,j: maxrange; srem,drem: real; begin i:=1 ; j:=1; srem:=source(.i.); drem:=destination(.j.); while (i<=lastsource) and (j<=lastdestin) do begin if srem>drem then begin table(.i,j.).unitamount:=drem; table(.i,j.).stone:=true; srem:=srem-drem; j:=j+1; if j<= lastdestin then drem:=destination(.j.); end else if srem<drem then begin table(.i,j.).unitamount:=srem; table(.i,j.).stone:=true; drem:=drem-srem; i:=i+1; if i<= lastsource then srem:=source(.i.); end else begin table(.i,j.).unitamount:=srem; table(.i,j.).stone:=true; j:=j+1; if j<= lastdestin then begin table(.i,j.).stone:=true; drem:=destination(.j.) end; i:=i+1; if i<= lastsource then srem:=source(.i.); end; end;(* while *) end; procedure dorow(i,prevcol:maxrange); forward; procedure docol(prevrow,j:maxrange); var i: maxrange; begin i:=0; while (i<lastsource) and (count<numstones) do begin i:=i+1; if table(.i,j.).stone and (i<>prevrow) then begin count:=count+1; rowhead(.i.):=table(.i,j.).unitcost-columnhead(.j.); dorow(i,j) end; end; end; procedure dorow; var j: maxrange; begin j:=0; while (j<lastdestin) and (count<numstones) do begin j:=j+1; if table(.i,j.).stone and (j<>prevcol) then begin count:=count+1; columnhead(.j.):=table(.i,j.).unitcost-rowhead(.i.); docol(i,j) end; end; end; procedure improveindex; var i,j: integer; index: real; begin leastindex:=0; for i:=1 to lastsource do for j:=1 to lastdestin do begin if not table(.i,j.).stone then begin index:=table(.i,j.).unitcost-rowhead(.i.)-columnhead(.j.); if index<leastindex then begin leastindex:=index; row:=i; col:=j; end; end; end; end; function nextcolumn(i,prevcol:maxrange):boolean; forward; function nextrow(prevrow,j:maxrange):boolean; var i: maxrange; token: boolean; begin i:=1; token:=false; repeat if (table(.i,j.).stone and not table(.i,j.).visited) then begin table(.i,j.).visited:=true; token:=nextcolumn(i,j); if token then begin laststone:=laststone+1; trace(.laststone.).icord:=i; trace(.laststone.).jcord:=j; if table(.i,j.).unitamount<leastamount then leastamount:=table(.i,j.).unitamount; end; table(.i,j.).visited:=false; end; i:=i+1; until (i>lastsource) or token; nextrow:=token; end; function nextcolumn; var j: maxrange; token: boolean; begin j:=1; token:=false; repeat if (table(.i,j.).stone and not table(.i,j.).visited) then begin table(.i,j.).visited:=true; if table(.row,j.).stone then begin trace(.1.).icord:=row; trace(.1.).jcord:=j; leastamount:=table(.row,j.).unitamount; trace(.2.).icord:=i; trace(.2.).jcord:=j; token:=true; end else begin token:=nextrow(i,j); if token then begin laststone:=laststone+1; trace(.laststone.).icord:=i; trace(.laststone.).jcord:=j; end; end; table(.i,j.).visited:=false; end; j:=j+1; until (j>lastdestin) or token; nextcolumn:=token; end; procedure nextsolution; var step: doublerange; double: boolean; x,y: maxrange; begin double:=false; table(.row,col.).unitamount:=leastamount; table(.row,col.).stone:=true; for step:=1 to laststone do begin leastamount:=-leastamount; x:=trace(.step.).icord; y:=trace(.step.).jcord; table(.x,y.).unitamount:=table(.x,y.).unitamount+leastamount; if (not double) and (table(.x,y.).unitamount=0) then begin double:=true; table(.x,y.).stone:=false end; end; end; procedure optimum; var best: boolean; joke: boolean; begin best:=false; while not best do begin rowhead(.1.):=0; count:=0; dorow(1,0); improveindex; if leastindex < 0 then begin laststone:=2; joke:=nextrow(row,col); nextsolution; end else best:=true end end; procedure losning; var i,j: maxrange; k:integer; ch:char; onecost,totalcost: real; begin writeln(clrhom); if prt then writeln(outf,@12); write(outf,'---------------------------- L Ø S N I N G '); writeln(outf,'----------------------------'); writeln(outf); writeln(outf); totalcost:=0; k:=0; write(outf,'afsender modtager Enheder'); writeln(outf,' Udgift/enhed Udgift'); for i:=1 to lastsource do for j:=1 to lastdestin do begin if table(.i,j.).stone then begin onecost:=table(.i,j.).unitamount*table(.i,j.).unitcost; write(outf,i:4,' ':8,j:4,table(.i,j.).unitamount:14:0); writeln(outf,table(.i,j.).unitcost:14:2,onecost:18:2); totalcost:=totalcost+onecost;k:=k+1; end; if k=20 then begin writeln;write(' Tast return > '); readln(ch);k:=0; end; end; writeln(outf); writeln(outf); writeln(outf,'De samlede transport omkostninger er: ',totalcost:10:2); writeln(outf); writeln(outf); if extra>0 then if extra=1 then writeln(outf,' Vi har indført extra modtager nr ',lastdestin) else writeln(outf,' Vi har inført extra afsender nr ',lastsource); close(outf); writeln; write(' Tast return > '); readln(svar); end; procedure menu; begin repeat writeln(clrhom);writeln; writeln(' DET KLASSISKE TRANSPORTPROBLEM'); writeln; writeln; writeln(' Der kan vælges mellem følgende muligheder:'); writeln; writeln(' 1. Kørsel af ny transport opgave.'); writeln; writeln(' 2. Kørsel af gammel transport opgave.'); writeln; writeln(' 3. Gentag udskrivning af løsningen.'); writeln; writeln(' 4. Forklaring.'); writeln; writeln(' 5. Stop kørslen.'); writeln; write(' Anfør det ønskede nummer > '); readln(svar); writeln; if svar in (.'1'..'4'.) then writeln(clrhom); case svar of '1':begin inputdata; inputcost; retdata; gemdata; printer; dummy; nordvest; optimum; losning; end; '2':begin hentdata; uddata; retdata; gemdata; printer; dummy; nordvest; optimum; losning; end; '3':begin printer; losning; end; '4':forklaring; end; until svar='5'; end; (* menu *) begin (* MAIN *) menu end. «eof»