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Length: 4224 (0x1080) Types: TextFile Names: »CALC.PAS«
└─⟦74e5ee6fb⟧ Bits:30002683 PolyPascal-86 v. 3.11 - Piccoline └─⟦74e5ee6fb⟧ Bits:30003934 SW1402 PolyPascal v3.11 (dk) til Piccoline └─ ⟦this⟧ »CALC.PAS«
PROGRAM calculator; æ$K-,R-å æ This program acts like a calculator - You type an expression å æ and the program calculates its value. Each time the calcula- å æ tor is ready to accept an input line, it prints an asterisk. å æ You must then type the expression and end it by pressing the å æ RETURN key, and shortly after, the result is displayed. If å æ the calculator finds an error, it displays a pointer, which å æ points at the error. There are five different operators (^, å æ *, /, +, and -), and seven standard functions (ABS, SQRT, å æ SIN, COS, ARCTAN, LN, and EXP). Parentheses within expres- å æ sions are allowed. A special variable, called X, always å æ holds the value of the last computation. To end the program, å æ type QUIT when the calculator prompts for an input line. å CONST strlen = 48; TYPE str = STRINGÆstrlenÅ; VAR e: integer; r: real; s: str; PROCEDURE upcase(VAR s: str); VAR i: integer; BEGIN FOR i:=1 TO len(s) DO IF (sÆiÅ>='a') AND (sÆiÅ<='z') THEN sÆiÅ:=chr(ord(sÆiÅ)-32); END; PROCEDURE evaluate(VAR expr: str; VAR value: real; VAR errpos: integer); CONST errch = '?'; eofline = @13; VAR pos: integer; ch: char; PROCEDURE nextchar; BEGIN REPEAT pos:=pos+1; IF pos<=len(expr) THEN ch:=exprÆposÅ ELSE ch:=eofline; UNTIL ch<>' '; END; FUNCTION expression: real; VAR e: real; opr: char; FUNCTION simexpr: real; VAR s: real; opr: char; FUNCTION term: real; VAR t: real; FUNCTION signedfactor: real; FUNCTION factor: real; TYPE stdf = (fabs,fsqrt,fsin,fcos,farctan,fln,fexp); stdflist = ARRAYÆstdfÅ OF STRINGÆ6Å; CONST stdfun: stdflist = ('ABS','SQRT','SIN','COS','ARCTAN','LN','EXP'); VAR p,e,sl: integer; found: boolean; f: real; sf: stdf; BEGIN IF ch IN Æ'0'..'9'Å THEN BEGIN p:=pos; REPEAT nextchar UNTIL NOT(ch IN Æ'0'..'9','.'Å); IF ch IN Æ'E','e'Å THEN BEGIN nextchar; IF ch IN Æ'+','-'Å THEN nextchar; WHILE ch IN Æ'0'..'9'Å DO nextchar; END; val(copy(expr,p,pos-p),f,e); IF e<>0 THEN BEGIN pos:=p+e-1; ch:=errch; END; END ELSE IF ch='(' THEN BEGIN nextchar; f:=expression; IF ch=')' THEN nextchar ELSE ch:=errch; END ELSE IF ch='X' THEN BEGIN nextchar; f:=value; END ELSE BEGIN found:=false; FOR sf:=fabs TO fexp DO IF NOT found THEN BEGIN sl:=len(stdfunÆsfÅ); IF copy(expr,pos,sl)=stdfunÆsfÅ THEN BEGIN pos:=pos+sl-1; nextchar; f:=factor; CASE sf OF fabs: f:=abs(f); fsqrt: f:=sqrt(f); fsin: f:=sin(f); fcos: f:=cos(f); farctan: f:=arctan(f); fln: f:=ln(f); fexp: f:=exp(f); END; found:=true; END; END; IF NOT found THEN ch:=errch; END; factor:=f; END æfactorå; BEGIN æsignedfactorå IF ch='-' THEN BEGIN nextchar; signedfactor:=-factor; END ELSE signedfactor:=factor; END æsignedfactorå; BEGIN ætermå t:=signedfactor; WHILE ch='^' DO BEGIN nextchar; t:=exp(ln(t)*signedfactor); END; term:=t; END ætermå; BEGIN æsimexprå s:=term; WHILE ch IN Æ'*','/'Å DO BEGIN opr:=ch; nextchar; CASE opr OF '*': s:=s*term; '/': s:=s/term; END; END; simexpr:=s; END æsimexprå; BEGIN æexpressionå e:=simexpr; WHILE ch IN Æ'+','-'Å DO BEGIN opr:=ch; nextchar; CASE opr OF '+': e:=e+simexpr; '-': e:=e-simexpr; END; END; expression:=e; END æexpressionå; BEGIN æevaluateå pos:=0; nextchar; value:=expression; IF ch=eofline THEN errpos:=0 ELSE errpos:=pos; END æevaluateå; BEGIN æcalculatorå REPEAT write('* '); buflen:=strlen; read(s); upcase(s); IF (s<>'') AND (s<>'QUIT') THEN BEGIN evaluate(s,r,e); IF e=0 THEN write(' =',r) ELSE BEGIN writeln; write('^ ERROR':e+8); END; END; writeln; UNTIL s='QUIT'; END æcalculatorå.