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Length: 35456 (0x8a80) Types: TextFile Names: »IFPSMEM.MSG«
└─⟦6ae1c04a5⟧ Bits:30004364 SW1656 IFPS/Personal Version 2.10 release 1.1 └─ ⟦this⟧ »IFPSMEM.MSG«
message # @1 not yet available View: What_if wIndows Variables Columns Set Format Analyze WIVCSFA What_if: Base Get Name Save solVe gOal_seek Edit_case Update BGNSVOEU wIndows: Open Close Model_lines Sync OCMS Windows_Synch: Yes No YN Windows_Open: Horizontal Vertical HV Windows_Close: All A Format: Namewidth All_columns Current_column NAC Namewidth: ### (enter d for default) Format_all_columns: Width: ### (enter d for default values). Decimals: ### (enter d for default values). WD Format_current_column: Width: ### (enter d for default values). Decimals: ### (enter d for default values). WD Enter number of model lines: ## *** Command not implemented yet *** Format valid in solution window(s) only. Window commands valid in solution window(s) only. Enter name of CASE to load: Enter CASE name: Case @1 Goal: Adjust: Enter name of CASE to save: reuse Cursor does not fit in current window. Please reformat window. Bad subwindow definition. No room in window to scroll in column. Please reformat window. Number of model lines must be between 1 and 18. Previous value used. Enter the variable list: Enter the column list: Model window too small to hold case window. Please add lines. No more text will fit on current line. No space to add another subwindow. No room in case window to add a line. Invalid variable or column reference. Please reenter. Invalid variable reference. Please reenter. Invalid column reference. Please reenter. Analyze: Enter the variable(s) to be analyzed: Compile_error: Continue Edit CE Number of case lines exceeded. Case Truncated. What If (case) may not be used with consolidation. Enter MODEL name to update. Update successful. Update failed. Cannot update when case contains prior. Please perform what_if and solve before update. Caution, variables in included file will be in updated file if changed. Warning, when using datafiles, check for multiply defined variables. Set: Label Save lOad LSO Enter filename for saving set. Enter filename for loading set. Enter label for set. New_case: Compile Ignore CI @03040 Incomplete definition. @03040 Incomplete definition. @03042 Invalid THRU reference in column statement. @03043 Incomplete literal string. Please pair delimiters ("). @03044 Invalid reference. @03045 Variable name too long or model too large for installed memory. @03046 Please use a second ø to complete printname. @03047 Please use a second & to complete micro. @03048 Line continuation character (') must end the line. @03049 Continuation lines must have line numbers. @03050 Syntax error here. Please correct. @03051 Statement too complex, please simplify. @03001 SIMULTANEOUS statement not necessary. Please delete. @03002 Caution--The column range has been expanded to @1 columns. @03003 Column reference not currently defined (The valid range is 1..@1). @03004 PREVIOUS or FUTURE reference must be less than number of current columns. @03005 Print names in column definitions are ignored. @03006 Duplicate column name. Correct or refer to column @1 by its number. @03007 Columns have been renamed. @03008 Column definition is ignored in WHATIF or USING. @03009 Line number ignored in WHATIF. @03010 Line number and Label ignored in USING. @03011 Print names ignored in datafiles. @03012 Line number ignored when label is present. @03013 Column expansion not allowed from datafile, Values after column @1 ignored. ** (END OF SEMANTIC WARNING MESSAGE, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY). @03014 Label @1: is an invalid or undefined label reference. @03015 Label @1: has already been defined. @03016 Invalid ".NOT." symbol in expression. @03017 Please list all input arguments for @1. @03018 @1 requires additional arguments. @03019 This statement contains no = . @03020 Variable @1 has already been defined. @03021 @1 has the wrong number of input arguments. @03022 Please use only variable or column references in THRU clause. @03023 @1 has fixed number of arguments, THRU not allowed. @03024 @1 has the wrong number of output arguments. @03025 Please define only one value for a single column Goal Seeking target. @03026 @1 is an invalid or undefined column reference. @03027 Invalid unary operator in boolean expression. @011001 Subroutines are not allowed in a WHATIF or USING. @011002 PRIOR can only refer to a variable defined in the base model. @03028 Variable @1 is not defined. @03029 Label @1: is not defined. @03030 Character @1 is not valid here. @03031 COLSUM must refer to columns in the same order as in the COLUMNS statement. @03032 Data reference not allowed here. @03033 Data reference following "DATA FOR *" not allowed. @03034 Special column definitions not allowed in datafiles. @03035 Explicit FOR 0 produces an expression which can not be evaluated. @012001 Error in micro, microcompute, or paramcompute statement. @014033 File in use, damaged, or will not fit in memory. Please check directory. File: @1 @4 File: @1 @4 Command: @1 @4 Model: @1 @4 Data: @1 @4 Report: @1 @4 Temporary: @1 @4 Graph: @1 @4 Compiled: @1 @4 Virtual: @1 @4 Record: @1 @4 Output: @1 @4 Case: @1 @4 Solution: @1 @4 Utility: @1 @4 Profile: @1 @4 Subroutine: @1 @4 Function: @1 @4 Sets: @1 @4 Binary: @1 @4 Mainframe: @1 @4 Command @4 Visual @4 Append @4 Menu @4 Replace @4 Insert @4 Modified @4 Scrolled @4 Model: @1 @4 What If Case: @1 @4 Data File: @1 @4 Column #: @1 @4 THRU !COLUMNS !VARIABLES !SETLABEL @1 = DATA APPEND COPY DELETE GET END INCLUDE LOCATE MOVE NAME PRINT REPLACE SAVE UNDO VISUAL A16 C14 D16 E13 Q13 I17 L16 M14 N14 15 R17 S14 U14 V16 @011003 Target variable does not depend upon Adjust variable. @03036 Undefined variable: @1. @03037 Undefined label: @1: . @04003 Simultaneous failed to converge in column @1. Variables involved are: @04 @1 @011025 Goal Seek failed to converge in column @1. @04004 Division by zero @04005 Arithmetic overflow @04006 Arithmetic underflow @04007 Arithmetic error @04008 @1 occurred during computation of column @2 of @04 variable @1. @04 following variable(s): @04009 Simultaneous convergence check. Variables involved: @04010 Goal seeking target value. @01045 Unrecognizable command, variable or column name. @01029 Variable or column list too long. Please reenter using shorter lists. @01030 Invalid use of THRU. @01031 Invalid variable or column reference. @01032 Missing SET name. @01034 Please solve the model first. @01035 SHOW requires a variable list. @01036 Variable list too long. Please reenter using shorter lists. @01037 Column number out of defined range. @01038 An integer value must be entered. @01040 Ending execution of command file @1 -- BREAK detected. @01041 ANALYZE requires a variable list. @01042 Invalid command. @03071 Compilation errors @014011 Ending execution of command file @1. Error in reading of file. @014015 Source file not found. Please check directory. @01 Executing command file @1 @03 Compiling @03 Compile successful @03 Columns @4 @03 Variables @4 @03 Simultaneous groups@4 @03 Errors @4 @03 Undefined variables @4 @03 Warnings@4 @03 Compilation successful. Model may be solved. @03 Compilation produced warnings. Model may be solved. @03 Compilation found undefined variables. Please define them by editing the @03 model. @03 Compilation found errors. Please correct them before proceeding. @03 There is no compiled model present. Cannot create a solution. @04 Valid solution @04 Possibly inaccurate solution @04 Erroneous solution @04 No solution @04 Compiled model cannot be solved Dummy message. Model @4 STARTUP @4 IFPS/Personal (c) 1986 Execucom Systems Corp. Version PC 2.1 @1 Solving Goal Seek Solution What If Solution Erroneous Solution Ready for Command =>@4 Press ESCAPE to terminate, any other key to continue. Ready for command .MOD@no-cr @4 Press ESCAPE to terminate, ENTER (RETURN) to overwrite or delete. IFPS INTERNAL ERROR--INVALID ERROR CODE FROM SET_ROWS OR SET_COLS INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--OK INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--TOP INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--BOT INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--LFT INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--RGT End of line. End of file. File not open. Not available. @014034 Invalid file specification. @014034 Invalid file specification. @014035 Invalid file type. @014036 Disk or output device is write protected or unavailable. @014037 Disk is full or file specification invalid. @014038 Invalid file or device operation attempted. @014039 Invalid file access or Duplicate file name. @014040 File not found. Please reenter. @014041 File not found. Please check directory. @014042 File in use. Please check directory. @014043 Please close the drive door, format the disk, or check the disk identifier. @014044 Disk failure or too many files open. Please check last operation. INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--BUFFER OVERFLOW @014045 Could not append to file. Please check directory. @014046 File not found. Please check directory. INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--NO WINDOW SPACE INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--NO CURRENT WINDOW INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--HOME INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--NOT IN WINDOW INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--BAD STRING CHARACTERR INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--BAD BUFFER INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--SYSTEM ERROR INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--BAD WINDOW DEFINITION @014047 File already in use. Please check directory. @014048 Path not found. INTERNAL IFPS ERROR--HANDLE INVALID. @014049 Error reading @014050 Error writing @014051 Error reading and writing @014052 Error appending Disabled COMMAND MODEL DATAFILE REPORT Temporary file GRAPH Compiled model Virtual memory file LOG OUTPUT CASE SOLUTION UTILITY PROFILE SUBROUTINE FUNCTION SET @014053 BREAK detected @4 @014054 Error accessing IFPSDISK.MSG file. Please check Support Disk. @013003 @1 *CAUTION: ARGUMENT LIST FOR SUM NOT COMPATIBLE WITH IFPS/MAINFRAME. @013004 @1 *CAUTION: IF STMT WITHIN THEN CLAUSE NOT ALLOWED IN IFPS/MAINFRAME. @013005 @1 *CAUTION: EXPRESSIONS IN EXPONENTIATION WILL NOT GET TRANSLATED. @013006 @1 *CAUTION: LABEL REFERENCE NOT FOUND. @013007 @1 *CAUTION: EMBEDDED COMMENTS NOT ALLOWED IN IFPS/MAINFRAME. @013008 @1 *CAUTION: @2 NOT ALLOWED IN IFPS/MAINFRAME. @013009 @1 *CAUTION: ONLY ONE COLUMN STATEMENT ALLOWED IN IFPS/MAINFRAME. @1 * dummy message @013011 @1 *CAUTION: NO COLUMN REFERENCE FOR CURRENT VARIABLE IN IFPS/MAINFRAME. @013012 @1 *CAUTION: LITERAL REFERENCE NOT ALLOWED IN IFPS/MAINFRAME. @013013 @1 *CAUTION: ILLEGAL THRU REFERENCE OR MUTIPLE THRU REFERENCE. @013017 @1 *CAUTION: DATA REFERENCES MUST ALL START IN THE 1ST COLUMN IN IFPS/MAINFRAME. @013018 @1 *CAUTION: EXCEPT NOT ALLOWED IN SPECIAL COLUMN STMT IN IFPS/MAINFRAME. @013010 @1 *CAUTION: LINE TOO LONG, TRUNCATED AT END. @02005 The target for the GOTO could not be found. @02006 There is no comparison operator present. @02007 There is no THEN present. Enter micro definition for @1: Enter definition for @1: @1: Source File Col Var <default> D: F: IFPSDESV.BIN Replace Visual Menu Loading Reloading Modified File IFPS: Model Edit Files Profile Interface Log eXecute Consolidate Datafile Quit Help 0BMEFPILXCDQH 00 000002550502000004000005000006000007000008 00001C000099550800350300 Model: View Plot Report Edit Get reSet Data_edit Files lisT Log Create cOmpile Using 0DVPREGSDFTLCOU 04 55030055041355061455050055073B552B0055481D 000004551600000007000015000058554A42 Edit: Append Copy Delete Get Include Locate Move Name Replace Save Undo Visual 0CACDGILMNRSUV 00 FE0100FE020FFE030DFE0402FE0602FE0710FE080E FE0502FE0B0CFE0C00FE0D00FE0E00 Files: Directory lisT Copy Print dIsk Rename dElete cHdir 08DTCPIREH 00 551113551602551501551702551249551315551402 553148 Profile: Save Function_keys Plot Report Create Interface sOlution setUp 08SFPRCIOU 01 55304600001600001700005700001900001A00001E 00002A Interface: Files Translate teRminal dEfaults 04FTRE 00 000004554247550B003C0001 Log: File Input Output Both Learn Save 06FIOBLS 00 553240551B00551C00551D003D0498553A00 eXecute: File 01F 00 00009A Grid: Yes No 02YN 00 5B01005B0000 Invert: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Echo: Yes No 02YN 00 5B01005B0000 Help: Model Edit Files Profile Interface Log eXecute Consolidate Datafile Quit Help_topics 0BMEFPILXCDQH 00 FF0D5FFF1F71FF2173FF2475FF1D6FFF1A6CFF2F00 FF2E7FFF3284FF3300FF0121 View: What_if wIndows Variables Columns Set Format Analyze 07WIVCSFA 01 00000E00000F552505551F06000047000010552705 What_if: Base Get Name Save solVe gOal_seek Edit_case Update 08BGNSVOEU 06 00000000003F00003F000002550600000007000000 000000 wIndows: Open Close Model_lines Sync 04OCMS 00 000011000012000008000094 Format: Namewidth All_columns Current_column 03NAC 02 00000A00000B00000B Open: Horizontal Vertical 02HV 00 000000000000 Close: Current All 02CA 00 000000000000 Plot: Variables Columns shoW scAle Options 05VCWAO 00 552505551F0655230055351F00002C Report: File Variables Columns shoW Save Underline Titles sKip Analyze Include Page Genreport Options 0DFVCWSUTKAIPGO 00 550202552505551F06552300553B0055382100004E 55371855270500004F00001B55494E000027 Create: File Variables Columns shoW Save Microstore Decimals siGfig fOrs Zerosup scAle Invert 0CFVCWSMDGOZAI 00 552651552505551F06552300553B00557E00552122 400B2340063E3F083255351F3F0718 Function_keys: Define shoW 02DW 00 552E24553C25 Plot: Grid Legend Markbars Palette plot_Device Style 06GLMPDS 05 3E06093E052E3E03453E04343E0DC53E0133 Invert: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Create: Decimals siGfig fOrs Zerosup 04DGOZ 00 552122400B2340063E3F0832 Interface: Device Host Stats dEfaults Compause 05DHSEC 01 00003F3C08403C071F3C00013C095E Page: Length Width Margins Spacing linewRap Newpage Clear_screen 07LWMSRNC 00 3F09123F04330000364001393F0637553E00551800 Consolidate: cOnsol Factor reSet Create shoW 05OFSCW 00 55450455461F552B00000015552300 Data_edit: Column Display Edit Get Name Save Variable vIsual 08CDEGNSVI 00 00004800003AFD0359FD0400FD0551FD0600000038 FD0200 sOlution: gOal_seek Simultaneous Convergence_tolerance Accuracy 04OSCA 00 420430420326420236420120 Stats: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Accuracy: Single Double 02SD 01 640000640100 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P 10ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP 00 FF085CFF0B86FF0C87FF030CFF1F71FF1668FFAFA1 FFB0A0FF1A6CFF1466FF196DFF1B6BFF1D6FFF68B4FFA5ADFFB5BB Help: Financial arith1 arith2 arith3 Extrap Log_&_position Subroutines Help_topics 08F123ELSH 00 FF5200FF5B00FF5300FF5400FF5600FF5500FF0530 FF0121 cOmmas: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Help: Date Help_topics 02DH 00 FF2300FF0121 Case: List Name 02LN 00 550D00550E3F Indent: From_model Spaces 02FS 00 3F0356400A4B Options: Prnctrl Colwidth Decimals Invert Format cOmmas Namefield Zero scAle 09PCDIFONZA 01 40081955203C5521223F073155341B3F052800002B 00009E55351F Commas: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Page: Length Width Margins Spacing linewRap 05LWMSR 00 3F09123F04330000364001393F0637 setUp: edit_Restrict edit_Save save_Name sKill 04RSNK 00 3D05503D0F593D10023D0251 Namefield: Printname Labelwidth Namewidth Indent lAbels 05PLNIA 02 3F013C3F0B033F0C0A0000263F0A35 Options: Grid Legend Markbars Palette plot_Device Style Titles 07GLMPDST 06 3E06093E052E3E03453E04343E0DC53E013300002D Titles: 1st_line 2nd_line Y_axis 0312Y 00 3E0A2E3E0B2E3E0C2E Legend: Yes No 02YN 00 5B01005B0000 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Periods Amort aCrs Other_depr Functions Help_topics 06PACOFH 00 FF5E00FF6000FF5F00FF6100FF0422FF0121 Invert: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Suppress: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Style: pErcent Line Pie Clustered 3d Stacked 06ELPC3S 03 5E00005E01005E02005E03005E04005E0500 Palette: Blue Red bW 03BRW 00 610000610100610200 lAbels: Yes No 02YN 00 5B01005B0000 Margins: Top Bottom Left Right 04TBLR 00 400234400335400432400537 linewRap: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Variable: Default Find Math Replace Source Operations Undo 07DFMRSOU 00 FD0852FD095300004AFD0A0000004D00004CFD0B00 Spacing: 1 2 3 03123 00 620000620100620200 Display: Columns Format Variables 03CFV 00 FD170600009DFD1905 Model_titles: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Printname: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 fOrs: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Device: Async Com_device 02AC 00 0000413C0449 Host: Atype Btype Ctype 03ABC 00 690000690100690200 Async: Baud Duplex Parity Stopbits dAtabits dEfaults 06BDPSAE 05 3C01423C02433C03443C06463C05553C0001 Baud: 110 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 071361249 03 5D00005D01005D02005D03005D04005D05005D0600 Duplex: Full Half Byhost 03FHB 02 650000650100650200 Parity: Odd Even Mark Space None 05OEMSN 04 5C00005C01005C02005C03005C0400 Markbars: Yes No 02YN 00 5B01005B0000 Stopbits: Bybaud 1 2 03B12 00 680200680000680100 Set: Label Save lOad 03LSO 00 55244F551A02554B02 Column: Default Find Math Replace Source Operations Undo 07DFMRSOU 00 FD0852FD075400009BFD010000004B00009CFD0B00 Com_device: com1 com2 0212 00 660000660100 Math: Add Divide Factor Multiply Subtract 05ADFMS 00 FD1000FD1100FD1355FD1200FD1400 Source: source_File source_Col 02FC 01 FD1556FD1657 Operations: Copy Delete Insert Move 04CDIM 00 FD0C00FD0D00FD0E5AFD0F00 Source: source_File source_Var 02FV 01 FD1556FD1A58 Titles: Position cOltitles Model_titles Date 04POMD 00 0000530000903F023B552D00 Include: File Case Dfname Simult_list Model_logic 05FCDSM 00 553D02000052554C00555400555300 Help: modeling_Language moDel Edit Variable_defns Keywords Functions Subroutines More Help_topics 09LDEVKFSMH 00 FF025BFF0D5FFF1F71FF6600FF6500FF0422FF0530 FF075AFF0121 sKill: Normal Expert 02NE 00 630000630100 Case: List Name 02LN 00 550D00550E00 Position: Center Left Right 03CLR 00 553931554D31554E31 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 dAtabits: 7 8 0278 00 670000670100 Indent: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Report: Colwidth Decimals Invert Format cOmmas Page Namefield Zero 08CDIFOPNZ 01 55203C5521223F073155341B3F052300002900002B 00009E cOmpile: Listing Save Get 03LSG 00 55093E553F43554044 edit_Save: Yes No 02YN 00 5B01005B0000 Help: modeling_Language moDel Edit Variable_defns Keywords Functions Subroutines Help_topics 08LDEVKFSH 00 FF025BFF0D5FFF1F71FF6600FF6500FF0422FF0530 FF0121 Help: Columns Periods Variable_defn Subroutines Namefield Functions Keywords Redefine Data Help_topics 0ACPVSNFKRDH 00 FF6A00FF5E00FF6600FF0530FF9EBCFF0422FF6500 FF8800FF8900FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF095DFF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF0A5EFF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: View Plot Report More Help_topics 05VPRMH 00 FF0F61FF1264FF1062FF0E60FF0121 Help: View Plot Report Edit reSet Data_edit Files lisT Log Create cOmpile Invert Using Help_topics 0EVPRESDFTLCOIUH 00 FF0F61FF1264FF1062FF1F71FF9800FF7DA4FF2173 FF9900FF1A6CFF1365FF9A00FF6D00FFA100FF0121 Help: What_if wIndows Variables Columns Set Format Analyze Help_topics 08WIVCSFAH 00 FF3488FF378BFF398DFF388CFF7F00FF3A00FF3B00 FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF1163FF0121 Help: File Variables Columns shoW Save Underline Titles Analyze Include sKip Page Genreport Options Help_topics 0EFVCWSUTAIKPGOH 00 FF3F00FF3D00FF3C00FF3E00FF2B00FF4200FF4124 FF3B00FF9CAEFF4500FF43BAFF8400FF4697FF0121 Help: Variables Columns shoW scAle Save Get optIons Help_topics 08VCWASGIH 00 FF3100FF3000FF3E00FF4700FF6B00FF4800FF4AAB FF0121 Help: File Variables Columns shoW Save Microstore Decimals siGfig fOrs Zerosup scAle Invert Help_topics 0DFVCWSMDGOZAIH 00 FFB700FF398DFF388CFF3E00FF2B00FFA900FF4C00 FF4D00FF4B00FF4E00FF4700FF6D00FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF1567FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF1769FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF186AFF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF2BB5FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF1C6EFF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF73A5FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF1E70FF0121 Help: Files Translate Help_topics 03FTH 00 FF2173FF5000FF0121 Help: More Intraline Data_edit Help_topics 04MIDH 00 FF2072FFB100FF7DA4FF0121 Help: Append Copy Delete Get Include Locate Move Name Replace Save Undo Visual Funkeys Help_topics 0EACDGILMNRSUVFH 00 FF7000FF7100FF7200FF7400FF7500FF7600FF7700 FF7800FF7900FF7A00FF7B00FF7CAAFF1466FF0121 Help: Copy Naming_files More Help_topics 04CNMH 00 FF4F95FF1668FF2274FF0121 Help: Naming_files Help_topics 02NH 00 FF1668FF0121 Help: Save Function_keys Plot Report Create Interface sOlution setUp Help_topics 09SFPRCIOUH 00 FF9F00FF2500FF2700FF2800FF2600FF297AFF2C00 FF9B85FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Device hOst Help_topics 03DOH 00 FF2A7BFF6E00FF0121 Help: Com Help_topics 02CH 00 FFA600FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Consol reSet Help_topics 03CSH 00 FF7E00FF9800FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Model Help_topics 02MH 00 FF0D5FFF0121 Help: Skill Help_topics 02SH 00 FF2D00FF0121 Help: Using_help Working_in_model Help_topics 03UWH 00 FF085CFF0D5FFF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF3589FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF368AFF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Open Sync Help_topics 03OSH 00 FFA200FFA300FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF5181FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF6982FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 cOltitles: Print Names Auto 03PNA 00 55440055223D400991 Auto: Yes No 02YN 00 5B01005B0000 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Sync: Yes No 02YN 01 5B01005B0000 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF6F96FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Decimals Invert Namefield Zero Scale Help_topics 06DINZSH 00 FF4C00FF6D00FF9EBCFFA700FF4700FF0121 Learn: Yes No 02YN 00 5B01005B0000 Datafile: View Plot Report Edit Get reSet Data_edit Files lisT Log Create cOmpile Invert 0DVPREGSDFTLCOI 04 550300550413550614550500554151552B0055481D 0000045516000000070000150000583F070A File: Name Echo 02NE 01 5501413D010B Math: Add Divide Factor Multiply Subtract 05ADFMS 00 FD1B00FD1C00FD1355FD1D00FD1E00 Operations: Copy Delete Insert Move 04CDIM 00 FD1F00FD2000FD215BFD2200 Format: Namewidth All_columns Current_columns 03NAC 00 FD180AFD245DFD255C Zero: Suppress As_blank 02SA 00 3F08323F0D9F As_blank: Yes No 02YN 01 5B00005B0100 Help: View Report Create Plot Help_topics 05VRCPH 00 FF0F61FF1062FF1365FF1264FF0121 Help: Building_models Modeling_language Working_in_model_mode Help_topics 04BMWH 00 FF0650FF025BFF0D5FFF0121 Help: Column Display Variable vIsual 04CDVI 00 FF80C3FF8600FF83C4FFB400 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FF92A6FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FFACA7FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FFADA8FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FFAEA9FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FFB1C2FF0121 Help: Style Titles Grid Help_topics 04STGH 00 FFA000FFA400FF4900FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Case Help_topics 02CH 00 FF9D00FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: More Help_topics 02MH 00 FFB3B7FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Clear_screen Help_topics 02CH 00 FF4000FF0121 Help: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P moRe help_Topics 12ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRT 00 FF3B8FFF5500FF196DFF7DA4FF8400FF5200FF6DB1 FFB2B6FF5500FF5400FF5400FFA900FF5600FF5500FF5500FF5600FFB6C1FF0121 Help: Indent Help_topics 02IH 00 FF4400FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N help_Topics 0FABCDEFGHIJKLMNT 00 FF8800FF5300FF5300FF7F00FF9B85FF5400FFA100 FF5500FF5B00FF2E7FFF2173FF9CAEFF44AFFF2879FF0121 Help: Help_topics 01H 00 FF0121 Help: Find Math Operations Source 04FMOS 00 FF8700FF8100FF8200FFA800 Help: Find Math Operations Source 04FMOS 00 FF8700FF8100FF8200FFA800 plot_Device: Monitor Printer pLotter 03MPL 00 6A00006A01006A0200 Enter a source file specification: Enter a destination file specification: Enter a file specification: Enter the labelwidth ## Enter file names to consolidate Enter a variable list Enter a column list Target: Adjust: Enter the number of lines for the model window: Enter the length of the name field ## Enter the column width ## Enter the decimal places ## Old text: New text: Enter the number of the first line to delete: Enter the number of the last line to delete : Enter the number of the first line to move: Enter the number of the last line to move: Enter the number of the first line to copy: Enter the number of the last line to copy: Enter the text to locate: Enter the page length ## Enter a disk designator or file specification: Enter the currency symbol(s): Enter the old name: Enter the new name: Enter the minimum value to graph ######### Enter the maximum value to graph ######### Enter the number of lines to skip ### Enter decimal (ASCII) values separated by commas Enter a format directive Enter the scale factor: Enter the underline character: Enter the number of decimal places: Enter the number of significant figures ## Enter the function key: Enter the definition: Enter the function key: Enter the number of iterations for simultaneous equations ### Enter the title Enter the number of iterations to execute for Goal Seek ### Enter the title Enter the left margin ## Enter the line width ### Enter the top margin ## Enter the bottom margin ## Enter the exponent for convergence tolerence ## Enter the right margin ## Enter a model name: Enter the column width: Enter the column titles Enter a file name for model error listing: Enter a case name: Enter a log file name: Enter a command file name: Enter data file names Enter a file name for saving the compiled model: Enter the file containing the compiled model: Enter the title Enter the name of the command file to be saved: Enter the name of the file to be translated: Enter the directory (path): Enter the disk designator: x Enter number of spaces to indent ## Enter DOS command or program to be executed Enter the name of a genreport file: Enter the name of an output file: Enter the name of the set: Enter the file extensions to restrict Enter a data file name: Enter the default value: Enter a variable name: Enter a column name: Enter the factor value: Enter the source file name: Enter the source column name: Enter the source variable name: Enter new name or value: Enter name for new variable: Enter name for new column: Format_current_column: Width: ## Decimals: ## Format_all_columns: Width: ## Decimals: ## Enter delay time ## «eof»