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Length: 12544 (0x3100) Types: TextFile Names: »MAIN3.CMD«
└─⟦6ae1c04a5⟧ Bits:30004364 SW1656 IFPS/Personal Version 2.10 release 1.1 └─ ⟦this⟧ »MAIN3.CMD«
ECHO NO CSETPARAM 3 TEMPLATE setparam 2 @c9 define s9 clear@@crcommands mainmenu "&1"@@cr beg:clear csetparam 2 @c7 makewindow 2 4 19 73 1 clearwindow writestr - setattr 14 writestr &1 ANALYSIS MAIN MENU setattr 2 writeline - writeline setattr 4 writeline Action Item Key Letter writeline =========== =========== writeline List template model L writeline View results V writeline Show report S writeline Show graph R writeline What if analysis W writeline Goal Seek analysis G writeline Edit model or data and resolve E writeline setattr 2 writeline Function Keys have been pre-defined to assist you: writeline setattr 13 writestr <Shift> <F9> setattr 2 writestr - Escapes setattr 13 writestr <Esc> or <F9> setattr 2 writeline - Returns you to writestr View or What if. the PREVIOUS Template Menu. menu1 MainMenu: List_model View_spreadsheet Show_report gRaph menu2 What_if Goal_seek Edit_backup Quit Help menusel LVSRWGEQH getmenu pick clear ifnum &pick& = 0 then goto msg: ifnum &pick& = 1 then goto list: ifnum &pick& = 2 then goto view: ifnum &pick& = 3 then goto rep: ifnum &pick& = 4 then goto grf: ifnum &pick& = 5 then goto what: ifnum &pick& = 6 then goto goal: ifnum &pick& = 7 then goto edit: ifnum &pick& = 8 then goto out: ifnum &pick& = 9 then goto help: msg:clear dropmicro pick CLEAR COMMANDS &3 "&1" goto end: list:clear dropmicro pick list &2.mod message message Hit <Enter> key to continue .... pause goback beg: view:clear makewindow 6 4 19 73 1 clearwindow setattr 14 writeline VIEWING &1 RESULTS setattr 4 writeline writeline VIEW mode allows you to see the spreadsheet results and the writeline model logic that produces the numbers on the same screen. writeline writeline After analyzing each screen, Press <Enter> to continue ..... writeline writestr pause 5 COMMANDS VIEW "&1" goback beg: rep:clear solve dropmicro pick EXECUTE RP&2 goback beg: grf:clear solve dropmicro pick EXECUTE GF&2 goback beg: what:clear dropmicro pick makewindow 6 4 19 73 1 clearwindow setattr 14 writeline &1 WHAT IF ANALYSIS setattr 4 writeline writeline WHAT IF allows you to temporarily change any input assumption. writeline For example, what if the @c2 was higher??? writeline writeline The What if case will be generated for you automatically. writeline Watch for the integrated screen where the case is displayed writeline along with the What If Solution. writeline writeline After viewing each screen, Press <Enter> to continue .... writestr pause 5 COMMANDS WHAT "&1" goback beg: goal:clear dropmicro pick makewindow 3 4 19 73 1 clearwindow setattr 14 writeline &1 GOAL SEEK ANALYSIS setattr 4 writeline writeline GOAL SEEK allows you to define a target objective and ask writeline IFPS/Personal to find a policy to get you there. For example, writeline how much @c6 is required to achieve a target of: writeline writeline @c4=@c5 writeline writeline The Goal Seek analysis will be generated for you automatically. writeline Watch for the integrated screen where the Goal Seek Solution writeline is displayed with the Goal Seek inputs. writeline writeline After viewing each screen, Press <Enter> to continue ..... pause 7 COMMANDS GOAL "&1" goback beg: edit:clear COMMANDS EDIT "&1" message message Generating a new solution for &1 analysis ..... model backup using backup solve goback beg: out:clear dropmicro pick makewindow 6 2 17 67 1 clearwindow writeline writeline You can now use IFPS/Personal on your own. writeline writeline To use the IFPS/Personal menus -- press <F9>. writeline To exit IFPS/Personal -- type QUIT. writeline To restart PersonalTemplates --- type COMMANDS TEMPLATE. writestr @A5 exit help:clear dropmicro pick makewindow 2 2 19 67 1 clearwindow writeline writeline * LIST - lists model logic on your screen. writeline * VIEW SPREADSHEET - View the contents of both the writeline spreadsheet generated and the model logic used. writeline * REPORT - displays sample &1 report. writeline * GRAPH - displays color graphs of keys trends. writeline * WHAT IF - temporary changes to input assumptions allowed. writeline * GOAL SEEK - target any bottom line figure and let writeline /Personal tell you how to achieve the result. writeline * EDIT_BACKUP - use full screen editor to change a backup writeline copy of the template model for further analysis. writeline writeline Select any item for more details or reTurn .... writestr menu1 More: List View Reporting graPhing menu2 What_if Goal_seek Editing reTurn menusel LVRPWGET getmenu pick ifnum &pick& = 0 then goback beg: ifnum &pick& = 1 then goto hlist: ifnum &pick& = 2 then goto hview: ifnum &pick& = 3 then goto hrep: ifnum &pick& = 4 then goto hgrf: ifnum &pick& = 5 then goto hint: ifnum &pick& = 6 then goto hint: ifnum &pick& = 7 then goto hed: ifnum &pick& = 8 then goback beg: hlist:clear makewindow 1 4 20 73 1 clearwindow writeline Model logic statements for the template you have selected writeline will be displayed. These are the calculation relationships writeline used to generate the spreadsheet. Statements like: writeline writeline Projected Revenues=Unit Sales * Price writeline Unit Sales=Data for 5,TREND(TIME),PREVIOUS * SALES GROWTH writeline Price=500,PREVIOUS * PRICE INCREASES writeline writeline form a model of your problem. Notice here that the IFPS writeline language is both ENGLISH-LIKE and NON-PROCEDURAL, that is writeline statements do not have to be entered in order. Data can writeline be entered into the model, as in the Price statement, or writeline accessed from a database, the Data for 5 statement does writeline this for Unit Sales. Projections can be as defined by writeline you, as in the Sales Growth, or based on statistical writeline relationships over time, illustrated by the TREND function. writeline writestr Press <Enter> to continue .... pause goback help: hview:clear makewindow 1 4 20 73 1 clearwindow writeline View Mode of IFPS/Personal allows you to see the writeline spreadsheet results and the model logic which generated writeline the spreadsheet together on the same screen. The format writeline presented will be: writeline writeline Spreadsheet ........... writeline writeline ========================================================= writeline writeline Model Logic ............ writeline writeline View mode allows you to gain knowledge of BOTH the data and writeline problem relationships and provides enhanced decision support. writeline writestr Press <Enter> to continue .... pause goback help: hrep:clear makewindow 1 4 20 73 1 clearwindow writeline writeline Presentation quality reports can be generated from the writeline solution of your spreadsheets. Without redesigning the writeline spreadsheet, you can generate an unlimited number of reports writeline using qualities of the IFPS/Personal report writer to: writeline writeline * Select which variables and columns should be displayed. writeline * Setting output file format specifications. writeline * Using a variety of report writer utilities to highlight writeline key indicators in the results. writeline writeline Report independence from the spreadsheet allows you to writeline generate more information in a more flexible format. writeline writestr Press <Enter> to continue ..... pause goback help: hgrf:clear makewindow 2 4 19 73 1 clearwindow writeline writeline Presentation quality graphics can be generated from the writeline solution of your spreadsheets. Color graphs of any of the writeline key trends are available in the following formats: writeline writeline * 3-D Bar Charts. * Pie Charts writeline * Stacked Bar Charts * Line Charts writeline * Clusters * Percent Charts writeline writeline Color Graphics help to highlight information which does writeline not appear as prominently in either the spreadsheet or writeline a presentation report. Graphics can be displayed on either writeline a monitor or a variety of hard copy devices. writeline writestr Press <Enter> to continue ..... pause goback help: hint:clear makewindow 1 4 20 73 1 clearwindow writeline writeline Analysis of your spreadsheet can take one of two forms: writeline writeline * Ask WHAT IF one of my input assumptions is different. writeline * Ask What do I have to do to achieve a pre-defined writeline goal --- GOAL SEEK. writeline writeline WHAT IF allows you to make a TEMPORARY change to any number writeline of your input assumptions. You can enter a new value or writeline calculation in the place of the original assumption. writeline writeline GOAL SEEK is a very powerful feature of IFPS/Personal. It writeline allows you to target a bottom figure and ask - What change writeline in my input assumptions is required to achieve that goal? writeline writestr Press <Enter> to continue ..... pause goback help: hed:clear makewindow 1 4 20 73 1 clearwindow writeline writeline The full screen editor in IFPS/Personal will allow you to writeline make changes to the model or data provided in the template. writeline You will only be working on a backup copy so feel free to writeline make as many changes as you see fit. writeline writeline Use -- V -- to get into the full screen editor and change: writeline writeline SALES=NUMBER OF SALESMAN * 500 writeline writeline any new assumption desired. A different analysis might be: writeline writeline SALES=NUMBER OF SALESMAN * SALES PROJECTIONS writeline SALES PROJECTIONS=500,PREVIOUS * ASSUMED GROWTH RATE writeline ASSUMED GROWTH RATE=10% writeline writestr Press <Enter> to continue ..... pause goback help: err:message message The new template you created cannot be solved correctly ... menu1 Choose: Edit_mistakes Continue menu2 Quit Help menusel ECQH getmenu pick clear ifnum &pick& = 0 then goback err: ifnum &pick& = 1 then goto edit: ifnum &pick& = 2 then goto beg: ifnum &pick& = 3 then goto out: ifnum &pick& = 4 then goto ehlp: edit:clear COMMANDS EDIT "&1" BACKUP BACKUP goback beg: ehlp:clear dropmicro pick makewindow 2 2 19 67 1 clearwindow writeline writeline POSSIBLE ERRORS INCLUDE: writeline writeline * MISSPELLED VARIABLE NAME: Slaes instead of Sales writeline * MISSING DATA REFERENCE: New Variable was added to writeline model -- like Economic Factors, that was never writeline defined in either the model or datafile. To correct: writeline writeline ECONOMIC FACTORS=1.04 writeline writeline should be entered in either the model or datafile. writeline writeline * ILLEGAL DEFINITION: Missing comma between columns, writeline missing parenthesis or misspelled function call: writeline writeline X=1 FOR 3,2,,3 -----> X=1 FOR 3,2,2,3 writeline X=Y*(R+2 -----> X=Y*(R+2) writeline X=SUMM(Y THRU Z) ----> X=SUM(Y THRU Z) writeline writestr Press <Enter> key to continue .... pause goback err: «eof»