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⟦f1ebe6e1a⟧ TextFile

    Length: 3456 (0xd80)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »RATDEF.H«


└─⟦7ea4c8a73⟧ Bits:30004203 GSX driver sourcer disk 2
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »RATDEF.H« 


#define NUL 0 
#define SOH 1 
#define STX 2 
#define ETX 3 
#define EOT 4 
#define ENQ 5 
#define ACK 6 
#define BEL 7 
#define BS 8 
#define HT 9 
#define LF 10 
#define VT 11 
#define FF 12 
#define CR 13 
#define SO 14 
#define SI 15 
#define DLE 16 
#define DC1 17 
#define DC2 18 
#define DC3 19 
#define DC4 20 
#define NAK 21 
#define SYN 22 
#define ETB 23 
#define CAN 24 
#define EM 25 
#define SUB 26 
#define ESC 27 
#define FS 28 
#define GS 29 
#define RS 30 
#define US 31 
#define SP 32 
#define DEL 127 

#define BACKSPACE 8 
#define BELL 7 
#define BLANK 32 
#define SPACE BLANK 
#define NEWLINE 10 
#define RUBOUT 127 
#define TAB 9 

#define ACCENT 96 
#define AMPER 38 
#define AND AMPER 
#define ATSIGN 64 
#define BACKSLASH 92 
#define BANG 33 
#define BAR 124 
#define BIGA 65 
#define BIGB 66 
#define BIGC 67 
#define BIGD 68 
#define BIGE 69 
#define BIGF 70 
#define BIGG 71 
#define BIGH 72 
#define BIGI 73 
#define BIGJ 74 
#define BIGK 75 
#define BIGL 76 
#define BIGM 77 
#define BIGN 78 
#define BIGO 79 
#define BIGP 80 
#define BIGQ 81 
#define BIGR 82 
#define BIGS 83 
#define BIGT 84 
#define BIGU 85 
#define BIGV 86 
#define BIGW 87 
#define BIGX 88 
#define BIGY 89 
#define BIGZ 90 
#define CARET 94 
#define COLON 58 
#define COMMA 44 
#define DASH 45 
#define DIG0 48 
#define DIG1 49 
#define DIG2 50 
#define DIG3 51 
#define DIG4 52 
#define DIG5 53 
#define DIG6 54 
#define DIG7 55 
#define DIG8 56 
#define DIG9 57 
#define DOLLAR 36 
#define DQUOTE 34 
#define EQUALS 61 
#define GREATER 62 
#define LBRACE 123 
#define LBRACK 91 
#define LESS 60 
#define LETA 97 
#define LETB 98 
#define LETC 99 
#define LETD 100 
#define LETE 101 
#define LETF 102 
#define LETG 103 
#define LETH 104 
#define LETI 105 
#define LETJ 106 
#define LETK 107 
#define LETL 108 
#define LETM 109 
#define LETN 110 
#define LETO 111 
#define LETP 112 
#define LETQ 113 
#define LETR 114 
#define LETS 115 
#define LETT 116 
#define LETU 117 
#define LETV 118 
#define LETW 119 
#define LETX 120 
#define LETY 121 
#define LETZ 122 
#define LPAREN 40 
#define MINUS 45 
#define NOT TILDE 
#define OR BAR 
#define PERCENT 37 
#define PERIOD 46 
#define PLUS 43 
#define QMARK 63 
#define RBRACE 125 
#define RBRACK 93 
#define RPAREN 41 
#define SEMICOL 59 
#define SHARP 35 
#define SLASH 47 
#define SQUOTE 39 
#define STAR 42 
#define TAB 9 
#define TILDE 126 
#define UNDERLINE 95 

#define ARB 100 
#define ENDxOFxFILE -1 

#define EOF -1 
#define EOS -2 
#define ERR -3 
#define HUGE 30000 
#define NO 0 
#define NOERR 0 
#define OK -2 
#define YES 1 

#define MAXxINTEGER 32767 
#define MINxINTEGER -32768 
#define MAXxREALxEXP 38 
#define MINxREALxEXP -38 
#define ZEPS 5.0E-5 

#define AND AMPER 
#define ANY QMARK 
#define BOL PERCENT 
#define CCL LBRACK 
#define CHAR LETA 
#define CLOSIZE 4 
#define COUNT 1 
#define DASH MINUS 
#define DITTO -3 
#define EOL DOLLAR 
#define NCCL LETN 
#define NOT TILDE 
#define PREVCL 2 
#define START 3 
#define MAXCARD 80 

#include "giosdef.h"